HAAVIK Live - Rosemead Preparatory School

Curriculum Overview
Revised: Spring 2015
To be reviewed: Summer 2016
Year 1
Lesson Allocation:
Five lessons of 45 minutes
One lesson of 30 minutes on Maths Whizz
Schemes of work used/textbooks/resources:
New Heinemann Mathematics Y1 Activity books: Shape, Measure and Data Handling,
Addition to 10, Subtraction to 10, Money, Number to 20, Check-up Workbook
Abacus Y1 Photocopy Masters
Single copies of Heinemann Y1 Workbooks, Ginn workbooks
Teaching methods:
Whole class introductions, individual, group, paired work as appropriate. Children are
encouraged to share methods used with their peers.
Written work:
Children record their practical work using wipe boards, individual activity books, worksheets,
graph paper and individual exercise books where appropriate. Homework is collated in
individual files.
One 20 minute piece per week; 30 minutes Maths Whizz homework per week.
Continual assessment of oral and written work completed
Check-up pages in activity books and check-up books
PIPS Assessments yearly
Maths Whizz continual assessment
Term 1
 Consolidation of numbers to 20 – count/read/write
 Counting in 1s and 10s
 Partitioning of a teen number
 Addition and subtraction to 10
 Doubling of numbers and introduction of near doubles to 20
 Money- consolidation of coin values, addition of coins, discuss how it is used in
everyday life
 Length using standard and non-standard units
 2D and 3D shape
 Time – o’clock on analogue and digital clocks
 Mathematical vocabulary – language associated with standard and non-standard
units, length, time, money
Term 2
 Extend numbers to beyond 20
 Subtraction and addition up to 20
 Partitioning a 2 digit number
 Money consolidation of recognition of coins and introduction to change, discuss how
it is used in everyday life
 Weight using standard and non-standard units
 2D and 3D shape – description of features
 Time – ½ past on analogue and digital clocks
Rosemead Preparatory School
Data handling – simple graphs and tables
Mathematical vocabulary - language associated with 2D and 3D shapes, time,
standard and non-standard units of weight
Term 3
 Revise/consolidate and extend numbers to 100
 Counting in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s
 Addition and subtraction of numbers over 20
 Money – consolidation of coins and extension to £2.00 coins, discuss how it is used in
everyday life
 Place value to 20 and 100
 Capacity using standard and non standard units
 2D shape – patterns and symmetry
 3D shape recognition
 Time – ½ past and ¼ to/past and duration for both analogue and digital clocks
 Data handling – sorting/classifying/organizing information
 Mathematical vocabulary – language associated with symmetry, standard and non
standard units of capacity, time
Year 2
Lesson Allocation:
Five lessons of 1 hour inclusive of 30 minutes of Maths Whizz
Schemes of work used/textbooks/resources:
New Heinemann Mathematics Y2 Activity books: Shape, Measure and Data Handling,
Addition/Subtraction to 20, Addition/ Subtraction to 100, Money and Fractions, Multiplication/
Division, Numbers to 100 and 1000, Check-up Photocopy Masters
New Heinemann Level 3 Textbook, Level 3 Activity books
Abacus Y2 Photocopy Masters
Peak textbook 0 and 1
Teaching methods:
Whole Class introductions, individual, group, paired work as appropriate. Children are
encouraged to share methods used with their peers.
Written work:
Children record their practical work using wipe boards, individual activity books, worksheets,
graphic paper and individual exercise books where appropriate. Homework is collated in
individual files.
One 20 minute piece per week; 30 minutes Maths Whizz homework per week.
Continual assessment of oral and written work completed
Check-up pages in activity books and check-up books
PIPS Assessments yearly
Rosemead Preparatory School
Maths Whizz continual assessment
NC mathematics assessment once a year
Term 1
 Recognition/familiarization of addition and subtraction to 20
 Number bonds to 20
 Place value – tens and units
 2D and 3D shape - recognition of shapes and properties
 Odd and even numbers – recognition and ordering
 Length – estimating and comparing, using centimetre, ½ and 1 metre measures
 Fractions – ½ and ¼
 Time – o’clock ½ past - analogue and digital
 Multiplication tables – 2, 5, 10
 Mathematical vocabulary – language associated with place value, properties of
shape, measure, fractions, time
 Handling data- collecting, sorting, tallying and bar charts
Term 2
 Revision/consolidation and extension of addition and subtraction to 100
 Ordering of 3 digit numbers
 Money – notation, addition of all coins and change, discuss how it is used in everyday
 Weight – kilograms, estimating weights
 Revision and consolidation of time
 Introduction of division as grouping.
