Sunjan Sunar, Ulmit Sethi, Pavel Salih, and O`Shane Harris

Nanotechnology refers broadly to a field of applied science and technology whose unifying theme is
the control of matter on the atomic and molecular scale, normally 1 to 100 nanometres, and the
fabrication of devices within that size range. It is a highly multidisciplinary field, drawing from fields
such as applied physics, materials science, interface and colloid science, device physics,
supramolecular chemistry, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering.
Much speculation exists as to what new science and technology may result from these lines of
research. Nanotechnology can be seen as an extension of existing sciences into the nanoscale, or as
a recasting of existing sciences using a newer, more modern term.
Two main approaches are used in nanotechnology. In the "bottom-up" approach, materials and
devices are built from molecular components which assemble themselves chemically by principles of
molecular recognition. In the "top-down" approach, nano-objects are constructed from larger entities
without atomic-level control. The impetus for nanotechnology comes from a renewed interest in
Interface and Colloid Science, coupled with a new generation of analytical tools such as the atomic
force microscope (AFM), and the scanning tunnelling microscope (STM). Combined with refined
processes such as electron beam lithography and molecular beam epitaxy, these instruments allow
the deliberate manipulation of nanostructures,
and led to the observation of novel phenomena
What are nanotech and their uses in future life?
Nanotechnology comprises technological developments on the nanometre scale, usually 0.1 to 100
nm. (One nanometre equals one thousandth of a micrometre or one millionth of a millimetre.) The
term has sometimes been applied to microscopic technology
according to Smalley
Nanotechnology figures mightily in the practical harnessing of solar power—and, for that matter, in
any long-term energy solution
"Nanotechnology is right at the core [of] the answer to the energy problem,"
In the case of solar power, for example, nanotechnology holds the promise of cutting the cost of
photovoltaic by 10 to 100 times, he said. It may bring about a similar-scale reduction in the cost of fuel
cells in enumerating two of "14 enabling nanotech revolutions" that could transform world energy
production and usage.
These potential energy breakthroughs,
which, he said, "could only come from
nanotechnology," also include a
"revolution" in hydrogen storage; direct
conversion of light and water into
hydrogen supplies; "photocatalytic"
reduction of carbon dioxide; and
nanomaterial, or coatings enabling the
possibility of very deep drilling into Earth
to obtain geothermal heat.
The best way to tap the sun's enormous energy stream may be to put solar power plants in space or
on the moon, noting that solar cells in space could operate at about nine times the efficiency of similar
cells on Earth.
"There [are] massive amounts of [solar] energy that miss the Earth every day," shooting right past it.
Here again, nanotechnology would figure critically: providing "super-strong, light-weight materials" that
would make it possible to build efficient solar power-collecting space stations, and perhaps leading to
nanoelectronics-based robots that could handle tasks such as maintaining space-based solar energy
The Future of Nanotechnology
With the expansion anoscopic machines, the d say Assemblers, scientists can reprogram
and manipulate atoms according to antecedent desire. A single nanoscopic machine takes
millions of years to assemble YG useful material. So much faster d needs millions of
nanoscopic machine (Assemblers). This can be d do when Assemblers can right itself
duplicate (up duplicators). Once formed billions Assemblers, then we are ready to create an
Billions assemblers and duplicators can only make objects less than 1 cubic cm, but with the
increasing number of assemblers and duplicators, we can establish that larger objects with special
abilities who.
In fact, we can duplicate the diamond, food and water. in medical, cancer patients only drink liquids
containing nanorobot.Nanorobot will attack and change the composition of the virus kanker.bahkan
cells. For women, nan robots can be anti-aging (aging prevention). And nanorobot can also assist in
surgical operations, as it has a very small size and sharp to perform surgery. Fact, scientists can
exploit airborne nanorobots (nanorobot air) to strengthen the ozone layer. Nanorobot can also
purify water and reduce auto pollution. More extreme, we can create a nanoparticle that such
petroleum, and we no longer need to mine PERTAMAX (petroleum)
Dangers of nano technology in the medical
because of its size that is super-duper small, d worry about these nano particles easily penetrate
between the layers of the Brain (the blood-brain barrier), the membrane which keeps the brain from
harmful chemicals in the stream before we use nano darah.Jadi technology with which
sangaaaaaaaattt small particle, we must be sure that the particles will not poison us.
What is Quantum?
There was a scam a few years ago that everyone fell for called "The Secret" it was a sham of a video
and books that even Oprah fell for telling people they could control everything with the power of
positive thing and mental manipulation.
