TVW library managers` meeting minutes Jan 2016 () 956.3 KB

Thames Valley and Wessex Library Strategy Team
Wednesday 27th January 2016
Via Webex
Alison Day (AD) Lead Librarian, East Dorset NHS
Library Service (D01, D02)
Jill Buckland (JB) Library Services Manager, Dorset
County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (D08)
Anne Lancey (AL) Library & Knowledge Services
Manager, Isle of Wight PCT (I01)
John Loy (JLoy) Library & Knowledge Services Manager
Andrew Brown (ABr) Library Service Development
Lead, Heatherwood & Wexham Park Hospitals, Frimley
Health NHS Foundation Trust (HWD, WXM)
Lucy Gilham (LG) Electronic Resources Librarian, Royal
Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust
Barbara Moye (BM) Acting Library Manager, Berkshire
Healthcare Foundation Trust (PPH)
Owen Coxall (OC) Bodleian Healthcare Libraries,
University of Oxford/Oxford University Hospitals NHS
Trust (OXU:JR)
Beverley Hixon(RBH) Librarian, Royal Berkshire NHS
Foundation Trust
Pauline Blagden (PB) Library Services Manager,
Hampshire Healthcare Library Service (H05, H18, H34)
Helen Bingham (HB) Head of Knowledge Services and
TEL, HEE South, Chair
Peter Clifford (PC) North Devon Healthcare Trust
Darrel Mason (DMa) Library Services Manager,
Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust (H27)
Ric Paul (RMP) Head Health Services Library, University
of Southampton/University Hospitals Southampton NHS
Jenny Lang (JL) Head Librarian, Salisbury NHS
Foundation Trust (W11)
Sarah Johns (SJ) Library Services Manager, Plymouth
Health Community Library Service (PLY)
North Bristol NHS Trust, HEE South LKS CPD Lead
Sarah Maddock (SM) Library Services Manager, Oxford
Health NHS FT (LIT, WLL and WAR)
Jayne Plant (JP) Library and E-Learning Services
Manager, Milton Keynes Hospital NHS FT (MKH)
Jenny Toller (JT) Knowledge Systems Manager, HEE
Donald Mackay (DM) Head of Bodleian Healthcare
Libraries, Bodleian Healthcare Libraries, University of
Oxford/Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust (OXU:JR)
Sue Robertson (SR), Library Services Manager,
Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust (STM)
Introductions and apologies
Brief update on national issues - see paper by HB
HB will send further update on GP training hubs when available. The national lead post is
ending. Debate is ongoing about where to publish the output from the task and finish
groups. These groups will finish in March 2016.
South-wide issues – HB and see paper by JT
a) Budget
For 2016-17, we should assume the same levels of funding for libraries as last year. In SW
region this has been ring-fenced for libraries and Colin McInnes (CM), HEE South Director of
Finance is supportive of doing the same in TV - in principle so we would have equity and
parity across the South. CM will meet with the TVW Directors of Finance in March.
SJ has been doing some modelling to see the impact of changing the funding model to ringfence library funding. The LDA will still be high level, but HB will see if can be worded more
strongly. The formula is a core amount for the Hub library plus £19 per capita on Trust
Dorothy Curtis, who validates the South West LKS LQAF returns, has distributed a high level
summary the TVW returns. Contact HB with any queries.
c) OpenAthens
Following a review of the OpenAthens service in the SW, the Torbay team are offering a
managed service as part of a mixed model. TVW library services could opt for a managed
service if they wish.
d) Pan-south e-resources group
The new group will meet on 22nd Feb.
E-resources – see paper and stats by HB
Thanks to JP for arranging collaborative purchasing.
Oxford Handbooks - insufficient interest to subscribe (many already have individual titles).
BMJ Learning – there is interest in continuing with subscription.
HB to obtain stats on use by HMD/WXM and forward to AB
KnowledgeShare feedback and discussion – see paper by Nicki Healey
Thanks to Nicki Healey for preparing the Knowledgeshare report. All services currently using
this product are interested in continuing. OUH and HMD/WXM may be interested too. HB
offered to subsidise the annual fee again this year.
Primary care horizon-scanning bulletins – SM
SM demonstrated the bulletins and offered to share with other library services. The bulletins
could be rebadged on condition the source is acknowledged. HB confirmed that GPs and
the primary care workforce are core service users. There was a discussion about how best
to contact GPs and Practice Managers. Those interested in receiving primary care horizon
scanning bulletins to contact SM.