 Handling data – bar graphs and tally charts
 Symmetry- reflective and rotational
 Revision of multiplication tables – extend to include 3, 4, 11
 Mathematical vocabulary – language associated with money, weight, 2D and 3D
shape, fractions, time, division
 Time o’clock ½ past, ¼ past/to, analogue and digital
Term 3
 Place value H T U
 TU and HTU addition and subtraction
 Shape- recognition of right angle
 Multiplication – notation and multiplying by 10 and 100
 Time o’clock ½ to/past, ¼ past, calculating time intervals, analogue and digital
 Division – equal sharing and notation
 Capacity – estimating and comparing, reading scales to 1 litre
 Estimating and rounding numbers
 Recognition of whole, half and quarter turns
 Recognition of compass points [north, south, east. west]
 Data handling – Carroll diagrams, Venn diagrams
 Revision of 4 rules of number
 Revision of multiplication tables – extend to 7, 12 and 4
 Mathematical vocabulary – language associated with data handling and revision of
work covered so far
Rosemead Preparatory School
Year 3
Lesson Allocation:
Five lessons of 1 hour plus 30 minutes of Maths Whizz
Schemes of work used/textbooks/resources:
New Heinemann Maths Year 3 books
Target Maths Year 3
Peak Mathematics
Ginn Mathematics
Schofield and Sims Mental Arithmetic
Teaching methods:
Whole Class introductions, individual, group, paired work as appropriate. Children are
encouraged to share methods used with their peers.
Written work:
Children record their practical work using wipe boards, individual activity books, worksheets,
graphic paper and individual exercise books where appropriate.
One 20 minute piece per week, plus the occasional weekend homework
30 minutes Maths Whizz per week
Daily times tables practice
Continual assessment of oral and written work completed
CGP Assessments once termly
Maths Whizz continual assessment
PIPs in Autumn term
Term 1
 Revision and consolidation of place value – extend to 4 digit numbers
 Rounding of numbers to 10
 Addition and subtraction with number lines
 Number bonds
 2D shape – identification according to properties
 Symmetry –identify lines of symmetry in 2D shapes
 Time – read and write time for o’clock, ¼ to/past and ½ past
 Multiplication – doubling and informal written methods
 Division – halving
 Revision/consolidation of multiplication tables
 Mathematical vocabulary – language associated with place value, estimating and
rounding, 2D shape, symmetry, time.
Term 2
 Revision/consolidation of addition and partitioning
 Revision/consolidation of subtraction and partitioning
 Number bonds to 20 for addition and subtraction
 Multiplication – informal and formal setting out
 Division – remainders, informal and formal setting out
 Money – revise coins, use coins and calculate change, notation including £ and
decimal point, discuss how it is used in everyday life
 3D shape – identify and names 3D shapes from properties
Rosemead Preparatory School
Fractions – fractions of a shape, comparing and ordering
Data handling - surveys and tallying graphs and charts
Units of measurement - mass, capacity, and length
Co-ordinates – turns and angles – left/right and clockwise/anti-clockwise, use simple
co-ordinates and grid references to establish the position of an object on a map
Problem solving – using a variety of techniques
Mathematical vocabulary – language associated with money, 3D shapes, units of
measurement, and problem solving.
Term 3
 Estimating and rounding to nearest tens, hundreds and thousands
 Fractions – recognize simple fractions, notation, calculate simple fractions of a whole
 Time revision/consolidation of o’clock ¼ to/past and ½ past, sequencing, calculating
difference between intervals of time.
