CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS Last update: Dec. 5, 2016 Maintained by To submit a record, please label the record with the appropriate category number, along with properly spelled name, name of school and some form of substantiation (i.e., a copy of the scorebook, newspaper article, etc.). Submit records to: [email protected] CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS TEAMONFERENCE CHAMPIONS TEAM: ALL-TIME STATE CHAMPIONS * Indicates co-champions 1. Limon 2. Fort Collins 3. Burlington Revere 5. Cherry Creek 6. Idalia Merino Mullen 9. Haxtun Lakewood Palisade Wheat Ridge Valor Christian 14. Akron Hugo Longmont Loveland Pueblo Central Strasburg Stratton La Junta 20. Columbine Florence Palmer Simla Salida Trinidad Walsh Brush 1933, 38, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64*, 65, 66, 67, 68, 76, 78, 79, 2003, 04, 05 1922, 23, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, 41, 45, 50, 52, 53 1940, 45*, 46, 47, 76, 95, 97, 98, 2001, 10, 11 1956, 62, 66, 67, 69, 89, 90, 91, 94, 96, 97 1982, 83, 86, 90, 91, 94, 95, 96, 2014 1998, 2000, 01, 03, 05, 06, 09, 10 1972, 77, 98, 99, 2003, 05, 07, 09 1978, 79*, 80, 98, 2004, 08, 09, 10 1975, 81, 89, 90, 91, 2000, 04 1943, 44, 46, 60, 64, 68, 85 1958, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 2003 1966, 67, 73, 94, 96, 2006, 08 2009, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16 1985, 2001, 02, 06, 07, 08 64, 65, 68, 69, 70, 71 1940*, 1954, 55, 89, 90, 91 1939, 42, 82, 85, 2000, 03 1928, 38, 44, 47, 61, 65 1992, 93, 94, 95, 97, 2002 1992, 93, 94, 95, 97, 2002 1925, 47, 48, 51, 58, 2016 1999, 2000, 02, 06, 11 1957, 83, 2002, 05, 11 1921, 23, 29, 48, 56 1980, 81, 82, 84, 85 1933, 34, 35, 71, 74 1956, 57, 88, 89, 91 1970, 71, 72, 88, 2001 1982, 84, 92, 94, 2014 17* 12* 11* 11 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1963-68 2009-13 1968-71 1992-94 1994-97 1921-23 1933-35 1935-37 1945-47 1959-61 1970-72 1980-82 1986-88 1989-91 1989-91 1994-96 1989-91 2006-08 2008-10 6 5 4 4 4 3* 3 3 3* 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2003-06 1992-96 2006-09 1988-92 1958-62 1933-36 2001-03 50 48 46 45 42 39 38 CONSECTUIVE STATE TITLES * Indicates co-champions 1. Limon 2. Valor Christian 3. Hugo Stratton Palisade 6. Fort Collins Salida Englewood Burlington Limon Walsh Simla Arickaree Haxtun Revere Cherry Creek Longmont Akron Mullen CONSECUTIVE WINS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Limon Stratton Akron Longmont Limon Salida Akron CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS 8. 9. Palisade Haxtun Simla 11. Mullen 1994-96 1989-92 1984-87 2008-11 37 35 35 34 2003-06 1992-96 2006-08 1964-68 1965-68 1958-62 1933-36 1935-38 2001-03 1994-96 50 48 46 44 43 42 39 38 38 37 1990-97 -2010 66 53 1933, 38, 59, 60, 61, 63, 66, 67, 68, 2003, 04, 05 (includes 1 tie) 1986-1991, 2012 1904-08, 1960 1933-35, 1971, 1974 1980-85 1998, 2000, 01, 05, 06 2001, 02, 06, 07, 08 1975, 81, 90, 91 1966, 67, 90, 91 1982, 83, 86, 96 1960, 64, 68 1935-37 1975, 81, 90 1986, 91, 92 1964, 54, 69 1963, 64, 67 1993, 94, 95 12 7 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1904-08 1986-91 1959-61; 66-68; 2003-05 1933-35 1980-82 1935-37 1993-95 2006-08 1964-65 1963-64 1966-67, 90-91 1975-76 1971-72 1982-83 1990-91 1991-92 2000-01 2001-02 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1985-2003 1955-68 1973-87 1978 1957-68 1975-87 216 167 148 137 136 133 CONSECUTIVE WINS WITHOUT A LOSS (INCLUDES TIES) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Limon Stratton Akron Mullen Limon Limon Salida Englewood Akron 10. Palisade CONSECUTIVE REGULAR SEASON WINS 1. 2. West Grand Faith Christian UNBEATEN SEASONS 1. 2. 3. 4. Limon Kent Denver Delta Salida Simla Idalia Akron 8. Haxtun Revere Cherry Creek 11. Lakewood Loveland Englewood Haxtun Fowler Hugo Julesburg Stratton CONSECUTIVE UNBEATEN SEASONS 1. 3. 9. Delta Kent Denver Limon Salida Simla Englewood Stratton Akron Hugo Julesburg Revere Flagler Walsh Cherry Creek Haxtun Fowler Idalia Akron CONSECUTIVE GAMES SCORING A POINT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Alamosa Lakewood Simla Cherry Creek Limon Thomas Jefferson CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS 7. 8. 9. 10. Grand Junction Stratton La Junta Trinidad 1955-65 1946-54 1987-91 105 88 84 65 1933 1970 1952 1971 1939 1937 1989-90 2010 1978 1946 2004 2008 13 11 10 10 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 1904-2015 1892-2016* 1905-2016* 1904-78 1959-2016* 1936-2016* 1964-2016* 1964-2012 1983-2016* 125 116 108 75 58 56 53 48 40 1892-2016* 1904-2015 1905-2016* 1936-2016* 1904-78 1956-2016* 1964-2016* 1964-2012 1983-2016 124 111 111 80 74 60 52 48 33 2012 1930 2014 1968 2005 2010 2015 2014 2005 1961 1996 2006 2013 2006 752 748 747 722 706 705 697 675 671 667 664 662 660 649 1930 2005 2012 2014 68.0 64.18 62.67 62.25 CONSECUTIVE SHUTOUTS 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 9. Grand Junction La Junta Holyoke Walsh Eads Holyoke Strasburg Kent Denver Valley Delta Limon Heritage LONGEST RIVALRY Games 1. Montrose vs. Delta (65-56-4) 2. Pueblo Central vs. Pueblo Centennial (56-51-9) 3. La Junta vs. Lamar (58-49-1) 4. Delta vs. Grand Junction 5. Pueblo South vs. Pueblo East (39-18-1) 6. Mullen vs. Regis Jesuit (29-24-3) 5. Fairview vs. Boulder (33-20-0) 6. Mitchell vs. Wasson (25-23-0) 7. Mullen vs. Cherry Creek (22-20-0) OLDEST RIVLARY Years 1. Pueblo Centennial vs. Pueblo Central 2. Delta vs. Montrose La Junta vs. Trinidad 4. Regis Jesuit vs. Mullen 5. Delta vs. Grand Junction 6. Pueblo East vs. Pueblo South 7. Fairview vs. Boulder 8. Mitchell vs. Wasson 9. Mullen vs. Cherry Creek TEAM: SEASON POINTS SCORED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Fleming Hugo Arickaree/Woodlin Limon Woodlin Hoehne Sedgwick County Eads Idalia Limon Revere Idalia Valor Christian Alamosa SCORING AVERAGE 1. 2. 3. 4. Hugo Woodlin Fleming Arickaree/Woodlin CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Limon Revere Idalia Arickaree Idalia Hayden Eads Idalia Idalia 1968 1996 2006 1986 2001 1975 2014 2005 1995 60.16 60.3 60.18 58.4 58.0 56.9 56.25 55.9 55.0 2014 1930 2015 2005 2012 2015 2010 2014 2013 1996 2006 2010 2015 2011 2015 111 105 102 101 101 97 95 95 94 92 92 90 90 88 88 1996 2002 1992 1991 2012 2015 2008 1995 2010 1993 2016 1995 1989 5,852 5,506 5,086 5,014 5,012 4,836 4,830 4,749 4,738 4,729 4,671 4,670 4,618 2010 1995 2002 1951 1991 2016 2008 1975 1986 2012 2015 1985 1999 2015 2016 81 72 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 66 66 64 64 64 62 2011 2014 2006 2015 2013 2015 2002 2014 1996 4,300 4,129 4,180 4,140 4,005 3,981 3,977 3,692 3,412 TOUCHDOWNS 1. 2. 3. 4. Arickaree/Woodlin Hugo Arickaree/Woodlin Woodlin Fleming 6. Sedgwick County 7. Hoehne Lutheran 9. Valor Christian 10. Revere Alamosa 12. Elizabeth Buena Vista 14. Valor Christian Fleming RUSHING YARDS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Palisade Columbine Cedaredge Trinidad Rifle Roosevelt Platte Canyon Palisade Hoehne Cedaredge Bennett Stratton Trinidad RUSHING TDs 1. 2. Hoehne Stratton Columbine 4. La Junta 5. Trinidad 6. Bennett 7. Platte Canyon 8. Hayden 9. Fowler Rifle Roosevelt 12. Cherry Creek Fowler Buena Vista 15. Strasburg PASSING YARDS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. D'Evelyn Fairview Alamosa Holy Family Fairview D'Evelyn Fairview Air Academy Arvada West CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Grand Junction Valor Christian Mountain Vista Holy Family D'Evelyn Palmer Ridge 1988 2016 2016 2014 2006 2015 3,372 3,359 3,296 3,246 3,225 3,207 2006 2011 2015 1988 2016 2014 2015 2016 2009 1990 1982 2005 2015 1989 1991 1996 2014 2016 52 48 46 44 42 41 41 41 40 39 39 39 39 38 38 38 38 38 2002 2014 2014 2013 2016 2011 2016 2005 2015 2015 2016 2015 1982 2015 2015 497 486 461 435 410 409 397 396 395 391 388 387 384 384 378 2014 2002 2013 2015 2014 2016 2011 2015 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 1988 2015 311 295 291 277 264 258 257 251 233 228 222 222 221 214 212 212 2015 2016 2012 2014 2015 6,007 5,921 5,917 5,911 5,905 PASSING TDs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Alamosa D'Evelyn Holy Family Grand Junction Vista PEAK Fairview Vista Ridge Fairview 9. Golden 10. Montrose Simla Idalia D'Evelyn 14. Pawnee-Briggsdale McClave Revere Air Academy Valor Christian PASSES ATTEMPTED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Fairview Air Academy Fairview Fairview Fairview D'Evelyn Mountan Vista D'Evelyn Mountain Vista Fairview Valor Christian Holy Family Gunnison Air Academy 15. D'Evelyn PASSES COMPLETED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Fairview Fairview Fairview D'Evelyn Air Academy Valor Christian D'Evelyn Holy Family Fairview Mountain Vista Valor Christian Lutheran 13. Vista Ridge 14. Fairview 15. Grand Junction Air Academy TOTAL OFFENSE Note: Category started after 2016 season 1. Holy Family 2. Valor Christian 3. Pueblo West 4. Pine Creek 5. Roosevelt CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Rifle Silver Creek Mead Fairview Grand Junction Holy Family Valor Christian Valor Christian D’Evelyn Montrose 2012 2011 2016 2014 2011 2014 2013 2010 2008 2013 5,899 5,880 5,813 5,810 5,792 5,758 5,752 5,748 5,742 5,728 2006 2002 2004 1976 2007 2012 2008 2008 2009 2010 2010 2016 1992 2008 2013 2013 2014 2015 19 16 15 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 1936 1968 1970 1937 1952 1971 1992 1978 1972 1978 1980 1990 1990 2008 2010 13 11 11 11 10 10 9 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1936 1937 1940 1946 1938 1938 1926 1922 1952 1926 0 0 12 13 13 18 18 18 19 21 2014 2007 2011 2009 2008 2014 2015 2007 60 59.5 58 57 55 55 55 54 FIELD GOALS 1. 2. 3. 4. Fort Collins Fairview Regis Jesuit Arvada Heritage Silver Creek 5. Cherry Creek Denver East Arvada West Ponderosa Cherokee Trail The Classical Academy 11. Overland Niwot Fairview Douglas County Evergreen Evergreen SHUTOUTS 1. 2. 5. 7. 8. 9. Grand Junction La Junta La Junta Englewood Holyoke Walsh Fowler Valley Sheridan Cherry Creek Cherry Creek Kent Denver Strasburg Heritage Kent Denver FEWEST POINTS ALLOWED 1. Grand Junction Englewood 3. Gunnison 4. Delta Gunnison 6. Loveland Loveland Loveland 9. Holyoke 10. La Junta SACKS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. Discovery Canyon Falcon Windsor Pine Creek D'Evelyn Windsor Cherokee Trail Greeley Central CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS 9. 10. 11. 12. Grandview D'Evelyn Platte Valley Grandview Bayfield 14. Pueblo Centennial 15. Fowler 2014 2008 2009 2011 2016 1999 1991 52.5 51.5 51 50 50 49.5 49 2005 1992 1992 2010 61 55 53 52 1992 1999 2008 2012 2007 2005 1995 2015 2012 2015 2012 2014 2015 2016 1984 1996 2008 2009 2012 2013 2014 35 35 34 33 32 32 31 29 27 27 25 25 25 25 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 1930 10/14/05 10/14/16 9/13/96 11/9/96 10/23/92 10/04/02 10/22/93 1922 10/16/14 10/3/14 10/16/87 10/21/05 182 163 158 153 148 148 147 146 143 142 139 138 135 9/18/09 2010 9/22/89 19/7/16 9/26/14 9/19/15 9/16/05 9/26/97 10/14/05 9/12/08 10/2/14 53 53 49 48 47 46 45 44 44 44 43 TOTAL TURNOVERS FORCED 1. 2. 3. 