Turner Recreation Commission Youth Flag Football League

Turner Recreation Commission Youth Flag Football League
All rules and interpretations will be covered under the National Federation High School & Kansas High School
Rules with the following emphasis and exceptions listed below. The Turner Recreation Commission sets the
rules and reserves the right to interpret the rules in the best interest of the Turner Recreation Commission’s
Youth Flag Football League.
Purpose of the TRC youth flag football league: To provide an opportunity for youth of any skill level, who
wish to play flag football under proper supervision. The program stresses sportsmanship and character
development. Football skills are to be developed while maintaining an appreciation for clean, friendly
competition and a true spirit of cooperation between sponsors, managers, players, parents/spectators, and league
officials. Our league is intended to provide a family-oriented environment for the enjoyment of children. All
coaches, players, and spectators are expected to show good sportsmanship at all times. The League, at its sole
discretion, reserves the right to eject, suspend, or dismiss anyone for any inappropriate behavior.
STRESS SPORTSMANSHIP ABOVE ALL!!! TRC has developed the “sportsmanship card”. It is designed
to be a preventative tool, not a punitive device. It is a warning to an individual coach, athlete, fan, group of fans
or any team follower for unsportsmanlike behavior. It is possible that the first instance of an unacceptable
unsportsmanlike act could be the catalyst for game termination without issuing a “sportsmanship card”. The
sportsmanship card serves as an effective deterrent to abusive behaviors, and creates a set of constraints that
should: eradicate unsportsmanlike behavior, strengthen sportsmanship, contribute to the retention of
officials/umpires/coaches and honor the game.
1. Age Divisions: 2nd – 3rd Graders
2. Game Schedules: Game schedules will be available no later than 1 week prior to start of the season.
3. The Game: Games will be played at the Riverview Complex located at 224 S. 74th St. KCK 66111 unless
otherwise informed. A coin flip will determine first possession. The offensive team takes possession of the
ball at their 5-yard line and has 4 plays to cross mid-field. If successful, they will have 4 plays to score a
touchdown. If the offense fails either try; the ball changes possession and the new offensive team takes the
ball on their own 5-yard line with the same guidelines. All possession changes start on the offenses 5-yard line
except interceptions. (There are no chains and there are no special teams in Flag)
4. Length of Game: Games will consist of two (2) twenty (20) minute halves. The clock will run continuously
except for time-outs and injuries. Teams are granted 2 time-outs per half; timeouts will be 30 seconds in
length. Half time will be 3-5 minutes.
5. The Field: For 2nd - 3rd Graders, the field will be approximately 30 yards wide and 40 yards long.
6. Players: Teams will consist of 5 players on the field, at any one time. Teams may carry a maximum
of 10 players on a roster. Teams must field a minimum of 5 players at all times and cannot field more
than 5 players at one time. Substitutions may be made between plays. Each player must play 15
minutes each half or be in a certain rotation.
7. Play Clock: Offensive teams must run a play within 45 seconds after the completion of the prior
play except on change of possessions where 1 minute is allowed. QBs have 10 seconds to pass the
8. Scoring: A touchdown is worth 6 points. A safety is worth 2 points. Extra points are worth 2
points. During extra points, the offensive team will receive the ball on the 5-yard line.
9. Offensive Line: The offense must have 3 on the line of scrimmage to start a play. The ball must be
snapped between the legs, not off to any side, to start a play. Blocks must be made with arms straight
out; below the neck and above the waist.
10. Running Plays: The quarterback CANNOT run the ball. “Center Sneaks” are not allowed.
Hand-offs, pitches, reverses, laterals and passes are allowed. The player who takes the handoff can
throw the ball from behind the line of scrimmage. Offensive or defensive players cannot dive, and
players cannot leave their feet to avoid an opposing player, the play will be blown dead and the ball is
marked at the spot of the infraction. The player who receives the snap (the quarterback) may not run
the ball beyond the line of scrimmage until it has been given to another player. After the ball has been
handed off to another player, then this restriction no longer applies; the quarterback becomes eligible
to run, pass, or receive the ball. The offensive team may run the ball after performing a valid
hand-off. It is the ball carrier’s responsibility to avoid colliding with defenders that lie in his/her path.
Unintentional contact shall not be penalized, provided the ball carrier makes an effort to avoid it.
Failure to attempt to avoid contact with a defender (charging) may be penalized, even if it does not
result in a collision. Intentional contact will not be tolerated, and may also result in an
unsportsmanlike conduct penalty, and/or player ejection.
Special Cases: Running Eligibility After Multiple Handoffs
In order for a handoff to be considered legal, the player with original possession of the ball (Player A)
must completely relinquish control of the ball to another player (Player B).