 Area – introduction, measuring and calculating from counting squares
 Perimeter – introduction, measuring and calculating
 Money - £5.00, £10.00 and £20.00 notes, calculations using combinations of notes
and coins, calculations giving change, discuss how it is used in everyday life
 Units of measurement - mass, capacity, and length
 Addition – revision/consolidation – introduce ordinal numbers
 Subtraction – revision /consolidation –introduce vertical subtraction and setting out
 Division and Multiplication – revision/reinforcement and consolidation of work –
methods, notation
 Mathematical vocabulary – language associated with fractions, time, money, weight,
capacity, ordinal numbers, co-ordinates
Year 4
Lesson Allocation:
Four lessons of 1 hour plus 30 minutes of Maths Whizz and 30 minutes of mental maths
Schemes of work used/textbooks/resources:
New Heinemann Maths Year 4 books
Target Maths Year 4
Peak Mathematics
Think and Solve
Schofield and Sims Mental Arithmetic
Teaching methods:
Whole Class introductions, individual, group, paired work as appropriate. Children are
encouraged to share methods used with their peers.
Written work:
Children record their practical work using wipe boards, individual activity books, worksheets,
graphic paper and individual exercise books where appropriate
Three 30 minute pieces per week
30 minutes Maths Whizz per week
Weekly times tables practice
Continual assessment of oral and written work completed
Rosemead Preparatory School
CGP Assessments once termly
Maths Whizz continual assessment
CATs in Autumn term
Term 1
 Revision/consolidation of place value – extend to numbers to 10 000
 Money - recognition of all coins and notes up to £20.00 – convert between pounds and
pence, discuss how it is used in everyday life
 Addition – notation and formal recording, addition of 3 digit numbers, using in problem
 Length – read and write in standard metric units, use decimal notation, find simple
perimeters, measure and draw lengths to nearest ½ cm
 Subtraction – bridging and exchanging, checking using addition
 Time – using simple timetables and calendars, use am and pm and 12 hour notation,
intervals of 1 and 5 minutes
 Multiplication - revise/reinforce and consolidate multiplication tables to 12, short and
long multiplication of 2 and 3 digit integers by 1 and 2 digit integers, use commutative
and associative laws of multiplication, multiply by 10 and 100
 Weight – read and write in standard metric units, use decimal notation, convert
between units
 Division – formal recording, using multiplication facts to calculate division, short
 3D shape – revise and consolidate 3D shapes and extend to include tetrahedrons
 Mathematical vocabulary – language associated with money, time, weight and shape.
 Fractions – recognize fractions of amounts and equivalent fractions, and find
fractions of quantities.
Term 2
 Addition – using and applying to problem solving
 Data handling – collect, organize and record data on a chart, table, bar chart or
pictogram, Venn and Carroll diagrams
 Multiplication – long multiplication, multiply a positive integer by 10, 100, 1000, 10 000
 Division – remainders – notation and recording formally and informally, use in problem
 Fractions – equivalent fractions, addition of simple fractions, recognize equivalence
between fractions and decimals
 Decimals – use decimal notation for tenths and corresponding notation for common
fractions, comparing and ordering, addition and subtraction
 2D shape - revise/reinforce and consolidate 2D shape properties and be able to
classify polygons using properties, introduction to angles – comparing and ordering
 Co-ordinates - compass points and bearings as clockwise/anti-clockwise turns –
extend to degrees of turn
 Area – revise standard units of measurement, measure and accurately draw shapes,
investigate different shapes with the same area.
 Mathematical vocabulary – language associated with shape, decimals, fractions, coordinates and bearings, angles and turns, data handling – Venn and Carroll diagrams,
compass points.
 Angles – marking, measuring and ordering angles.
Term 3
 Addition – revise/reinforce and consolidate previous work, estimating and rounding
 Subtraction - revise/reinforce and consolidate previous work
Rosemead Preparatory School
Number properties - Revise/reinforce and consolidate place value up to 8 digit
numbers, read and write accurately numbers to 1 000 000, odd and even numbers –
extend to negative numbers, use of greater than and less than symbols.
