Synopsis - Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Course

Danida Fellowship Centre - Corporate Social Responsibility Course
Corporate Social Responsibility
What is the course about?
The aim of the course is that after the course participants are:
competent in applying corporate social responsibility methods relevant to their enterprise
and thereby achieve management results that enhance progress in their fields of work
capacitated to strategise, plan, organise, monitor and evaluate corporate social
responsibility interventions, considering the internal conditions and external contextual
factors of the company
Target group
The course is intended to support and facilitate particularly the Danida-funded development
programmes and components, B2B and Mixed Credit.
The course is especially designed for CEO Managers and Environment, Health and Safety (EHS)
Managers at private companies and public enterprises.
The course will enable the participants to ensure that their enterprises’ corporate social
responsibility policy is in compliance with the UN Global Compact’s 10 principles and a set of tools
for implement, optimise and report the corporate performance.
Participants will be introduced to the CSR Compass, OHSAS 18001 Occupational, Health and Safety
Management, ISO14001 Environmental Management, transparency, and sustainable reporting
principles such as Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and SA8000 Social Accountability.
The learning approach will be participatory and learner-centred. The training will be centred on
state-of-the-art issues and approaches to Corporate Social Responsibility and private sector
development, combining theory and practice, and relating training contents to the participants’
In addition to general CSR principles, the participants will receive target specific training and
exercises taking into consideration their specific industry/energy/agro-business sector, e.g. based
on the IFC EHS guidelines, IPPC BAT-guidelines and/or Danish EPA and sector branch guidelines
so that tools provided are of direct use and relevance for the participants.
See below for a detailed course programme.
Approach and methodology
We have chosen to involve high profile CSR speakers and external trainers from Global CSR,
Sociability, the Danish Federation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and UNDP.
The course will be set off with a one day workshop on CSR facilitated by high level speaker Sune
Skadegaard Thorsen from Global CSR. The objective is to give participants a common frame for
working on CSR during the course and to set a high standard of training right from the start.
We have chosen to give excursions and visits to Danish enterprises working on CSR a high priority.
However we have chosen to integrate the visits in a 3 days workshop held by The Danish
Danida Fellowship Centre - Corporate Social Responsibility Course
Federation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, in order to ensure that all visits are seen as an
integrated part of the course and used to emphasize points made during the training. The
experiences from Danish enterprises will be a mix of visits in the enterprises and speakers from
enterprises taking part in the workshop.
The Danish Federation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises will be responsible for 3 days
training with an integrated component of excursions to Danish enterprises, small as well as large
ones. The focus of the 3 days will be to on what makes Danish companies involve themselves in
CSR. CSR is not just about external rules and compliance, but also about the enterprises’
productivity, accredition and the enterprises’ bottom line. The 3 days will be facilitated by CSR
manager Henning Høy Nygaard and Line Bech.
Visits will be planned according to participants branches and interest drawing on the enterprise
contacts of Grontmij | Carl Bro and The Danish Federation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
e.g. Grundfoss, Danfoss, Lego, Danisco, Novo, DLH, AAK, Novozymes, Rice, FAI and/or IKEA.
Furthermore, an excursion has been planned to UNDP.
Participants will be asked to map their pre-course understanding of CSR by filling in online
questionnaires. Furthermore participants will be asked to share their company CSR policy, if they
have one, and there specific interest in relation to visits to Danish enterprises. These will be used
to tailor the course according to participants’ profile and to assess overall course progress.
Course Manager and Facilitator:
Ms Heidi Hjorth (MSc in Human Geography) is specialised in developing, planning, implementing,
managing and evaluating international training activities, and is an experienced trainer on
teambuilding, social partnership and work place issues.
Main Facilitators:
Mr Søren Hvilshøj (MSc in Engineering, ISO14001 Environmental Auditor) is specialised in due
diligence and social and environmental auditing and has conducted audits of private and public
enterprises. He is an experienced trainer on due diligence and corporate social responsibility.
Mr Joel Nielsen (MSc in Organizational Behaviour and International Development) has been
working with development assistance, capacity building and private sector development since
1993. He is an experienced trainer on capacity building and training needs assessment, training
planning and implementation.
Mr Henrik From (MSc in Geography and International Development) has 15 years of development
experience and has worked with anti-corruption in relation to international development
interventions. He is a highly experienced trainer on capacity building among others.
Mr Morten Högnesen (MSc in International Development and Public Administration) is specialised
in business and human rights. He has worked with CSR and risk assessment for Danish companies.
Danida Fellowship Centre - Corporate Social Responsibility Course
Mr Thomas Fløe Jensen (MSc in Technological and Socio-Economic Planning) is a working
environment specialist with more than 20 years in the field. He has working on occupational health
and safety and corporate compliance audits in both small interprises' and industries. He is an
experienced trainer on ToT and work place assessment.
Global CSR
Mr Sune Skadegård Thorsen (Attorney of Law) is recognised as one of the leading specialists in the
field of human rights and business as the foundation of CSR, including ‘corporate social
opportunities’ or ‘social innovation’. He is expert advisor to the Business Leaders Initiative on
Human Rights and has advised national and international private companies, public authorities,
governments and development aid agencies on CSR.
Ms Lisbeth Boye (MSc in Economics and Business Administration, SA8000 Auditor - Sociability) is
specialised in private sector development and has worked as CSR advisor for several private
enterprises and establishing the business case for CSR. She holds substantial experience in training
on private sector development and CSR.
