Representative Players Guide/Handbook

Mercury Bay Netball Centre
Representative Team Code of Conduct and Guide
Representative Teams Guide
One of the aims of the MBNC is to foster and promote excellence in netball for players from Year 1
through to Year 13 and onwards. This is where the concept of the Representative teams is useful
and is designed to increase the skill level and develop the talent in the top tier of players.
MBNC would like to also ensure that the players enjoy their time in their Rep team and get the
‘most’ out of the experience of being a Rep player, and it is important that the team are supportive
of each other to foster a positive yet competitive environment (see appendix 4).
Additional players can only be added to the teams if a player leaves the team for any reason (e.g.
moves away, are injured for a number of tournaments, etc.). In this case the team coach and
manager will meet with the Committee and consult on the top trialists (who missed out on selection)
for the vacant position. Specific consideration will be given to the team’s positional needs when
selecting the replacement player(s), and if none of the next tier of trails has appropriate skills then
the Committee, team coach and manager may review all teams in the ‘Centre (Club)’ competition to
see if there are other potential players who have developed the requisite skills during seasonal play.
Any potential replacement players can be viewed during their Centre games and reselected by at
least one Committee member and the Rep team Coach and manager.
Players and supporters must remember that they are ‘representing’ Mercury Bay Netball Centre and
they need ensure conduct and behaviour during training and tournaments is of a positive nature
(putting your best foot forward).
Players shall adhere to the NNZ (appendix 1) and MBNC (appendix 2) player code of conduct.
Players selected for any Rep team must be prepared to commit to attendance at all trainings and
tournaments throughout the season. They will be asked to sign a Code of conduct and Ethics.
Parents, caregivers and supporters of Rep players shall adhere to the NNZ (appendix 3) and MBNC
(appendix 2) Supporters Code of Conduct. We ask that parents, caregivers and supports understand
that all support staff of the team are volunteers and to support the decisions made by the coach and
team manager for the welfare of the team.
1.1 Player Discipline
Sometimes a player can exhibit behaviour that is not in accordance with the Code of Conduct or can
disrupt a practice or a game to the extent that the coach feels that disciplinary action is requi red. In
the event that the coach/s believe that disciplinary action is required, the escalating warning
procedure outlined below should be followed:
1. Warning: The player should be given a clear warning at the end of the practice or game that
the behaviour is unacceptable. The coach and/or manager will give the player a specific
description of the unacceptable behaviour, along with a description of the remedial actions
that is desired. This must be conducted out of sight and hearing of other players.
2. Withdrawal: Should the behaviour continuer, the player is immediately withdrawn from
participating in the practice or game and is expected to watch and support her team mates
from the side-line. At the end of the practice, the coach or manager will then discuss the
players’ behaviour with the player and notify the payer’s parents, again outlining clearly the
behaviour that is unacceptable.
3. Removal: A final escalation, should the behaviour continue is to send the player home from
practice immediately. Parents should be called to collect the player from practice.
4. If unacceptable behaviour occurs at a tournament, the player will first be warned (as in
point 1 above) and if the unacceptable behaviour continues, the player will be removed
from all play and will be expected to watch and support the team from the side-line under
the supervision of the manager.
Once this procedure has been followed a meeting should be called between the player involved, the
players’ parents, the coaches, the team manager and an independent member of the MBNC
Committee to discuss the remedy for the unacceptable behaviour.
The following uniform shall be provided to each team member:
1 x Netball Dress
Uniform items will be numbered and allocated to each player. Players are responsible for caring for
their uniforms and returning them in good condition. If a uniform is not returned in good condition
then the cost of the replacement/repair will be invoiced to the player.
Players should provide their own netball shoes which should be adequate for the higher level of
training and game play at Representative level. In addition, each player will ensure they wear plain
white ankle socks and plain black knickers to tournaments.
Representative Tournaments
The tournament season starts in early May and ends the 13th of August. Where possible the rep
training teams should be given a week off training in the July School Holidays. This will be advised at
the start of the season to allow parents the flexibility to schedule holidays without impacting training
schedules. However, it is possible that teams may have to attend tournaments during the July school
holidays, but this will be made clear as prior to the start of representative tournaments starting.
