A Study on Students` Ability of Grammatical Aspect in Writing Simple

Jurnal Kependidikan DISCOVERY Vol. 2 No. 1 April 2014
ISSN 2337-7208
*Hesti Novarila, ** Syofianis,**Johari Afrizal
**Dosen FKIP Universitas Islam Riau
*Mahasiswi FKIP Universitas Islam Riau
Abstact: This resaerch was a descriptive research with the objective of the research was
to find out the students’ ability of grammatical aspect in writing simple sentences of the
first year students at SMA N I Kuantan Mudik. This research had one variable; the
researchers described about students’ ability of grammatical aspect in writing simple
sentences of the first year students at SMA N 1 Kuantan Mudik. The sample of this
research wasfourty three students. The research had been conductedonNovember 2012
at the first year students at SMA N 1 Kuantan Mudik. In collecting data, the
researchersasked students to write some simple sentences based on grammatical aspect.
The researchers asked each students to write ten simple sentences. After students
finished writing some simple sentences, the researchers submit it. The obtained data
was analyzed by using grammatical aspect. It was found that the students could write
simple sentences. But some of students could not write simple sentences well. They still
made some mistakes in arranging the sentences. They still could not put the verbs in
correct subject. It means that they could not write simple sentences based on correct
structure. Among the simple sentences, there were sentences that did not belong to
simple sentences, but belonged to compound sentences because consisted of two
Key words: Ability,Grammatical Aspect, Simple Sentences
Grammatical aspect is a formalproperty of alanguage, distinguished throughover
inflection, derivational affixes, or independent words that serve as grammatically
required markers of those aspects.For written language grammatical system is the most
important part. Writing is written communication used for sharing ideas,important
documents, grammar books and soon.To make the students able to mastergrammar
appropriately especially for word order, the students should have ability. In getting
ability, the students should study hard and focus on the thing that they will achieve.
Ability is the power to understand something that involves both mental and physical. It
refers to the students after he/she gets some experiences through learning.
Based on the researchers’ observation in SMA N I Kuantan Mudik, it was found that
studying grammar was a common subject for the students, but it did not mean that they
were able to master grammar perfectly. They had been taught about grammar. But, as a
matter of fact, the students were still poor in mastering grammatical structure as the
main element of language especially in ordering words. For example, when the
reserachers asked them to write some simple sentences, the researchers found that there
was a sentence “I happy”. This sentence is wrong. It is nominal sentence and must be
added with “tobe” after Subject. So, the best sentence is “I am happy”. It showed that
the students still could not order the word. They could not distinguish the nominal
sentence or verbal sentence. It means that they are still poor in mastering grammatical
Jurnal Kependidikan DISCOVERY Vol. 2 No. 1 April 2014
ISSN 2337-7208
structure.There were some reasons why it was hard for the students. Firstly, the students
got mistakes in constructing the words to be well sentences. Secondly the students’
motivation which was considered to be a lackness in writing practice. Thirdly the
students’ difficulties in expressing their thought in the form of written English. Lastly,
the students were less in vocabulary and information about topics.
According to the problems above, the researchers limited the research on
ordering words in sentence based on grammatical aspect in simple sentence at the first
year of SMAN 1 Kuantan Mudik. In writing simple sentences, the students had to write
in the form of Simple Present Tense ( Verbal and nominal sentence) and Present
Continuous Tense. The researcher also limited some aspects to be analyzed in using
syntax, they were the grammatically of sentence, ordering words, structural ambiguity
and logical relations within sentence. In short, those limitations were to be formulated
as how good the student’s ability of grammatical aspect in writing simple sentences at
the first year students at SMA N 1 Kuantan Mudikwas and to find out the student’s
ability of grammatical aspect in writing simple sentences at the first year students at
SMA N 1 Kuantan Mudik as the objective of the research.
The Nature of Writing
Writing is one of the language skill of English. It is not an easy job because we
should study hard and much practice to develop this skill. Besides, the writer should
master grammatical forms and syntactic pattern and be able to apply it in written
language, and of course be able to organize or express the ideas or thoughts clearly.
As a productive skill, writing has to be practiced in order to be a good writer.
The purpose of writing is the expression of ideas, the conveying of a message to the
reader, so the ideas themselves should arguably be seen as the most important aspect of
the writing. On the other hand, the writer needs also to pay some attention to formal
aspects: neat handwriting, correct spelling, and punctuation, as well as acceptable
grammar and careful selection of vocabulary.
According to Mukminatin (1991; in Syafi’i, 2007;98) states that writing in
English is not simple matter because when one writes, her or she demonstrates not only
his competence in grammar of English but also his knowledge in the acceptable English
rhetoric or the communicative aspect of writing in English.
