Unit 5: International Business Delivered by Mr. Miah Start to P1 • Subtitle: Explain why two businesses operate in contrasting international markets • International business holds exciting and lucrative opportunities for the right businesses looking to venture globally. • For P1, you must select two separate businesses in different industries. • You must then explain why these two different businesses operate internationally. • To explain, the reason why, use the case study on the Weebly webpage to identify five benefits for each business. • You must include the different international markets the two businesses operate in when explaining the benefits. Start to P2 • Subtitle: Explain the types of finance available for international business • For international businesses there are different types of finance available. • For P2, you must research the three different types of finance: – Helping exporters win contracts – Helping exporters fulfil contracts – Helping exporters get paid • Use the link below to help in your research: www.gov.uk/government/organisations/uk-export-finance • Lastly, on the above link, you must include case study examples in your explanations of each type by clicking onto the ‘find out more…’ on the website. Start to M1 • Subtitle: Analyse the support that is available to contrasting businesses that operate internationally • As part of P2 you explained the different types of support available to different businesses that operate internationally. • You must now analyse the different types of finance available, aiming to identify whether the finance has helped businesses or has not helped businesses, clearly explaining why and how. • You must use case study examples from the government website used in P2 to build strong analysis. Start to P3 • Subtitle: Explain the main features of globalisation that affect two contrasting businesses • For P3 you are required to undertake research to fulfil the coursework tasks • Define, describe and give examples of the concept of Globalisation • Describe the following main features of Globalisation: – – – – – – Trading blocs International mobility of labour and capital International currencies Multinational corporations International business communications International payment systems • Then apply and explain two business examples for each feature of Globalisation Start to P4 • Subtitle: Explore the role of trading blocs on international trade Start to M2 • Subtitle: Analyse the barriers to two contrasting businesses of operating internationally Start to D1 • Subtitle: Evaluate the impact of globalisation on a business
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