Project SAILS Standardized Assessment of Information

Standardized Information
Literacy Assessment:
SAILS and Beyond
Juliet Rumble, Auburn University
Cheryl Cecil & Beth Ashmore,
Samford University Library
April 27, 2006
AACRL/CUS Best Practices
Alabama Library Association Annual Conference 2006
Project SAILS
Standardized Assessment of Information Literacy Skills
An initiative of Kent State University Libraries
Purpose: develop a test instrument for the assessment of
information literacy skills that:
--Is standardized
--Assesses at institutional level
--Provides for both external and internal
April 27, 2006
AACRL/CUS Best Practices
Alabama Library Association Annual Conference 2006
Project Structure
3 phase pilot testing of instrument (2003-2005)
--Samford and AU participated in pilot testing
--82 institutions participated (including 7
--42,304 students tested
Diverse group of participating institutions
--Carnegie Doctoral/Research level universities
--2-4 year colleges
April 27, 2006
AACRL/CUS Best Practices
Alabama Library Association Annual Conference 2006
SAILS Test Instrument
Multiple choice test
45 questions randomly drawn from a data
bank of 252 items
Each test question addresses an ACRL Objective for
Information Literacy Instruction
April 27, 2006
AACRL/CUS Best Practices
Alabama Library Association Annual Conference 2006
SAILS Administration at Samford
--mostly freshmen; students enrolled in UCCA 102
--approximately 40 juniors and senior from research
methods and senior seminar courses
Campus stakeholders:
--University Core Communication Arts Program
--Office of Institutional Research and Assessment
--Center for Teaching, Learning & Scholarship
Incentives: some instructors gave credit for taking the
assessment; others required it; others just encouraged students
to take it
April 27, 2006
AACRL/CUS Best Practices
Alabama Library Association Annual Conference 2006
SAILS administration at Auburn
--freshmen through seniors participated
--students from 12 disciplines/subject majors
Campus stakeholders:
--English Freshman Composition program
--Office of Institutional Research and Assessment
-- Core Curriculum Oversight Committee
Incentives: participants entered in drawing for 3 Apple
April 27, 2006
AACRL/CUS Best Practices
Alabama Library Association Annual Conference 2006
SAILS Data Reports
Results reported at two levels of specificity:
--4 ACRL Info Lit Competency Standards
--12 skill sets (derived from ACRL’s Objectives for
Information Literacy Instruction)
Measures the performance of groups, not individuals
Test questions plotted according to difficulty level
April 27, 2006
AACRL/CUS Best Practices
Alabama Library Association Annual Conference 2006
What we learned from the SAILS data….
On all standards and skill sets, the average student
at Samford and Auburn scored at about the same
level as the average student from all participating
Both Samford & Auburn focused on person-item
maps for the 12 skill sets to identify areas of
strength and weakness in students’ performance.
April 27, 2006
AACRL/CUS Best Practices
Alabama Library Association Annual Conference 2006
April 27, 2006
AACRL/CUS Best Practices
Alabama Library Association Annual Conference 2006
A Difficult Question for Our Students
If you have a research paper due, and the course instructor has not
advised you to use a particular citation style, which of the
following is the best thing to do?
􀀻 Select a citation style and use it consistently.
􀀻 Use various citations styles based on the type of resource.
􀀻 Use your own citation style and use it consistently.
􀀻 You should always use APA if no other style is requested.
􀀻 You should always use MLA if no other style is requested.
April 27, 2006
AACRL/CUS Best Practices
Alabama Library Association Annual Conference 2006
What the numbers don’t tell us….
The national “benchmarks” associated with standards and skill sets do
not indicate “mastery” of information literacy
Scores are not based on success in actually performing tasks
associated with learning outcomes (although they are intended to be
predictors of success).
Samford & Auburn’s test results do not track development of cohort
groups (no longitudinal studies were conducted).
There’s still a lot we don’t know about cohort groups that we’re
-- E.g.: Did test takers receive library instruction?
-- E.g.: How much (and what kind of) instruction in research
skills did students receive in other classes?
April 27, 2006
AACRL/CUS Best Practices
Alabama Library Association Annual Conference 2006
What we learned about doing assessment
Sharing resources and expertise with other campus groups charged
with programmatic assessment is a key to success.
Programmatic assessment involves a serious commitment of time and
money. Support must come, not only from individual faculty members
and departments, but also from university administration.
Assessment can be done without a standardized tool. In all likelihood,
we need a variety of different assessment tools.
--E.g. Pre- and post- tests that address specific learning
April 27, 2006
AACRL/CUS Best Practices
Alabama Library Association Annual Conference 2006