Complete your own revision graph for the development of surgery

Complete your own revision graph
for the development of surgery
and anatomy in the Ancient
Lesson Objectives
• To be able to identify the key features
of Section C of the Medicine Through
Time exam paper
• To evaluate the key features of surgery
and anatomy in the Ancient World
• To write a GCSE answer for Section C in
timed conditions
What will Section C be like on
your exam paper?
• Section A = Knowledge and evaluation about
surgery and anatomy
• You will have a choice between two questions,
question 4 or question 5
• There is 2 parts to this question, a and b. You
have to do both parts, (so you do 4a and 4b
OR 5a and 5b
• The question could focus on factors, time
periods or key people and be on either
surgery or anatomy, or both
What questions might they ask?
• They could ask you to compare how important
2 factors were in the development of surgery
and anatomy
• They could ask you to compare the importance
of the work of 2 people in surgery and
• They could ask you to compare how much
progress was made in 2 different time
How much is this section worth?
• 12 marks – 24% of your exam grade
• You should spend 24 minutes on this
Mark allocation = a) 4 marks (8mins)
b) 8 marks (16mins)
What will the 4 mark questions
be like?
• You will be given 2 key factors, people or time
periods. You have to pick one and describe
the key points about it
• Target: You use knowledge and understanding
of surgery and anatomy
• 1-2marks:
Simple answer that shows basic
knowledge about the topic
• 3-4 marks
Developed answer that explains
key points about the topic
Practice 4 mark question
Choose ONE of the historical periods
• Ancient Egypt
• Ancient Rome
What anatomical knowledge and surgery
was there at the that time?
TOP TIP – Try to cover 4 key things –
who, what, when and why did it matter
How did you do?
• 1-2marks: Simple answer that shows
basic knowledge about the topic
• 3-4 marks Developed answer that
explains key points about the topic
• Mark the answer of the person
next to you – tell them one thing
they did well and one thing they
need to do to improve
What about the 8 mark
• 1-2marks: General or simple answer
that describes some key points about
the topic
• 3-5 marks Answer gives simple details
with some limited explanation
• 6-8 marks Answer that gives a
detailed evaluation of the key points of
the topic
What do you have to do?
• You will need to compare the two elements
you were given in the first question
• Compare 2 time periods and assess which
time period had more progress
• Compare 2 people and assess who made the
greatest contribution to surgery / anatomy
• Compare 2 factors and assess which had the
most effect on developments in surgery /
8 mark question
• Ancient Egypt
• Ancient Rome
In which period was there most improvement
in surgical and anatomical knowledge?
Explain your answer. Try to refer to both
time periods
Top Tips
• For both time periods you must EXPLAIN
what progress was made
• You need 3 chunky paragraphs.
• P1 – say was knowledge was like at the start
of the time period, say what happened during
the time period, explain how much progress
• P2 – as above, but for the other factor
• P3 – Conclusion – really clearly answer the
question – make a decision based on what you
have said about both time periods
How did you do?
• 1-2marks: General or simple answer that
describes some key points about the topic
• 3-5 marks Answer gives simple details with
some limited explanation
• 6-8 marks Answer that gives a detailed
evaluation of the key points of the topic
• Mark the answer of the person next to
you and tell them what was good and
how to improve
What 3 new key facts have you
learned about Section A of the
Medicine Through Time exam?