Money – revise and consolidate recognition of all coins and notes up to £20.00 –
convert between pounds and pence. Extend to estimating cost by rounding to the
nearest pound, discuss how it is used in everyday life
Time – revise/reinforce and consolidate previous work, order months of the year
Multiplication - Revise/reinforce and consolidate all multiplication tables to 12, use and
apply in problem solving
2D shape – symmetry, properties including angles
Data Handling – extract information from, tables, charts and graphs
Mathematical vocabulary – language associated with area, place value, time, money,
negative numbers, shape
Word problems – having confidence to solve these and understand which operation(s)
to use
Calculation strategies – building up confidence and security with a formal written
method for each of the four operations
Year 5
Lesson Allocation:
Five lessons of 1 hour plus 30 minutes of Maths Whizz
Schemes of work used/textbooks/resources:
Target Maths Year 5
New Heinemann Maths Year 5 books
Ginn Mathematics
Think and Solve
Schofield and Sims Mental Arithmetic
Teaching methods:
Whole Class introductions, individual, group, paired work as appropriate. Children are
encouraged to share methods used with their peers.
Written work:
Children record their practical work using wipe boards, individual activity books, worksheets,
graphic paper and individual exercise books where appropriate
Three 30 minute pieces per week
30 minutes Maths Whizz per week
Weekly times tables practice
Continual assessment of oral and written work completed
CGP Assessments once termly
Maths Whizz continual assessment
Examination practice papers
CATs in Autumn term
Rosemead Preparatory School
Term 1
 Place value - revise/reinforce and consolidate numbers to 10,000 – extend to
1,000,000 order and sequence numbers
 Addition of three 3 digit integers – extend to 4 digit integers, carrying, doubling
 Subtraction using mental strategies, halving, formal methods of notation and setting
 Multiplication – long multiplication, revise/reinforce/consolidate, multiplication tables to
12, formal notation and setting out
 Division – use multiplication tables facts to solve division problems, halving, division
with remainders, using multiplication to check accuracy
 Number properties - revise/reinforce and consolidate estimating and rounding and
extend to 1 000 000
 Time - revise/reinforce and consolidate analogue and digital time and extend to 24
hour notation, read and use simple timetables
 Length – estimate and measure various lengths, measure and/or calculate perimeter
of rectangles and regular polygons, use fraction and/or decimal notation to record units
 Fractions - revise/reinforce and consolidate previous work – introduce mixed numbers
and improper fractions, formation of equivalent fractions, simple addition and
subtraction of fractions
 Decimals - revise/reinforce and consolidate previous work – links with fractions,
rounding decimals to nearest whole number, compare and order 3 and 4 digit decimal
numbers, addition and subtraction of decimals using formal notation and setting out
 Mathematical vocabulary – language associated with place value, estimating and
rounding, four rules of number, time, length, perimeter
Term 2
 Mass – conversion between standard metric units, introduce imperial units, rough
equivalents of imperial to metric units
 Percentages – introduction, links between percentages, decimals and fractions,
percentage of a set quantity, compare and order numbers involving fractions, decimals
and percentages
 2D shape - revise/reinforce and consolidate previous work, introduce properties and
types of triangles, parallel, perpendicular and diagonal lines, line symmetry and
rotational symmetry
 3D shape - revise/reinforce and consolidate previous work, classify 3D shapes by
properties – introduce faces, edges and vertices
 Area – use formula area = length x breadth (width) to calculate simple areas, total
surface area of 3D shapes, area of complex 2D shapes
 Mathematical vocabulary – language associated with fractions, decimals, weight,
percentages, shape, area
 Data handling – construct and interpret bar charts, trend graphs and frequency charts
 Averages – introduction of mean, median, mode and range
 Probability – fair and unfair, know that outcomes can be recorded in different ways even chance, certain, impossible, likely and unlikely
Term 3
 Capacity - conversion between standard metric units, introduce imperial units, rough
equivalents of imperial to metric units, calculate volume of 3D shapes
 Co-ordinates – understand and use co-ordinates including numerical and alphanumerical co-ordinates, co-ordinates in 4 quadrants and reflections of 2D shapes
 Angles – measure and draw different angles using a protractor, formal notation of
Rosemead Preparatory School
Fractions revise/reinforce and consolidate previous work – extend to multiplication and
division of fractions
Decimals revise/reinforce and consolidate previous work – extend to multiplication and
division of Decimals
Revise/reinforce and consolidate work on addition and subtraction, multiplication and
Mathematical vocabulary – language associated with frequency charts, averages,
probability, capacity, co-ordinates, angles
Islam art patterns
Year 6
Lesson Allocation:
Five lessons of 1 hour plus 30 minutes of Maths Whizz
Schemes of work used/textbooks/resources:
Target Maths Year 6
Peak Mathematics 5, 6 and 7
Think and Solve
Schofield and Sims Mental Arithmetic
Master Maths
Junior Maths Book 3
Essential Maths 7S, 7C and 7H
Teaching methods:
Whole Class introductions, individual, group, paired work as appropriate. Children are
encouraged to share methods used with their peers.