Furthermore, according to Hughey et al (1983;3) both spoken and written
discourse are “man’s use of language symbols to express feelings and needs”. Both
depend on thought for something to say. It means that the rules of semantics and syntax
govern the processing of spoken and written discourse.
In learning English especially writing course, there are many aspects that should
be mastered by the students if they want to be successful in writing. Because, English
has different role from Indonesian, it is not easy to understand. Meaning that, most of
the students get the difficulties in writing. In short, the students still have problems in
writing course. According to Dr. Mel Levine in his book “Developmental Variation and
learning Disorders” (in Susanti; 10-11) states that there are some problems and potential
impacts on writing that faced by the students. One of them is language problem. Good
writing relies on students’ language abilities improving staidly over time. The problems
that often faced by the students in writing course are: Poor vocabulary
 Inappropriate use of colloquial language
 Difficulty with sentence structure and word order
 Troubles reading back what written
Jurnal Kependidikan DISCOVERY Vol. 2 No. 1 April 2014
ISSN 2337-7208
 Difficulty with word sounds, spelling and meanings.
Based on the problem above, so we can indicate that one of the problems in
writing for example is difficulty with sentence structure and word order. We can
indicate that the success of written depend on the using word order correctly. Based on
the opinion above, it can be concludes that writing is the productive skill which is very
complex and sometimes difficult to teach. A lot of practices are important in order to
have good writing. Hughes (1989:91) says there are five aspects of making good
writing. They are:
1. Grammar
Grammar has an important role in writing. A good writer usually has a group of
grammatical element. The writer can produce the correct sentences in writing
paragraphs by mastering grammar. It is very important for the students to master the
grammar of English in order to be able to construct correct sentences as a basic to be
successful in writing.
2. Vocabulary
Vocabulary can be defined as a collection of words that is arranged alphabetically
for refernce and define or explain. To enrich the vocabulary is very important in writing.
Without mastering vocabulary, students cannot express anything in written form.
Students can explore more deeply what they want to express by good in vocabulary
because they can select the words that are suitable to the topic of writing.
3. Mechanics
Spelling, punctuation, and capitalization are included in mechanics. Spelling is
important because it is the aspect that can make meaningful writing. Misspelling always
makes a confusion of meaning. The meaning will change if a word is misspelled and the
whole meaning of writing may be touched by a change.
Punctuation also plays an important role in helping readers to establish intonation.
Punctuation gives signals to the readers to raise his voice or drop his speed and whether
or not the writer wants to stop. If the writer missed putting punctuation mark, the
meaning will change.
4. Form/Organization
In the organization of writing, if a writer wants to write a description about an
object, she or he can arrange the sentences starting at the details tht are near and then
moving further, according to where the object is located. Especially in descriptive text,
the form or organization has what we called generic structure /text organization where it
is devided into two areas. They are identification and description.
5. Fluency
Paragraph is said to have coherence or fluency when its sentences are together or
flow into each other. In order to have coherence in writing, the movement from one
sentence to the other must be logical and smooth. There are two main ways to achieve
coherence. The first way is using transition signal to show one ide is related to the text.
The second way to achieve coherence is by arranging the sentences in logical order.
Part of Simple Sentence
1. Predicate
The predicate is a dominant constituent of a typical sentence, often of compound
structure itself and exerting a strong influence on the other constituents, receives less
attention Latinskagrammatika than other parts od the sentence. Nevertheless, even such
a short account presents some difficulties, methodological as well as terminological.
Jurnal Kependidikan DISCOVERY Vol. 2 No. 1 April 2014
ISSN 2337-7208
2. Subject
In the book’s short survey of the subject, only one of its properties is plainly stat
ed: ‘a subject can be any part of speech, even the
entire clause’ (Latinska gramatika 170); however, the momentous distinction between m
etalinguistic and ordinary use is not made.
3. Object and adverbial
The most extensive part of the description of the simple sentence deals with wha
t are usually called objects and adverbials. Like other concepts, they are not defined and
the criteria for their identification are not given.
Simple Sentence Types
Reference grammars usually definite sentences in terms of verb types. This
analysis leads them to recognize 7 varieties in the category "simple sentence"--each
based on a type of verb. There's one simple sentence type that involves intransitive
verbs--their S+V. Linking verbs lead to two simple sentence types: S+V+SP and
S+V+A. Transitive verbs lead to 4 types--because of the 4 possibilities for different
types of objects in their predicates: S+V+DO, S+V+IO+DO, S+V+O+A, S+V+DO+OP.
