SETS OF BINOMIAL COEFFICIENTS WITH E^UAL PRODUCTS CALVIN T. LONG Washington State University, Pullman, Washington 99163 and University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada and VERNER E. HOGGATT, JR. San Jose State University, San Jose, California 95192 1. INTRODUCTION In [2] , Hoggatt and Hansell show that the product of the six binomial coefficients s u r rounding any particular entry in P a s c a l ' s triangle is an integral square. They also observe that the two products of the alternate triads of these six numbers a r e equal. Quite r e m a r k - ably, Gould conjectured and Hillman and Hoggatt [l] have now proved that the two greatest common divisors of the numbers in the above-mentioned triads are also equal though their l e a s t common multiples a r e , in general, not equal. Hillman and Hoggatt also generalize the greatest common divisor property to more general a r r a y s . The integral square property was further investigated by Moore [4] , who showed that the result is true for any regular hexagon of binomial coefficients if the number of entries p e r side is even, and by the present author [ 3 ] , who generalized the e a r l i e r results to nonregular hexagons, octagons, and other a r r a y s of binomial coefficients whose products are squares. In the present paper, we generalize the equal product property of Hoggatt and Hansell along the lines of [3] and also make some observations and conjectures regarding a generalized greatest common divisor property. It will suit our purpose to represent P a s c a l ' s triangle (or, more precisely, a portion of it) by a lattice of dots as in Fig. 1. We will have occasion to refer to various polygonal figu r e s and when we do, unless expressly stated to the contrary, we shall always mean a simple closed polygonal curve whose vertices are lattice points. Occasionally, it will be convenient to represent a small portion of P a s c a l ' s triangle by letter arranged in the proper position. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 71 72 SETS OF BINOMIAL COEFFICIENTS WITH EQUAL PRODUCTS 2. [Feb. SETS OF BINOMIAL COEFFICIENTS WITH EQUAL PRODUCTS As in [3] , we begin by deriving a fundamental lemma which is basic to all of the other results of this section. Lemma 1. Consider two parallelograms of binomial coefficients oriented as in Fig. 2 and with corner coefficients a, b, c, d and e , f, g, h a s indicated. Then the products acfh and bdeg are equal. Proof. For suitable integers m, n, r , s , and t, the binomial coefficients in question may be represented in the form + B * - ( \ c _/ m+r \ In + r + tJ' ) ' b =( n ) ' m f = ( \ yn + r + t y ' c = (n+\r)> * = (mn\\+r)' g =( m+s \ ^n + s + r + ty' , = / m + s + r \ \n + a + r + t J ' Thus, the desired products a r e a c fh = <m + s)'. (m + r)t n! (m - n + sjl (n + r)! (m - n)! ml _ (m + s + r)l (n + r + t)! (m - n - r - t)l ' (n + s + r + t)! (m - n - t)! and , , DQeg _ m! (m + s + r)! n! (m - n)! " W+ r)(m - n + s)! (m + r) (m + s)t (n + r + t)! (m - n - t)t ' (n + r + s + t)! (m - n - r - t)! and these a r e clearly equal as claimed. As a first consequence of Lemma 1, we obtain the equal product result of Hoggatt and Hansell. Theorem 2. Let a, b, c , d, e , f, and g denote binomial coefficients as in the a r r a y a f b g e c . d Then aec = fbd. Proof. Therefore, The parallelograms a, f, e , g and b, g, d, c are oriented as in Lemma 1. fgbd = aegc and this implies the desired result. By essentially the same argument, we obtain the following more general statement about products of coefficients at the vertices of hexagons in P a s c a l ' s triangle. Theorem 3. Let m > 1 and n > 1 be integers and let H be a convex hexagon whose sides lie on the horizontal rows and main diagonals of P a s c a l ' s triangle. Let the number of 1974] SETS OF BINOMIAL COEFFICIENTS WITH EQUAL PRODUCTS coefficients on the respective sides of H be m, n, m , n, m, a, b, c, d, e, 73 and n in that o r d e r , and let and