Vision and strategy

Chief Executive
Candidate information pack
July 2015
Welcome from the Chair
Dear Applicant
Thank you for your interest in our Chief Executive role.
vInspired is a dynamic, innovative charity at an exciting crossroads. Since we launched in 2006 we have
changed the way that young people view volunteering as well as the way that charities, businesses and
communities view young volunteers. We believe that the case for the benefits of Youth Social Action is now
well made and that we are in an excellent position to be a key player in a significant expansion of such
opportunities due to our history, reputation and financial stability.
A recent strategic review has given us a refreshed purpose and an exciting new vision for the future. We now
need a Chief Executive who can bring the vision, energy and commitment we need to achieve our goals.
The challenge over the next few years will be to strengthen and diversify our funding streams, invest in new
and existing partnerships so that we are able to work with more and more young people – and influence
government agendas, and to build on our early social enterprise successes such as Task Squad, our fast
growing youth recruitment platform.
With commitment at the top for investing for the long term, the right skills within the organisation and a set of
proven programmes and interventions that put us at the heart of future Government policy, all the necessary
ingredients are in place for the right person to lead us into a brand new era.
vInspired has an exceptionally bright future – one that I very much hope you will want to be a part of. If,
having read this pack, you believe you have the skills, experience and qualities we’re looking for at this crucial
point in our development, then I very much look forward to hearing from you.
David Frost
Chair, vInspired
vInspired in brief
vInspired is a national charity which provides innovative opportunities
for young people to reach their potential through volunteering and
social action. Our diverse programmes and services help them make
a difference to the things they care about – whether that’s through
taking part in online campaigns, volunteering for a charity or setting
up their own social action project. As a result young people improve
their skills, confidence, self-esteem and future employability whilst
also contributing to their local communities.
Young people – their energy, ideas and experiences – are at the heart
of everything we do. They inspire and shape our work and ambitions
for the future.
Our Vision
Our vision is a world where all young people are inspired to reach their full potential through social action.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide young people with inspiring, high quality social action opportunities to gain new
experiences and skills for life.
Our Values
We are collaborative
We know that we cannot achieve our goals alone. We work as a team – internally, with partner organisations
and with young people – to find solutions to problems, to make the most of opportunities and to create exciting
new ways to reach our goals.
We are generous with our expertise, sharing it with each other and with those who might help us to achieve
the great things we want for young people.
We are trailblazers
We have always got our eyes, ears and minds open for great opportunities that will inspire young people and
our partners. We carve new paths for great youth social action by taking chances on good ideas. And we
move quickly to test and develop those ideas, so we’re always keeping pace with the young people who drive
We listen, learn and act
We relish the challenge to do bigger and better things. We make sure we are in touch with what young
people need and want. We analyse and respond to what our data and insights tell us so that we’re always
growing and improving
vInspired was launched as v, in 2006 with the
exciting challenge to create a ‘step-change’ in the
quality, quantity and diversity of youth
volunteering in England. The organisation was
set up as the result of the Russell Commission
inquiry (2004). For the first 5 years of our
existence we were funded by the Government to
provide funding for charities, the private sector,
and the public sector to develop their youth
volunteering activities and to change the way that
young people viewed volunteering and social
In 2011, we became vInspired, and moved our
focus onto direct delivery of contracts,
programmes, and digital products to support
youth social action. We received transition
funding from the Cabinet Office to build on our
successes and create a legacy whilst we worked
towards a diversified income base.
A Framework to Action for 2018
vInspired recently completed a strategic review to frame the development of our future direction. As part of
this work, we developed an organisation-wide theory of change, which provided us with a clear, shared way
forward and a refreshed understanding of what we are trying to achieve.
We have the following strategic goals:
To create a connected network of young
people and organisations to support youth
social action
Last year we brought together 31,915 young
people, 1,469 organisations, and 150 schools
via our digital platforms. We will expand our
digital services to grow the number of young
people we reach, inspire, and engage. We will
continue to build an online network that breaks
down barriers between causes and young
people, and makes them feel part of an important
movement for social change.
Young people take action on issues they care
Last year we directly supported 10,000 young people to take social action through programmes
including National Citizenship Service and vInspired Talent. We will grow levels of engagement in
social action by providing a diverse range of opportunities that meet their needs, including the
expansion of the vInspired online volunteering marketplace and our campaigns platform, Do
Something. We will also expand Goodstock, our innovative youth volunteer retail offer.
Young people value their achievements
Reflection is a key part of actualising the learning and skills young people take from their social action.
The vInspired Awards enable young people to reflect on and record their social action achievements.
They help young people, and the communities and organisations they have benefitted, to recognise
the value of their efforts. Last year 4,800 young people recorded 559,372 hours of volunteering.
Young people gain skills for life
The skills for life we aim to develop in young people
include: continued engagement in their communities,
personal development, building networks of support,
and support to secure employment. Our Cashpoint
and Task Squad programmes support young people’s
personal development, leadership skills, and
transitions into employment, as well as instilling
continued engagement in their communities.
