EBA Update – June 2017

EBA Update – June 2017
• Update on Victorian Government
• Update on funding
• Update on our EBA negotiations
• Next steps
Victorian Government in-principal agreement
• Government announced an in-principle agreement in March
• The DET and AEU have continued to finalise aspect of final
• The DET has this week commenced the voting process
• Staff in government schools have not yet voted on the
agreement, voting will be completed by 20 June 2017
• The Victorian Government Schools Agreement 2013 remains in
Update on funding
The Commonwealth Government
funding constitutes a large part of our
school’s budget. On average, 62 cents
in every dollar spent in Victorian
Catholic schools comes from the
Commonwealth Government. Catholic
school families on average pay the
remaining 21 cents after State
Government contributions of about 17
cents in the dollar.
Update on funding
The proposed Commonwealth government funding
model will have a significant impact on the funds Catholic
schools receive in the future.
Any decision to reduce Catholic school funding – by not
having school funding keep pace with actual school costs
– will mean that parent fees will have to increase. The
alternative is to cut educational programs in schools,
which will undermine the good work that many Catholic
schools like this one do every day.
Neither option is acceptable and the CECV is actively
advocating to prevent this.
Update on Victorian Catholic bargaining
• Negotiations have been occurring since August 2016
• Over 35 meetings have occurred so far with IEU and 9 have been
organised for June
• The CECV is reviewing the detail of the in-principle Victorian
Government agreement which was finalised this week
• The CECV is also strongly advocating to the Commonwealth
government to improve the funding for Catholic schools
• Without secure and improved funding it is irresponsible for
Catholic school employers to make an agreement if it would
jeopardise the financial viability of schools
Next steps
• The CECV acknowledges the hard work performed by staff in
Catholic Education
• Progress is being made and discussions have been held on the
issues for both sides
• Nine meetings with the IEU have been organised for June
• The CECV remains committed to seeking an agreement as soon
as possible
• The CECV has not walked away from parity
• The CECV will continue to provide you with updates