4. Kent Denver Pomona Pueblo Centennial Elizabeth INTERCEPTIONS 1. Pueblo Centennial Dolores County 3. Lewis-Palmer 4. Buena Vista 5. Heritage Kent Denver 7. Bayfield 8. Buena Vista 9. Silver Creek Kent Denver 11. Platte Valley Pueblo East Windsor Platte Valley 15. Northglenn Dolores County Akron Delta Vista Ridge Montezuma-Cortez Montezuma-Cortez TEAM: GAME POINTS SCORED BY TWO TEAMS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Hugo 176, Vona 6 Woodlin 94, Pawnee 69 Briggsdale 83, Longmont Christian 75 Revere 86, Fleming 67 Revere 84, Arickaree 64 Hi-Plains 97, Liberty 51 Idalia 96, Herndon (Kan.) 51 Trinidad Cath. 90, Aguilar 56 Gunnison 143, Salida 0 Palmer Ridge 88, Air Academy 54 Cotopaxi 83, Antonito 56 Plainview 82, Idalia 56 Idalia 81, Woodlin 54 MOST POINTS IN A QUARTER 1. Montrose (vs. Adams City) Hoehne (vs. Manzanola) 3. Pawnee/Briggsdale (vs. Fleming) 4. Hi-Plains/Flagler (vs. Arickaree/Woodlin) 5. Resurrection Christian (vs. Lyons) 6. Vail Christian (vs. Nederland) 7. Woodlin (vs. Arickaree) 8. Dolores County (vs. Shiprock, NM) Woodlin (vs. Pawnee) Dove Creek (vs. Ignacio) 11. Resurrection Christian (vs. Clear Creek) CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS 12. Heritage (vs. Denver West) Valor Christian (vs. Legend) 14. Lutheran Parker (vs. Nederland) Rifle (vs. Moffat County) 2008 11/3/11 9/11/10 8/22/14 42 42 41 41 9/22/89 10/7/16 10/14/05 9/17/04 10/16/14 9/19/14 10/14/16 71 64 56 56 56 49 46 2010 2010 9/16/05 10/16/14 9/22/89 2006 10/7/16 9/11/10 10/3/08 10/18/02 2002 10/14/05 75 71 66 66 65 64 64 62 60 59 58 58 10/18/46 10/6/90 1963 9/19/14 10/16/15 10/14/16 10/7/11 9/9/88 10/10/14 9/11/15 9/13/85 10/12/12 1979 11/21/92 10/14/88 1992 712 707 650 628 627 609 607 601 592 576 571 571 567 556 555 555 10/14/16 1930 10/1/10 10/14/16 9/14/04 9/15/14 10/3/14 9/18/15 10/3/15 10/9/15 10/16/15 14 12 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9/19/98 10/25/14 11/11/16 9/21/12 1971 9/8/16 10/28/16 10/23/14 73 71 67 66 63 61 58 57 MOST POINTS IN A QUARTER, TWO TEAMS 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. Pawnee-Briggsdale vs. Fleming Hi-Plains/Flagler (48) vs. Arickaree/Woodlin (16) Woodlin (44) vs. Pawnee (12) Woodlin (28) vs. Bethune (28) Palmer Ridge (29) vs. Air Academy (27) Sand Creek (28) vs. Air Academy (21) Longmont Christian (29) vs. Briggsdale (19) MOST POINTS IN A HALF 1. 2. 3. 3. 5. 6. Hoehne (vs. Manzanola) Elizabeth (vs. Jefferson) Woodlin (vs. Arickaree) Palmer Ridge (vs. Air Academy) Pawnee-Briggsdale (vs. Fleming) Alamosa (vs. Ridge View) Hi-Plains/Flagler (vs. Arickaree/Woodlin) 8. Lutheran Parker (vs. Nederland) 9. D'Evelyn (vs. Evergreen) 10. Woodlin (vs. Arickaree) 11. Idalia (vs. Herndon, KS) Woodlin (vs. Pawnee) RUSHING YARDS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. La Junta (vs. Manzanola) Byers (vs. Mountain States) Lakewood Sand Creek (vs. Air Academy) Roosevelt (vs. Holy Family) Briggsdale (vs. Longmont Christian) Rifle (vs. Steamboat Springs) Fountain-Ft. Carson (vs. Valley) Rampart (vs. Air Academy) Discovery Canyon (vs. Holy Family) Battle Mountain (vs. Meeker) Thornton (vs. Northglenn) 13. Broomfield 14. Stratton (vs. Flagler) 15. Stratton (vs. Holly) Burlington (vs. Frederick) RUSHING TDs 1. 2. 3. 5. Briggsdale (vs. Longmont Christian) Hugo Hoehne (vs. Cornerstone Baptist) Bennett (vs. Front Range Christian) Colorado Deaf & Blind Sand Creek (vs. Air Academy) Cotopaxi (vs. Antonito) Fleming (vs. Pawnee) Briggsdale (vs. North Park) Lewis-Palmer (vs. Canon City) Roosevelt (vs. Holy Family) PASSES ATTEMPTED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Pueblo Central (vs. Mullen) Longmont Christian (vs. Justice) Fairview (vs. Regis Jesuit) Fairview (vs. Lakewood) Nederland Mountain Vista (vs. Rangeview) Mountain Vista (vs. Cherokee Trail) Fairview (vs. Legacy) CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS D'Evelyn (vs. Lewis-Palmer) 10. Gateway (vs. Aurora Central) Mountain Vista (vs. Regis Jesuit) 12. Fairview (vs. Overland) Fairview (vs. Overland) Fairview (vs. Rangeview) 15. Air Academy (vs. Sand Creek) Pueblo South (vs. P. Central) 10/3/15 1991 9/30/16 10/25/02 11/15/02 9/14/12 9/19/14 1972 57 56 56 55 55 55 54 54 10/14/16 9/4/15 10/3/15 9/19/14 10/26/14 10/16/15 11/1/13 9/26/14 10/3/14 9/10/11 9/22/16 10/19/12 8/30/14 9/30/16 10/25/14 11/3/16 706 607 597 589 572 563 560 535 530 523 521 512 510 507 505 505 9/12/14 10/14/16 1985 9/6/08 11/1/13 1949 1970 1982 1986 10/21/89 9/13/91 11/6/09 10/22/11 9/19/14 10/25/14 9/11/15 9/22/16 11/4/16 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 11/9/96 11/1/13 1986 1990 1997 10/14/05 10/22/11 10/16/14 1970 10/21/89 10/8/94 9/6/08 11/21/09 2012 1974 1982 11/17/90 9/13/91 11/5/05 12 12 11 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 9/13/96 1,322 PASSING YARDS 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Longmont Christian (vs. Longmont Christian) Holy Family (vs. Mountain View) D'Evelyn (vs. Lewis-Palmer) Air Academy (vs. Sand Creek) Fairview (vs. Legacy) Holy Family (vs. Roosevelt) Poudre (vs. Brighton) D'Evelyn D'Evelyn (vs. Conifer) D'Evelyn Vista PEAK (vs. Gateway) Northglenn (vs. Brighton) Fairview (at Grand Junction) Mountain Vista (vs. Regis Jesuit) Longmont Christian (vs. Justice) Mountain Vista (vs. Rock Canyon) PASSING TDs 1. 3. 6. Cheraw (vs. Manzanola) Longmont Christian (vs. Briggsdale) Kit Carson (vs. Woodlin) Ellicott (vs. Dolores Huerta) Poudre (vs. Brighton) Fort Collins Julesburg (vs. University) Simla (vs. Calhan) Arickaree (vs. Pawnee) Pawnee-Briggsdale (vs. Peetz) McClave (vs. Miami/Yoder) Golden (vs. D West) Ellicott (vs. Calhan) Air Academy (vs. Sand Creek) Longmont Christian (vs. Justice) Holy Family (vs. Discovery Canyon) Vista PEAK (vs. Gateway) Fairview (vs. Mountain Range) PASSING TDs, TWO TEAMS 1. Revere (6) vs. Arickaree (6) Poudre (8) vs. Brighton (4) 3. Arickaree (4) vs. Pawnee (4) 4. Sheridan (5) vs. Denver West (5) Walsh (6) vs. Holly (4) Woodlin (6) vs. Pawnee (4) Ellicott (7) vs. Calhan (3) Air Academy (6) vs. Palmer Ridge (4) 9. Julesburg (7) vs. University (2) Pawnee-Briggsdale vs. Peetz Idalia (3) vs. Arickaree (6) Ellicott vs. Dolores Huerta Valor Christian (6) vs. Glenwood (3) Northglenn (6) vs. Brighton (3) 15. Lutheran (6) vs. Middle Park (2) Simla (7) vs. Calhan (1) Revere vs. Pawnee-Briggsdale McClave (7) vs. Miami/Yoder (1) Woodlin (5) vs. Kit Carson (3) TOTAL OFFENSE 1. Revere (vs. Fleming) CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Plainview (vs. Idalia) Idalia (vs. Arickaree) South Park Palmer Ridge (vs. Air Academy) Longmont Christian (vs. Briggsdale) Sand Creek (vs. Air Academy) Arvada West (vs. Legacy) Sargent (vs. Dove Creek) Holy Family (vs. Roosevelt) Walsh (vs. Holly) Longmont Christian (vs. Mountain Valley) Sedgwick County (vs. Haxtun) Holy Family (vs. Palisade) 15. Poudre (vs. Brighton) 16. Woodlin (vs. Pawnee) Woodlin (vs. Idalia) Air Academy (vs. Sand Creek) 1987 10/8/94 1986 10/16/14 10/14/16 9/19/14 10/17/02 10/16/14 10/16/15 1997 10/21/16 9/26/14 9/2/16 11/1/13 10/14/05 10/21/05 9/19/14 1,077 859 849 816 798 785 746 736 735 734 731 729 729 728 724 724 724 9/19/14 10/14/16 10/16/14 10/16/15 10/21/05 10/16/14 10/19/12 10/12/12 10/14/05 10/16/15 11/5/99 10/12/90 9/6/97 9/11/15 10/9/15 1,509 1,432 1,362 1,362 1,353 1,296 1,285 1,276 1,253 1,243 1,151 1,130 1,123 1,202 1,184 10/13/95 9/23/11 9/14/96 10/1/94 9/18/04 10/21/16 1989 2009 9/26/92 9/15/07 -66 -51 -48 -45 -45 -36 -32 -24 -23 -14 11/17/94 1994 1984 9/12/92 2008 9/16/16 1985 1974 9/2/16 9/9/16 11/5/16 11/19/16 11/26/16 1999 1972 2007 9/13/14 11/14/14 10/1/15 12 12 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 TOTAL OFFENSE, TWO TEAMS 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Sand Creek (785) vs. Air Academy (724) Longmont Christian (798) vs. Briggsdale (634) Palmer Ridge (816) vs. Air Academy (546) Holy Family (735) vs. Roosevelt (627) Woodlin (724) vs. Idalia (629) Sargent (736) vs. Dove Creek (560) Brighton (695) vs. Northglenn (590) Thornton (716) vs. Northglenn (570) Woodlin (724) vs. Pawnee (529) Holy Family (648) vs. Roosevelt (595) Pueblo Centennial (563) vs. Pueblo Central (588) Montrose vs. Aztec, NM Walsh vs. Trinidad Catholic Holy Family (626) vs. Discovery Canyon (576) Lewis-Palmer (665) vs. Canon City (519) FEWEST YARDS ALLOWED 1. 2. 3. 4. Burlington (vs. University) Dove Creek (vs. Plateau Valley) Dolores County (vs. Bloomfield, NM) Dolores County (vs. Whitehorse, UT) Dolores County (vs. Newcomb, NM) 6. Vista Ridge (vs. Littleton) 7. Alamosa (vs. Lake County) 8. Heritage (vs. Denver West) 9. Dolores County (vs. Monument Valley, UT) 10. Monarch (vs. Westminster) SACKS 1. Stratton (vs. Granada) Northglenn (vs. Fort Collins) 3. Alamosa (vs. Lake County) Gateway (vs. Chatfield) D'Evelyn (vs. Windsor) Fossil Ridge (vs. Poudre) 7. Pueblo Centennial (vs. Pueblo East) Northglenn (vs. Highland) Kent Denver (vs. Eagle Valley) Bayfield (vs. Aztec, NM) Bayfield (vs. Florence) Bayfield (vs. La Junta) Regis Jesuit (vs. Pomona) 14. Fountain-Fort Carson Northglenn (vs. La Junta) Heritage (vs. Highlands Ranch) Discovery Canyon (vs. The Classical Academy) Discovery Canyon (vs. Delta) Valor Christian (vs. Overland) INTERCEPTIONS CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS 1. 2. 3. Denver Christian (vs. Platte Canyon) Dolores County (vs. Nucla) Dolores County (vs. Nucla) Durango (vs. Pueblo Centrl) 10/82 10/25/96 10/23/99 10/22/16 11 8 7 7 2002-05 2010-13 1990-93 1996-99 1998-2001 2000-03 1986-89 2000-03 2012-15 1989-92 960 848 816 676 652 626 604 592 558 531 2002-05 2010-13 1990-93 2013-16 1996-99 2011-14 1998-2001 2000-03 1986-89 2012-15 2000-03 2009-12 1994-96 2007-10 160 141 136 120 110 108 106 99 96 92 90 84 83 83 1999-2003 1999-2002 1998-2001 2009-12 2011-14 2012-15 1984-87 1996-99 1996-99 2005-07 1970-72 2000-03 2002-05 1994-96 2010-12 8,248 7,802 7,474 7,043 6,702 6,675 6,667 6,441 6.419 6,277 6,202 6,159 6,151 6,121 6,079 2013-16 2005-07 2000-03 1998-2001 1949-52 2007-10 2010-12 1987-90 1976-78 1996-99 911 839 824 820 752 774 768 736 725 723 Player PLAYER: CAREER POINTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Harold Klausner, Woodlin Christian McCaffrey, Valor Christian Ryan Beckman, Idalia Wade Sumpter, Fowler Dusty Quick, Fort Morgan Kyle Bell, Weld Central Len Hoke, Dayspring Christian Myles Smith, Cheyenne Wells Taylor Waters, Paonia Dustin Ernst, Dolores County TOUCHDOWNS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Harold Klausner, Woodlin Christian McCaffrey, Valor Christian Ryan Beckman, Idalia Dylan McCaffrey, Valor Christian Wade Sumpter, Fowler Jaden Franklin, Kent Denver Dusty Quick, Fort Morgan Kyle Bell, Weld Central Len Hoke, Dayspring Christian Taylor Walters, Paonia Myles Smith, Cheyenne Wells Ryan Moeller, Rifle Darnell McDonald, Cherry Creek Adonis Ameen-Moore, Mullen RUSHING YARDS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Kyle Bell, Weld Central Lendale White, Chatfield Dusty Quick, Fort Morgan Ryan Moeller, Rifle Jaden Franklin, Kent Denver Taylor Waters, Paonia Cory Davis, South Park Wade Sumpter, Fowler Logan Briscoe, Cedaredge Mitch Johnson, Elizabeth Gary Washington, Colorado D & B Myles Smith, Cheyenne Wells Harold Klausner, Woodlin Darnell McDonald, Cherry Creek Derek Jackson, Pueblo West RUSHING ATTEMPTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Bryson Torres, Pueblo East Mitch Johnson, Elizabeth Myles Smith, Cheyenne Wells Dusty Quick, Fort Morgan Homer Jenkins, La Junta Adonis Ameen-Moore, Mullen Derek Jackson, Pueblo West Rhett Mason, Fowler Vincent White, Mullen Wade Sumpter, Fowler CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Taylor Walters, Paonia Jourdan Hottinger, Akron Ryan Moeller, Rifle Derek Fix, Wray Darnell McDonald, Cherry Creek 2012-15 2008-11 2009-12 1982-85 1994-96 711 707 697 686 669 1984-87 1970 1991-94 2007-10 1990-93 1968-69 