Written work:
Children record their practical work using wipe boards, individual activity books, worksheets,
graphic paper and individual exercise books where appropriate
Three 30 minute pieces per week
30 minutes Maths Whizz per week
Weekly times tables practice
Continual assessment of oral and written work completed
CGP Assessments once termly
Maths Whizz continual assessment
Examination practice papers
CATs in Autumn
Term 1
 Weekly practice of 11+ examination papers
 Mathematics lessons will be based on the needs of each mathematics set in order to
best prepare the children for their entrance examinations. Topics covered may include:
 Number patterns – recognize and generate a sequence of numbers, describe the
rule that continues the pattern or sequence to nth term, square and triangle
numbers, Fibonacci sequence
Rosemead Preparatory School
Decimals – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, comparing and
Fractions - revise/reinforce and consolidate previous work, fractions of a number,
introduce lowest terms or simplest form, convert fractions to decimals
Ratios - introduction to ratio, using fractions to compare ratios
Percentages – understand % as number of parts in 100, find a percentage of a
whole number, convert percentages to decimals and/or fractions,
increase/decrease quantities by a given percentage
Probability – outcome of events can differ, use probability scale, experimental
Perimeter, Area and Volume - revise/reinforce and consolidate previous work,
calculate complex areas and perimeters
Multiplication - revise/reinforce and consolidate previous work – extend to powers
of numbers and long multiplication of 3 digit integer by 3 or 4 digit integer
Division - revise/reinforce and consolidate previous work – extend to long division
with remainders
Mathematical vocabulary – language associated with number patterns, fractions,
decimals, ratios, probability, percentages
Puzzle and Investigative maths
Term 2
 Final revision and practice of 11+ papers
 Negative Numbers - order a set of positive and negative numbers, use negative
numbers in context, add and subtract positive and negative numbers
 2D and 3D shape - revise/reinforce and consolidate previous work – symmetry in
different types of triangles, draw parallel and right angles shapes using set squares
and rulers, identify types of prisms and pyramids, plane symmetry
 Data handling - revise/reinforce and consolidate previous work – extend to dual bar
charts, pie charts, line and scatter graphs, discrete and continuous data
 Averages - revise/reinforce and consolidate previous work – extend to comparisons
between the mean and range of a sets of data, use frequency tables, use formula to
calculate mean
 Co-ordinates - revise/reinforce and consolidate previous work – extend to co-ordinates
in 4 quadrants, interpret and construct graphs in 4 quadrants, equations of straight and
sloping lines, draw a graph from its equation, interpret and construct conversion
 Mathematical vocabulary – language associated with negative numbers, 2D and 3D
shapes, data handling, averages, co-ordinates
 Mathematical vocabulary – language associated with negative numbers, shape,
handling data – charts and graphs, averages, co-ordinates.
 Puzzle and Investigative maths
Term 3
 Length - revise/reinforce and consolidate previous work – extend to reading more
complex scales, accurate drawing/measuring of given lengths, solving problems
involving length
 Weight - revise/reinforce and consolidate previous work – extend to reading more
complex scales, solving problems involving weight
 Capacity - revise/reinforce and consolidate previous work – extend to reading more
complex scales, solving problems involving capacity
 Time – read and use 24 hours notation, elapsed time, using timetables, duration
 Transformations – revise line and rotational symmetry, translate shapes in 4
quadrants, tessellation, congruence and similarity
Rosemead Preparatory School
Angles – measure and name angles, relationship of angles in a shape or at a point,
construction of triangles from given angles and lengths using rulers, protractors and a
pair of compasses
Formulae and Equations – use word formulae, use letters to represent numbers,
formulae with 2 operations, algebraic formulae, substitution, writing and solving
Investigations – using and applying mathematical knowledge to investigate a problem
Mathematical vocabulary – language associated with length, weight, capacity, time,
transformations, angles, equations.
Curve stitching
Rosemead Preparatory School