motivation homogeneous ideals On conjectures of Chudnovsky and Demailly and Waldschmidt constants Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow MEGA 2017 Nice, June 16, 2017 Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals Schneider-Lang Theorem in one variable Theorem Let f1 , . . . , fk be meromorphic functions in C with f1 , f2 algebraically independent. Let K be a number field. Assume that for all j = 1, . . . , k fj0 ∈ K[f1 , . . . , fk ]. Then the set S = {z ∈ C : z is not a pole of fj , fj (z) ∈ K, j = 1, . . . , k} is finite. Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals Schneider-Lang Theorem in one variable Theorem Let f1 , . . . , fk be meromorphic functions in C with f1 , f2 algebraically independent. Let K be a number field. Assume that for all j = 1, . . . , k fj0 ∈ K[f1 , . . . , fk ]. Then the set S = {z ∈ C : z is not a pole of fj , fj (z) ∈ K, j = 1, . . . , k} is finite. Corollary (Hermite-Lindemann) For ω ∈ C∗ at least one of the numbers ω, exp(ω) is transcendental. Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals Schwarz Lemma in one variable Theorem Let f be an analytic function in a disc {|z| ≤ R} ⊂ C with at least N zeroes in a disc {|z| ≤ r } with r < R. Then |f |r ≤ 3r R N |f |R , where |f |γ = sup |f (z)|. |z|≤γ Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals Schneider-Lang Theorem in several variables Theorem (Bombieri 1970) Let f1 , . . . , fk be meromorphic functions in Cn with f1 , . . . , fn+1 algebraically independent. Let K be a number field. Assume that for all i = 1, . . . , n, j = 1, . . . , k ∂ fj ∈ K[f1 , . . . , fk ]. ∂zi Then the set S = {z ∈ Cn : z is not a pole of fj , fj (z) ∈ K, j = 1, . . . , k} is contained in an algebraic hypersurface. Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals Hörmander version of Schwarz lemma in several variables Theorem Let S ⊂ Cn be a finite set. Let m be a positive integer. There exists M(m) > 0 such that there exists r > 0 such that for R > r and a function f analytic in the ball {|z| ≤ R} ⊂ Cn vanishing with multiplicity ≥ m at each point of S |f |r ≤ c(n) · r R M(m) |f |R , where c(n) is a constant depending only on n. Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals Hörmander version of Schwarz lemma in several variables Theorem Let S ⊂ Cn be a finite set. Let m be a positive integer. There exists M(m) > 0 such that there exists r > 0 such that for R > r and a function f analytic in the ball {|z| ≤ R} ⊂ Cn vanishing with multiplicity ≥ m at each point of S |f |r ≤ c(n) · r R M(m) |f |R , where c(n) is a constant depending only on n. Problem Make the statement effective. In particular: what is the maximal value of M(m)? Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals Waldschmidt constant should be Moreau constant Problem Make the statement effective. In particular: what is the maximal value of M? Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals Waldschmidt constant should be Moreau constant Problem Make the statement effective. In particular: what is the maximal value of M? Theorem (Moreau) Let S ⊂ Cn be a finite set. Let m be a positive integer. There exists r > 0 such that for R > r and a function f analytic in the ball {|z| ≤ R} ⊂ Cn vanishing with multiplicity ≥ m at each point of S exp(n) · r α(mS) |f |r ≤ |f |R , R (m) where α(mS) is the initial degree of IS . Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals Waldschmidt constant should be Moreau constant Problem Make the statement effective. In particular: what is the maximal value of M? Theorem (Moreau) Let S ⊂ Cn be a finite set. Let m be a positive integer. There exists r > 0 such that for R > r and a function f analytic in the ball {|z| ≤ R} ⊂ Cn vanishing with multiplicity ≥ m at each point of S exp(n) · r α(mS) |f |r ≤ |f |R , R (m) where α(mS) is the initial degree of IS . Remark The constant α(mS) is optimal. Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals Symbolic powers Definition Let K be a field and let R = K[x0 , . . . , xn ] be the ring of polynomials. For a homogeneous ideal 0 6= I ( R its m-th symbolic power is \ I (m) = (I m RP ∩ R) . P∈Ass(I ) Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals Symbolic powers Definition Let K be a field and let R = K[x0 , . . . , xn ] be the ring of polynomials. For a homogeneous ideal 0 6= I ( R its m-th symbolic power is \ I (m) = (I m RP ∩ R) . P∈Ass(I ) Theorem (Zariski-Nagata) Let X ⊂ Pn (K) be a projective variety (in particular reduced). Then I (X )(m) is generated by all forms which vanish along X to order at least m. Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals Symbolic powers of ideals of points Let Z = {P1 , . . . , Ps } be a finite set of points in Pn (K). Then I (Z ) = I (P1 ) ∩ . . . ∩ I (Ps ) and I (Z )(m) = I (P1 )m ∩ . . . ∩ I (Ps )m for all m ≥ 1. Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals The initial degree and the Waldschmidt constant Definition For a graded ideal I its initial degree α(I ) is the least number t such that It 6= 0. Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals The initial degree and the Waldschmidt constant Definition For a graded ideal I its initial degree α(I ) is the least number t such that It 6= 0. The Waldschmidt constant of I is the real number α(I (m) ) . m≥1 m α b(I ) = inf Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals Waldschmidt constants are hard to compute Conjecture (Nagata) Let I be a saturated ideal of s ≥ 10 very general points in P2 (C). Then √ α(I (m) ) > m s for all m ≥ 1. Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals Waldschmidt constants are hard to compute Conjecture (Nagata) Let I be a saturated ideal of s ≥ 10 very general points in P2 (C). Then √ α(I (m) ) > m s for all m ≥ 1. Equivalently α b(I ) = Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow √ s. Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals Chudnovsky and Demailly Conjectures Conjecture (Chudnovsky) Let I be a saturated ideal of points in Pn (K). Then α b(I ) ≥ α(I ) + n − 1 . n Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals Chudnovsky and Demailly Conjectures Conjecture (Chudnovsky) Let I be a saturated ideal of points in Pn (K). Then α b(I ) ≥ α(I ) + n − 1 . n Conjecture (Demailly) Let I be a saturated ideal of points in Pn (K). Then α b(I ) ≥ α(I (m) ) + n − 1 . m+n−1 Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals Chudnovsky and Demailly Conjectures Conjecture (Chudnovsky) Let I be a saturated ideal of points in Pn (K). Then α b(I ) ≥ α(I ) + n − 1 . 1+n−1 Conjecture (Demailly) Let I be a saturated ideal of points in Pn (K). Then α b(I ) ≥ α(I (m) ) + n − 1 . m+n−1 Remark The Chudnovsky Conjecture is the m = 1 case of the Demailly Conjecture. Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals The containment problem Problem Compare ordinary and symbolic powers of homogeneous ideals. Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals The containment problem Problem Compare ordinary and symbolic powers of homogeneous ideals. More precisely, given I determine all pairs (m, r ) such that a) I r ⊂ I (m) ; b) I (m) ⊂ I r . Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals The containment problem Problem Compare ordinary and symbolic powers of homogeneous ideals. More precisely, given I determine all pairs (m, r ) such that a) I r ⊂ I (m) ; b) I (m) ⊂ I r . Proposition I r ⊂ I (m) ⇔ r ≥ m. Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals The containment problem Problem Compare ordinary and symbolic powers of homogeneous ideals. More precisely, given I determine all pairs (m, r ) such that a) I r ⊂ I (m) ; b) I (m) ⊂ I r . Proposition I r ⊂ I (m) ⇔ r ≥ m. Theorem (Ein-Lazarsfeld-Smith, Hochster-Huneke) If m ≥ bight(I )r , then I (m) ⊂ I r . Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals Containment and Chudnovsky Conjecture Theorem (Ein, Lazarsfeld, Smith; Hochster, Huneke) Let I be a saturated ideal in K[x0 , . . . , xn ]. Then for all m ≥ nr I (m) ⊂ I r . Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals Containment and Chudnovsky Conjecture Theorem (Ein, Lazarsfeld, Smith; Hochster, Huneke) Let I be a saturated ideal in K[x0 , . . . , xn ]. Then for all m ≥ nr I (m) ⊂ I r . Corollary Let I be a saturated ideal of points in Pn (K). Then α b(I ) ≥ Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow α(I ) . n Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals Containment and Chudnovsky Conjecture Theorem (Ein, Lazarsfeld, Smith; Hochster, Huneke) Let I be a saturated ideal in K[x0 , . . . , xn ]. Then for all m ≥ nr I (m) ⊂ I r . Corollary Let I be a saturated ideal of points in Pn (K). Then α b(I ) ≥ α(I ) . n Theorem (Demailly) In the set up as above α b(I ) ≥ α(I )(α(I ) + 1) · . . . · (α(I ) + n − 1) . n! α(I )n−1 Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals Star configurations Definition (Star configuration of points) We say that Z ⊂ PN is a star configuration of degree d (or a d-star for short) if Z consists of all intersection points of d ≥ N general hyperplanes in PN . By intersection points we mean the points which belong to exactly N of given d hyperplanes. Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals Star configurations Definition (Star configuration of points) We say that Z ⊂ PN is a star configuration of degree d (or a d-star for short) if Z consists of all intersection points of d ≥ N general hyperplanes in PN . By intersection points we mean the points which belong to exactly N of given d hyperplanes. Example (Bocci, Harbourne) For points in the star configuration in Pn , there is the equality in the Chudnovsky Conjecture. Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals Squarefree monomial ideals Theorem (Bocci, Cooper, Guardo, Harbourne, Janssen, Nagel, Seceleanu, Van Tuyl, Vu 2015) Let I be a squarefree monomial ideal with bight(I ) = e. Then α b(I ) ≥ α(I ) + e − 1 . e Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals More evidence for the Chudnovsky Conjecture Theorem (Esnault – Viehweg 1983) Let I be a radical ideal of a finite set of points in Pn with n ≥ 2. Let k ≤ m be two integers. Then α(I (k) ) + 1 α(I (m) ) ≤ , k +n−1 m in particular α(I (k) ) + 1 ≤α b(I ). k +n−1 Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals More evidence for the Chudnovsky Conjecture Theorem (Esnault – Viehweg 1983) Let I be a radical ideal of a finite set of points in Pn with n ≥ 2. Let k ≤ m be two integers. Then α(I (k) ) + 1 α(I (m) ) ≤ , k +n−1 m in particular α(I (k) ) + 1 ≤α b(I ). k +n−1 Corollary In particular α(I ) + 1 ≤α b(I ). n Hence the Chudnovsky Conjecture holds in P2 . Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals General points Theorem (Dumnicki-Tutaj-Gasińska, Fouli-Manteo-Xie 2016) The Chudnovsky Conjecture holds for general points in Pn . Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals General points Theorem (Dumnicki-Tutaj-Gasińska, Fouli-Manteo-Xie 2016) The Chudnovsky Conjecture holds for general points in Pn . Theorem (Malara, Szemberg, Szpond 2017) The Demailly Conjecture holds for general points in Pn . Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals Inductional lower bound Theorem (Dumnicki, Szemberg, Szpond 2017) Let H1 , . . . , Hs be s ≥ 2 mutually distinct hyperplanes in PN . Let a1 ≥ . . . ≥ as > 1 be real numbers such that a1 − 1 > 0 a1 a2 − a1 − a2 > 0 .. . Ps−1 bi . . . as−1 > 0 a1 . . . as−1 − i=1 a1 . . . a P a1 . . . as − si=1 a1 . . . abi . . . as ≤ 0. For i = 1, . . . , s let Zi = {Pi,1 , . . . , Pi,ki } ∈ Hi \ [ Hj j6=i be a set of ki points such that α b(Hi ; Zi ) ≥ ai . Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants motivation homogeneous ideals Inductional lower bound, continued Theorem (Dumnicki, Szemberg, Szpond 2017) S For Z = si=1 Zi and a1 . . . as−1 − q := s−1 P i=1 a1 . . . abi . . . as−1 · as + s − 1. a1 . . . as−1 There is α b(PN ; Z ) ≥ q. Tomasz Szemberg Pedagogical University of Cracow Waldschmidt constants
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