Using DiSC in Mentoring

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HBA Mid-Atlantic Chapter
2014 Mentoring Program:
Tapping into YOUR potential
Mentor Training
Sandra Caddell
Mentoring Program Director
HBA Mentor Training - Agenda
• General Overview of Mentor Training
 Best practices
 Requirements
• Virtual Notebook
• DiSC Assessment
• Mentor & Mentee Connectors
• Key Contacts
• Next Steps
• Questions & Comments
HBA Mentor Training Overview
• The HBA Mentor Training program is designed to give volunteer
mentors information & guidance
• Offer a ‘road map’ for novice & experienced mentors
• The training program is NOT to be viewed as concrete rules of
engagement, rather as flexible guidelines and best practices
• Resources and tools provided:
Mentor Quick Start Guide
Program Training Guide
Virtual Notebook
DiSC assessments
The Ideal Mentor
• Open-minded and empathic
• Lifelong & passionate learner
• Good communication skills
– Offers advice, not decisions
– Astute enough to observe others’ reactions to mentees
– Forthcoming enough to offer honest feedback (style
– Not judgmental
• Understands the big picture!!
• Can help mentees understand and navigate the politics,
providing guidance and support
• Can open doors for mentees
• Will help mentees push limits and develop their potential
• Role model – trusted, respected & leads by example
Key Mentor Skills
 Self- awareness
 Sensitivity to one’s own and other’s ‘undercurrents’:
 Belief in one’s success
 Ability to time travel
 Understanding of gender, cultural and developmental
 Active & passive listening skills
 Reflective reasoning
 Creative problem-identifier and problem-solver
 Ability and willingness to provide honest, constructive
The Ideal Mentee
• Owns the process
• Takes initiative
• Is willing to listen, observe, learn and grow from
the example of others
• Is loyal and keeps confidence
• Gives candid feedback and challenges the mentor
to new heights
Guidelines and Best Practices
Rules of Engagement
Confidentiality and establishing trust
• Accountability and commitment
• Open, honest constructive feedback
• Provide each participant equal time and attention
• Take notes and rotate responsibilities
• Plan agendas and assignments based on group needs
• Set goals and track progress through journaling
• Set standards for communication
• Regularly take the temperature of your group
Group Structure
• Mentoring circles are designed to provide a supportive &
challenging learning experience
– What outcomes do you expect from the experience?
– What would you like your mentoring circle to be known for?
– What professional issues do you want the mentoring circle to
focus on?
– What could get in the way of the circle’s effectiveness?
– What do you expect of others in the mentoring circle?
– How will you know if the circle is working? What would success
look/sound/feel like?
Group Structure –
Getting a Quick Start
Mentoring groups establish a “flow” from one meeting to the next:
– Mtg. 1: Introductions, goals, schedule future meetings
– Mtg. 2: Discuss challenge and strengths relevant to goals
– Mtg. 3: Share learning, explore approaches, commit to actions
related to goals
– Mtg. 4: Assess: What worked? What didn’t? what comes next?
– Mtg. 5: Assess: What worked? What didn’t? what comes next?
– Mtg. 6: Evaluate: Do you see progress toward your goal?
– Mtg. 7: Celebrate success! Evaluate mentoring program.
Benefits of HBA – Part of the
Mentoring Experience
To enhance the mentoring experience, encourage
Mentees to take advantage of the benefits of HBA:
• Attend relevant HBA programs
• Take advantage of volunteering – contact Sherilyn
George ([email protected])
• HBA Chapter/Affiliate member (optional for Mentors)
–individual membership encouraged but not required
Virtual Notebook
Carla Brooks – Information & Platform Manager
Virtual Notebook
To Reset Password
Select the “Request new password” link above the “Log In” button on
the home page
Enter your email address and select “Email new password” button
You will receive an email from MentorMatchMe [email protected] with the subject line: Replacement login
information for [Your Username] at Mentor Match with a link to reset
your password
Main Page & Site Navigation
Key Components of the Site
The journey is a structured process to guide the mentee through
the mentoring process through goal setting.
– The “road map” includes descriptions of each stage in the mentoring
process with templates to track the progress of goals.
Learning diary is a personal document where users can record
thoughts and reflections as you go.
– The system will sort diary entries and allow viewing chronologically or
– Reflections and learnings can be recorded at any time, but there are
structured opportunities throughout the platform to prompt entries.
Guides for both mentors and mentees on how to get the most out
of the mentoring process.
– The Mentoring guides are specific to each part of the process, and are
fully integrated with the learning diary.