f be the coefficients in cyclic order at the vertices of H. Then ace = bdf. Proof. Without loss in generality, we may take m to be the number of coefficients along the bottom side of H. If we consider two m-by-n parallelograms with a common v e r tex and with corner coefficients a, b, c, d, e, f, and g as in Fig. 3, then, again by Lemma 1, fgbd = aegc and this implies the equality claimed. Fig. 3 Now, as in [3] , let us call the hexagons of Hoggatt and Hansell fundamental hexagons and say that a polygonal figure P on P a s c a l ' s triangle is tiled with fundamental hexagons if P is "covered" by a set F of fundamental hexagons F in such a way that i. ii. iii. The vertices of each F in F a r e coefficients in P or in the interior of P. Each boundary coefficient of P is a vertex of precisely one F in F, and Each interior coefficient of P Is interior to some F in F o r is a vertex shaped by precisely two elements of F. We can then prove the following result. Theorem 4. Let P be a polygonal figure on P a s c a l ' s triangle with boundary coef- ficients a1? a 2 , • • • , a n in order around P . If P can be tiled by fundamental hexagons, then n = 2s for some s ^- 3 and s " s E Proof. Suppose that P a 2i-1 = " 1=1 can be tiled with 2i • 1=1 r fundamental hexagons. The proof p r o - ceeds by induction on r. Clearly the least value of r is 1 which occurs only in the Case Of the fundamental hexagon itself. In this c a s e , n = 6 and the result is true by Theorem 2. Now suppose that the result is true for any polygon that can be tiled with fewer than k fundamental hexagons where k > 1 is fixed and let P damental hexagons. be a polygon that can be tiled with k fun- Let H be one of the hexagons which tiles P boundary point of P . We distinguish five cases. and contains at least one 74 SETS OF BINOMIAL COEFFICIENTS WITH EQUAL PRODUCTS Case 1. H contains just one boundary point of P . may let a J a' [Feb. Without loss in generality, we be the boundary point of P which is in H. Let af , a' ,.., aT 1 0 , a' ini J F n n n n+1 n+2 n+3 . denote the other five boundary points of H in o r d e r around H. Let P and be the poly- gon obtained from PT by deleting H. Then the boundary points of P a r e a 1} a 2 , • • • , a .,, af , a' , a l 0 , a' o 5 and a' , ,. Thus, m = n + 4. Also, since P can be n-1 n n+1 n+2 n+3 n+4 m tiled by k - 1 fundamental hexagons, n + 4 = m = 2t for some t and a..1 a63 • • • a - a? ,., a' 0 = za 2 4a 4 • • • a 0 a? af , 0 a f , , . n - 1 n+1 n+3 n-2 n n+2 n+4 But, since H is a fundamental hexagon, it follows that a nan+lan+3 " a nan+2an+4 and this clearly implies that s s ." a 2i-i = 1=1 a " 2i 1=1 since n = 2t - 4 = 2s. This completes the proof for Case 1. Cases 2-4. In these c a s e s , respectively, H contains 2, 3, 4, or 5 boundary points of P . We omit the proofs of these cases since they essentially duplicate the proof of Case 1, This completes the proof. With Theorem 4 and Lemma 1 as our principal tools we a r e now able to give several quick results. Theorem 5. Let H be a convex hexagon with an even number of coefficients per side, with sides oriented along the horizontal rows and main diagonals of P a s c a l ' s triangle, and with boundary coefficients a l 5 a 2 , • • • , a n in order around H . Then n = 2s for some s ^- 3 and s n s n a 2i-i = 1=1 Proof. a n 2i • 1=1 This is an immediate consequence of Theorem 4 since H can be tiled by fun- damental hexagons as shown in Theorem 5 of [3]. Theorem 6. Let K be any convex octagon with sides oriented along the horizontal and vertical rows and main diagonals of P a s c a l ' s triangle and with boundary coefficients a l9 a 2 , • • • , a„n in o r d e r around K . Let the number of coefficients on the various sides of K be n n 2r, 2s, t, 2u, 2v, t, and 2s as indicated in Fig. 4. Then n = 2h for some h > 4 and s " 1=1 a 2i-l = s " 1=1 a 2i 1974] SETS OF BINOMIAL COEFFICIENTS WITH EQUAL PRODUCTS 75 2v 2s 2s 2r Fig. 5 Fig. 4 Proof. The proof is the same as for Theorem 