1971 1972 1983-85 1972 1989-91 13.47 12.8 12.6 11.8 11.6 11.52 11.5 11.3 11.20 10.6 10.6 1997-2000 1992-95 2006-09 2003-06 2013-16 2012-15 1990-93 2012-15 2004-06 1994-97 2003-06 1995-97 1980-82 1,081 1,066 988 947 916 900 857 850 837 830 826 774 768 1992-95 2006-09 1997-2000 2013-16 1990-93 2012-15 2003-06 1983-86 1994-97 2012-15 2008-11 2004-06 2012-14 1980-82 701 694 607 583 571 570 532 523 516 473 471 469 465 457 YARDS PER CARRY Minimum: 200 attempts 1. Cory Davis, South Park 2. Bob Johnson, Wasson 3. Travis Lightle, Stratton 4. Cody Roberts, Hoehne 5. Ryan Beckman, Idalia 6. Rob Pearson, Hugo 7. John Rogers, Wasson 8. B.J. Raitz, Wasson 9. Mark Reinert, Eads 10. Mike Hartinger, Wasson Robert Johnson, Sierra PASSES ATTEMPTED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Justin Holland, Bear Creek Sean Davis, Bear Creek Zach Thenell, Bear Creek Clay Garcia, Alamosa Dylan McCaffrey, Valor Christian Elway Tubbs, Vista Ridge Ryan Clement, Mullen Cody Braesch, Berthoud Tyler Daniels, Ranum Steve Cutlip, Arvada West Mark Schaffer, D'Evelyn Brian Stout, Salida Barry Helton, Simla PASSES COMPLETED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Sean Davis, Bear Creek Zach Thenell, Bear Creek Justin Holland, Bear Creek Dylan McCaffrey, Valor Christian Ryan Clement, Mullen Elway Tubbs, Vista Ridge Clay Garcia, Alamosa Dave Garcia, Arickaree Steve Cutlip, Arvada West Owen Burke, D'Evelyn Caleb Flack, D'Evelyn Tyler Daniels, Ranum Johnny Feauto, Fairview Barry Helton, Simla PASS COMPLETION PERCENTAGE Minimum: 200 passes 1. Zach Thenell, Bear Creek 2. Jacob Knipp, Ralston Valley 3. Thom Thenell, Mullen 4. Bryan Coleman, Cotopaxi 5. Ryan Clement, Mullen 6. Caleb Flack, D'Evelyn 7. Sean Davis, Bear Creek 8. Caleb Fleck, D'Evelyn 9. Owen Burke, D'Evelyn 10. Dylan McCaffrey 11. Tom Atwood, Thornton 12. Elway Tubbs, Vista Ridge 13. Gavin Glanz, Arvada West PASSING YARDS 2006-09 2011-13 1978-79 1992-95 1990-93 2008-11 1992-95 2008-11 2012-15 2013-16 1986-88 2012-15 2007-09 70.243 (694/988) 70.172 (367/523) 68.5 67.0 66.6 66.2 65.8 65.7 65.546 (468/714) 63.646 (518/916) 63.6 63.333 (570/900) 63.2 (369/584) CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Justin Holland, Bear Creek Sean Davis, Bear Creek Zach Thenell, Bear Creek Ryan Clement, Mullen Clay Garcia, Alamosa Steve Cutlip, Arvada West Dylan McCaffrey, Valor Christian Caleb Fleck, D'Evelyn Barry Helton, Simla Dave Garcia, Arickaree 1997-2000 1992-95 2006-09 1990-93 2003-06 1994-97 2013-16 2008-11 1979-82 1983-86 10,565 9,482 9,286 9,273 8,606 8,307 8,023 7,818 7,631 7,471 1983-86 1997-2000 1980-82 2006-09 2003-06 2012-15 1989-92 1986-88 1989-91 2008-11 1992-95 2013-16 113 108 100 94 93 90 85 84 83 81 80 80 1983-86 2002-05 2013-16 1992-95 2003-06 1990-93 2003-06 2000-03 2012-15 1990-93 1994-97 2012-15 2011-13 11,604 11,514 9,900 9,401 9,335 9,273 9,254 9,050 8,620 8,575 8,474 8,445 8,326 1986-89 2011-13 2011-14 2009-11 1995-97 1992-95 2009-12 2006-09 1983-86 1978-81 2010-13 251 225 184 171 161 159 156 156 153 152 150 144 1986-89 2011-13 1979-82 2011-14 2009-11 2009-12 2014-16 2003-06 1995-97 1994-97 1986-89 2006-09 1983-86 3,900 3,831 3,819 3,523 3,185 3,132 2,805 2,786 2,770 2,733 2,721 2,682 2,567 PASSING TDs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Dave Garcia, Arickaree Justin Holland, Bear Creek Barry Helton, Simla Zach Thenell, Bear Creek Clay Garcia, Alamosa Elway Tubbs, Vista Ridge Tony McCaffrey, Hi-Plains Doug Musgrave, Grand Junction Paul Shoemaker, Longmont Caleb Fleck, D'Evelyn Sean Davis, Bear Creek Dylan McCaffrey, Valor Christian TOTAL OFFENSE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Dave Garcia, Arickaree Harold Klausner, Woodlin Dylan McCaffrey, Valor Christian Sean Davis, Bear Creek Clay Garcia, Alamosa Ryan Clement, Mullen Mark Schaffer, D'Evelyn Myles Smith, Cheyenne Wells Taylor Waters, Paonia Ryan Beckman, Idalia Steve Cutlip, Arvada West Keegan Wentz, Buena Vista David Sommers, Holy Family RECEIVING CATCHES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Ryan Lenderman, Grand Junction Sam Martin, Fairview Steve Puderbaugh, Nucla Josh Clausen, Lutheran Matt Menard, D'Evelyn Rodney Pierce, Grand Junction Central Jimmy Evans, Cotopaxi Connor Skelton, D'Evelyn 9. Connor Davis, D'Evelyn 10. Dan Rodwell, Arickaree 11. Mike Franek, Simla 12. Christian McCaffrey, Valor Christian RECEIVING YARDS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Ryan Lenderman, Grand Junction Sam Martin, Fairview Howard Tarpenning, Calhan/Simla Josh Clausen, Lutheran Matt Menard, D'Evelyn Connor Skelton, D'Evelyn Joe Golter, Holy Family Dustin Bolt, Alamosa Rodney Pierce, Central GJ Ryan Brown, West Grand Len Hoke, Dayspring Christian Connor Davis, D'Evelyn Dan Rodwell, Arickaree CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS RECEIVING TDs 1. 2. Ryan Lenderman, Grand Junction Christian McCaffrey, Valor Christian Ryan Brown, West Grand 4. Josh Clausen, Lutheran 5. Jason Robinson, Thompson Valley Len Hoke, Dayspring Christian 7. Joe Golter, Holy Family 8. Dan Rodwell, Arickaree Connor Skelton, D'Evelyn 11. Shane Opitz, Heritage Sam Martin, Fairview 13. Mike Franek, Simla Dustin Bolt, Alamosa Matt Menard, D'Evelyn 1986-89 2010-13 1994-97 2011-14 1986-89 1986-89 2014-16 1983-86 2009-12 2007-09 2011-13 1978-81 2003-06 2009-11 49 46 46 45 43 43 39 38 38 35 35 34 34 34 2001-04 1999-02 1989-92 2003-06 1999-2003 2014-16 2000-02 1997-2000 2005-07 2006-09 2014-15 1982-84 46 36 35 35 31 28 27 26 26 26 24 23 1990-92 2006-09 1999-02 2005-07 2013-15 2003-06 2006 2009 7 5 4 3 3 2 2 2 2001-04 1989-92 1999-02 2003-06 1,480 1,337 1,273 1,165 2008-11 2006-09 2005-07 1992-95 1999-02 1986-88 1989-92 2013-15 1999-2003 1966-70 1989-92 194 164 148 147 147 140 138 132 128 126 123 123 2013 1989-92 2008-11 1986-88 2009 1984-85 85 81 53 52 51 45 FIELD GOALS 1. 2. 3. Jim Parra, Regis Jesuit Kevin Eberhart, Broomfield Scott Bentley, Overland Philip Welch, Fort Collins 5. Dan Campbell, Legacy 6. Anders Carlson, The Classical Academy 7. Jessup Pfeifer, Northglenn 8. Shawn McHugh, Alamosa Kyle Major, Heritage Kip Smith, Legacy 11. Davis Price, Evergreen 12. Jeff Horning, Pomona 50+ YARD FIELD GOALS 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. Scott Bentley, Overland Kip Smith,Legacy Kevin Eberhart, Broomfield Kyle Major, Heritage Cooper Rothe, Longmont Philip Welch, Fort Collins Cody Harter, Smoky Hill Jacob Blythe, CS Christian COMBINED FIELD GOAL YARDS 1. 2. 3. 4. Jim Parra, Regis Jesuit Scott Bentley, Overland Kevin Eberhart, Broomfield Philip Welch, Fort Collins PATs KICKED 1. 2. 3. 4. Taylor Yancey, Valor Christian Kyle Petry, D'Evelyn Caleb Pevy, Mullen Scott Juengst, Windsor Kevin Eberhart, Broomfield 6. Richie Hahn, Grand Junction 7. Cory Wedel, Burlington 8. Cooper Rothe, Longmont 9. Dan Campbell, Legacy 10. Dan Harmon, Arvada West 11. Ken Shaw, Merino Scott Bentley, Overland CONSECUTIVE PATs KICKED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Paul Grizzle, Valor Christian Scott Bentley, Overland Alec Comito, D'Evelyn Jason Miller, Glenwood Springs Garrett Solomon, Heritage Lance Hale, Smoky Hill CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS Jim Parra, Regis Jesuit 8. Jason Robinson, Thompson Valley 9. Bob Walker, Grand Junction 10. Larson, Steamboat Springs 2001-05 1989 1936 45 43 42 40 2004-07 1999-02 2001-04 2008-11 1989-92 2006-09 2003-06 2013-15 2000-03 2006-09 2006-09 272 255 243 236 228 228 227 225 221 197 194 1989-90 1985-87 1983-86 1986-87 1999-03 1964 2003-06 2013-15 1986-88 1966-68 1986-88 1990-93 1998-2001 47 28 24 23 23 22 22 22 21 21 20 20 20 1989-92 1977-80 26 13 2006-09 2003-06 1987-90 1996-99 1989-92 1991-93 2003-06 1984-87 1983-86 1992 2010-13 603 582 477 461 455 455 449 434 433 432 426 2013-16 2000-01 2014-15 2009-12 2013-16 2000-03 2013-15 2005-08 2012-14 2012-14 1999 2012-14 2006-09 2013-16 2014-16 46 38 37 35 34.5 34 32 31.5 30 29.5 29 29 28 28 28 KICKING POINTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Caleb Pavy, Mullen Kevin Eberhart, Broomfield Jim Parra, Regis Jesuit Taylor Yancey, Valor Christian Scott Bentley, Overland Kyle Perry, D'Evelyn 7. Philip Welch, Fort Collins Cooper Rothe, Longmont 9. Dan Campbell, Legacy 10. Kip Smith, Legacy 11. Kyle Petry, D'Evelyn INTERCEPTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. Trivor Graf, Strasburg Jay Barry, Kent Denver Shannon Yates, Kent Denver Bobby Thomas, Sierra Kyle Payne, Miami-Yoder 6. Steve Bellar, La Junta Jason Espinoza, Alamosa Jarod Seery, Ellicott 9. Billy Gonzales, Thornton Paul Finney, Fairview 11. Joe Schoenbeck, Grand Junction E.J. Carpenter, Idalia Keith Pierce, Dolores County FUMBLE RECOVERIES 1. 2. Jarod Pachner, Woodlin Ken O'Neil, Fountain-Fort Carson TACKLES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Josiah Flack, D'Evelyn Sonny Yohn, Alamosa Josh Bloom, Alamosa Dallas Bowin, Akron Jarod Pachner, Woodlin Jason Pacheco, Pueblo Centennial 7. Matt Stasny, Dove Creek 8. David Martinez, Dolores County 9. Osvaldo Sotelo, Akron 10. Dustin Ernst, Dolores County 11. Andre Apodaca, Silver Creek SACKS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Corte Tapia, Windsor Calais Campbell, Denver South Jack Wibbels, Pine Creek Austin Balbin, D'Evelyn Jonathan Van Diest, Cherry Creek Myles Smith, Cheyenne Wells Cade Becker, Bennett Nick Kasa, Legacy Dylan Draper, Discovery Canyon Greysen Lincoln, Evergreen Ben Chapman, Pueblo Centennial Ben Burnett, Prairie View 13. Josiah Flack, D'Evelyn Manny Araujo, Northridge Josh Tellez, Pueblo East CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS KICKOFF RETURNS FOR A TOUCHDOWN 1. 2. 4. 7. 8. Tad Eurich, Simla Ryan Beckman, Idalia Jason Stahn, Woodlin Ronnie Hoefler, Simla Roman Hollowell, Mullen Harold Klausner, Woodlin David McCloughn, Loveland Mark Taylor, Evergreen Colin Barnacle, Kent Denver Ryan Beckman, Idalia 1994-96 1990-93 1992-94 1991-93 1994-95 2002-05 1984 1988-90 1990-92 1990-93 10 8 8 7 7 7 6 5 5 5 2004-06 2000-03 2005-08 1983-84 1984-85 1992-93 2007-09 1987-88 1990 1997 11 10 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 PUNT RETURNS FOR A TOUCHDOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 8. Matt Stasny, Dove Creek Aaron Lambertson, Akron Colten Huskey, Dove Creek Jeff Knabenshue, Smoky Hill David McCloughan, Loveland Brannen Betz, Northglenn Mitch Griebel, Heritage Scot McCloughan, Loveland Cid Tapia, Trinidad Rhett Nelson, Heritage Geoff Heller, Del Norte Christian McCaffrey, Valor Christian 2010-13 PUNT RETURN AVERAGE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Art Ohanian, Arvada West Matt Stasny, Dove Creek Rhett Nelson, Heritage Colten Huskey, Dove Creek Vance Ross, Mullen Christian McCaffrey, Valor Christian Mitch Griebel, Heritage D. J. Meis, Alamosa Roman Hollowell, Mullen Dan Gutrich, Kent Denver 1972-74 2003-06 1996-97 2005-08 2010-13 2007-09 2000 1994-96 1990 42.6 30.6 29.7 29.0 28.8 26.0 (22/571) 21.4 21.0 20.6 20.5 ALL-PURPOSE YARDS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Christian McCaffrey, Valor Christian Jaden Franklin, Kent Denver Taylor Walters, Paonia Rafe Hutches, Springfield RJ Ramirez, Prairie View Trey Zupancic, Rye Tate Kembel, Fort Morgan Mitch Griebel, Heritage Bryce Buhr, Crowley County 2010-13 2011-14 2012-15 2012-15 2011-14 2012-15 2014-16 2006-09 2012-15 8,839 8,562 7,023 6,815 6,717 6,413 6,060 5,913 5,873 2005 1996 1972 1999 1993 1996 1999 2001 2013 1995 438 348 322 312 304 288 286 280 276 266 2005 77 PLAYER: SEASON POINTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Harold Klausner, Woodlin Brandon Mollendor, Revere Doug Simcik, Northglenn Wade Sumpter, Fowler Ryan Beckman, Idalia Will Rogers, Arvada West Aaron Fleck, Evergreen Dusty Quick, Fort Morgan Christian McCaffrey, Valor Christian Kevin McDougal, Arvada West TOUCHDOWNS 1. Harold Klausner, Woodlin CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 10. 