Setting Goals
Setting Goals
Tracking Goals
• Enter your Goals
• Discuss your Goals with
your Mentoring Circle
• The platform allows you
to track the progress of
the goal over time by
– Setting clear objectives
and desired outcomes
– Capturing your thoughts
and feelings and notes
from your mentoring
circles throughout the
Journal in the Diary
Go to “Diary” from the Main page
Scroll down on the page and Select the “Add diary entry here” button
You can enter a high-level title for the Journal Entry and enter more
details in the Comments section.
You can also upload an optional reference document and attach it to
the Journal Entry
• {Have an email into Chris to find out the status and
location of our HBA mentoring resources within the
Contact for Help
• If you are having difficulty with the site, email
[email protected]
– CC: [email protected] so that I am aware of
any platform issues
• Please give details of your problem and the browser
you are using to view the site.
– This will help the support team to quickly troubleshoot
your issue
Mentor & Mentee Connectors
Kathleen Butler – Mentor Connector
Athena Colucci – Mentee Connector
What is a Mentor or
Mentee Connector?
A former mentor or mentee who can relate to the challenges and perspectives of the
current mentors/mentees in an effort to guide them through the mentoring program
and serve as a primary point of contact.
To connect or proactively reach out to mentors/mentees offering them a line of sight
into the program, providing a ‘safe harbor’ for expressing issues or concerns, and to
give the mentoring participants a feeling of community in an effort to foster
engagement and maximize the collective impact of the program.
How does this connection work?
• Introductions at the Kickoff event
• Email follow-up with contact information and logistics for
monthly calls
• Monthly conference calls for questions, hot topics,
• Available as needed to mentors/mentees to provide
guidance, trouble shoot issues or serve as a sounding
• Survey to get the pulse of the groups
• Catch concerns or challenges early in order to course
correct and make the experience a valuable one for all
mentors and mentees
• Utilize experiences and survey results to improve
program for next year
Who are your Connectors?
Kathleen Butler – Mentor Connector
•Clinical Project Physician for Teva
•Mentee 2012
•Mentor 2013, 2014
Athena Colucci – Mentee Connector
•Organized Customer Group Lead for
•Mentee 2013
Using DiSC in Mentoring
DiSC Behavioral Profiles
• DiSC is a personal assessment tool
• Non-judgmental and helps people discuss their
behavioral differences
• Profiles help you and your team:
– Increase your self-knowledge and awareness
– Facilitate better teamwork and minimize team conflict
– Manage teams more effectively by understanding
members dispositions and priorities
– Become more self-knowledgeable, well-rounded and
effective leaders
DiSC Journey
Purpose: To understand your behavior
preferences, behavior preferences of
others, and how they work (or don’t)
together in a professional environment
Take the assessment:
Kick-off Event: Discovering Yourself through the Eyes of Others
By Amy Bakewell
– “I am from Venus…Everyone else is from Mars”
Your behavioral preference and how it differs from others.
– “No good deed goes unpunished. Or, do you just need more creative communication?”
How your behavioral preference impacts others.
– “Learning to speak Greek.”
Increase your influence by learning to adapt to other styles.
Requirements & Next Steps
Mentor Program Requirements
• Commit to 1½ to 2 hours/month in person and/or virtually (phone or web) for 7
months (April-October)
• Attend
program Events:
Kick off: Tuesday, April 15 @ AstraZeneca (1800 Concord Pike, Wilmington DE)
– Mid-Year:
– Year-end
• Take
Wednesday, July 24
Celebration: Thursday, November 9 @ MedImmune (Gaithersburg, MD)
the DISC assessment
• Participate
in check-in calls and surveys – monthly call, mid-year & year-end
• Encourage
mentees to participate in check-in calls and surveys
Next Steps for Mentors
• Take the DiSC assessment
( )
– send results to [email protected]
• Connect with your fellow Mentor
• Start thinking about your goals and goals for your circle
• Reach out to our Mentoring Circle members
• Log on to our Virtual Notebook; get familiar with what’s there
• Send titles of resources you’ve found successful to:
[email protected] for posting to our Virtual Notebook
• Accept invitation to join LinkedIn group
• Add Mentor calls and events to your calendars
2014 HBA Mid Atlantic
Key Mentoring Contacts
• Kathleen Butler, Mentor Connector
– [email protected]
• Athena Colucci, Mentee Connector
– [email protected]
• Carla Brooks, Information & Platform Manager
– [email protected]
• Sandra Caddell, Program Director
– [email protected]
and comments