Business computing

Business computing
Session 7
Excel, Links, Graphics, Goal seeking
Today’s topics
Goal seeking
P&L of a small shop
• Enter sales (per quarter)
• Purchases
• Etc.
• To have real numbers go to
• And enter the name and address of a shop
you know
• In an Excel sheet some data are « hard data »
and some data displayed are actually the result
of formulas
Plain pasting
• No change in Word when we change the table in Excel
Special pasting with a link
• When we change the table in Excel, this entails an
change into Word
• Within Excel it is a good idea to perform frequent
checks of our formulas
The concept of dynamic link
• We prepare a table into Excel and paste it
dynamically into Word
– Excel is the « computing » software
– Word is the « display » software
• The same applies to dynamic Web pages
– The Camif catalog in the Web displays price data
extracted from a database
– They are displayed into HTML pages
• This applies to mail order firms.
The concept of dynamic link (2)
• The Camif main page does not have the
HTML suffix but the ASP suffix (Active
server page)
• When we call we
actually obtain the display on our
computer screen of a page constructed at
the time of our request (just like the word
page we created a minute ago)
The concept of dynamic link (3)
• The idea of separating data creation and data
display is very important in the computer
• All mail order firm Web sites display pages
created « on demand » from commercial data
contained in databases
• HTML itself is an old language that mixes up
data information and display information. It has
been replaced by XML that separates the two
Excel graphics
The goal seeking tool
• The standard situation
– An excel formula is a mathematical formula
– Usually of the form
– F(A,B,C) = a computation with A, B and C
– Excel computes for us F for a set of AB and C
we enter as operands
• Sometime we decide the F value we want
to reach and « adjust » B to reach that
The goal seeking tool (2)
• Example :
• F(A,B,C) = [ (1 + A)^B ] / (1 + C)
• If A=2, B=3, and C = 5, then F = 4,5
• If A =2, and C=5 and we want F to be
equal to 6,75 what should B be ?
The goal seeking tool (3)
• Example 2
• A corridor has a width we don’t know (and
we call w)
• A ladder of length 4 meters is put in the
corridor, and another one of 3 meters (in
the other direction)
• They cross 1 meter above the ground
• What is w ?