12. 13. 16. Wade Sumpter, Fowler Doug Simcik, Northglenn Ryan Beckman, Idalia Ryan Moeller, Rifle Jason Stout, Centaurus Kyle Leoffler, Arickaree/Woodlin Will Rogers, Arvada West Isaiah Sanders, Palmer Ridge Christian McCaffrey, Valor Christian Johnny Feauto, Fairview Dusty Quick, Fort Morgan Chris Helbig, Holy Family Jaden Franklin, Kent Denver Keenan Hildebrandt, Moffat County Jason Randel, Kit Carson Dylan McCaffrey, Valor Christian 1999 1972 1993 2012 1996 2014 1996 2015 2013 2014 2001 2015 2014 2015 1995 2015 52 51 50 50 49 48 47 47 46 46 45 45 43 43 42 42 2003 2012 1996 1994 1999 2012 2001 2002 2006 2000 3,416 3,343 3,387 3,150 3,037 3,002 2,943 2,872 2,857 2,817 2003 1978 1972 2016 2001 1990 1994 1978 2003 1990 1989 2012 440 428 415 370 357 355 352 348 346 345 339 339 1993 2009 1986 2010 2008 1992 1988 1994 1969 1984 2008 1993 2002 1999 2011 14.6 14.1 14.06 14.01 13.73 13.3 12.8 12.8 12.61 12.6 12.47 12.4 12.39 12.3 12.05 2002 2014 2014 2013 2005 2016 2015 484 473 431 426 394 391 387 RUSHING YARDS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Myles Smith, Cheyenne Wells Derek Jackson, Pueblo West Jason Stout, Centaurus Derien Latimer, Air Academy Wade Sumpter, Fowler Ryan Moeller, Rifle Dusty Quick, Fort Morgan Hoost Marsh, Arvada West Andy Muns, Douglas County Dusty Quick, Fort Morgan RUSHING ATTEMPTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Myles Smith, Cheyenne Mountain John Watkines, Boulder Doug Simcik, Northglenn Bryson Torres, Pueblo East Dusty Quick, Fort Morgan Rhett Mason, Fowler Derien Latimer, Air Academy Dennis Hamlin, Fairview Bobby Coy, Heritage Kimo Bandman, Montrose Jay Kobak, Douglas County Derek Jackson, Pueblo West YARDS PER CARRY Minimum: 100 attempts 1. Travis Lightle, Stratton 2. Jake Van, Rye 3. Cory Davis, South Park 4. Cody Roberts, Hoehne 5. Parker Orms, Wheat Ridge 6. Nathan Lightle, Stratton 7. Bob Johnson, Wasson Travis Lightle, Stratton 9. Rob Pearson, Hugo 10. Mark Reinert, Eads 11. Ethan Coe, Hotchkiss 12. Ryan Beckman, Idalia 13. Tanner Rogers, Columbine 14. Scott Walston, Buena Vista 15. Barron Underwood, The Academy PASSES ATTEMPTED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Taylor Tharp, Fairview Adam Brown, Air Academy Johnny Feauto, Fairview Anders Hill, Fairview Mark Schaffer, D'Evelyn Judd Erickson, Mountain Vista Thomas Creese, Fairview CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS 8. 9. 10. 11. Judd Erickson, Mountain Vista Craig Leonard, Fossil Ridge Owen Burke, D'Evelyn Sean Pitts, Montrose Cale Powers, Air Academy 13. Brian Stout, Salida 14. Austin Apodaca, Silver Creek 15. Charlie Lorimer, Gunnison 2015 2010 2015 1990 2015 1997 2011 1982 380 375 374 368 368 365 364 357 2002 2014 2013 2015 2014 2011 2007 2009 2016 2015 2015 2008 2005 2015 1990 2015 2016 293 290 283 274 260 256 244 229 225 222 218 216 210 209 207 207 207 PASSES COMPLETED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Taylor Tharp, Fairview Johnny Feauto, Fairview Anders Hill, Fairview Owen Burke, D'Evelyn Adam Brown, Air Academy Austin Apodaca, Silver Creek Zach Thenell, Bear Creek Zach Thenell, Bear Creek Judd Erickson, Mountain Vista Thomas Creese, Fairview Chris Helbig, Holy Family Zach Thenell, Bear Creek Mark Schaffer, D'Evelyn Elway Tubbs, Vista Ridge Sean Pitts, Montrose Dylan McCaffrey, Valor Christian William Willis, Lutheran COMPLETION PERCENTAGE Minumum: 150 attempts 1. Tom Thenell, Mullen 2. Owen Burke, D'Evelyn 3. Luke Nethercot, Canon City 4. AJ Cecil, Valor Christian 5. Maverick Reed, Highlands Ranch 6. Mitch Griebel, Heritage 7. Jacob Knipp, Ralston Valley 8. Colin Niclas, Crow Valley Zach Thenell, Bear Creek 10. Austin Apodaca, Silver Creek 11. Zach Thenell, Bear Creek 12. Luke Del Rio, Valor Christian 13. Zach Thenell, Bear Creek 1979 2015 2015 2013 2014 2009 2013 1993 2008 2011 2007 2012 2009 73.5 (111/151) 73.26 (274/374) 73.23 (186/254) 72.7 (136/187) 72.1 (95/132) 71.1 (128/180) 70.5 (184/261) 70.4 70.4 (216/207) 70.3 (256/364) 70.3 (244/347) 70.2 (179/255) 69.81 (229/328) PASSING YARDS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Justin Holland, Bear Creek Clay Garcia, Alamosa Johnny Feauto, Fairview Taylor Tharp, Fairview Owen Burke, D'Evelyn Anders Hill, Fairview Adam Brown, Air Academy Chris Helbig, Holy Family Steve Cutlip, Arvada West Judd Erickson, Mountain Vista Mark Schaffer, D'Evelyn Garrrett Griffith, D'Evelyn Isaiah Sanders, Palmer Ridge Zach Thenell, Bear Creek Thomas Creese, Fairview 1998 2006 2014 2002 2015 2013 2014 2015 1996 2016 2006 2008 2015 2007 2015 4,181 4,164 3,953 3,936 3,904 3,878 3,656 3,517 3,373 3,255 3,225 3,214 3,176 3,168 3,158 2006 1988 1998 2011 1997 1996 2014 52 44 44 44 41 40 40 PASSING TDs 1. 2. 5. 6. Clay Garcia, Alamosa Doug Musgrave, Grand Junction Justin Holland, Bear Creek Austin Apodaca, Silver Creek Brian Stout, Salida Brett Stang, Revere Johnny Feauto, Fairview CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS Derrick Smashum, Vista PEAK Barry Helton, Simla Owen Burke, D'Evelyn Chris Helbig, Holy Family 12. Mark Schaffer, D'Evelyn Elway Tubbs, Vista Ridge 14. Troy Branom, McClave Blake Cure, Idalia Ryan Stokes, Golden Adam Brown, Air Academy 9. 2016 1982 2015 2015 2006 2015 1991 2005 2009 2014 40 39 39 39 38 38 37 37 37 37 2008 2006 2003 2006 2005 2014 2013 2015 2015 2002 2014 2016 2016 2015 2014 4,590 4,435 4,365 4,243 4,221 4,198 4,116 4,078 3,990 3,856 3,825 3,556 3,533 3,517 3,515 2009 2014 1988 1988 1989 2006 2006 1997 2014 1991 1970 1996 1996 25 24 20 20 20 20 20 19 19 18 18 18 18 2015 2013 1993 2002 2002 2011 2008 1988 1979 2014 2015 2005 1990 113 112 102 100 97 95 89 87 83 83 83 81 80 2013 2015 2011 2006 2002 2002 1979 2006 1988 2014 1,860 1,641 1,567 1,507 1,497 1,474 1,470 1,433 1,430 1,418 TOTAL OFFENSE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Garrett Griffith, D'Evelyn Clay Garcia, Alamosa Myles Smith, Cheyenne Wells Mark Schaffer, D'Evelyn Harold Klausner, Woodlin Johnny Feauto, Fairview Anders Hill, Fairview Owen Burke, D'Evelyn Isaiah Sanders, Palmer Ridge Taylor Tharp, Fairview Elijah Ross, Eaglecrest EJ Barrera, Grand Junction Central Derrick Smashum, Vista PEAK Chris Helbig, Holy Family Brenden Fulton, Northridge RECEIVING TDs 1. 2. 3. 8. 9. Shane Opitz, Heritage Tristan Headrick, Cheraw Ryan Lenderman, Grand Junction Robert Woodward, Arickaree Len Hoke, Dayspring Christian Dustin Bolt, Alamosa Jason Espinoza, Alamosa Jaron Cook, Walsh Joshua Clausen, Lutheran Richard Hogan, Kit Carson Greg Blessing, Cheyenne Mountain George Carroll, Pueblo East Omar Paiz, Revere RECEIVING CATCHES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Charlie Davis, D'Evelyn Sam Martin, Fairview Sean Siemsen, Jefferson Kelton Lynn, Fairview Patrick Blakemore, Fairview Matt Menard, D'Evelyn Connor Davis, D'Evelyn Ryan Lenderman, Grand Junction Wayne Moon, Arvada West Tim Ryan, Fairview Tommy Wakefield, Fairview 12. Tom Kastens, D'Evelyn 13. Gavin Rawlings, Montrose RECEIVING YARDS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Sam Martin, Fairview Charlie Davis, D'Evelyn Matt Menard, D'Evelyn Jason Espinoza, Alamosa Kelton Lynn, Fairview Patrick Blakemore, Fairview Wayne Moon, Arvada West Dustin Bolt, Alamosa Ryan Lenderman, Grand Junction Peter Anderson, Eaglecrest CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS 11. Gerron Crochet, Bear Creek 12. Connor Davis, D'Evelyn 2001 2008 1,410 1,354 1991 1986 1969 1992 2003 1987 1987 1993 1985 1989 1997 56.0 54.8 42.6 40.5 36.8 36.3 35.4 35.2 35.0 35.0 34.76 2006 2002 2004 1976 2000 2001 2007 2012 2003 2009 2010 2010 2016 1992 1996 2008 2008 2008 2013 2013 2014 2015 19 16 15 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 2006 2004 2010 2012 2003 1991 1992 1990 2015 2001 2009 2005 665 506 499 499 472 455 436 414 409 402 368 345 YARDS PER CATCH 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Jimmy Tapia, Trinidad Terrill Frazee, Eads Rob Pearson, Hugo Gary Smith, Dolores County Myles Smith, Cheyenne Wells Rusty Hoffman, Otis Jarod Thiele, Sterling Monroe Michek, Chey.Wells Mark Reinert, Eads Virgil Hopper, Sierra 10. Danial Witt, Central GJ FIELD GOALS 1. 2. 3. 4. Philip Welch, Fort Collins Kelton Lynn, Fairview Jim Parra, Regis Jesuit Eric Wolf, Arvada Chad Harter, Smoky Hill Jessup Pfeifer, Northglenn Kyle Major, Heritage Ryan Charles, Silver Creek 9. Dan Campbell, Legacy Justin Castor, Arvada West Nate Ekhoff, Ponderosa Brady Rogers, Cherokee Trail Anders Carlson, The Classical Academy 14. Scott Bentley, Overland Justin Pfeifer, Northglenn Zach Grossnickle, Denver East RC Willenbrock, Cherry Creek Chris Johnson, Niwot Jonathan Swartzwelter, Fairview Bryan Wyatt, Douglas County Davis Price, Evergreen Davis Price, Evergreen COMBINED FIELD GOAL YARDS 1. 2. 3. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Philip Welch, Fort Collins Jim Parra, Regis Jesuit Nate Ekhoff, Ponderosa Ryan Charles, Silver Creek Dan Campbell, Legacy Scott Bentley, Overland Scott Bentley, Overland Scott Bentley, Overland Cooper Rothe, Longmont Dan Campbell, Legacy Kip Smith, Legacy Philip Welch, Fort Collins 50+ YARD FIELD GOALS 1. 2. 4. Scott Bentley, Overland Kip Smith, Legacy Cooper Rothe, Longmont Kevin Eberhart, Broomfield Cody Harter, Smoky Hill Kyle Major, Heritage Jacob Blythe, Colorado Springs Christian 1991 2009 2015 1999 2006 2007 2009 4 (50, 54, 57, 58) 3 (67, 52, 51) 3 (50, 53, 55) 2 (51, 51) 2 (52, 55) 2 (52, 56) 2 (52, 55) PATs 1. 2. 3. Paul Grizzle, Valor Christian Richie Hahn, Grand Junction Kevin Collison, Pine Creek Sebastian Benavidez, Pueblo East 2013 1988 2011 2015 85 77 75 75 CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS 5. 6. Brandon Spencer, Valor Christian Scott Juengst, Windsor Taylor Yancey, Valor Christian 7. Marco Gutierrez, Rifle Mitch Carter, Discovery Canyon Ty Koch, Buena Vista 10. Ryan Templeton, Silver Creek 11. Cory Wedel, Burlington Eric Vadelius, Heritage Garett Solomon, Heritage 14. Dan Harmon, Arvada West Garrett Solomon, Heritage Brian Brogan, Valor Christian 2012 1993 2011 2012 2014 2015 2011 1992 2008 2009 1996 2009 2016 74 71 71 68 68 68 67 65 65 65 64 64 64 2006 2006 2008 2013 2002 2012 2015 2011 2013 2014 2016 2016 2012 2015 1998 2001 2014 106 101 98 95 94 92 90 89 88 88 88 85 84 84 82 82 82 1979 1993 1998 1974 2016 1994 2002 2002 1991 1997 1983 2016 2009 47.9 45.5 44.9 44.7 44.5 43.6 43.6 43.5 43.3 42.6 42.4 41.9 41.8 1990 1964 2008 2009 1999 1972 1985 1986 1987 1987 1991 1995 2006 2011 2012 26 22 18 16 14 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 1992 1980 9 8 KICKING POINTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Philip Welch, Fort Collins Caleb Pevy, Mullen Kyle Petry, D’Evelyn Jonathan Swartzwelter, Fairview Kelton Lynn, Fairview Brandon Spencer, Valor Christian Cooper Rothe, Longmont Taylor Yancey, Valor Christian Paul Grizzle, Valor Christian Davis Price, Evergreen Anders Carlson, The Classical Academy 12. Brian Brogan, Valor Christian 13. Ryan Charles, Silver Creek Sebastian Benavidez, Pueblo East 15. Doug Maxey, Evergreen Kevin Eberhart, Broomfield Zach Barwick, Dakota Ridge PUNT AVERAGE Minimum: 25 kicks 1. Jack Weil, Northglenn 2. Jeremy Aldrich, Northglenn 3. Kyle Sleeth, Northglenn 4. Art Ohanian, Arvada West 5. Noah Miles, D’Evelyn 6. Jeremy Aldrich, Northglenn Kevin Eberhart, Broomfield 8. Jim Kaylor, Northglenn 9. Craig Hancock, Pueblo Centennial 10. Alex St. Peter, Heritage 11. Lane Marte, West Grand 12. Sam Lowery, Boulder 13. Josh Fralick, Chatfield INTERCEPTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Trivor Graf, Strasburg Steve Bellar, La Junta Ryan McGrath, Lewis-Palmer Byron Guy, Akron David Valle, Fort Morgan Parry Accomasso, Merino Shannon Yates, Kent Denver Crag Markwood, Gunnison Ethan Stemm, Lyons Bobby Thomas, Sierra Mike Forney, Sierra Ben Ford, Bayfield Steven Hall, Akron Lance Cox, Windsor Cameron French, Denver South FUMBLE RECOVERIES 1. 