Funding Representative Teams
A fee shall be levied on each player selected for a rep team. This will be set each year by the MBNC
Committee; it is the intention that this ‘Rep fee’ be as kept as minimal as possible. Therefore the
expectation is the players and supporters will fund their own accommodation (where applicable for
overnight stays) and will contribute towards the cost of travel (either by providing transport or
money towards the driver of the vehicle they are travelling in). If a players family cannot afford the
representative fee, the can apply in confidence to the Chair or Treasurer for a hardship grant to fund
the representative fee. This fee covers the cost of:
Entry fees into tournaments
Umpire fees for tournaments
Uniform ‘hire’
First aid supplies
The list of the above represents the limit of expenses that the committee shall underwrite for the
Representative season. Anything additional the Rep teams need should be funded by external
funding sources. There are numerous sources of external funding:
Charitable Trust
Private sponsorship
Parent contributions
Rep team fundraising (BBQ’s, bake sales etc.) (please note committee approval must be
gained prior to any fundraising activity)
Reporting and Feedback
There are four primary feedback mechanisms in place for the Rep season:
Coaches’ and Managers Reports (Appendix 5)
Coach and manager exit interviews
Individual Player Profiles (appendix 6)
Player and Parent Survey (appendix 7)
Coaches and Managers provide a report to the Tournament Coordinator after each tournament. The
Coordinator provides progressive reports to the Committee throughout the season.
The Coaches and Managers provide reports and recommendations to the Tournament Coordinator
as soon as possible after the last tournament of the season has been played.
The Rep coordinator considers the reports from eh managers, coaches and reports back to the
Committee recommendations for the next season and recommendations for any changes to this
Representative Guide.
The Player and Parent Surveys provide feedback loop for the players and, at their option the parents
of the players. Given the ages of children in some of the Rep teams, it is important that we give the
parents a change to contribute to feedback. The Player and Parent Surveys should be distributed as
soon as possible after the last tournament of the season is played. These surveys are independently
analysed and feedback from this analysis is taken into consideration when planning for the next
Player and Parent Declaration
I, the player, agree to the principal’s, rules and conduct laid out in this document. I agree to give my
best at trainings and games and to maintain a supportive and positive culture for my team.
Signed ………………………………………………………………. Name: ……………………………………………………….
I, the parent, agree to the principal’s, rules and conduct laid out in this document. I agree to help
support the Coach and Manager to maintain a positive culture for my child’s team.
Signed ………………………………………………………….. Name: ……………………………………………………………
As a Member of NNZ you must meet the following requirements in regard to your conduct
during any activity held by or under the auspices of NNZ, a Zone or a Netball Centre and in
any role you hold within NNZ, a Zone or a Netball Centre:
1. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of others.
2. be fair, considerate and honest in all dealings with others.
3. be professional in, and accept responsibility for your actions.
4. Make a commitment to providing quality service.
5. Demonstrate a high degree of individual responsibility especially when dealing with
persons less than 18 years of age.
6. be aware of, and maintain an uncompromising adhesion to NNZ standards, rules
regulations and policies.
7. Operate within the rules of netball including national and i nternational guidelines which
govern NNZ, the Zone and Netball Centres
8. Understand your responsibility if you breach, or are aware of any breaches of this Code of
Conduct & Ethics.
9. Do not use your involvement with NNZ, a Zone or Netball Centre to promote your own
beliefs, behaviours or practices where these are inconsistent with those of NNZ, a Zone or a
Netball Centre.
10. Wherever possible avoid unaccompanied and unobserved activities with persons less
than 18 years of age.
11. Refrain from any form of abuse towards others.
12. Refrain from any form of harassment towards, or discrimination of, others.
13. Provide a safe environment for the conduct of any netball or netball related activity.
14. Show concern and caution towards others who may be sick or injured. 15. Be a positive
role model.
 Be a fair and respectful player and supporter to both my own team members as well as
other teams.
Wear appropriate and correct uniform and footwear to games.
Play to win within the good spirit and rules of netball.
Be encouraging and respectful of all players, coaches, managers, umpires and other
Ensure my team supporters are encouraging and respectful of all players, coaches,
managers, umpires and other supporters.
Be respectful of the netball environment and equipment of Mercury Bay Netball.
Arrive at the appropriate time to allow all pre-requirements for the commencement of the
game to be completed.
Remain Smoke free at and within the netball environment for Mercury Bay Netball.
Ensure my team supporters remain Smoke free at and within the netball environment for
Mercury Bay Netball.