give your business the best chance at winning tenders with a ccf

Every civil contracting business should have a Contractor Management System (CMS) in place.
A CMS is a one-stop-shop where all company policies and procedures in regards to Quality, Occupational Health and
Safety and Environmental Management are stored and kept. These procedures are an essential part of business for all
Civil Contractors, and at all times should be carefully followed to help ensure projects are completed to the highest
standards possible.
Implementing a Management System into your business ensures you can satisfy not only your own business needs, but
also the expectations of your clients.
It is now becoming a common pre-requisite that Civil Contractors have a Management System in place
before even being eligible to tender for civil construction projects, meaning if you don’t have one or your
existing one is not up to industry standards, you could be missing out on future contracts!
In addition, many clients now insist that a CMS is also independently certified by a third party.
Any Management System should be built around the Plan, Do, Check, Act cycle, and if followed will bring
about continuous improvement in your business.
Establish CMS
Maintain and
Improve CMS
Implement and
Operate CMS
Monitor and
Review CMS
Knowing and choosing the best CMS for your business can be confusing. CCF offer 2 separate types of Management
Systems for both large and small businesses meaning no matter what size your business, or what your specific needs
are, we can offer a Management System to best suit you.
Plus all CCF Management Systems are structured to generically meet the requirements of the Civil
Construction Management Code helping your business to gain industry certification.
IMS – Integrated Management System (IMS)
Launched December 2013
Our IMS contains a comprehensive list of forms and procedures aimed at companies undertaking larger scale projects.
The IMS is server based allowing greater flexibility for document access/sharing across your business, and is tailored
particularly for creating Project Management Plans. Other features include:
New and updated documents and procedures not included in previous versions of the IMS.
Easy to use Windows interface.
Note:The latest version of IMS is not compatible with Apple Mac Systems.
Different levels of access/permissions for different employees.
Ability to track and review all company projects.
WHS and OHS documentation to cover all States and Territories across Australia (User can select which documentation applies to them depending on which State they are working in).
Ability to add or link relevant project documents, supplier details and contacts to an existing project allowing for quick and easy access to all project information.
System and document updates provided on a regular basis.
Installation of the system and documents along with your company name/logo included.
Discounted rates to all CCF Members on purchase prices and license fees (Note: System is available to anyone in Civil Construction).
SCIMS – Small Contractor Integrated Management System
The SCIMS is most commonly used by smaller contractor businesses, and is ideal for owner/operators who undertake
minor works and projects.
As this system is tailored for smaller businesses, it can offer a more affordable option for contractors while still having
the ability to provide them with some of the features of the IMS including an extensive set of documentation designed
to meet the requirements of the Civil Construction Management Code, and the ability to tender for more contracts.
Our professional CCF Field Officers can assist you in determining which CMS package would best suit
your business needs.
Contact your local CCF Branch and get your Management System in
place today.