CPD matters – John Loy
TVW ‘Easter meeting’ 8 March at Shaw House, Newbury. Very informal and a great
networking opportunity. JLoy asked for staff to be encouraged to attend.
ALL to contact HB/JLoy with suggestions for a CPD element for the meeting on 21st
Group terms of reference
The reason we need separate TOR from SW was discussed. HB explained that separate
TORs help to support face to face meetings, given the large geography. AD/SJ to reword
and align TOR.
JT/HB/SM to discuss feedback reporting on SWIMS
Service updates
PB HHLS Interviewing for my successor on 1st February. I will be on holiday 2nd – 22nd February. H34
tried opening over the Christmas period (limited hours and not Bank Holidays) – no urgent enquiries
but customers seemed pleased library staff were there! The modest reorganisation in Basingstoke is
taking a long time – old shelving now removed and computers will be moved in early February. The
new space is being well used. We are now rolling out our new CLIO ILL system across the patch.
AD DO1/2 Developing a business case just to get a feasibility quote from Estates to create a
segregated study area at D02. Developing “Reading for Revalidation” sessions for nurses at D02.
Have delivered study skills support sessions to foundation students at D01. Supported Poole Health
Information Resource Centre – spent a day re-organising printed resources and producing signposts
to websites for health information provision. AD has successfully completed the Leadership
Academy 360 Facilitator Course so can now assist with giving feedback to those undertaking 360
reviews. Trialing DynaMed Plus and will likely adopt to replace UpToDate due to price increase for
AL IO1 Still going through process of being able to recruit to Library Assistant vacancy; getting
behind with developments. Joining the Trust’s Policy Management Group is opening up one or two
potential KM opportunities.
SR BUCKS Our libguides site is proving very popular and we have been asked to add pages to the site
that are dedicated to nurse revalidation, careers, and non-medical prescribing. We also have a few
pages in the pipeline - Infection prevention & control, cancer care and immunisation.
We now have Ipads that we can use on our ward rounds and we are collecting lots of good evidence
where searches that the clinical outreach librarians have done, link directly to patient care.
BH RBH Following a restructure of the HR department we have lost Clinical Librarian and Senior
Library Assistant posts and the downgraded Band 6 Library Manager post appears likely to remain
vacant for some time. Librarian posts are reduced to a substantive 1.5 fte. Marina Sotirou appointed
as a new library assistant in October.
Responsibility for e-learning has transferred to the L&D department.
We have added a page of resources to support nurse revalidation to our intranet site.
DM H27
Thanks go to Jayne for arranging the consortium deal for the LWW High Impact collection and the
rest of the journals!
○ Library survey completed but depressingly only 47 responses. These will be analysed shortly.
○ The local L&D dept have achieved the Skills for Health Quality Mark for the high quality education
and training that they provide.
CQC Inspection happened in December – still awaiting the outcomes.
Nurse Revalidation reflective reading & discussion sessions – 2 have been held to a small
number of nurses. Well received and more scheduled for 2016. Contact
[email protected] if you want any more details.
Subscribing to Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines ebook with 123 ebooks, working well now
but it took a few weeks to get the downloading working, mainly due to our IT systems.
Increasing our social work resources to support staff working with the Community Mental
Health Teams.
More ipads being purchased to support training e.g. video feedback on management of
aggression workshops.
JB D08 – we are getting quotes for a new library security + self-service system
AB WXM/HWD (Frimley)
No news on the Frimley Health library consultation / restructure; hopefully it will take place
before the end of March
We now have a new subscription to ClinicalKey
Our new Band 3 Library Assistant (temp contract for 6 mths) started last week; her name is
Tehseen Khan, and she will be writing a short "hello" for the Swimming Pool soon
I've finally completed/passed my Masters (started in 2010). I'm happy to share my
dissertation on ROI with anyone who's interested...
JP MK Update for MK and me
As part of the Patients and the Public – Knowledge for Health group,
I have attended a meeting in Birmingham on 18th Jan 2016 where we drafted some guidance based
on guidelines for providing patient and public information- these had as a baseline the ones we did
for Thames Valley and Wessex but offer a slightly different perspective.
I will circulate these once we’ve finalised the draft. We’d like comments back from managers before
we go to wider consultation.
We have recommended ways in which libraries can use these guidelines to gain compliance against
How to engage
Some ideas re how to engage can be found in the ideas bank- please feel free to add more, or send
them to me for inclusion. The There is an Ideas Bank of best practice available. This is
accessible via (TBC)
It has an accompanying list of key documents and supporting websites.
