Law firm – intake system - Business 724

Web application designed for law firms to mange new clients and keep history of old
Application manages client compensation claims of accidents, damages and injuries
Each case entered as a single file in the system. Application manage details of the
case including workflow and history
User can search claims using different criteria
Access is controlled based on roles / rights. Admin can create new users. Also user
passwords are encrypted in database
System generate different reports summarizing the number of cases in different formats
Certain parameters are configurable through admin panels like DMA (Distributed
Management Area)
Main Screen
of application
after login
There are 2 parts of the main screen
Upper portion shows main links
Bottom portion lists most recent or
newly created cases. This list gives quick
access to cases being worked on
Following are the links on top of
main screen
- Create new case
- Find Cases
- DMA (distributed managed
area) management
- Manage classification – cases
are grouped in different
- Vehicle and Bikes management
- Referral sources report which
source generate most business
- Multiple reports
- Users management
Web application layouts are optimized for viewing on iPAD or other tablets
This enables the agents of the company to visit clients and enter case details on spot using
their mobile tablet like iPDA
Client case screen contains
following sections
- History
- Intake Memo
- Secondary Contact
- Accident Details
- Property Damage
- Client Injury Classification
- Client Treatment
- Adverse Driver Information
- Client Insurance Company Information
- Health Insurance Carrier
- Client Employer
- Prior Insurance Claims Details
- Current/Prior Attorney
- Additional Notes
By Default all sections are closed
Clicking a header expands the
Case Form
Case form is divided into different sections that can be
expand, collapse with mouse click. This screen
is optimized for iPAD viewing so touching the section
header will expand or collapse the section
First section of the form is History section which list
change of status, date, who changed the status and his
Case Form - Intake memo section
Case Form – Secondary contact and Accident details
Case Form – Property Details and Client Injury
Classification sections
Case Form – Client Treatment and Driver Information
Case Form – Client Insurance Company section
Case Form – Health Insurance Carrier and Client
Employer sections
Case Form – Prior insurance claim, Attorney and
Additional Notes sections
Find Cases
User can enter multiple search
criteria including current status
of the case, classification, DMA,
client name, date ranges etc.
Clicking the Search button will
fetch all cases according to
criteria provided
If specific criteria is not set then
its default value is assumed like
user can select specific DMA
from drop down otherwise cases
from All DMAs are includes.
Same with Classification, Status
and others
DMA (Distributed Management Area)
Each case is associated
with a DMA.
DMAs can be created or
modified from admin
Reports are divided into
Classification Types
Each case is associated with a
classification like Criminal case
Any number of classifications
can be created
Reports are created based on
classification. Number of cases
are aggregated based on
classification in reports
Management Screen 3 – Referral Sources
Cases can be referred from
different sources.
User can create any number of
such referral sources in
the system
Each case is associated with its
referral source
This information is used in report
showing how much business
was generated by a specific
referral source
Reports Section
- Agent Performance Report
- Referral Source Notes
- Monthly Tracking Sheet
- Status Change Report
- Accident cases on Bike Types
- Accident cases on a Vehicle Type
- Source of Referral
- Injury Type
- Age of Rider
- Case report by Volume
- Case report by gender
- DMA / State
Report 1 – Year Detail Report 1st and 2nd sections
This is one of the detailed report
generated by system showing
how many cases registered
through out a year
User selects a year from drop
down and system creates 4
sections aggregating cases
month wise. 4 sections are
Monthly totals
DMA Totals
Referral Source Totals
Case type Totals
(Next 2 slides shows other 2
Report 1 – Year Detail Report 3rd section
Report 1 – Year Detail Report
4th section
Report 2 –
Injury Report
Report shows cases by injury type
Report is divided into DMA sections
Each section lists injuries and number of
Graph is shown for each DMA.
Distributed Management area is logical
division like Sates. These DMAs are
managed from admin section
At the end of the report is the grand
total of all injuries with graph
(shown on next slide)
Last section of
Previous report
Shows count of all
injuries with graph
Other reports in same
format are
- Gender wise report
- Accident (Bike)
- Accident (Vehicle)
Report 3 –
Volume Report
Volume report shows number of cases in
each month of year
Report on right side user selected date
range from Jan 2014 to June 2015
As date range spans two years, graph is
drawn for 2 years. Blue bars shows
number of cases in 2014 and Green bar
shows number of cases in 2015
User can select from 1 to 4 years of date
spans and graphs are shown side by side
for each month.
Data is divided into DMA regions and at
end aggregated of all DMA graph is
shown (Next Slide)
Report 3 –
Volume Report
Last section of volume
report shows
aggregate of all
DMA’s. Again data is
shown side by side for 2
years for each month
Report 4 –
Age Report
Cases are divided into DMA
and then age groups of the
Age categories are
10 - 19
20 - 29
30 – 39
40 – 49
50 – 59
60 +
Age not specified
Last section of report shows
aggregate data from all DMAs
Report 4 –
Age Report
Last section of the report shows
aggregated data of all DMAs
divided into age groups
Report 5 –
Source of
Referrer report
This report is used to view which
source is the major contributor of new
Source of referrer can be configured
using admin module. Admin can
configure any number of sources
Again the last section shows the
aggregate of all DMAs age group
Report 6 – Agent Performance
This report shows how many cases
were created by agents in a
specific month of selected year
Seperat sections for each agents
Agents can be created from users
Report 7 –
Change of case
This report shows which cases are or
were in a specific status during a
selected time frame
For example user entered date
range of 8/4/2015 – 9/30/2015 and
status New Contract, Intake Memo
and Vetting states on right hand
This report can be useful to view
cases in a specific state at any time,
for example user can generate
which cases are in “To Schedule”
Note cases are divided into its
relevant sections like New Contract
- This application can be customized according to specific client requirements
- First the case form can be customized in any way with new sections or fields
- New case states can be defined
- DMA (distributed management areas) can be defined
- Reports can be used in current form and are also customizable according to the client
- New reports can be added according to client specific needs
In short application can be customized according to client needs