2. Jarod Pachner, Woodlin Ken O'Neil, Fountain-Fort Carson CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS 3. 3. 3. 3. Clyde Pearson, Pueblo Centennial Rich Pike, Pueblo Centennial Willie Polk, Pueblo Centennial Ritchie Marvin, Northglenn 1958 1969 1996 1997 6 6 6 6 2013 2010 2012 2011 2010 2014 2011 2014 2009 2011 2014 2010 2016 2014 2015 219 200 193 191 181 177 173 172 170 170 167 165 165 164 163 2015 2015 2016 2011 2011 2015 2010 2014 2007 2008 2012 2013 2014 2015 23.5 22 22 20 19 18.5 18 18 17 17 17 17 17 17 2007 2010 2012 1993 2005 1996 2006 2014 7 7 6 5 5 4 4 4 2008 2004 2005 2008 2008 2008 40.7 39.6 34.5 28.0 27.1 24.5 2012 2015 2013 2014 2012 2009 2015 3,685 3,035 3,046 2,792 2,701 2,611 2,564 TACKLES Note: Category started in 2015 1. Tre Thomas, Overland 2. Jacob Rosdal, Cherokee Trail 3. Derek Landis, Lakewood 4. KC Rivera, Frederick 5. Treyben Letlow, Hayden 6. Christian Gonzalez, Glenwood Springs 7. Tevin Johnson, Prairie View 8. Jacob Weinmaster, Loveland 9. Joshia Flack, D'Evelyn Zach Bingham, Broomfield 11. Dylan Draper, Discovery Canyon 12. Kevin Davis, Fountain-Fort Carson Forest Pejsa, Dolores 14. Matthew Hoffman, Platte Valley 15. Brune Derose, Pueblo East SACKS Note: Category started in 2015 1. Jack Wibbels, Pine Creek 2. Dawson Cranmer, Chaparral Jake Heimlicher, Regis Jesuit 3. Austin Balbin, D'Evelyn 4. Jake Niess, Windsor 5. Cade Becker, Bennett 6. Bryan Weikel, Byers Keenan Foshe, Chaparral 8. Valentino Dressler, Denver South Cees Doxsey, Erie Billy Housley, Lyons Darius Graves, Harrison Dylan Draper, Discovery Canyon Seth Bogulski, Cherokee Trail BLOCKED KICKS 1. 3. 4. 6. Josh Walkup, Heritage Scott Carter, Elizabeth Jacob Weinmaster, Loveland Sam Brubaker, Rocky Ford Nigel Hammond, Steamboat Springs Pete Soto, Pueblo Centennial Brian Ford, Alamosa Dylan Draper, Discovery Canyon PUNT RETURN AVERAGE 1. 2. 2. 3. 4. 5. Colten Huskey, Dove Creek Matt Stiasny, Dove Creek Matt Stiasny, Dove Creek Eric Stasny, Dove Creek Jesse Poole, Dove Creek Mitch Griebel, Heritage ALL-PURPOSE YARDS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Ryan Moeller, Rifle Rafe Hutches, Springfield Christian McCaffrey, Valor Christian Jaden Franklin, Kent Denver Jaden Franklin, Kent Denver Mitch Griebel, Heritage Hayden Blubaugh, Grandview CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS PLAYER: GAME POINTS 1. 2. 3. 4. Harold Kalusner, Woodlin Ken Pearson, Hugo Sam Harris, Colorado D&B George Anderson, Denver South Harold Kalusner, Woodlin Daniel Quin, Sand Creek (Air Acad) 7. Brandon Mollendor, Revere 8. Ben Krause, Idalia 9. Logan Vach, Briggsdale (vs. North Park) Fred Turner, Eads (vs. Walsh) 11. Dan Shaw, Woodlin 12. Dustin Ernst, Dolores County 13. True Miller, Briggsdale (vs. Longmont Christian) 10/14/05 1930 9/14/04 1914 11/5/05 9/19/14 1996 2002 10/3/15 10/7/16 1981 9/21/91 10/14/16 78 72 66 60 60 60 56 55 54 54 52 50 49 10/14/05 1930 10/21/16 1914 9/14/04 11/5/05 10/3/14 10/14/16 10/3/15 10/7/16 1962 10/04/02 9/9/05 9/23/05 9/30/16 10/14/16 1972 1980 1981 1988 1988 9/30/88 9/29/89 9/21/91 9/17/93 9/17/93 10/22/93 10/20/95 1996 1999 2003 9/29/08 10/3/14 10/3/14 13 12 11 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 10/16/99 1986 9/19/14 9/14/04 10/12/12 1980 9/7/01 10/3/15 1995 9/11/15 10/30/15 9/7/12 9/12/03 1979 584 567 553 514 501 466 464 458 432 429 421 416 415 412 TOUCHDOWNS 1. 2. 3. 4. Harold Klausner, Woodlin Ken Pearson, Hugo Luke Puchino, Longmont Christian (vs. Mountain Valley) George Anderson, Denver South Sam Harris, Colorado D&B Harold Klausner, Woodlin Alex Burger, Cotopaxi (vs. Antonito) Luke Puchino, Longmont Christian (vs. Briggsdale) 9. Logan Vach, Briggsdale (vs. North Park) Fred Turner, Eads (vs. Walsh) 11. John Sanger, Ovid Ben Krause, Idalia Harold Kalusner, Woodlin Harold Klausner, Woodlin Caleb Urwiller, Dayspring Christian (vs. Haxtun) True Miller, Briggsdale (vs. Longmont Christian) 17. Doug Simcik, Northglenn Bob Trahern, Flagler Dan Shaw, Woodlin Bill Geiser, Alamosa Shawn Randel, Kit Carson Joe Carruth, Sangre de Cristo Len Hoke, Dayspring Christian Dustin Ernst, Dolores County Ryan Beckman, Idalia Ryan Beckman, Idalia (vs. Liberty) Mike Festi, Trinidad Catholic Travis Shaver, Weldon Valley Brandon Mollendor, Revere Wade Sumpter, Fowler Bobby Coy, Heritage Emery Crump, Cheraw Tristen Cesko, Fleming (vs. Idalia) Nathan Witt, Fleming (vs. Idalia) RUSHING YARDS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Leonard Jones, Montbello Cory Davis, South Park Daniel Quin, Sand Creek (vs. Air Academy) Sam Harris, Colorado D&B Keynan, Huguley, Thornton Bob Trahern, Flagler Dusty Quick, Fort Morgan Logan Vach, Briggsdale (vs. North Park) Jason Stout, Centaurus Rafe Hutches, Springfield (vs. Hoehne) Rafe Hutches, Springfield (vs. Granada) Ryan Moeller, Rifle Myles Smith, Cheyenne Wells Tom Southall, Steamboat Springs CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS 15. Derek LaVelle, Aurora Christian 9/4/92 409 9/19/14 2010 11/8/03 10/10/03 10/2/93 1972 9/21/06 10/30/15 1972 11/6/89 1979 10/19/90 10/27/95 10/12/12 64 59 58 53 52 50 49 49 46 46 45 45 45 45 10/14/88 1962 11/5/94 1992 1969 9/4/92 9/24/94 1972 10/14/94 9/9/88 33.86 33.7 32.7 30.8 30.67 30.5 28.6 28.5 28.3 27.7 1930 9/14/04 9/19/14 10/3/14 10/3/15 10/7/16 10/14/16 1962 1988 1996 1999 2002 2003 9/23/05 10/14/05 10/9/15 10/9/15 12 9 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 2005 1989 1991 2002 2008 10/2/15 1985 1990 1993 1997 10/12/12 10/9/15 1983 1988 1991 1995 1999 2004 7 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 RUSHING ATTEMPTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Daniel Quin, Sand Creek (vs. Air Acad.) Teran Mawhinney, Poudre Myles Smith, Cheyenne Wells Myles Smtih, Cheyenne Wells Tim Harding, Canon City Doug Simcik, Northglenn Cale Soole, Monarch Rafe Hutches, Springfield (vs. Granada) 9. Doug Simcik, Northglenn Lance Nichols, Arriba-Flagler (vs. Hugo) 11. Matt Gomez, Sangre de Cristo Rhett Mason, Fowler (vs. Limon) Pablo Gomez, Denver West (vs. Washington) Keynan Huguley, Thornton (vs. Northglenn) YARDS PER CARRY Minimum: 10 attempts 1. Spence Huppert, Stratton 2. Dan Kelley, Aurora 3. Lance Witzel, Stratton 4. Brandon Vogt, Platte Vy.(vs. Weld Central) 5. Rob Pearson, Hugo (9 attempts for 276 yd.) 6. Brandon Vogt, Platte Valley 7. Darren Fox, Stratton 8. Mike Hartington, Wasson (vs. Coronado) 9. Travis Lightle, Stratton (vs. Otis) 10. Eddie Donald, Fountain-Ft. Carson RUSHING TDs 1. 2. 4. 8. Ken Pearson, Hugo Sam Harris, Colorado D&B Daniel Quin, Sand Creek (vs. Air Academy) Alex Burger, Cotopaxi (vs. Antonito) Logan Vach, Briggsdale (vs. North Park) Fred Turner, Eads (vs. Walsh) True Miller, Briggsdale (vs. Longmont Christian) John Sanger, Ovid (vs. Saguache) Bill Geiser, Alamosa Brandon Mollendor, Revere Wade Sumpter, Fowler (vs. Byers) Ben Krause, Idalia (vs. Herndon, KS) Bobby Coy, Heritage (vs. Doherty) Harold Klausner, Woodlin Harold Klausner, Woodlin Devyn Morgan, Pueblo West (vs. Palmer) Nick Pavlik, Lewis-Palmer (vs. Canon City) RUSHING TDs IN ONE HALF 1. 2. 3. Matt Stiasny, Dove Creek Matt Engelking, Longmont Matt Engelking, Longmont Aaron Lambertson, Akron Colten Huskey, Dove Creek Trey Zupanic, Rye (vs. Dolores Huerta) 7. David McCloughan, Loveland Cid Tapia, Trinidad Brannen Betz, Northglenn Rhett Nelson, Heritage Keynan Huguley, Thornton (vs. Northglenn) Devyn Morgan, Pueblo West (vs. Palmer) 13. Jeff Knabenshue, Smoky Hill Scot McCloughan, Loveland Ryan Beckman, Idalia Eric Absher, Heritage Chris Kail, Dolores County Matt Stiasny, Dove Creek CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS Matt Stiasny, Dove Creek Eric Stiasny, Dove Creek Mitch Griebel, Heritage 2006 2006 2009 3 3 3 9/18/98 10/25/14 9/21/12 10/26/90 10/16/14 1971 10/16/15 9/8/16 10/28/10 10/10/14 10/3/15 9/10/88 10/1/10 10/23/14 9/30/16 73 71 66 65 64 63 61 61 59 57 57 56 56 56 56 10/16/15 10/3/15 10/9/15 11/15/02 9/15/07 10/23/14 10/26/90 11/2/96 9/26/14 10/28/10 9/14/12 9/19/14 9/30/16 10/25/02 10/1/10 9/21/12 43 41 41 39 39 39 37 37 37 35 35 35 35 34 34 34 PASSES ATTEMPTED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Darren Williams, Pueblo Central (Mullen) Luke Puchino, Longmont Christian (vs. Justice) Johnny Feauto, Fairview (vs. Lakewood) Robbie Parker, Plainview (vs. McClave) Adam Brown, Air Academy (vs. Palmer Ridge) Bill Bryant, Nederland Chris Helbig, Holy Family (vs. Roosevelt) Judd Erickson, Mountain Vista (vs. Rangeview) 9. Craig Leonard, Fossil Ridge 10. Adam Brown, Air Academy (vs. Rampart) Owen Burke, D'Evelyn (vs. Lewis-Palmer) 12. Joe Romero, Holy Family Craig Leonard, Fossil Ridge Johnny Feauto, Fairview (vs. Legacy) Judd Erickson, Mountain Vista (vs. Regis Jesuit) PASSES COMPLETED 1. 2. Chris Helbig, Holy Family (vs. Roosevelt) Owen Burke, D'Evelyn (vs. Lewis-Palmer) Luke Nethercot, Canon City (vs. Lewis-Palmer) 4. Taylor Tharp, Fairview (vs. Overland) Robert Felberg, Smoky Hill (vs. Fairview) Johnny Feauto, Fairview (vs. Legacy) 7. Robbie Parker, Plainview (vs. McClave) Ryan Lown, Pueblo South (vs. Pueblo Centennial) Adam Brown, Air Academy (vs. Canon City) 10. Craig Leonard, Fossil Ridge (vs. Fort Collins) Johnny Feauto, Fairview (vs. Rangeview) Adam Brown, Air Academy (vs. Sand Creek) Judd Erickson, Mountain Vista (vs. Regis Jesuit) 14. Taylor Tharp, Fairview (vs. Overland) Craig Leonard, Fossil Ridge (vs. Rocky Mountain) Johnny Feauto, Fairview (vs. Lakewood) COMPLETION PERCENTAGE Minimum: 20 attempts 1. Ryan Clement, Mullen (vs. Mitchell) 2. Luke Puchino, Longmont Christian (vs. Mountain Valley) 3. Gavin Glanz, Arvada West (vs. Fairview) 4. Elway Tubbs, Vista Ridge (vs. Sand Creek) 5. Gavin Glanz, Arvada West (vs. Chatfield) 6. Sean Pitts, Montrose (vs. Aztec, NM) 7. Tom Beck, Grand Junction (vs. Broomfield) 8. AJ Cecil, Valor Christian (vs. Ralston Valley) Luke Nethercot, Canon City (vs. Lewis-Palmer) 10. Chris Helbig, Holy Family (vs. Mead) 11. Randy Berry Arvada West Glen Schumacher, Peetz Cody Thibault, Valor Christian 14. Elway Tubbs, Vista Ridge (vs. Air Academy) 15. Garrett Griffith, D'Evelyn (vs. Englewood) Gavin Glanz, Arvada West (vs. Bear Creek) 1991 10/21/16 11/1/08 10/24/14 12/24/08 10/12/90 1991 11/8/13 10/9/15 10/24/14 1972 1987 8/26/11 10/11/13 9/12/08 10/17/08 100 (21/21) 92.31 (24/26 90.9 (20/22) 90.3 (28/31) 88.8 (24/27) 87.5 82.6 82.6 (19/23) 82.0 (41/50) 80.8 (21/26) 80.0 (16/20) 80.0 80.0 (16/20) 79.3 (19/24) 78.5 (22/28) 78.5 (22/28) PASSES COMPLETED IN ONE HALF 1. 2. 3. 