It is envisaged that there will be training modules (face to face and webex) to support staff
with the various aspects of this guidance.
In addition we work under a new Knowledge for Health care framework which states
“Patient satisfaction is linked to the quality of information. [This guidance will help]
Healthcare library and knowledge services will work in partnerships with key stakeholders to
enrich the information offered to patients and carers, to enable people to better manage
their health and wellbeing and make fully informed decisions about their treatment and
care.” (from K4H page11)
I am missing the meeting today (27th jan) because I am attending a Libraries for Health SIG in
Liverpool. I will update anyone who is interested. This work should feed into the Patients and Public
Locally, I have purchased a one year access to Clinical Key- some teething problems re access via IE.
I can also no longer access webex with my pc which is a cause of ongoing discussion- I only have XP,
so we can dial in but not view or share documents. Upgrade promised more than 12 months ago.
Does anyone have similar problems?
We have been very busy in the last 2 weeks , moving journals stock , furniture etc to allow the library
to be re-carpeted.
W11 JL Not a lot to say about W11; we have been a bit static over the last 6 months because of low
staffing levels - vacancy covered part time by bank, and sickness. This is reflected in our activity
statistics which have taken a nosedive, mainly we feel because of lack of publicity. We have
managed to maintain our Current Awareness bulletins and produced several new ones including a
Cost Savings one which has achieved recognition at the highest level, personal emails from the Chief
Exec. We have got involved with Revalidation - jumping on the bandwagon as it vanished down the
street - revalidation cropped up in my absence and I discovered there was a steering group in our
Trust, which no-one had thought to invite us to. We are now on it, have produced resource lists and
information sheets, and are trying to sort out the Trust's intranet page which is all out of date, but
there are obstacles. We would like to offer reflective reading sessions so if anyone has any advice?
Looking forward it looks highly likely that we will not be permitted to fill our vacant post. If this is
what happens, we will be reduced to 2.6 FTE staff, the lowest of any library in the entire region, and
we will be unable to provide a decent service. We will be having an 'awayday' in February to review
our functions and see what we can stop doing. However at that level of staffing, we will not even be
able to keep the library open and staffed on a daily basis.
OHFT – Warn, Lit, WLL (SM)
 Staffing: Our Band 6 15 hours post has now been advertised twice but we have had only one
suitable applicant. This person was interviewed, offered the role – but declined! Outi
Pickering, our Assistant Librarian is retiring at the end of May which offers the opportunity
to restructure. Katie Treherne one of our outreach librarians will be leaving on March 11th
and Julia Hallam will be returning from Maternity leave on 14 March (Katie’s baby is due 31st
 Littlemore Library: is now mainly up and running again but we are still waiting for the correct
furniture. Our new neighbours – corporate services- seem very enthusiastic about the library
on site.
 Reflection for Revalidation Sessions: offering 3 sessions before end of March. Also pages on
our website
 Authoring a Storyline e learning module on Google searching.
 We have had to purchase another Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines e book recently from EBL
after having used all our quota of 200 loans already this year with another 4 months to go!
 We are also trialling MedHand with 6 SAS Drs. This includes 4 e books via an app. The trial is for
3 months, ending in March when we will collect feedback and decide about purchasing.
Notes and actions from last meeting (12 Nov 2015)
All actions completed or covered on agenda
Item 5 JLoy
Local skills/expertise…please contribute any particular areas of knowledge or experience
which you’d be willing to share with colleagues on an informal basis. Send to Imelda to
There is a TVW budget to support attendance at courses and conferences. HB/JLoy to
discuss funding for courses and library assistants day.
360 review if interested, please contact HB directly.
If operating a clinical librarian service please send details to JLoy to collate
Summon discovery service (webex demo) if interested contact Nicki Healey.
ClinicalKey new subscribers are invited to contact Laura Coysh re. collaborative cataloguing
HLG Conference - take advantage of early bird offers before 29th
April 2016
South Point Of Care Task and Finish Group operating to evaluate POC tools chaired by
Chris Johns. Working on a survey to gather feedback about use of POC and preparing a
report to inform purchasing decisions – if you want to contribute please contact a member
of the group – BM, JL, AD or Chris directly
Dates of next meetings
Thursday 21 April – Jury’s Inn, Swindon
Friday 8 July – Southern House, Winchester
Wednesday 12 October – TV House, Oxford