By completely relinquishing control of the ball, it is meant that Player A would not have any contact
with the ball whatsoever after handing the ball to Player B. Therefore, in order for Player A to gain
the ability to run the football, he or she would have to hand the ball to Player B, clearly ceasing all
contact with the ball, and then Player B could hand the ball back to Player A, giving Player A the
ability to run.
11. Ball Position
The location of the runner’s feet (not the ball) at the end of the play determines where the ball is to be
12. Passing: Passes may be received behind or beyond the line of scrimmage. The quarterback has a
ten second “pass clock.” If a pass is not thrown within ten seconds, play is dead, and there will be a
loss of down. Interceptions change the possession of the ball where they are downed. Shovel passes
are allowed.
13. Receiving: All players are eligible to receive a pass. Possession and one-foot inbounds constitutes a
14. Defensive Line: Defense must have 4 on the line of scrimmage to start a play.
15. Defensive Rushing: Defense may only cross the line of scrimmage and rush the QB when the ball is
handed-off, thrown, or after a fake handoff is ruled by an official as an offensive player touch behind
the line of scrimmage.
16. Dead Balls: The play is ruled dead when the ball carriers: flag is pulled while in possession of the
ball; flags fall off; steps out of bounds, knee(s) hit the ground, fumbles the ball, scores a touchdown
or extra points, or when the center/quarterback transfer is fumbled. Fumbles are immediately ruled
dead with same possession where the ball hit the ground.
17. Equipment: Soccer or football type cleats are recommended. No metal tip spikes. The Recreation
Commission will provide jerseys, flags, and footballs. All players on the field for each team must
wear an approved and provided pair of flags (2) during the game at all times. The jerseys provided are
two sided with a different color on each side. Jerseys must be tucked in at all times during the game.
Undershirts, sweatshirts and any other article of clothing that could impede the defender’s access to
the flags must also be tucked in.
18. Prohibited Equipment
• Shorts or pants with pockets, belt loops, belts, or exposed draw strings
• Padding of any kind, including hard surface padding such as shoulder pads, hip pads, or helmets
• Hard casts, even if covered by soft material
• Sticky substances such as grease or glue on a player’s clothing or person
• Jewelry of any kind, except for medical alert bracelets
• Barrettes or other hard objects worn on the head
• Eye glasses, unless of athletically approved construction and containing shatterproof lenses
• Anything that the official feels could endanger or confuse players
19. Unsportsmanlike Conduct: Unsportsmanlike conduct by players, coaches, or spectators will not be
tolerated. This is a non-contact league. Tackling, cheap shots, clipping, tripping, shoving, foul
language, taunting, or trash talking by players will not be tolerated. A 15-yard penalty will be
assessed from the spot of the foul (live ball) or line of scrimmage (dead ball) with an automatic 1st
down. Any manager, coach or spectator displaying unsportsmanlike conduct can be ejected from the
game. As a result, that manager, coach or spectator will also be suspended from the next (2)
scheduled games. A team or individual warning should, but does not have to be issued.
20. Penalties: the referee will call all penalties.
Coaches: All coaches will be required to attain a photo id badge, which must be worn outside of shirt
during practices and games. Only 4 coaches will be allowed on the sideline during the game.
22. Medical Absence and Reinstatement:
Any player who, due to injury or illness requiring medical attention, wishes to resume practice and
participation in games must submit a written release form from the treating physician prior to
engaging in the chosen activity to the TRC office. The head coach is responsible for submitting a
copy of the physicians release form to the head official prior to any game and notifying the Sports
• Players are downed when at least one flag has been legally stripped (DE-FLAGGED) from the belt during the
course of the play.
• TACKLING, is defined as a physical attempt to stop the progress of a ball carrier without trying to detach a
• A player who repeatedly ignores the no-tackling rule is subject to expulsion from the game.
• Any coach who encourages tackling is subject to expulsion from the league.
• If the official, by his good judgment, determines that a player intentionally obstructed the progress of the ball
carrier without making an effort to de-flag the ball carrier, he can award an additional ten yards to the run from
the spot of the obstruction.
• Players must wear the flags as intended by the manufacturer, with no wrapping, taping, sewing or additional
affixing in any manner.
• The flags are to be worn with one on each hip, not front and back, or any other variation.
• Should a flag (one) detach during the course of play without being pulled by an opponent, the official will can
allow the ball carrier to continue the play from the spot where the flag came off.
• If the belt holding the flags or both flags falls off without being pulled by the opponent, the player is down at
that point.
• Shorts are not permitted to prevent direct access to the flags.