8. Robbie Parker, Plainview (vs. McClave) Brian Ortega, Highland (vs. Jefferson) Tom Beck, Grand Junction (vs. Cortez) Taylor Tharp, Fairview (vs. Overland) Taylor Tharp, Fairview (vs. Overland) Johnny Feauto, Fairview (vs. Rocky Mountain) Johnny Feauto, Fairview (vs. Legacy – 1st half) Taylor Tharp, Fairview (vs. Overland) Khiry Williams, Sierra (vs. Liberty) Johnny Feauto, Fairview (vs. Legacy – 2nd half) 10/26/90 1987 1989 10/25/02 11/15/02 10/2/14 10/23/14 11/15/02 2006 10/23/14 27 22 20 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS Johnny Feauto, Fairview (vs. Overland) 12. Mitch Griebel, Heritage (vs. Kennedy) Luke Del Rio, Valor Christian (Arapahoe) Johnny Feauto, Fairview (vs. Poudre) Johnny Feauto, Fairview (vs. Ralston Valley) 11/7/14 2009 11/16/12 9/21/2014 11/16/14 19 18 18 18 18 10/14/16 10/21/16 9/4/15 10/3/15 9/19/14 9/15/07 11/1/13 9/17/99 10/23/14 9/26/14 10/16/15 10/3/14 9/10/11 9/30/16 2012 9/30/16 706 679 607 597 589 571 560 559 550 546 535 534 530 523 519 512 507 10/22/99 2009 2015 2006 2006 9/30/00 1997 359 313 302 297 288 279 253 10/21/16 10/14/16 9/6/08 11/1/13 1982 1985 9/13/91 9/15/07 2008 10/22/11 9/19/14 10/25/14 9/11/15 9/30/16 1969 1971 9/9/72 1974 1975 1979 10/17/80 1981 1989 9/20/91 9/18/92 10/16/92 1997 1998 2001 9/20/02 2003 2005 10/14/05 10/15/05 10 9 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 PASSING YARDS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Luke Puchino, Longmont Christian (vs. Briggsdale) Luke Puchino, Longmont Christian (vs. Mountain Valley) Chris Helbig, Holy Family (vs. Mountain View) Owen Burke, D'Evelyn (vs. Lewis-Palmer) Adam Brown, Air Academy (Sand Creek) Robert Felberg, Smoky Hill (vs. Fairview) Cody Limmer, Poudre (vs. Brighton) Matt Fahl, Berthoud Abeyta, Holy Family Johnny Feauto, Fairview (vs. Legacy) Owen Burke, D'Evelyn (vs. Lewis-Palmer) Chris Helbig, Holy Family (vs. Roosevelt) Owen Burke, D'Evelyn (vs. Conifer) Cody Marvel, D'Evelyn Luke Puchino, Longmont Christian (vs. Prairie) Jordan Radebaugh, Northglenn (Brighton) Judd Erickson, Mountain Vista (vs. Regis Jesuit) PASSING YARDS, ONE HALF 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Jay Macias, Pueblo Centennial Mitch Griebel, Heritage (vs. Kennedy) Owen Burke, D'Evelyn (vs. Weld Central) Khiry Williams, Sierra Clay Garcia, Alamosa Tyler Hidrogo, Mitchell J.B. Kellogg, Loveland (v Northglenn) PASSING TDs 1. 2. 3. Luke Puchino, Longmont Christian (vs. Mountain Valley) Luke Puchino, Longmont Christian (vs. Briggsdale) Ryan Miller, Ellicott (vs. Dolores Huerta) Cody Limmer, Poudre (vs. Brighton) 5. Barry Helton, Simla (vs. Calhan) Brian Gibbs, Kit Carson (vs. Woodlin) Troy Branom, McClave (vs. M/Yoder) Robert Felberg, Smoky Hill (vs. Fairview) Ryan Stokes, Golden (Denver West) JaVonte' Stewart, Ellicott (vs. Calhan) Adam Brown, Air Academy (Sand Creek) Luke Puchino, Longmont Christian (vs. Justice) Chris Helbig, Holy Family (vs. Discovery Canyon) Luke Puichino, Longmont Christian (vs. Prairie) 15. Ken Shaw, Merino (vs. Fleming) Dave Johnson, CC Abbey (vs. Alamosa) John Springer, Canon City Abbey Bill Boatman, Lutheran (vs. Middle Park) Ray Anttila, Littleton (vs. Douglas County) Earl Snyder, Otis Kenny Maestas, Wiley Juan Milian, Holy Family (vs. Elizabeth) Tad Allen, Crow Valley (vs. Peetz) Troy Branom, McClave (vs. Plainview) Tony McCaffrey, Hi-Plains (vs. Deer Trail) Travis Coleman, Cotopaxi (vs. Mountain Valley) Lance Bryan, Walsh (vs. Holly) J B Kellogg, Loveland (vs. Horizon) Philip Devlin, Idalia (vs. Bethune) Jake Walker, Lamar Randy Wilson, Kit Carson (vs Hi-Plains) Clay Garcia, Alamosa (vs. falcon) Harold Klausner, Woodlin Joe Vigil, Littleton (vs. Westminster) CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS Justin Mattice, Liberty Clay Garcia, Alamosa (vs. Harrison) Tyler Daniels, Ranum Brock Berglund, Valor Christian Mitch Griebel, Heritage (vs. Kennedy) Gasper Dominici, Littleton (vs. A. Central) Jordan Radebugh, Northglenn (Brighton) Justin Duran, Cheraw (vs. Manzanola) Nathan Witt, Flagler (vs. Stratton/Liberty) Luke Nethercot, Canon City (vs. Lewis-Palmer) Nathan Witt, Flagler (vs. Idalia) Adam Brown, Air Academy (vs. Palmer Ridge) Nathan Witt, Flagler (vs. Briggsdale) Chris Helbig, Holy Family (vs. Mountain View) Elway Tubbs, Vista Ridge (vs. Ponderosa) Owen Burke, D'Evelyn (vs. Lewis-Palmer) Luke Nethercot, Canon City (vs. Lewis-Palmer) Judd Erickson, Mountain Vista (vs. Rangeview) 11/3/05 2006 10/13/06 11/21/09 2009 9/10/10 2012 9/12/14 9/27/14 10/3/14 10/3/14 10/16/14 10/17/14 9/4/15 9/18/15 10/3/15 10/9/15 9/8/16 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1982 1996 9/6/08 2009 11/6/09 10/16/88 10/21/88 1989 10/2/96 9/30/00 10/14/05 2006 10/3/08 11/6/08 11/21/09 10/22/11 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10/14, 10/21/16 1982 9/20/91 9/4, 9/11/15 1979 2005 9/11, 9/18/15 10/7, 10/14/16 1968 1974 1975 1975 1976 1988 9/13/91 9/27/91 10/11/91 2005 2009 2014 2014 9/11, 9/18/15 9/1, 9/8/15 19 13 13 13 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10/7, 10/14, 10/21 9/30, 10/7, 10/14/16 9/4, 9/11, 9/18/15 9/11, 9/18, 9/25/15 1988 9/4, 9/11, 9/18/15 21 18 17 16 15 13 TD PASSES IN ONE HALF 1. 6. Barry Helton, Simla (vs. Calhan) Ryan Lown, Pueblo South (vs. Harrison) Ryan Miller, Ellicott (vs. D. Huerta) Mitch Griebel, Heritage (vs. Kennedy) Ryan Stokes, Golden (vs. Denver West) Doug Musgrave, Grand Junction (vs. Bloom, NM) Curt Soehner, Idalia (vs. Hi-Plains) Tad Allen, Pawnee-Briggsdale (vs. Peetz) Jeff Pedersen, West Grand (vs. Grand Valley) Tyler Hidrogo, Mitchell Harold Klausner, Woodlin Clay Garcia, Alamosa (vs.Pag Spgs) Garrett Griffith, D'Evelyn (vs. Evergreen) Gavin Glanz, Arvada West (vs. Gateway) Brock Berglund, Valor Christian JaVonte' Steward, Ellicott (vs. Calhan) PASSING TDs, TWO CONSECUTIVE GAMES 1. 2. 5. 9. Luke Puchino, Longmont Christian (vs. Briggdale & Mountain Valley) Barry Helton, Simla Troy Branom, McClave Chris Helbig, Holy Family (vs. Mountain View & Discovery Canyon) Earl Snyder, Otis Clay Garcia, Alamosa (vs. Pueblo West, Falcon) Chris Helbig, Holy Family (vs. Discovery Canyon & Palisade) Luke Puchino, Longmont Christian (vs. Pawnee & Briggsdale) Jim Buffington, Dolores County Tim Larimore, Dolores County Tim Larimore, Dolores County Tim Larimore, Dolores County Jim Beanland, Dolores County Doug Musgrave, Grand Junction Troy Branom, McClave Troy Branom, McClave Troy Branom, McClave Harold Klausner, Woodlin Ryan Stokes, Golden (vs. Green Mountain & Denver West) Justin Duran, Cheraw (vs. Kit Carson & Manzanola) Justin Duran, Cheraw (vs. Manzanola & Aguilar) Elway Tubbs, Vista Ridge (vs. Pueblo West & Ponderosa) Judd Erickson, Mountain Vista (vs. Poudre & Rangeview) PASSING TDs, THREE CONSECUTIVE GAMES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Luke Puchino, Longmont Christian (vs. Pawnee, Briggsdale & Mountain Valley) Luke Puchino, Longmont Christian (vs. Prairie, Pawnee & Briggsdale) Chris Helbig, Holy Family Chris Helbig, Holy Family Doug Musgrave, Grand Junction Elway Tubbs, Vista Ridge CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS Owen Burke, D'Evelyn Chris Helbig, Holy Family Judd Erickson, Mountain Vista (vs. Poudre, Rangeview & ThunderRidge) Judd Erickson, Mountain Vista (vs. Arapahoe, Regis Jesuit & Hinkley) 10. Clay Garcia, Alamosa 11. Lance Bryan, Walsh 9/18, 9/26, 10/3 9/25, 10/1, 10/9 9/1, 9/8 & 9/16 9/22, 9/30 & 10/7 2006 1997 13 13 12 12 9 7 10/14/16 10/21/16 10/14/05 11/1/13 10/21/05 10/3/15 9/19/14 11/5/05 9/14/04 1986 11/4/06 9/19/14 10/16/15 9/26/14 8/30/14 795 731 713 664 659 604 599 596 589 576 562 553 549 540 536 1989 1993 10/25/02 10/26/90 11/15/02 10/31/14 9/11/15 9/10/11 10/25/14 10/3/15 10/14/88 10/18/91 10/9/99 11/22/08 9/10/10 10/17/14 10/24/14 23 20 19 18 18 18 18 17 17 17 15 14 14 14 14 14 14 1989 10/26/90 10/25/02 9/6/91 2005 1988 8/31/90 11/15/02 11/15/02 10/14/88 10/18/91 10/17/97 10/17/14 15 13 12 10 10 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 10/26/90 1989 10/25/02 1988 2001 1968 1987 10/28/88 9/15/89 10/8/89 10 9 9 8 6 5 5 5 5 5 TOTAL OFFENSE YARDS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Luke Puchino, Longmont Christian (vs. Briggsdale) Luke Puchino, Longmont Christian (vs. Mountain Valley) Harold Klausner, Woodlin Cody Limmer, Poudre (vs. Brighton) Harold Klausner, Woodlin Owen Burke, D'Evelyn (vs. Lewis-Palmer) Adam Brown, Air Academy (vs. Sand Creek) Harold Klausner, Woodlin Sam Harris, Colorado D&B Cory Davis, South Park Mark Schaffer, D'Evelyn Daniel Quin, Sand Creek (vs. Air Academy) Chris Helbig, Holy Family (vs. Roosevelt) Owen Burke, D'Evelyn (vs. Lewis-Palmer) Johnny Feauto, Fairview (vs. Grand Junction) RECEIVING CATCHES 1. 2. 3. 4. Ryan Lenderman, Grand Junction Sean Siemsen, Jefferson (vs. Lewis-Palmer) Kelton Lynn, Fairview (Overland) Lynn Scherler, Plainview (vs. McClave) Patrick Blakemore, Fairview (vs. Overland) Zach Manchester, Canon City (vs. Discovery Canyon) Joe Golter, Holy Family (vs. Discovery Canyon) 8. Matt Menard, D'Evelyn 9. Cameron Jauregui, Longmont Christian (vs. Justice) Charlie Davis, D'Evelyn (vs. Lewis-Palmer) 11. Joe Wilson, Pueblo East 12. Ryan Strong, McClave (vs. Kit Carson) Francisco Lujan, Holy Family Sean Rebek, D'Evelyn Easton Garcia, Durango Cole Lehman, Chaparral (vs. Doherty) Austin Myers, Lyons (vs. Clear Creek) RECEPTIONS IN ONE HALF 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 6. Ryan Lenderman, Grand Junction Lynn Scherler, Plainview (vs. McClave) Kelton Lynn, Fairview (Overland) Ethan Duff, Poudre (vs. Rocky Mountain) Luke Wasinger, Alamosa (vs. Glenwood Springs) Ryan Lenderman, Grand Junction Lynn Scherler, Plainview (vs. Idalia) Patrick Blakemore, Fairview (vs. Overland – first half) Patrick Blakemore, Fairview (vs. Overland – second half) 10. Joe Wilson, Pueblo East (vs. P. Central) Ryan Strong, McClave (vs. Kit Carson) Jaron Cook, Walsh (vs. Holly) Cole Lehman, Chaparral (vs. Doherty) RECEPTIONS IN ONE QUARTER 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. Lynn Scherler, Plainview (vs. McClave) Ryan Lenderman, Grand Junction Kelton Lynn, Fairview (vs. Overland) Ryan Lenderman, Grand Junction Matt Krause, Idalia Kenny Weed, Dolores County Kevin Gaudette, Holyoke (vs. Wiggins) Len Hoke, Dayspring Christian (vs. Stratton) Jason Smith, Genoa-Hugo (vs. Weskan, KS) Jason Smith, Genoa-Hugo (vs. Hoehne) CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS Len Hoke, D Christian (vs. Hilltop Baptist) Lynn Scherler, Plainview (vs. Idalia) Max McCaffrey, Valor Christian (Pueblo West) Christian McCaffrey, Valor Christian (Arapahoe) Cole Lehman, Chaparral (vs. Doherty) 10/28/89 8/31/90 11/11/11 11/16/12 10/17/14 5 5 5 5 5 10/21/16 10/14/16 9/11/15 10/22/99 9/10/10 9/26/14 10/24/14 1993 10/25/02 9/12/14 10/25/14 9/10/11 9/2/16 10/23/92 10/14/16 10/27/89 1995 362 356 336 329 325 316 314 307 300 294 290 281 277 274 266 263 263 9/20/2002 9/12/14 1974 1982 1985 1985 2005 10/15/05 2009 9/26/14 10/3/14 10/25/14 9/2/16 9/30/16 10/14/16 10/21/16 10/21/16 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10/12/12 9/30/16 10/14/16 10/19/12 10/30/15 9/11/15 9/7/12 10/12/12 11/23/13 9/28/12 10/16/15 11/16/12 11/8/14 10/14/16 10/21/16 11/17/12 9/23/11 11/2/12 9/21/13 10/18/14 578 548 501 485 485 469 461 458 446 419 406 403 397 388 387 373 364 350 350 348 1974 1975 1958 5 5 4 RECEIVING YARDS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Cameron Jauregui, Longmont Christian (vs. Mountain Valley) Cameron Jauregui, Longmont Christian (vs. Briggsdale) Joe Golter, Holy Family (vs. Discovery Canyon) Adam Williams, Cortez (vs. Shiprock, NM) Easton Garcia, Durango Cameron Brown, D'Evelyn (vs. Lewis-Palmer) Austin Myers, Lyons (vs. Clear Creek) Sean Siemsen, Jefferson (vs. Lewis-Palmer) Kelton Lynn, Fairview (vs. Overland) Tristan Headrick, Cheraw (vs. Manzanola) Cameron Jauregui, Longmont Christian (vs. Justice) Matt Menard, D'Evelyn Joe Golter, Holy Family (vs. Palisade) Bryan Uhl, Durango (vs. Central) Josh Hollins, Rangeview (vs. Eaglecrest) Jason Robinson, Thompson Valley (vs. Longmont) Vinnie Ficco, Arvada West RECEIVING TDs 1. 