Before we consider simple sentences in context, let's go through these seven types
to be sure that you understand how they differ.
a. Intransitive verbs cannot have objects or complements. They are complete with just a
subject and a verb. Adverbials can be added but are not required for the SV to be
syntactically complete. Example of Intransitive Verbs in Simple Sentences:
1. It’s raining. It’s raining “cats and dogs”
2. The wind is blowing. The wind is blowing hard.
3. Drugs kill.
4. Change happens.
b.Transitiveverbs must have objects. Maybe it is more accurate to say that a transitive
verb must have an object, because some transitive verbs need two objects or an object
and an adverbial. Be careful about these sub-types. The idea is that the verb must have
the additional units. That requirement is especially tricky with the SVOA type. The
adverbial is required--not optional for this category. Now, SVOA is a very small
category with only 1 or 2 verbs in it. Interesting, yes. The category exists, yes. But not a
big one. Few verbs require that we specify adverbial information. Notice that put does
require that we say where. We can't say just: Her mother put the book.... We have to add
the location.
Example Transitive verbs in simple sentences :
S+V+DO : Maria bought a book
S+V+IO+DO : Maria gave her mother a book
S+V+O+A : Her mother put the book on the shelf.
S+V+DO+OP: Her mother thought the book amusing.
a. Linking verbs can connect adjectives or noun phrases to give more information about
the subject of the sentence. To distinguish this purpose and structure from that of the
object in the SVO types, some linguists and grammarians use the term complement for
the third element in a sentence with a linking verb. Others use the term subject
Jurnal Kependidikan DISCOVERY Vol. 2 No. 1 April 2014
ISSN 2337-7208
Two types of sentences with linking verbs are given in the Longman Student
Grammar: S+V+SP has an adjective or a noun as the subject predicative. Notice that
most linking verbs can take only adjectives for their complements but that be can have
either an adjective or a noun phrase.
The second type is the S+V+A where the A is required and is often a
prepositional phrase used for location or time.
Example linking verbs in simple sentences :
1. S+V+SP : The soup tasted salty. The cook is not a very good cook.
S+V+A : The soup is on the table . The cook is in the kitchen.
The type of this research was descriptive research Descriptive research aims to
provide a clear, accurate description of individual, events, or process (Joyce P. Gall,
2005:178). In this case, a descriptive research has one variable which is a study on
students’ ability of grammatical aspect in writing simple sentences of the first year
students at SMA N1 Kuantan Mudik.
The population of this research was all the first year students at SMAN 1
Kuantan Mudik with the total 173 students. Meanwhile, the sample of the research was
43 students.
In order to explore the research data, the researcher applied writing test. The
researcher used the test. Test in here, such as the interaction between the students and
the researcher. The researcher asked students to write some simple sentences. These
instruments were to know the students’ ability of grammatical aspect in writing simple
sentences. The aspects to be analyzed were the grammatically of sentence,ordering
words, structural ambiguity and logical relations within a sentence.
Data Collection Technique
To get the students’ ability in writing simple sentences, the researcher asked
students to write simple sentences based on grammatical aspect. The procedures of the
tests are:
1. The researchers give the information sheet to the students
2. The researchers asks the students to write simple sentences
3. The researchers collect the students’ writing and submits it, then analyse it.
The Technique of Analyzing Data
The analysis data to conduct was writing test, the researchers asked students to
write simple sentences and then analyzed students’ assignments based on grammatical
aspect, how good students writing simple sentences and what types of simple sentences
they had written.
The sample of this research is 43 students and each students must write 10
sentences, so there were 430 simple sentences. From 430 sentences, the writer only
chose the wrong sentences to be analyzed. These analysis used tree diagram as a way to
determine element of phrases.