The Danish Federation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Mr Henning Høy Nygaard (MSc in Geography and International Development) is specialised in SME
development and Corporate Social Responsibility. He is member of the board for the Danish
Initiative for Ethical Trade and member of the national steering committee for Overskud med
Omtanke with the target of educating Danish companies in CSR.
Ms Line Bech (MSc in Environmental, Technological and Socio-Economic Planning) is specialised in
Corporate Social Responsibility in SMEs and private sector development. She has especially worked
with supply chain management and is an experienced trainer of CSR.
Danida Fellowship Centre - Corporate Social Responsibility Course
Course Programme
Programme 03.11.08 – 07.11.08
Monday 03.11.08
9.00 – 12.00
12.00 – 13.00
13.00 – 16.00
16.00 – 18.00
Introduction at Danida Fellowship Centre
Introduction to the CSR course, Heidi Hjorth
Experiences and expectations
Tuesday 04.11.08
9.00 – 12.00
12.00 – 13.00
13.00 – 16.00
Why CSR? An introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility,
Sune Skadegård Thorsen, Global CSR
How is CSR relevant for your company?
What different approaches to CSR exist?
Why CSR?
What does a strategic CSR approach contribute to?
Wednesday 05.11.08
9.00 – 12.00
12.00 – 13.00
13.00 – 16.00
Global Compact, Helle Johansen/Mads Øvlisen
Introduction to Global Compact’s 10 principles
What are the implications of Global Compact for the Company?
The CSR Compass, Lisbeth Boye
Introduction to the CSR Compass
Thursday 06.11.08
9.00 – 12.00
12.00 – 13.00
13.00 – 16.00
CSR and Business Strategy, Lisbeth Boye
Which CSR initiatives already exist in your company?
CSR and Business Strategy, Lisbeth Boye
Analysis of a company’s CSR potential
Friday 07.11.08
9.00 – 12.00
12.00 – 13.00
13.00 – 16.00
Human Rights, Morten Högnesen
The origin of the Human Rights Principles
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
Child Labour
Forced and Compulsory Labour
Security Practices
Indigenous Rights
Case studies and implication for own enterprise
Human Rights, Morten Högnesen
Case studies and implication for own enterprise
Danida Fellowship Centre - Corporate Social Responsibility Course
Programme 10.11.08 – 14.11.08
Monday 10.11.08
9.00 – 12.00
12.00 – 13.00
13.00 – 16.00
Labour Issues, Thomas Fløe Jensen
The Origin of the Labour Standard Principles
Labour/Management Relations
Occupational health and safety (OHSAS 18001)
Training and Education
Diversity ad Equal Opportunity
Case studies and implication for own enterprise
Labour Issues, Thomas Fløe Jensen
Case studies and implication for own enterprise
Tuesday 11.11.08
9.00 – 12.00
12.00 – 13.00
13.00 – 16.00
WORKSHOP at The Danish Federation of Small and Medium-Sized
Enterprises, Henning Nygaard
Why Danish enterprises engage in CSR
Productivity, accredition and bottom line
Excursion, Henning Nygaard and Morten Högnesen
Wednesday 12.11.08
9.00 – 12.00
12.00 – 13.00
13.00 – 16.00
WORKSHOP at The Danish Federation of Small and Medium-Sized
Enterprises, Line Bech
Ethical Supply Chain Management
Formulation of code of conduct for suppliers
Strategies for implementation
Excursion, Line Bech and Morten Högnesen
Thursday 13.11.08
9.00 – 12.00
12.00 – 13.00
13.00 – 16.00
WORKSHOP at The Danish Federation of Small and Medium-Sized
Enterprises, Henning Nygaard
Partnerships – experiences from the B2B programme
Excursion, Henning Nygaard and Morten Högnesen
Friday 14.11.08
9.00 – 12.00
12.00 – 13.00
13.00 – 16.00
Environment, Søren Hvilshøj
The Origin of the Environment Principles
Key environmental challenges
Case studies and implication for own enterprise
Environment, Søren Hvilshøj
Case studies and implication for own enterprise
Danida Fellowship Centre - Corporate Social Responsibility Course
Programme 17.11.08 – 21.11.08
Monday 17.11.08
9.00 – 12.00
12.00 – 13.00
13.00 – 16.00
Anti-corruption, Henrik From
The ethical case
The business case
Case studies and implication for own enterprise
Anti-Corruption, Henrik From
Case studies and implication for own enterprise
Tuesday 18.11.08
9.00 – 12.00
12.00 – 13.00
13.00 – 16.00
Global Reporting Initiative and Social Accountability, Søren Hvilshøj
Reporting framework overview
Verifying compliance
Partnerships with Civil Society Organisations, Heidi Hjorth
(participation from e.g. WWF, Safe the Children)
Wednesday 19.11.08
9.00 – 12.00
12.00 – 13.00
13.00 – 16.00
CSR and Business Strategy, Lisbeth Boye
Establishing a CSR strategy
Analysis of needs for implementation
CSR and Business Strategy, Lisbeth Boye
Planning and implementation of CSR initiatives – an action plan
How to ensure sustainability
Thursday 20.11.08
9.00 – 12.00
12.00 – 13.00
13.00 – 16.00
18.30 – 21.00
Capacity Building for CSR, Joel Nielsen
Training on CSR
Training Needs Assessment of management and employees
Capacity Building for CSR, Joel Nielsen
Planning of training activities
Farewell Dinner
Friday 21.11.08
9.00 – 12.00
12.00 – 13.00
13.00 – 16.00
Finalisation, Heidi Hjorth
Discussion and identification of the key points that participants will bring back to their
Evaluation, Heidi Hjorth
Final course evaluation and recommendations