5 and will be omitted. We observe that the convexity conditions in both Theorems 3 and 5 a r e n e c e s s a r y since neither result is true for the hexagon of Fig. 5. Also, it is easy to find examples of convex hexagons where the results of Theorems 3 and 5 do not hold if the conditions on the number of elements per side are not met. In fact, we conjecture that the conditions in these theorems a r e both necessary and sufficient. On the other hand, the convexity condition of Theorem 6 is not n e c e s s a r y since the result holds for the octagon of Fig. 6 which is clearly not convex. We make no conjecture regarding n e c e s s a r y and sufficient conditions for the. result of Theor e m 6 to hold for octagons in general, or indeed, for hexagons whose sides may not lie along the horizontal rows and main diagonals of P a s c a l ' s triangle. We note that the octagon of Fig. 6 cannot be tiled by fundamental hexagons but can be tiled by pairs of properly oriented "fundamental parallelograms" as indicated by the shading in the figure. Thus, the most general theorem for these and other polygons will most likely have to be couched in t e r m s of tilings by sets of pairs of fundamental parallelograms. <$/ <>/ \</ \ / ,\ / ' \ A-\ / Z \ /\> /. >\ / W ^? T5:/ N ./ \ A\ i'\ 'vh Fig. 6 Fig. 7 76 SETS OF BINOMIAL COEFFICIENTS WITH EQUAL PRODUCTS [Feb. 3. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ON EQUAL PRODUCTS Theorem 3 gives an equal product result for the corner coefficients of hexagons and it is natural to seek similar results for octagons. It is easy to find octagons like those in Figs. 4 and 6 for which the equal product property on vertices does not hold. Nevertheless, it is possible to find classes of octagons for which the equal product property does hold for the products of alternate corner coefficients. Theorem 7. Let K be a convex octagon formed as in Fig. 7 by adjoining parallelo- g r a m s with r and s and r and t elements on a side to a parallelogram with r elements on each side. If the corner coefficients a r e a l5 a 2 , • • • , a8 as shown, then a1a3a5a7 = a2a4a6a8 . Proof. We have only to observe that a1? a 4 , a 5 , a 8 and a 2 , a 3 , a 6 , a 7 are vertices of p a i r s of parallelograms oriented as in Lemma 1. The result is then immediate. Again it is clear that the convexity condition of Theorem 7 is not necessary. The proof, after all, r e s t s on the presence of the properly oriented p a i r s of parallelograms. In p r e - cisely the same way we show that a 1 a3 a 5 a 7 = a2 a4 a6 a 8 for each of the three octagons of Fig. 8. Note that for K2 the two products a r e not products of alternate vertices around the octagon. Clearly the preceding methods can be used to obtain a wide variety of configurations of binomial coefficients which divide into sets with equal products. As illustrations we give several examples of polygons (sometimes not closed, simple, or connected) with this property. a7 a4 a7 a6 a 7 a 6 Fig. 8 4. THE GREATEST COMMON DIVISOR PROPERTY As mentioned in Section 1, if the a r r a y a c b d f e g r e p r e s e n t s coefficients from P a s c a l ' s triangle, then afe = cbg and Hillman and Hoggatt 1974] S E T S O F BINOMIAL C O E F F I C I E N T S WITH E Q U A L P R O D U C T S 12 12 a " 2i-l 1=1 = a " * 2i 1=1 a 2i-l 1=1 = a " 1=1 2i II ai a2 at * a2 * * a17 * a a3 * a18* * * 24 / \l9 * a5 * * * * * * a10 * * a23 4 A7 * * a 21 * a 12 3ft a9 ia 2 0 I a7 a 22 * * a4 * a n io a9 12 12 " a 2i-l 1=1 = ." a .n^i-l 2i = III 1=1 IV a4 a5 i a a s * l6 : an ' * a a12 an 10 10 . n - a*02 i - l . n1 a20 i - l = . n " a02i i=l T * 1a 3 11 i=l i=l VI Fig. 9 1 20 « 1 a l i 11 .V2i 1=1 1=1 r as * ~ " a2i i=l 77 78 SETS OF BINOMIAL COEFFICIENTS WITH EQUAL PRODUCTS [Feb. have shown that (a, f, e) = (c, b, g) where we use parentheses to indicate greatest common divisors. In view of the preceding results on equal products, one wonders if the g r e a t - est divisor property also holds in more general