Jurnal Kependidikan DISCOVERY Vol. 2 No. 1 April 2014
ISSN 2337-7208
Analysis simple sentences in “Simple Present Tense”
The pattern of “Simple Present Tense” belongs to simple sentence. In writing a
simple sentence using this pattern, many students made some mistakes. Actually there
were two patterns of “Simple Present Tense” : Verbal Sentence:
Students’ sentences using Simple Present Tense (Verbal Sentence)
Students’ sentences
Correct Sentence
Riki food the fried chicken
Riki eats the fried chicken
Hana dance
Hana dances
I likes swimming
I like swimming
I like read book
I like reading book
Hana cook the rice
Hana cooks the rice
Hana read the newspaper
Hana reads the newspaper
Hana eat the steak
Hana eats the steak
Hana cry
Hana cries
Hana run
Hana runs
Hana pray
Hana prays
Hana go to school
Hana goes to school
Hana go to market
Hana goes to market
She invest the flowers
She plants flowers
Cika miss the beloved
Cika misses the beloved
I likes a writen story
I like a writen story
I likes dance
I like dancing
I am cry
I cry
I likes dance
I like dancing
She wash blouse
She washes blouse
Sasa cut the claw
Sasa cuts the nails
Wulan study in the class
Wulan studies in the class
Ramadhan cut the hair
Ramadhan cuts the hair
Jurnal Kependidikan DISCOVERY Vol. 2 No. 1 April 2014
ISSN 2337-7208
Facri play football
Facri plays football
Maizan use cloth
Maizan wears cloth
Ega steal
Ega steals
Tami strike a dog
Tami strikes a dog
Tami clim the tree
Tami climbs the tree
Dhea compile the books
Dhea compiles the books
Ega whistle
Ega whistles
I am fall in love
I fall in love
I am plays football
I play football
I to play the volly ball
I play the volley ball
He fixs the tv
He fixes the tv
Sari open the window
Sari opens the window
Elma open the door
Elma opens the door
Yana carry a book
Yana carries a book
Budi eat a mango
Budi eats a mango
Joni read the newspaper
Joni reads the newspaper
Adi buy the bag
Adi buys the bag
I am buy the ball
I buy the ball
Rina eat a melon
Rina eats a melon
Fajriah play the football
Fajriah plays the football
Gunawan read a new book story
Gunawan reads a new story book
Kusuma listen the music classic
Kusuma listens the classic music
Boby cook the omelet
Boby cooks the omelet
Reka go to the mall
Reka goes to the mall
Yana play the volly ball
Yana plays the volleyball
I buys bag
I buy bag
He carry a book
He carries a book
Jurnal Kependidikan DISCOVERY Vol. 2 No. 1 April 2014
Thalia study swim
ISSN 2337-7208
Thalia learns how to swim
From the table above, it could be concluded that many students did not understand
about “Simple Present Tense” well. They still made some mistakes. The could not write
the sentences based on the pattern. They could not put “s/es” on verbs correctly. They
still confused to put the verbs based on appropriate subject. Beside that, they also could
not put the verb or noun based on the correct pattern, such as in sentence number 1
“Riki food the fried chicken”. This sentence was really wrong. This sentence consisted
of some noun phares (NP) and did not have verb phrase, actually a sentence consisted of
noun phrase (NP) and verb phrase (VP). Based on the correct sentences above, there
were some sentences which have the same pattern. They belonged to the simple
sentence type using transitive verbs ( S+V+DO). Sentence number 1 should be “Riki
eats fried chicken”. Riki as a subject, eats as a verb and fried chicken as an object of in
that sentence. Student could not choose the appropriate verb in that sentence. The
sentence number 48 “I buys a bag” is also wrong sentence because student put –s in
verb “buy” while the subject I. it should be “I buy a bag” where I as a subject, buy as a
verb without –s and a bag is an object. There were some correct sentences belonged to
simple sentence type using intransitive verbs (S+V). They are Hana dance, Hana cry,
Hana run and Hana pray. Those sentences have similar problem. The students did not
put –s in the end their verbs while the subject is Hana, it means singular person and it
must be added by –s in the end of their verbs. There were some correct sentences
belonged to simple sentence types using linking verb ( S+V+A). “Hana go to school”.
The verb “go” must be added by –s because the subject is singular “Hana” and the
sentence should become “Hana goes to school” where Hana as a subject, goes as a verb
and to school as a adverb.
Nominal Sentences“Subject + tobe ( am,is,are)+noun/adjective/adverb
Students’ Sentences Using Simple Present Tense (Nominal Sentences)
Students’ Sentences
Correct Sentence
I sad
I am sad
I happy
I am happy
I am is here
I am here
I date birthday 25th November
My birthday is on November 25th
Ega sad today
Ega is sad today
Ahmad very happy
Ahmad is very happy
Kiran very happy today
Kiran is very happy today
Dhea talls
Dhea is tall
I date birthday 26th September
My birthday is on September 26th
I am be happy
I am happy
Jurnal Kependidikan DISCOVERY Vol. 2 No. 1 April 2014
ISSN 2337-7208
My mother angry to me
My mother is angry to me
Kurnia angry
Kurnia is angry
Taufiq impossible the cookd rice
Taufiq is impossible in cooking rice
Based on the table above from the students’ sentence we can conclude that the
students could not write a sentence based on grammatical structures. They could not put
the words in correct pattern. If saw the correct sentences above, the correct sentences
belonged to simple sentence type using linking verbs (S+V+Adj/Adv). The sentences
number 1 and 2. Students did not put “to be” in those sentences after the subject. They
must put “to be” after the subject because they are nominal sentences and the words
“sad and happy” are adjective. So the sentences should become like this “I am sad” and
“I am Happy”. The sentence number 3, the student made it with two to be and it was
also wrong sentence. The sentence should become “I am here” where I as a subject, am
as to be and here as an adverb.
