dcccd excellence award award guidelines for jean sharon griffith

DCCCD EXCELLENCE AWARD AWARD GUIDELINES FOR JEAN SHARON GRIFFITH STUDENT DEVELOPMENT LEADERSHIP AWARD Purpose of the award The district‐wide award for student service excellence, renamed the “Jean Sharon Griffith Student Development Leadership Award” after the untimely death of Sharon Griffith in 1987, recognizes a person who or a team which exemplifies the personal characteristics, exhibits the leadership qualities, and makes the kinds of significant contributions to the development of students and student success that Sharon did. In addition, the award recognizes those individuals or groups who will “tell the truth” in spite of the consequences while remembering that we must also “warm the hearts” of our students and colleagues. Eligibility for nomination DCCCD employees and/or teams are eligible for nomination for this award. Previous award winners may be re‐nominated each year but a new nomination form must be completed. Location Committee The location committee will be appointed by the location Appointment and Responsibilities cabinet member based on location‐specific protocol. information Award Nomination Process The location awards coordinators will distribute guidelines to all employees at their location calling for open nominations and distributing the selection criteria in accordance with location‐specific deadlines. Please refer to the District Awards website for awards coordinators at each location. The Jean Sharon Griffin Student Development Leadership Award recipient may be an individual or a team. If the location award recipient is a team, the nomination form must designate the name of a single individual to represent the team and also provide a listing of all team members to be recognized. 1 Approved by Chancellor’s Executive Staff, June 2012| DCCCD
Location Selection Process From nominations received, the location selection committee will determine the location winner using the established criteria as follows: 
Leadership‐‐(Max. points =50) Contributions to student Development and Success‐‐(Max. points=25) Service as a Role Model/Mentor‐‐(Max. points=10) Contributions to the Student Services Profession‐‐(Max. point=10) Initiative and/or Risk Taking‐‐(Max. points=10) Note: The location selection committee will review and rank all nominations that meet the eligibility requirements. The nominee (or team) with the most total points is selected as the location Jean Sharon Griffith Student Leadership Development Award recipient. Merit of Nominations Disclaimer To maintain the merit of this award and the district‐wide awards processes, if a location President determines that nominations received do not exceptionally exhibit the criteria of the award, no nomination from that location will be submitted to the District Office for consideration of the District‐wide award for the category. Locations are not bound to submit nominations if none are received that strongly reflect the required criteria. Official Award Nomination Criteria Calling for Nominations  All nominations must be submitted on an Official Nomination form.  All nominations must be typed—no exceptions.  All nominations must adhere to the space/word limitations where specified—no attachments, no exceptions.  Multiple nominations of same individual will be returned with a request that group nominations be developed that represents the best traits and qualities of the person being nominated.  Previous award winners may be re‐nominated each year but a new nomination form must be completed.  There are no exceptions to the guidelines listed above. Forms that do not meet these specifications will be returned to the sender (by the location award coordinator) for revision (time permitting) or will be disqualified. Information regarding the process for submission of materials for the District‐wide Award and the Selection of the Each location award coordinator will provide to the District Office a confidential copy of the location’s awardee materials/paperwork to distribute for consideration of the District‐wide award for that category. 2 Approved by Chancellor’s Executive Staff, June 2012| DCCCD
District‐wide Award Winner A sub‐committee representative of DCCCD faculty, staff and administration as determined by the Chancellor’s Staff will be identified and charged with the duty to review location nominations for a particular category and using the district‐wide selection criteria, this group will select, by ranking, the recipient for the award category. The District Office awards staff will serve as liaison to the subcommittee to provide administrative services such as copies of nomination forms, ranking criteria, etc. Confidentiality—The DCCCD awards selection processes is classified as confidential processes. The location selection committee and the district‐wide selection committees are expected to maintain the strictest confidentiality of all award winner names and information. Award Prize and Recognition Each of the location Jean Sharon Griffith Student Development Leadership Award recipient (or team) and also the District‐wide recipient (or team) will be recognized at a reception to be held in August. The logistics of this event will be posted on the Awards web page in June of each year. Certificates, Plaques & Monetary awards: Each location award recipient in the Jean Sharon Griffith Student Development Leadership Award category will receive a location‐based type of memento to commemorate their selection; in addition a certificate from the District Office will be presented to each awardee (or team member). Each location awardee will also receive a monetary award of $1000 in restricted monies from the respective location budget. One District‐wide Awardee will receive a $500 check from the Chancellor’s Fund of the DCCCD Foundation. If a team is selected as the District‐wide awardee, this amount is evenly distributed between the team memberships. The District‐wide awardee will also receive a plaque from the District Office commemorating their selection as the district‐wide awardee. 3 Approved by Chancellor’s Executive Staff, June 2012| DCCCD