settings. Unfortunately, it is easy to find examples of regular hexagons with sides oriented along the main diagonals and horizontal rows of P a s c a l ' s triangle where the two alternate triads of corner coefficients have different greatest common divisors in spite of the fact that theyhave equal products by Theorem 3. We have such examples for hexagons with 3 , 4 , 5 and 6 c o efficients per side and conjecture that the property only holds in general for the fundamental hexagons of Hoggatt and Hansell. Also, we observe that, for the parallelograms of Fig. 2, the products acfh and bdeg a r e equal but that (a, c, f, h) is not necessarily equal to (b, d, e, g). At the same time, we have been unable to find examples of hexagons of the type of Theorem 5 where the greatest common divisor of the two sets of alternate boundary coefficients are not equal. Of course, these greatest common divisors are usually equal to one, but the three regular hexagons with four elements per side whose upper left-hand coefficients a r e , respectively,; \S)' Ce)' and (") have p a i r s of greatest common divisors equal to 13, 13, and 34, respectively. We con- jecture that the greatest common divisors of the two sets of alternate boundary coefficients for the hexagons of Theorem 5 a r e equal. This is not t r u e , however, of the octagons of Theorem 6, since, in particular, ((:)• (••)• ( 0 - ( ( ! ) • ( : ) • ( : ) • (:))->• ( : ) and these are alternate boundary coefficients of such an octagon. ) - Of c o u r s e , this makes it clear that not all polygons that can be tiled with fundamental hexagons have the equal greatest common divisor property. At the same time, some figures that cannot be tiled with funda- mental hexagons appear to have the equal greatest common divisor property. For example, this appears to be true of the octagon of Fig. 11 in [3] though we have no proof of this fact. This leaves the question of the characterization of figures having the equal greatest common divisor property quite open. 5. GENERALIZATIONS AND EXTENSIONS There are an infinitude of other Pascal-like a r r a y s in which the Hexagon Squares p r o p erty holds. F o r example, the Fibonomial triangle and the generalized Fibonomial triangle. If, indeed we replace F by f (x), the property holds and thus for each x integral yields an infinitude of such a r r a y s . k For example, if x = 2, Pell Number Sequence works. we get the Pell numbers, or every 1974] SETS OF BINOMIAL COEFFICIENTS WITH EQUAL PRODUCTS 79 REFERENCES 1. A. P. Hillman and V. E. Hoggatt, J r . , "On Gould f s Hexagon Conjecture, Fibonacci Quarterly, Vol. 10, No. 6 (Dec. 1972), pp. 561-564. 2. V. E. Hoggatt, J r . , and W. Hansell, "The Hidden Hexagon Squares," FibonacciQuarterlXi Vol. 9, No. 2 (Apr. 1971), pp. 120, 133. 3. Calvin T. Long, "Arrays of Binomial Coefficients whose Products are S q u a r e s , " Fibonacci Quarterly, Vol. 11, No. 5 (Dec. 1973), pp. 449-456. 4. Carl L. Moore, "More Hidden Hexagon S q u a r e s , " Fibonacci Quarterly, Vol. 11, No. 5 (Dec. 1973), p. 525. (Continued from page 46. ) that F F 3 n (modulo 8. 3 n - i 8- 3 n-- 1 3n+1) 1 + 3 n (modulo 3 n + 1 ) . -! Therefore F 8- 3n--i+x ss If x satisfies (*), then either modulo 3 FF H+ 3n(F X x or + F _,,) (modulo 3 n + 1 ) . X 8-3 X+l + x or 16°3 ~ + x will be congruent to m . Therefore (*) has solutions for a r b i t r a r i l y large n. Problem 2. The number N is said to have complete Fibonacci residues if there ex- ists a solution to the congruence F = m (modulo N) for all integers m. A computer search shows that the only values of N ^ 500 having complete Fibonacci residues are the divisors of 35, 2 2 .5 3 , 2-3-5 3 , 5-3 4 , or 7-53 . Determine all N which have complete Fibonacci residues. Problem 3 is submitted by the undersigned and Leonard Carlitz, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. Problem 3. Show that if (Continued on page 82.) = em'n9 then
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