Analysis simple sentences in “Present Continuous Tense”
The pattern of “Present Continuous Tense” belongs to simple sentence. In
writing a simple sentence using this pattern, many students made some mistakes. The
pattern of “Present Continuous Tense” : Subject + tobe (are,is,am) + Verb1 + ing +
Object + Complement.
There were some mistakes when the wrote simple sentences using “Present
Continuous Tense”, they are:
Students’ Sentences Using Present Continuous Tense
Students’ Sentences
Correct Sentence
I am is cooking the cake
I am cooking the cake
Andy studying
Andy is studying
Rika reading
Rika is reading
They are studying matematika now
They are studying Math now
Rina drawing
Rina is drawing
Rapinal reading book
Rapinal is reading book
Rabbit eating carrot
Rabbit is eating carrot
They are studying matematika
They are studying Math
I playing football
I am playing football
Gugun reading magazine
Gugun is reading magazine
I playing bascet ball
I am playing basket ball
Elva swimming in the water park
Elva is swimming in the water park
Jurnal Kependidikan DISCOVERY Vol. 2 No. 1 April 2014
ISSN 2337-7208
Amel swimming in the water park
Amel is swimming in the water park
She reading a latter
She is reading a letter
Suci swimming in the swimming Suci is swimming in the swimming
Randi playing volly ball
Randi is playing volley ball
Sister reading novel
Sister is reading novel
Mitra singings in the school
Mitra is singing in the school
Rexzy singings
Rezky is singing
Amel playing football
Amel is playing football
Elfa swimming in the river
Elfa is swimming in the river
They are writer in the story
They are writing the story
The problem we found here that almost all sentences above missing “to
be”.Sentences number2,3,4,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21 are missing “to
be”. And the first sentence “I am is cooking the cake”. Student put 2 to be there “am”
and “is”. The correct sentence is “I am cooking a cake”. Based on the research result,
after students wrote simple sentences, there was a sentence that did not belong to simple
sentence, that is the sentence “He was playing while I came”This sentence is compund
sentence because consisted of two sentences.
The result of the research, the researcher asked students to write some simple
sentences. Each students must wrote ten simple sentences. But based on the result, after
the students collected their writing then the writer analyzed students sentences, there
were some mistakes. They still did not understand how to write simple sentences.
In writing simple sentences using “Simple Present Tense”, the students still
made some mistakes. In writing “Simple Present Tense” in the form of verbal sentence,
they could not put the best verbs in appropriate subject. They could not choose the
correct verbs that appropriate in the sentence. They could not distinguish to put the
verbs using subject of singular or plural. Besides, they gave less variation in their
sentences. Some of them made all sentences with similar subject and also found in their
papers that they wrote exactly the same sentence with others. Besides that, in writing
“Simple Present Tense” in the form of nominal sentence, the students could not put “to
be” in apropriate subject.
In writing simple sentences using “Present Continuous Tense”, the students also
made some mistakes. They could not put “to be” in apropriate subject. In some
sentences they missed “to be”.
Based on all the sentences that students had written, there was a sentence that did
not belong to simple sentence. The sentence “He was playing while I came” was not a
simple sentence but a compound sentence because this sentence consists of two
Jurnal Kependidikan DISCOVERY Vol. 2 No. 1 April 2014
ISSN 2337-7208
From the data was gotten above, the researchers concluded the research as:
1. It was found that many students still made some mistakes in writing simple sentence.
They could not arrange the sentences based on the apropriate pattern. It was because
they did not common in writing.
2. The ability of students in grammatical aspect was still bad. In writing simple
sentences, the students still made some mistakes. They were still poor in mastery
grammatical structure, they could not order word well and they also made some
ambiguity sentence.
Referring to the discussion above, teh resaerchers served some suggestions as
1. Teacher has to improve their teaching technique and give more attention to the
students who have difficult in learning English. Especially, in writing a simple
sentence. The teacher should teach some patterns of some tenses to the students well.
The teacher shoud ask students to write some sentence alone after he/she taught the
patterns of tenses.
2. Students have to study harder and try to write and make sentences alone after the
teacher taught some pattern of tenses. Students should get used in writing so they can
make good writing or good sentence.
3. For the next researchers who are willing to conduct further research supposed to have
a new and developed topic based on this research. It is maintained to give a more
completed and elaborated result.
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