Key deliverables
Our five year organisational objectives are:
1. We will place young people – their ideas, their energy, and their
experiences – at the heart of what we do
We will find new ways for young people to shape and inspire our
work, in order to make the most of new opportunities and to keep
2. We will invest in partnerships and be a leader in youth social
We will grow a strong reputation for providing high quality
programmes – particularly for delivering pioneering digital tools and
We will form partnerships with charities, businesses and public
sector organisations that will strengthen our financial sustainability,
and allow us to provide a greater quantity and variety of quality
opportunities for young people.
3. We will be entrepreneurial
We will seek exciting new ways to meet our mission and to improve our sustainability. Our digital first
approach will allow us to blaze new trails in the youth social action (YSA) sector.
4. We will reach many more young people
We will focus on our passion to make a change in as many young people’s lives as possible – setting
ourselves ambitious targets to become more sustainable and, by doing so, help many more young
people make changes in their own lives and for the causes they care about.
5. We will set a new standard for quality and innovation
We keep learning and will act on what our evaluations and data tell us, in order to provide the best
possible service to young people.
We will test and learn, taking a chance on innovative pilot programmes, with the aim of growing them
as we improve and demonstrate their viability.We will always keep our eyes, ears and minds open for
new ways to make our work bigger and better.
Governance and Structure
Our organisational structure chart is attached at the back of this pack.
To achieve our aims we rely on the talents of our creative and talented staff team and a host of wonderful
volunteers. We are guided in our strategy by our board of trustees, which encompasses a rich blend of talents
from business and the voluntary and community sector. We are in the process of identifying new board
members with a particular expertise in marketing and digital communications.
Read about our Trustees at:
Role Description
Role title
Chief Executive Officer
Accountable to
Chair of the Board of Trustees of vInspired
The new Chief Executive will be arriving at a time when creative approaches to income generation and a
focus on increasing our external profile, efficiency and impact will be key.
This role requires excellent communication, influencing and negotiation skills; entrepreneurial flair; a strong
intellect and the ability to lead and develop a collegiate senior management team. He or she must be able to
drive the organisation by being a dynamic and energetic leader, securing our position as an innovative and
nimble partner. Digital transformation is at the heart of vInspired’s future business model for achieving greater
scale in the numbers of young people it reaches, and the right candidate must be comfortable with the
potential of using technology and digital approaches to radically improve levels of efficiency, performance
and innovation. Overall, this role requires passion for building capacity in young people, as well as the
strength and determination needed to deliver success.
This is an exciting and challenging opportunity for the right candidate who combines creative, forward-thinking
and commercial flair with highly effective management and leadership skills.
Key Objectives
The Chief Executive is responsible to the Board for the overall direction and leadership of vInspired and its
effective performance. They will work with the Board to ensure that vInspired has a clear sense of direction
and purpose set out in an agreed strategy and to deliver its annual business plan. The Chief Executive will:
be proactive in embracing new opportunities for partnership and income generation
ensure vInspired is recognised as a national leader in inspiring young people to take social action
provide inspirational leadership to the organisation so staff and volunteers understand their role and
are empowered to exceed expectations
ensure that young people are involved in all aspects of the organisation’s work
Key Responsibilities
Vision and strategy
 Work with the Board in consultation with the Chair, ensuring that the trustees receive timely and
accurate advice and information on all relevant matters affecting the strategies and operations of
 Clearly articulate vInspired’s vision, mission and values
 Lead and develop an integrated organisational strategy to determine vInspired’s short, medium and
long-term strategy with clear targets, milestones and deliverables
 Lead and support the digital transformation of vInspired
 Develop mechanisms to measure the success and impact of vInspired
 Develop the national coverage of vInspired’s services for young people primarily in the key areas of
London, North East England and North West England
 Act as a source of inspiration and motivation to all employees and wider stakeholders
Programmes, products and services
 Drive innovation and digital transformation to develop market leading programmes, products, and
services to deliver our organisational goals
 Embed youth involvement and insight across all programmes, products, and services for young
 Ensure the Board is informed, supported, and challenged
 Utilise the Board’s experience, skills and knowledge to assist and lead the organisation in the delivery
of its strategic objectives
 Work with the Board in fulfilling the organisation’s constitutional, regulatory and legal obligations
 Ensure the continued involvement of young people and supporters throughout the organisation’s
governance, operations and delivery
 Take appropriate steps to manage risk whilst maximising opportunities
Fundraising, marketing and engagement
 Take accountability for the organisation raising funds from all sources to deliver its agreed strategic
objectives in the medium to long term
 Develop, with the Director of Fundraising and Communications, a sustainable funding strategy and
fundraising function for the long-term
 Develop, with the Director of Commercial Services, a strategy to drive financial growth through income
generation, opening up new business areas, and partnership development
 Meet revenue targets established with the Board