• Improper wearing of or intentional obstruction of a player’s flag is a penalty of loss of down and dead ball at
the spot of obstruction. This includes the attempt of the ball carrier to slap away an opponent’s hand during the
course of play.
• Stiff arming is also not allowed.
• Ball carriers are prohibited from using hands, arms, or the ball to impede access to the flag belt.
• If the ball carrier impedes access to the flag belt, even if it is in his/her “natural running motion”, a flag
guarding penalty shall be assessed.
• The ball carrier shall not lower his/her head to charge or run into a defensive player.
• No intentional contact of any kind is allowed. This includes charging or running directly into a defensive
player or stiff-arming.
• The ball carrier is not allowed to dive. If he/she dives into the end zone, it is not a score; a diving penalty shall
be imposed from the goal line.
• Blocking is allowed, but the blocker must not engage with, or lead with his head into the defender.
• Blocking should more resemble a screen used in basketball, with the exception of moving your feet and
maintaining contact with the hands, while screening the opposing player.
• Do not encourage physically aggressive blocking to the ground. Do encourage good technique, hand position,
and use of your feet.
• There are no special teams’ plays in flag football.
• Each touchdown is worth 6 points, no extra point attempts are allowed.
• Muffed snaps are dead balls.
• The official will re-set the ball for play with no huddling of the teams.
• It is the official’s discretion as to whether a fumble has occurred or a muffed snap has occurred.
• On defense, there is no blitzing, as defined: progression toward and through the line of scrimmage as to time
the arrival with the snap of the ball. You know what blitzing is: DON’T BLITZ. Linebackers that are within in
the “box” of the offensive line must be 3 yards off the ball, not covering the center.
• The center must be uncovered, which means the closest alignment to the center is head up on the
guards, when the offensive line is in their regular splits (w/arms extended, players fingertips touch
shoulder pads of player next to them). If the offensive guards use a 4 yard split, the defensive tackles DO
NOT have to line up on the guards. They must be outside of the shoulders of the center. Submarine of the
center is not permitted. And only one defensive tackle can shoot the A gap.
• Interceptions may be returned to the original 40 yard line for a six point touchdown if the player can make it
there without being legally tackled.
• Fumbles are considered dead ball
• Each field is 40 yards long and 30 yards wide.
• The winner of the coin toss must choose offense or defense to begin the game. The ball is placed at the
5 yard line and play commences.
• One coach is allowed on the field at all times for each team to aid with alignment and play calling.
• The coaches, once the formation is set, must be ten yards behind the deepest player in the alignment when the
ball is snapped to begin the play.
• No verbal coaching from any coaches on the field is allowed once the formation is set, until the play is
blown dead.
• One referees warning will be given per team for coaching infractions, then the coach is removed from the field
and possibly the facility if warranted.
With live ball penalties, the offense will always have the option of taking the result of the play or
accepting the penalty with replaying the down.
Illegal Procedure: (less than 4 men on the line of scrimmage) 5-yard penalty from original line of
Encroachment/Offside: 5-yard penalty from original line of scrimmage. Replay the down
Pass Interference: 10-yard penalty from original line of scrimmage. Replay the down
Illegal Contact: (Holding, Tripping, Use of the Hands, etc.) 10-yard penalty from the spot of the foul or
original line of scrimmage, whichever hurts them the worst. Replay the down. Player must leave the field
for one play.
Illegal Flag Pull: (Before the player has the ball) 10-yard penalty from the spot of the foul or original line
of scrimmage, whichever hurts them the worst. Replay the down.
Illegal Rush: (Rushing before the ball is handed off or passed) 10-yard penalty from the line of scrimmage.
Replay the down.
Forward Lateral: Dead-ball at spot of infraction.
With live ball penalties, the defense will always have the option of taking the result of the play or
accepting the penalty with replaying the down.
Illegal Procedure: (less than 3 men on the line of scrimmage) 5-yard penalty from original line of
False Start: 5-yard penalty from original line of scrimmage.
Illegal Contact: (Holding, Tripping, Use of the Hands, etc.) 10-yard penalty from the spot of the foul or
original line of scrimmage, whichever hurts them the worst. Replay the down.
Pass Interference: 10-yard penalty from original line of scrimmage. Loss of down.
Illegal Contact: (Holding, Tripping, Use of the Hands, etc.) 10-yard penalty from the spot of the foul or
original line of scrimmage, whichever hurts them the worst. Replay the down.
Illegal Forward Pass: (Pass made from beyond the line of scrimmage) 5-yard penalty from spot of the foul
and loss of down.
Flag Guarding: 10-yard penalty from the spot of the foul. Replay the down.
Delay of Game: 5-yard penalty from line of scrimmage and clock stopping (pass play).