Chapter 20 Cost Minimization

Chapter 20 Cost
20.1 Cost Minimization
Cost minimization: The cheapest way to
produce a given amount of output.
min w1 x1  w2 x2
x1 , x2
f ( x1 , x2 )  y
The isocost line: All the combinations of
inputs that yield a given level of cost, C.
To minimizing cost, the firm looks for the
lowest isocost line tangent to the isoquant.
20.1 Cost Minimization
20.1 Cost Minimization
Consider any change in the pattern of
production (△x1, △x2) that keeps output
 Such a change must satisfy
MP1△x1+ MP2△x2=0
 If we are at the cost minimum, then this
change cannot lower costs, so we have
20.1 Cost Minimization
Now consider the change (-△x1, -△x2).
It also produces a constant level of output.
It too cannot lower costs.
-w1△x1- w2△x2≥0
These implies
w1△x1+ w2△x2=0
It follows that
△x2/△x1 =-w1/w2=-MP1/MP2
20.1 Cost Minimization
The Lagrange multiplier method
L  w1 x1  w2 x2   ( f ( x1 , x2 )  y)
 w1  
 w2  
w1 f
w2 x1
 TRS12
20.1 Cost Minimization
Cost function: c(w1, w2, y)
 The
value function of the cost minimization
Conditional factor demand functions: x1(w1,
w2, y) and x2(w1, w2, y)
 the
optimal choice of the cost minimization
EXAMPLE: Minimizing Costs for
Specific Technologies
Perfect complements: f(x1, x2)=min{x1, x2}
 c(w1,
Perfect substitutes: f(x1, x2)= x1+ x2
 c(w1,
w2, y)= w1y+w2y=(w1+w2)y
w2, y)= min{w1, w2}y
Cobb-Douglas: f(x1, x2)= x1ax2b
 c(w1,
w2, y)=Kw1a/a+bw2b/a+by1/a+b
20.2 Revealed Cost Minimization
 Produce
the same quantity y.
 Choose (x1t, x2t) when the prices are (w1t, w2t).
 Choose (x1s, x2s) when the prices are (w1s, w2s).
20.2 Revealed Cost Minimization
Cost minimization requires that
w1tx1t+w2tx2t ≤w1tx1s+w2tx2s
w1sx1s+w2sx2s ≤w1sx1t+w2sx2t
(w1t-w1s)( x1t-x1s)+(w2t-w2s)(x2t-x2s)≤0
20.3 Returns to Scale and the Cost
Unit cost function: c(w1, w2, 1)
 The
minimal cost to produce 1 unit of output.
Average cost function: AC(y)= c(w1, w2, y)/y
 Constant returns to scale:
c(w1, w2, y)=c(w1, w2, 1)y
AC(w1, w2, y )=c(w1, w2, 1)y/y=c(w1, w2, 1)
20.3 Returns to Scale and the Cost
Increasing returns to scale
 The
cost increases less than linearly w/r to output.
 The average cost is declining in output.
Decreasing returns to scale
 The
cost increases more than linearly w/r to output.
 The average cost will rise as output increases.
20.4 Long-Run and Short-Run Costs
Short-run cost function
 The
minimum cost to produce a given level of
output, only adjusting the variable factors.
cs ( y, x2 )  min w1 x1  w2 x2
f ( x1 , x2 )  y
20.4 Long-Run and Short-Run Costs
The short-run factor demand function
x1  x1s (w1, w2 , x2 , y)
x2  x2
The short-run cost function can be written as
cs ( y, x2 )  w x ( w1 , w2 , x2 , y )  w2 x2
1 1
20.4 Long-Run and Short-Run Costs
Long-run cost function
 The
minimum cost of producing a given level of
output, adjusting all factors.
The long-run cost function can be written as
c( y)  min cs ( y, x2 )
The optimal solution being
x2  x2 ( w1, w2 , y )
20.4 Long-Run and Short-Run Costs
It follows that
x1 (w1, w2 , y)  x1s (w1, w2 , x2 (w1, w2 , y), y)
 The long-run cost is the minimal short-run cost.
 The firm chooses the long-run optimal quantity
of the fixed factor.
 The long-run quantity of the variable factor
equals that of the short-run.
20.5 Fixed and Quasi-Fixed Costs
Fixed costs
 Costs
associated with the fixed factors.
 No fixed costs in the long run.
Quasi-fixed cost
 Costs
need to be paid if the firm produces a
positive amount of output.
 Quasi-fixed costs are possible in the long-run.