Creating Snow

1. Go to Create tab.
2. With object category Geometry on, go to the drop down menu, choose Compound Objects
3. For Object Type, choose Blob Mesh. Click and drag Blob Mesh in viewport.
4. Go back to Create tab, with Geometry on, on the drop down menu, choose Particle Systems
5. For Object Type, choose PF Source. Click and drag PF Source in viewport. Select the move tool. Move
the PF Source up in the z direction.
6. Select the blob mesh you just created. In the Modify tab, scroll down to look at the Parameters.
7. Under Blob Objects, click Pick. With Pick, select the PF Source you have created.
8. Go to the animation playback controls, click play to see the animation. Render(shift+q) to see what
you have so far.
Right now, they look like squares. Don't worry, you will fix that later on as you proceed to the next
9. With object category Geometry on, go to the drop down menu, choose Standard Primitives
10. Create a Plane. This plane will act as the ground where the snow will fall.
11. Create a snowman by creating 3 spheres on top of each other. You may add a face to the snow man
by creating other geometries.
Select the Plane, right-click, and Convert to Editable Poly. Select the Plane and click the Modify panel
tab. Under Edit Geometry property Rollout, click Attach. Attach the plane to all 3 spheres you have
created. Save your 3Ds Max File now in your flash drive. It's important to save your file every time, just
in case your computer crashes.
PLEASE SAVE YOUR WORK NOW. So when the software crashes, you don't have to start all over again.
12. Select the PF Source. Go to the Modify tab. Under Setup rollout property, click Particle View.
13. In the Particle View, select Render. On the right side where the properties are, change Visible % from
100 to 0. Render again. We need to add some variation to the snow. Go to Event, select Speed. Change
variation to a higher number.
14. Go back to Create tab, with Space Warps object category on, go to the drop down menu, and choose
15. Under Object Type, click UDeflector.
16. Click and drag the UDeflector in the scene.
17. Under the UDeflector Basic Parameters, click Pick Object. Select the plane geometry you have
18. Select the PF Source. Go to Particle View. Select the Collision operator. Click and drag the Collision to
the Event below the Display.
19. On the properties (right side), you will see a box for Deflectors. You will be adding the UDeflector
you have created.
Click Add and select the UDeflector in the scene.
20. Go back to the Particle View. Select Collision. Set the Speed to Stop.
21. Select the Blob Mesh(falling snow). Go to the Material Editor by pressing M on your keyboard. Go to
Modes, then Compact Material Editor.
22. Assign the material to the Blob Mesh. You can change the Blob Mesh to bluish white snow color.
23. You can scale the PF Source to fit your entire scene correctly. PLEASE SAVE YOUR WORK.
1. Go to Tools>Preview-Grab Viewport>Create Preview Animation.
2. Under Display Filter, uncheck Particle Systems. Click the Create button
3. Upload your work at