We`re Moving! Second Update École St. Joseph is on the move

We’re Moving!
Second Update
École St. Joseph is on the move!
Classes will begin in September at our new
École St. Joseph Campus. The Address is:
5755 McIlwaine Dr.
Whitecourt, AB
T7S 0G6
How do you get there? Drive down Mink Creek Road as far as you can go, and there it is.
The building of and moving into a new school is such an exciting time, and a very busy one.
As stated before, many things will change as we go through the move from one school to the
other. It is important that we keep everyone, parents, staff, current students, new students,
the community, as well informed and up to date as possible.
To that end we will be sending out regular updates. You will be able to access them through:
Facebook (École St. Joes and École St. Mary), websites, (school and division) and they will come
to you through synrevoice messages as well. We will also try to alert the media, paper and
We have divided the process of the move into 3 stages:
 The Pre-Move -getting everything from the old school ready.
 The Move- moving all of the furniture and equipment, materials and resources, as well
as modular classrooms from the old school to the new one.
 The Post- Move- getting the new school unpacked and set up for the first days of
Each of these stages has a great deal of work and planning attached to it. We assure you
however, that we are making careful flexible plans to ensure all details are managed. We also
assure you that student success and safety will always be the first priority.
During the pre-move stage (now to June 30) the old school will be purged of all old, out of date
materials, resources, furniture and equipment. We will only move furniture and equipment,
materials and resources that are current and useful to our new Vision 2020 School. The
modular classrooms attached to the school will be moved to the new campus during the
Once the school is purged, all of the materials, supplies, resources, furniture and equipment
that will be going to the new school will be packed, labelled and stored for move during the
summer. This packing will take place after school hours, on non-teaching time, and during the
organizational days at the end of the year.
The current École St. Joseph school will be closed and locked at the end of June. The phones,
mail, etc. will all be changed to the new address during the summer.
Once the old school is cleared out and purged, it will be prepared for demolition.
We will begin our move into the new school on August 21. That is the date we have been given
so far, and we are basing our planning on that. If any dates change, we will put out up to date
communications ASAP.
The new school will be open for registration of students on August 29th. And classes will start
with a staggered entry on September 5, 2017.
This move will trigger a lot of questions and details that must be managed and communicated
to everyone:
 Bussing times and stops
 Who pays for bussing and who gets their bussing paid by Education grants?
 School schedules and calendars
 What about early registration for new students coming up from École St. Mary School?
 Summer registration and contacts?
 When do we get to see the new school?
 What program and option changes will there be?
 What about the playground?
 What about the health and safety of the new campus?
We are addressing all of these questions, concerns and many more. We will send regular biweekly newsletters, keeping everyone up dated and informed.
In the meantime,
Have a blessed Easter
Your ÉSJS move team