 Develop, with the Director of Fundraising and Communications, a comprehensive strategy aimed at
raising the external profile of vInspired with major stakeholders (such as government, corporates,
academia, retail etc), young people and the general public
 Act as an ambassador for vInspired, building appropriate relationships for the positive benefit of the
organisation. Develop strong networks across the youth and social action sectors at national, regional
and local level
Finance and IT
 Assume responsibility to the Board for the overall financial health of the organisation, including
financial controls and audit
 Prepare, with the Director of Corporate Resources, an annual budget for approval by the Board, and
implement that budget once agreed
 Develop and articulate the organisational objectives and ensure that financial resources are allocated
effectively and efficiently
 Work closely with the Director of Corporate Resources to ensure appropriate monitoring and financial
controls are implemented and that the organisation has a culture of efficiency and accountability
 Work closely with Director of Corporate Resources to ensure appropriate technology and systems to
strengthen organisational capacity
Managing and leading the organisation
 Work closely with the senior management team to lead vInspired to deliver its vision and mission
 Provide clear leadership and direction for staff and volunteers and empower them to deliver to their
best ability
 Ensure staff are selected, trained, developed, appraised and rewarded in a way that enables vInspired
to achieve its objectives and realise the full potential of all employees
 Foster good communications throughout the organisation
 Maintain a work environment that attracts, retains and motivates top quality people
Person Specification
It is essential that in your written application you give evidence of examples of proven experience in each of
the selection criteria in Part One of the person specification. These responses will be developed and
discussed with those candidates invited for interview, together with the other criteria listed in Part Two.
The successful candidate will have the following skills, experience and attributes:
Part One
Knowledge and Experience
An established track record in the successful management and development of organisations of
comparable size and complexity
A track record of successful leadership of multi-disciplinary teams with the ability to motivate others
to achieve high levels of performance
Experience of leading and managing organisation and cultural change, ideally in a digital environment
A successful track record of robust performance and risk management
Experience of business and strategic planning at senior level
Experience of delivering high value contracts
Possession of good financial acumen including budgeting
Experience of building and maintaining a network of productive relationships with a wide range of
stakeholders in government, the voluntary, public and private sectors – proven ability to influence and
negotiate at all levels
Experience of public speaking and handling the media
Part Two
Skills and Abilities
An inspiring leader with excellent communication and interpersonal skills
A strategic thinker, able to deliver creative solutions
Able to easily establish credibility with a wide range of audiences, including staff, volunteers and the
A commitment to youth involvement in the organisation’s work
Able to lead a highly creative and delivery focussed organisation to be at the forefront of social action
Able to retain and build the organisation’s profile at local and national levels and generate a brand
reputation for delivery, partnership working and innovation
An understanding of the power of marketing and digital communications in reaching young people
A passion for digital innovation
Able to manage the varied income streams and develop plans to increase income
Demonstrate a commitment to the values, ethos and aims of vInspired with a passion for improving
young people’s lives
Terms and Conditions of Appointment
Up to £100,000. Starting salary will be dependent on experience.
This is a permanent, full-time executive appointment.
Annual leave
30 days’ a year plus public holidays.
Contributory pension scheme, currently under review.
Interest free travel loan; Enhanced Maternity, Paternity and Adoption Pay, Volunteering leave;
Reimbursement of Professional Membership fee; Reimbursement of full cost of Eye Test; Child care
How to Apply
To apply for this post, please submit:
A comprehensive CV.
A supporting statement that addresses the criteria set out in Part One of the person specification
(maximum 3 sides of A4) and tells us why you are particularly interested in this role.
Details of two referees who we would be able to contact at shortlist stage.
Please also tell us about any dates provided in this pack on which you would not be available to
participate in the selection process.
Please also ensure you have completed and submitted the equal opportunities monitoring form that appears
on the GatenbySanderson site as you submit your application. The information you provide will be treated as
confidential, and used for statistical purposes only. The form will not be treated as part of your application.
The closing date for applications is Monday 17th August 2015.
The How to Apply section of the website provides clear instructions; if, however, you have any
queries in relation to the application process, or you experience difficulties uploading your
application, please do not hesitate to telephone the GatenbySanderson team on 020 7426 3961.
If you have any queries about any aspect of the appointment process, need additional information or wish to
have an informal and confidential discussion then Siobhain Brodie (020 7426 3996) or Juliet Taylor (020 7426
3990) will be pleased to take your call. GatenbySanderson will respect the privacy of any initial approach or
expression of interest in this role, whether formal or informal.
Recruitment Timetable
An indicative recruitment timetable for candidates is provided below. As dates are confirmed, these will be
made available to candidates via the GatenbySanderson website.
Closing date
Monday 17th August 2015
Preliminary interviews
w/c 24th August 2015
Final Panel interviews
11th September 2015