3. Michael Bryant, Lamar (vs. Salida) Tristan Headrick, Cheraw (vs. Manzanola) Dave Wittig, Lutheran Richard Book, Simla (vs. Calhan) Ricky Gurule, Alamosa (vs. Lake City) Steve Oswald, Kit Carson (vs. Woodlin) Jason Espinoza, Alamosa v. Falcon) Chris Romero, Littleton (vs. Westminster) Shane Opitz, Heritage (vs. Kennedy) Cameron Brown, D'Evelyn (vs. Lewis-Palmer) Tristen Cesko, Flagler (vs. Idalia) Cameron Jauregui, Longmont Christian (vs. Justice) Joe Golter, Holy Family (vs. Palisade) Cameron Jauregui, Longmont Christian (vs. Prairie) Cameron Jauregui, Longmont Christian (vs. Briggsdale) Cameron Jauregui, Longmont Christian (vs. Mountain Valley) Dominic Puchino, Longmont Christian (vs. Mountain Valley) ALL-PURPOSE YARDS 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 20. Keynan Huguley, Thornton (vs. Northglenn) Caleb Urwiller, Dayspring Christian (vs. Haxtun) Cameron Jauregui, Longmont Christian (vs. Briggsdale) Ken Heard, Northglenn Rafe Hutches, Springfield (vs. Granada) Rafe Hutches, Springfield (vs. Hoehne) Ryan Moeller, Rifle Ken Heard, Northglenn Christian McCaffrey, Valor Christian RJ Ramirez, Prairie View Louie Quinones, Vista Ridge Christian McCaffrey, Valor Christian Cooper Eggleston, Buena Vista True Miller, Briggsdale (vs. Longmont Christian) Cameron Jauregui, Longmont Christian (vs. Mountain Valley) Jaden Franklin, Kent Denver Matt Radi, Littleton Ken Heard, Northglenn Jaden Franklin, Kent Denver Wyatt Torres, Primero (vs. Aguilar) INTERCEPTIONS 1. 3. Mark Staples, Estes Park Jason Klatka, Holyoke (vs. Akron) Dallas Plese, Pueblo Catholic (vs. C.C. Abbey) CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS Nick Oreskovich, Pueblo Central (vs. Poudre) Ron Smith, Wiley (vs. Flagler 8-man finals) Dave Gard, Mitchell (vs. Poudre - semis) Mike Griebel, Cherry Creek (vs. Douglas County) Mike Griebel, Cherry Creek (vs. Douglas County) Jim Mart, Loveland (vs. Denver North) Dee Cline, Rifle (vs. Meeker) Alfie Lotrich, Fowler (vs. Holly) Bill Carpenter, Idalia (vs. Kit Carson) Darren Bandman, Montrose (vs. San Juan, UT) Toby Crawford, Stratton (vs. Granada) Otis Johnson, Sierra (vs. Pueblo East) Zac Martinez, Dolores County (vs. Nucla) Tye Amendt, Ellicott (Cheyenne Wells) Tyler Terryberry, West Grand (Hayden) James Poffel, Elizabeth (Mountain Vista) Steven Hall. Akron (vs. Lyons) Jordan Greager, Colorado Springs Christian (vs. St. Mary's) 1965 1973 1973 1976 1977 1979 1984 9/5/86 10/21/88 9/21/90 11/20/93 1993 10/25/96 10/18/97 10/26/01 10/24/03 10/13/06 9/4/15 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1958 1976 1978 10/27/89 2016 10/19/87 1987 10/6/89 1988 6 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 9/24/09 1980 9/6/07 10/25/14 10/18/14 1984 9/21/07 2013 1982 8/30/07 1999 2010 9/12/14 10/25/14 2003 10/12/07 10/23/11 10/18/13 10/25/13 11/8/13 9/26/14 42 33 33 33 32 31 31 31 30 29 28 28 28 28 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 11/19/94 9/12/03 1974 10/18/91 1994 9/18/15 1974 1982 1988 9/12/92 1990 10/25/97 9/1/00 9/14/00 1996 7 7 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 FUMBLE RECOVERIES 1. 2. 6. Clyde Pearson, Pueblo Centennial Steve Davis, Dolores County Clifford Peabody, Dolores County Mark Martinez, Brighton (vs. Centaurus) Beau Gordon, Pueblo County (vs. Canon City) Pat Torstensen, Denver Academy Jeramy Hottinger, Dayspring Christian (vs. Faith Baptist) Steve Blackmore, Dolores County (vs. Ignacio) Tim Dunn, Gateway (vs. Hinkley) TACKLES 1. 2. John Nielsen, Roaring Fork (vs. Cedaredge) Ted Randolph, Dolores County Ashton Campbell, Gateway (v. Chaparral) Tekoah Guedes, Plateau Valley 5. Tekoah Guedes, Plateau Valley 6. Richard Uhlenhopp, Akron Ashton Campbell, Gateway (vs. Mountain Vista) Jacob Weinmaster, Loveland (vs. Monarch) 9. Karl Randolph, Dolores County 10. Ashton Campbell, Gateway (vs. Douglas County) 11. Terry Montoya, Pueblo Centennial Richard Yates, Kent Denver (vs. Brush) Austin Lopez, Palmer (vs. Rampart) Nate Kocol, Clear Creek (vs. Platte Canyon) 15. Trinity Cressler, Dove Creek TJ Shantz, Cherry Creek (vs. Grandview) David Witt, Grand Valley Tre Thomas, Overland (vs. Smoky Hill) Tre Thomas, Overland (vs. Cherokee Trail) Tre Thomas, Overland (vs. Cherry Creek) Aiden Raider, Palmer (vs. Sand Creek) SACKS (DEFENSE) 1. 3. 7. Kelly Witzel, West Grand (vs. Granada) Myles Smith, Cheyenne Wells Tom Armer, Northglenn Brandon Kuhlman, Roaring Fork Jason McDonald, Northglenn Cade Becker, Bennett Tom Armer, Northglenn Gary Gabel, Northglenn Craig Terpstra, Alamosa (vs. Centauri) Shomar Vernon, Gateway John Curto, Alamosa (vs. Evergreen) Todd Delbaugh, Heritage Kaid Harris, Roaring Fork Calais Campbell, Denver South Willie Losa, Akron CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS Nate Travis, Evergreen (vs. Alameda) 9/9/10 5 10/8/88 10/4/90 9/2/92 10/30/92 1993 1995 2005 10/25/13 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1991 1971 1974 1981 1986 1990 1991 1997 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1976 1979 10/13/00 1971 1984 10/5/91 1992 1996 11/13/04 2004 9/23/05 1973 1973 1979 ?? 1982 1983 1983 1985 9/23/88 9/7/90 10/5/90 10/5/91 9/20/91 1995 1996 1999 1996 2001 2002 10/13/00 2003 9/17/04 2004 2004 9/1/05 10/16/06 12/21/06 2007 9/24/09 9/3/10 9/2/16 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 10/5/91 9/23/05 179 160 INTERCEPTIONS RETURNED FOR A TD 1. 2. Bill Carpenter, Idalia Eric Tresslar, Kent Denver Sonny Vandez, Dolores County Ted Nieslanik, Roaring Fork Frank Spinuzzl, Pueblo Centennial Jimmy Evans, Cotopaxi Tyler Hill, Liberty (vs. Air Academy) Brock Buxman, Resurrection Christian (Highland) FUMBLES RETURNED FOR A TD 1. 2. Jake Faulds, Gunnison Larry Crawford, Dolores County Vic Baginski, Wasson Mike Weyhrich, Niwot (vs. Fort Morgan) James Eule, Wheat Ridge Ottis Johnson, Sierra (vs. Harrison) Jake Faulds, Gunnison (vs. Delta) Nate Miles, Denver Christian (vs. Lake County) FIELD GOALS 1. Rich Marquez, Denver West Jamie Clodfelter, McClave Chad Harter, Smoky Hill 4. Gary Cadwallader, Rocky Ford (vs. Cheyenne Wells) Steven Notolli, Air Academy (vs. Skyline) Scott Bentley, Overland (vs. Boulder) Todd Baker, Green Mountain (vs. Arvada West) Justin Pfeifer, Northglenn (vs. Boulder) Michael York, Greeley West (Pueblo Centennial) Jim Parra, Regis (vs. Heritage) Jim Parra, Regis (vs. Heritage) 12. Joe Green, Broomfield Roger May, Wheat Ridge (vs. Arvada) Larry Eckel, Green Mountain (vs. Alameda) Robby Webb, Sterling (vs. Pueblo Centennial) Mark Martinez, Northglenn (Highland) Mark Martinez, Northglenn (Poudre) Steve Lippi, Aurora Central (vs. Overland) Steve Addison, Arapahoe (vs. Overland) Salan Nansel, Bennett (vs. Frederick) Scott Bentley, Overland (vs. Doherty) Scott Bentley, Overland (vs. Boulder) Ryan Miller, Sterling (vs. Berthoud) Scott Bentley, Overland (vs. Lazerte) Herman Sullivan, Heritage (GJ Central) Chris Grund, Heritage Ron Ernst, Dolores Co (Nucla) Justin Pfeifer, Northglenn (Thornton) Jessup Pfeifer, Northglenn (Rocky Mountain) Jessup Pfeifer, Northglenn (T. Jefferson) Kevin Eberhart, Broomfield (Westminster) Ben Deline, Steamboat Springs (Harrison) Michael York, Greeley West (Mountain Vista) Jim Parra, Regis (H. Ranch) Caleb Pevy, Mullen Philip Welch, Fort Collins (Longmont) Philip Welch, Fort Collins (Legacy) Philip Welch, Fort Collins (Horizon) Kyle Major, Heritage (Douglas County) Josh Fralick, Chatfield Danny Childs, Sand Creek Anders Carlson, The Classical Academy COMBINED FIELD GOAL YARDS 1. 2. Scott Bentley, Overland (vs. Boulder) Jim Parra, Regis (vs. Heritage) CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS 3. 5. 6. Philip Welch, Fort Collins (vs. Legacy) Nate Ekhoff, Ponderosa (vs. Wheat Ridge) Nate Ekhoff, Ponderosa (vs. Montrose) Josh Fralick, Chatfield (vs. Columbine) 10/16/06 11/19/10 10/2/10 9/26/12 123 123 117 116 50+ YARD FIELD GOALS 1. Scott Bentley, Overland Scott Bentley, Overland Cody Harter, Smoky Hill 9/7/90 10/5/91 10/20/06 2 (52, 50) 2 (50, 57) 2 (52, 55) PATs KICKED 1. 2. 3. 6. Tom Wood, Gunnison (vs. Paonia) Josh Palumbo, Pueblo Centennial (vs. Pueblo County) Adam Sandoval, Mitchell (vs. Rampart) Eric Vadelius, Heritage (vs. Denver West) Eddie Garcia, Bennett (vs. Cornerstone Christian) Dan McKelvey, Regis Jesuit (vs. Mapleton) Richie Hahn, Grand Junction Bob Maulk, Loveland (vs. Littleton) Chad Blue, G.J. Central (vs. Gunnison) Vann Stavast, Wheat Ridge (vs. Alameda) Larson, Steamboat Springs (vs. Moffat County) Steve Hemphill, Heritage (vs. Palmer) Taylor Yancey, Valor Christian (vs. Littleton) Taylor Yancey, Valor Christian (vs. Pine Creek) Brandon Spencer, Valor Christian (vs. Palmer) Paul Grizzle, Valor Christian (vs. Eaglecrest) 1980 1993 10/15/95 2008 9/2/16 1970 1988 1988 9/1/89 10/10/92 10/17/97 2003 10/22/10 12/3/11 10/19/12 11/1/13 13 12 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 2006 2006 2010 10/19/12 11/1/13 10/26/96 10/3/14 10/30/04 10/2/09 2008 2010 9/28/12 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 2004 10/5/92 10/21/06 9/9/16 2003 11/13/04 1996 2007 2008 10/23/10 2010 2011 9/28/12 9/17/16 10/12/12 9/24/09 15 14 14 14 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 10 1963 1963 1965 1972 1980 1981 1987 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 PATs IN ONE HALF 1. 5. 7. Justin Espinoz, Alamosa Donovan Marquez, Alamosa Taylor Yancey, Valor Christian Brandon Spencer, Valor Christian Paul Grizzle, Valor Christian (vs. Eaglecrest) Rodney Ramos, Pueblo Central Mitchell Carter, Discovery Canyon (vs. Mitchell) Zak Bigelow, Dakota Ridge Josh Fralick, Chatfield Eric Vedalius, Heritage (vs. Denver West) Sean Taylor, Elizabeth Jackson Rueter, Thornton (vs. Lincoln) KICKING POINTS 1. 