In the upper levels of this click they believe they are all God's
Quantum Physics is used by them to explain their hocus pocus ideology.
Will nanotechnology and quantum computing allow us to
put String Theory to the test?
Quantum computing only speeds up what is currently available. There is almost nothing that can be
done on a quantum computer that isn't done on a standard computer. The basics of programming will
still be the same. Programming just allows us to analyse data. Quantum computing would just do that
faster and better. The underlying problem is that there is no data to analyse. There is no way to get
data on string theory without the tools to obtain it.
To test string theory we need a lot of energy. Far more than LHC is able to provide. More than we
might ever be able to obtain.
As new fields of science open up more methods become available to us. We may be able to test it
using these new methods. Nano technology is one of those new methods and is just in it's infancy. It
could help us probe string theory because we don't know that it can't. It is surprising us with new
developments every day. Since we don't know much about nanotechnology it could help us. Just right
now it looks like it can't.
We still run into the fundamental problem, how do we get the data?
Our ability to test string theory is due to both reasons. We don't have the ability to probe down that
deep into matter. String theory doesn't have flaws per se but it does have properties that render it
untestable. String theory makes sense there are few mistakes in it.
String theory has no scientific merit because it can't be tested. It is more of a philosophical theory.
However if it can describe everything and become the theory of everything it can be useful. Even if it
can't be tested it will become more widely accepted because of its usefulness.
Physicists are skeptical of string theory because they research what the universe is, not how the
universe could be.
What is Nanometre?
It's one-billionth of a meter. To give you some perspective, a human hair tends to be between
80,000 to 100,000 nanometres in diameter. At this scale, even microscopic objects are gigantic. Light
microscopes can't detect objects on the nanoscale -- we have to use special tools like scanning
tunnelling microscopes. Most cells are hundreds of nanometres in diameter, but some structures
like certain viruses can be just a few
dozen nanometres in length.
Video Link
How many millimetres are in one nanometre?
A millimetre is 0.001 meters and a nanometre is 0.000 000 001 meters. So 0.000 001 mm / nm.
How many atoms in a nanometre?
A bond between 2 atoms is about 2-3 Angstroms, i.e. 0.2-0.3 nm. So there would be about 5 atoms in
a 1 nm chunk of a molecule
What is Nanoscale?
Nanoscale technology is a branch of nanotechnology in which standard size tools are used to
manufacture simple structures and devices with dimensions on the order of a few
nanometres or less, where one nanometre (1 nm) is equal to a billionth of a meter (10 -9 m).
Nanoscale technology encompasses all of nanotechnology except molecular manufacturing,
which involves the use of nanoscale (extremely small) tools to build structures, devices, and
systems at the molecular level.
Nanotechnology has potential benefits in a number of fields, including water purification,
sanitation, agriculture, alternative energy (particularly photovoltaic), home and business
construction, computer manufacturing, communications, and medicine. Nanotechnology is
also considered to pose risks, including economic disruption, misuse by people or
organizations with nefarious intent, evolution of extreme governmental regulation,
controversies over morality, and damage to the environment.
Nanoscale Medical Devices Can Have Huge Effects
All creatures struggle with a common problem: they must let in nutrients and vent wastes while also
keeping pathogens and poisons out. At a cellular level, humans and other vertebrates safeguard
their bodies using “tight junctions,” watertight bonds between adjacent cells. Tight junctions are in
almost all our tissues and even help waterproof our skin. But they also make it very difficult for drugs
to get into the body’s tissues from the outside world.
Nanoscale and microscope drug-delivery devices as small as a few atoms or as large as the width of a
human hair can interact with tight junctions and other cellular features to more effectively
administer drugs to patients. For example, we have developed a tiny film with nanoscale wireshaped features that cells like to grab onto. The film activates certain chemical pathways in the cells
that alter cell membrane structure and prop open the tight junctions. That allows doctors to use
reduced, less dangerous doses of highly toxic anticancer drugs or to get more of a drug to a certain
part of the body. For example, particles to treat diabetes could stick to the intestinal wall and
release insulin over time rather than quickly flushing out of the body.
One device we are developing is for age-related macular degeneration, which causes blindness if left
untreated. Right now patients go to the doctor and have a needle poked into their eye once a month
to deliver the drug. Our nanoscale device can be delivered in a single injection, and it lasts from six
months to a year. It would sit in the back of the eye and deliver the drug over time through
microscopic pores, then dissolve away once it is emptied.
In the future, we will see particles with nanoscale parts that can not only target specific sites but also
improve a drug’s absorption within the body by prying open tight junction barriers.