the topic - Albert

Grammar Game
Topic 1
Topic 2
Topic 3
Topic 4
Topic 5
$100 $100
$100 $100
$200 $200
$300 $300
Mary usually (get up)
___ at 6:30 a.m to take
a shower.
Tony (have) ______
breakfast at the moment.
When was the last time
you (go) ___ to the
When are you (do) ____
to do your homework.
My sister (get) ____
married on April 26
Moreen has never (eat)
____ Mexican food.
Andy (drive) _____
yesterday evening when
his car broke down.
I can’t go to play now. I
(not do) ____ my
homework yet.
Who (draw) ___ this
ugly photo of me? I am
not amused!
If I (speak) ____ 20
languages, I would travel
to many places.
Marion (live) ____ in
China since he was ten.
We (draw) ____ on the
blackboard when the
teacher walked in. She
was not very pleased.
Mandy has never (be)
___ to Africa.
I’m sorry but I (forget)
____ to post that letter
you gave me.
Who (teach) ___ you
how to play the guitar?
My father (read) ____ a
book every night before
going to bed.
I think people (fly) ___
to other solar systems in
Sandra has already (buy)
____ her boyfriend a
present for his birthday.
I (work) ___ in this
company for past 10
She will (fall) ______
asleep by the time we
get home.