2. Jim Parra, Regis Jesuit (vs. Heritage) Scott Bentley, Overland (vs. Boulder) Philip Welch, Fort Collins Anders Carlson, The Classical Academy (vs. Sterling) 5. Ben DeLine, Steamboat Springs (vs. Harrison) Michael York, Greeley West (vs. Pueblo Centennial) 7. Justin Pfeifer, Northglenn (vs. Boulder) Kyle Major, Heritage (vs. Rangeview) Kyle Petry, D'Evelyn (vs. Englewood) Nate Ekhoff, Ponderosa (vs. Legend) Taylor Yancey, Valor Christian (vs. Littleton) Taylor Yancey, Valor Christian (vs. Pine Creek) Jackson Rueter, Thornton (vs. Lincoln) 12. Zach Cheiko, Denver South (vs. Monarch) Jackson Rueter, Thornton (Vs. Hinkley) 13. Josh Fralick, Chatfield (vs. Columbine) LONGEST TD RUN FROM SCRIMMAGE 1. Bill Shoemaker, Fort Collins (vs. Aurora Central) Frank Lucas, Arvada West (vs. Englewood) Cal Achey, Englewood Richard Dickson, Arvada Gary Audi, Littleton Sam Smith, Hinkley Scott Reed, Wiley CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS Scott Adams, Douglas County (vs. Englewood) Spence Huppert, Stratton (vs. Otis) Candale Johnson, Mullen David Jones, Pomona (vs. Northglenn) Britt Shields, Monarch (vs. Cherry Creek) Keynan Huguley, Thornton (vs. Lincoln) Drue Harris, Fountain-Fort Carson (vs. Lakewood) Dante Sparaco, Glenwood Springs (vs. Erie) Milo Hall, Cherry Creek (vs. Pomona) Michael Kerr, Standley Lake (vs. Green Mountain) Tristen Perez, The Pinnacle (vs. KIPP) Andrew Wingard, Ralston Valley (vs. GJ) 9/16/88 9/16/89 11/4/89 9/22/95 2009 9/12/12 8/28/14 8/29/14 9/5/14 9/12/14 10/11/14 10/31/14 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 1975 10/13/89 9/3/95 1997 12/12/08 2008 10/17/14 9/72 1982 10/22/99 2002 10/17/02 10/14/05 2007 9/11/15 1962 1979 1983 1994 8/31/95 99½ 99½ 99½ 99½ 99½ 99½ 99½ 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 98 98 98 98 98 9/4/09 9/21/01 2006 1980 11/4/89 10/18/12 1923 10/18/91 9/7/13 1978 1987 10/5/91 10/5/91 10/12/02 2008 9/23/12 8/29/14 67 64 62 61 61 59 59 58 58 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 1937 8/31/07 9/27/13 9/1/95 9/15/16 9/20/91 1930 1992 9/16/11 9/20/11 9/3/11 9/28/13 1962 9/2/11 99 97 97 87 87 86 85 85 85 84 83 83 82 82 LONGEST TD PASS 1. Ken Hite to John Genova, Pueblo Centennial Tim Thenell to Shane Fisher, Mullen Jay Stoner to Matt Vrana, Mitchell Jared Jackson to David Smith, Elizabeth Lee Stunkard to Jared, Giambalvo, Woodland Park Eddie Williams to Conlin White, Douglas County (vs. Fruita Monument) Dane Washington to Dejour Plunkett Elliott, Thomas Jefferson 7. Bob Squire to Jerry Peterson, Custer County Dave Tadlock to Jay Martin, Alameda John Martinez to Mike Smith, Lincoln Joe Lamb to Matt Steele, Arvada West Lamb to Steele (Arvada West) Issac Neal to Curshion Jones, Overland Dakota Stonehouse to Bennett Nicola, Glenwood Springs Dylan Ordway to Anthony Allman, Silver Creek (vs. Dakota Ridge) 15. Terry McGee, Pueblo Catholic Lloyd Norquist to Danny Jackson, A Central Bubba Williams to Mike Edlin, Gunnison Nathan Aldrich to Cameron White, Northglenn Matt Lucero to Gustavo Maldonado, Denver West LONGEST FIELD GOAL 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. Kip Smith, Legacy Dustin Griffiths, Eaglecrest (vs. Fairview) Dustin Bolt, Alamosa (vs. Woodland Park) Kurt Baal, Lutheran Brandon Brookfield, Littleton (vs. Hinkley) JK Scott, Mullen (vs. Chatfield) 6. Field Phelps, Colorado Springs 8. Scott Bentley, Overland (vs. Fairview) JK Scott, Mullen (vs. Lone Peak, UT) 10. Jeff Guy, Gateway (vs. G. Washington) Alex Chaffetz, Middle Park Scott Bentley, Overland (vs. Boulder) Jeff Blackmon, Rye (vs. Del Norte) Kevin Eberhart, Broomfield (vs. Monarch) Kyle Petry, D'Evelyn Bertillio Garcia, Basalt (vs. Olathe) Alex Kinney, Rocky Mountain (vs. Brighton) LONGEST PUNT 1. 2. Bruno Knopka, Manual Justin Jimmerson, Eaglecrest (vs. Rocky Mountain) Justin Barron, Falcon (vs. Sand Creek) 4. Zach Magalei, Wheat Ridge Andrew Jorgenson, Arapahoe (vs. Cherry Creek) 6. Jeff Garcia, Highlands Ranch (vs. Coronado) 7. Gordon Winn, Holyoke Jeff Motz, Alamosa (vs. Evergreen) Levi Gibbs, Poudre (vs. Chaparral) 10. Justin Barron, Falcon (vs. Rampart) 11. Grant Buchanan, Greeley West (vs. Montbello) Brandon Payer, Conifer (vs. Lutheran) 13. Don Cockcroft, Fountain-Fort Carson Louie Neil, Woodland Park (vs. Lewis-Palmer) CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS 15. Scott Juengst, Windsor Travis Adamson, Byers (vs. Limon) Kip Smith, Legacy 10/28/94 9/26/08 10/16/09 81 81 81 1977 1997 1988 11/20/93 1997 10/3/89 9/12/14 1987 1988 1980 1957 1987 102 102 100 99 99 98 98 97 97 96 95 92 1977 9/5/92 1954 1960 11/18/95 9/13/97 11/13/99 11/7/15 1973 1986 1987 9/10/88 9/15/89 10/7/89 1990 9/23/99 2001 2002 2003 2008 8/26/16 10/21/16 10/21/16 10/27/16 102 101 100 100 100 100 100 99½ 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 10/1/95 9/22/89 10/23/92 9/24/93 10/22/10 2014 2014 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1966 2006 1949 1987 1995 2005 1972 1987 1987 1965 9/15/90 99 99 97 97 97 97 96 96 96 95 95 LONGEST TD FUMBLE RECOVERY 1. Randy Wiant, Kit Carson Jared Jackson, Elizabeth 3. Brent Riley, Niwot (vs. Sterling) 4. Todd Witzel, Stratton (vs. Granada) Kevin Davis, Calhan 5. Larry Britton, Plateau Valley (vs. Hayden) Lane Castro, Plateau Valley (vs. Rangely) 7. Chris Cushenberry, Lewis-Palmer Ricky VanMaanen, Platte Valley 9. Mike Weigel, Lakewood 10. Joaquin Diaz, Pueblo Central 11. Manjai Hosang, Aurora Central LONGEST TD KICKOFF RETURN 1. 2. 3. 8. 9. Vincent White, Mullen Colin Barnacle, Kent Denver (vs. Elizabeth) Wade Lindsay, Pueblo Centennial Randy Willett, Wasson (vs. Pueblo South) Tad Eurich, Simla (vs. Stratton) Micah Holmes, Dayspring (vs. Haxtun) Scott Walston, Buena Vista (Clear Creek) Chiante' Stewart, Ellicott (vs. Paonia) Ignes Lucero, Wheat Ridge Chris Gilbreath, Northglenn ??, Adams City (vs. Fruita) Gaynor Blackmon, Widefield (vs. Gateway) Jeff Woolsey, Calhan (vs. Hilltop Baptist) Ryan Marsh, Denver Christian (vs. Middle Park) Rob Ponce, Manitou Springs (vs. Steamboat) Kenny Jenkins, Mitchell (vs. Liberty) Asa Matthews, Northglenn Cory Sleeth, Northglenn Austin Krum, Heritage Kyle Rice Ian Burrell, St. Mary's Gavin Mestas, Durango (vs. Delta) Brock Miller, Lakewood (vs. Poudre) Josh Tomjack, Discovery Canyon (vs. Canon City) Victor Garnes, Eaglecrest (vs. Ralston Valley) KICKOFF RETURNS FOR A TD IN ONE QUARTER 1. 2. Jason Stahn, Woodlin John Johnson, Pawnee-Briggsdale (vs. Fleming) Colin Barnacle, Kent Denver (vs. Clear Creek) Ryan Beckman, Idalia (vs. Bethune) Leo Rocha, Swink (vs. Fowler) Eddie Escareno, Manzanola (Cheyenne Wells) Kyle Endsley, Manzanola (Cheyenne Wells) LONGEST TD PUNT RETURN 1. Bill VanArsdalen, Arapahoe (vs. Fairview) Jamiko Verner, Denver East (vs. Brighton) 3. Merrill Pyle, La Junta Steve Fasset, Lutheran Erik Virken, Burlington (vs. Meeker) Matt Stiasny, Dove Creek (vs. San Juan, UT) 7. Keith Easterling, Poudre Steve Fasset, Lutheran Paul Serna, Adams City (vs. Fruita Monument) 10. John Hutchison, Arapahoe (vs. Littleton) Justin Armour, Manitou Springs (vs. Buena Vista) LONGEST TD INTERCEPTION RETURN CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS 1. 5. 7. Jeff McMorris, Cherry Creek Brett Terrill, Custer County Seth Cedars, Kent Denver Tyson Lambertson, Akron (Gilpin County) Levi Travis, Platte Valley (vs. Wray) Kraig Candaleria, Pagosa Springs (vs Ignacio) Larry Cullins, Pueblo Centennial (vs. Pueblo Catholic) Carl Hansen, Poudre Pete Ewing, Paonia (vs. North Park) Jared Jackson, Elizabeth Marcus Stanton, Rangeview (vs. Heritage) Ted Grunday, Plateau Valley (vs. Soroco) Logan Woish, Lewis-Palmer (vs. The Classical Academy) Nicco Young, Wheat Ridge (vs. Littleton) 1973 10/86 10/7/94 1996 10/18/91 10/24/97 1967 1973 11/2/90 1997 1994 10/17/11 11/4/11 9/4/15 106 106 106 106 103 103 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 1987 1964 11/14/87 1988 99 98 97 86 LONGEST TD RETURN FROM A MISSED FIELD GOAL 1. 2. 3. 4. Joe Segura, Windsor (vs. Yuma) Ed Griego, Pueblo East Corey Williams, Fountain-Fort Carson (vs. Steamboat Springs) Scot McCloughan, Loveland (vs. Sterling) Coaching COACH: CAREER WINS * Indicates an active coach 1. Chris Brown, Limon/West Grand Scott Yates, Kent Denver 3. Pat Panek, Denver East/Bishop Machebeuf 4. Ken Soper, Dolores County 5. John Poovey, Loveland 6. Fred Tesone, Cherry Creek 7. Mike Sirko, Hotchkiss/Rampart/Doherty/Aspen/Grand Junction 8. Andy Lowry, Columbine 9. Dave Logan, Arvada West/Chatfield/Mullen/Cherry Creek 10. Phil Bravo, Centaurus/Monarch 11. Gary Davies, Broomfield 12. Lloyd Gaskill, Limon & Calhan 13. Bob Deter, Sheridan/Elizabeth 14. George Rykovich, Manitou Springs 15. Carl Rice, Cedaredge 16. Al Lear, Windsor 17. Jim Hartman, Mitchell/Widefield/Doherty 18. Ken Moore, Simla 19. Mitch Johnson, Fountain-Fort Carson 20. Don Miller, Glenwood Springs 1976-2016* 1981-2016* 1939-77 1965-11 1971-2012 1962-89 1979-2016* 1993-2016* thru 2016* thru 2016* 1988-2015 1935-79 1964-99 1971-2006 1974-08 1967-96 1987-2015 1962-95 315-125 315-76 306 305 269-129-1 251 246 238 237-57 236-72 232-97 228 223 222-192-1 216-108 214 211 208 207 204 WINNING PERCENTAGE Minimum: 50 games 1. Tim Gribben, Idalia 2. Chris Brown, West Grand 3. James Kennedy, Otis 4. Glynn Higgs, Burlington 5. Randy Begano, Trinidad 6. Larry Mills, Brush 7. Lewis Flores, Fowler 8. Greg King, Stratton 9. Dave Rice, Revere 10. Mike O'Dwyer, Limon 11. Scott Yates, Kent Denver STATE TITLES ^ Includes a co-championship. * Indicates coach is active. 2001-06 95.6 (64-3) 1991-97 93.3 1974-78 92.3 1991-97 90.5 1985-91 89.5 1981-92 88.9 1985-92 88.7 1992-97 87.0 1988-93 87.3 2002-11 84.7 1981-2016* 80.5 (315-76) CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS 1. 2. 3. 4. Lloyd Gaskill, Limon Dave Logan; Arvada West, Chatfield, Mullen, Cherry Creek Harold Kravig, Hugo Ken Moore, Simla Mike Woolford, Cherry Creek Dave Rice, Revere Greg King, Stratton Brian Christensen, Akron Andy Lowry, Columbine 10. John Starkebaum, Haxtun Chris Brown, Limon/West Grand Joe Ramunno, Palisade Tim Gribben, Idalia John Poovey, Loveland Brent Vieselmeyer, Valor Christian 16. Sam Pagano, Fairview Fred Tesone, Cherry Creek Jim Hartman, Mitchell Randy Miller, Arickaree Larry Allen, Broomfield Harvey Riddle, Englewood John "Red" Coats, Wheat Ridge Randy Begano, Trinidad Lewis Flores, Fowler Larry Mills, Brush Tom Hancock, Lakewood Mike Odwyer, Limon Gordon Cramer, Longmont Scott Yates, Kent Denver Rod Sherman, Valor Christian 1933-79 1993-16* 1964-71 1980-85 1990, 91, 94, 95, 96 1989, 90, 91, 94, 96 1992, 93, 94, 95, 97 2001, 02, 06-08 1993-12 1981,89,90,91 1976, 78, 96, 98 1994, 95, 96, 97 2001-06 1982, 85, 00, 03 2009-12 1978, 79, 87 1982, 83, 86 1975, 77, 81 1986, 87, 88 1981, 83, 84 1935-37 1966-67, 73 1988-89, 91 1986, 91, 92 1960, 64, 68 2003, 04, 05 1989, 90, 91 1981-14* 2013-16 10 7 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3^ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1965-2011 1978-08 1975-2016* 1938-77 1971-2006 1981-2016* 1979-2013 1962-95 1962-93 1964-97 1987-2015 1981-2009 1933-79 59-72/76-90 1988-2015 1962-89 47 41 41 39 36 36 34 33 32 32 31 30 29 29 28 27 1965-2011 1971-2006 1980-2015* 1978-12 1981-2015* 1962-93 47 36 36 35 35 32 31 31 30 28 28 28 27 27 26 26 23 YEARS HEAD COACH 1. 2. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Kenneth Soper, Dolores County John Poovey, Loveland Chris Brown, Limon/West Grand Pat Panek, Denver East, Machebeuf George Rykovich, Manitou Springs Scott Yates, Kent Denver Mike Sirko, Hotchkiss/Rampart/Doherty/Aspen Don Miller, Glenwood Springs Gordon Thornton, Custer County Bob Deter, Sheridan/Elizabeth Mich Johnson, Fountain-Fort Carson Tony Manfredi, Overland Lloyd Gaskill, Limon, Calhan Bob Rumrill, Valley Gary Davies, Broomfield Fred Tesone, Cherry Creek YEARS HEAD COACH AT ONE SCHOOL 1. 2. 4. 6. 7. 9. 10. 13. 15. 17. Kenneth Soper, Dolores County George Rykovich, Manitou Springs Chris Brown, West Grand John Poovey, Loveland Scott Yates, Kent Denver Gordon Thornton, Custer County Don Miller, Glenwood Springs Mitch Johnson, Fountain-Fort Carson Tony Manfredi, Overland Pat Panek, Denver East Bob Deter, Sheridan Gary Davies, Broomfield Lloyd Gaskill, Limon Fred Tesone, Cherry Creek Bill Riccotone, Aguilar Brian McGregor, Arvada West Tom McCartney, Fairview CONSECUTIVE GAMES WITHOUT 15 YD. PENALTY 1987-2015 1981-2009 1938-66 1964-92 1988-2015 35-38, 44-47, 57-75 1962-89 1968-84 1967-92 1993-2015* CHSAA FOOTBALL RECORDS 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Kenneth Soper, Dolores County Dave Logan, Arvada West/Chatfield/Mullen/Cherry Creek Phil Bravo, Centaurus/Monarch Scott Yates, Kent Denver Matt Lloyd, Ralston Valley Jim Smelcer, Sierra Brian Christensen, Akron Mark Swalley, Denver Christian Pete Levine, Mullen Ken Moore, Simla Dave Warmack, Grand Junction Scott Yates, Kent Denver Jerry Callahan, Yuma/Sterling Greg King, Del Norte/McClave/Stratton 1965-2011 1993-2015* 1991-2015* thru 2015* 1996-2011 to 2000 1973-87 1981-95 58-62, 82-87 459 294 294 250 229 198 194 188 172 153 152 128 118 115
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