Department of Mathematics Education Office : 443 West Building Tel : +82-32-860-8150 Fax : +82-32-860-8158 1. Introduction : ■ Introduction to the Department Secondary education in mathematics of our country has been increasingly diversified and specialized. These trends are exemplified by the recent government policies on creativity education, gifted education, level-based classes, emphasis on essay type problems, science(mathematics)-focused schools, new teachers training program (NTTP), subject-oriented classrooms, mathematics labs, distance learning with EBS and developing related teaching methods. Accordingly, our department provides active elementary and secondary teachers in-depth knowledges on mathematics education and teaching methods and chances to develop the expertise to meet the various educational needs by studying under the close guidance of our faculty members. Our department also provides training program for educational researchers and experts who may work in universities, the Korean Educational Development Institue (KEDI), the Korea Institution of Curriculum and Evaluation (KICE) or other related institutions. ■ Programs Master program in Mathematics Education Ph. D program in Mathematics Education Integrated Ph. D program in Mathematics Education ■ Faculty Information 1) CHOI, Q-Heung (최규흥) * Office : 445 West Building Mathematics Education - 1 * Tel : +82-32-860-8151 * E-mail :[email protected] * Homepage : 없음 * Educational Background: - Ph. D : Partial Differential Equations/ Seoul National University /Korea -MA : Mathematics / Seoul National University /Korea - B.S. : Mathematics Education/ Sung Kyun Kwan University / Korea * Research Area: Partial Differential Equations, Nonlinear Analysis * Publications : - Linking method applied to a class of a system of critical growth wave equations, Nonlinear Analysis 73 (2009), e73-e80. - Nonlinearities and nontrivial solutions for the nonlinear hyperbolic system, Nonlinear Analysis 73 (2009), e1264-e1273. - ON THE NUMBER OF THE PERIODIC SOLUTIONS OF THE NONLINEAR HAMILTONIAN SYSTEM, Nonlinear Analysis 73 (2009), e1100-e1108. 2) Lee Chong Sung (이종성) * Office : 444 West Building * Tel : +82-32-860-8152 * E-mail :[email protected] * Homepage: 없음 * Educational Background: - Ph. D : Banach space theory/ University of Illinois at Urbana, Champaign/ USA - B.S. : Mathematics /Seoul National University / Korea * Research Area:Interpolation theory, Ergodic theory, Banach -Saks property * Publications : - p-Power Quasiconcavity of a Rearrangement Invariant function space, Ann. Funct.Anal. 3(2012),19-31 - superrefleivity and property Dk in Banach spaces, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics 29(2011), 2001-2006 - Property (Dk) in Banach spaces, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics 28(2010), 1519-1525 Mathematics Education - 2 3) Park, Jeanam (박제남) * Office : 5N215 * Tel : +82-32-860-7632 * E-mail :[email protected] * Homepage: 없음 * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Commutative ring theory/ University of Iowa at Iowa City/ USA - B.S. : Mathematics / Inha University / Korea * Research Area : Factorization in integral domain, multiplicative ideal theory, gifted education * Publications : - Strongly primary ideals, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Marcel Dekker 241(2005), 378-388. - A general theory of splitting sets, Comm. Algebra 33(2005), 4693-4707. - Weakly Krull and related domains of the form and , Rocky Mountain J. Math. 36(2006), 1-22. 4) Kim, Seongtag(김성택) * Office: 316 West Building * Phone: +82-32-860-8153 * E-mail: [email protected] * Homepage: 없음 * Educational Background : -Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign -M.S. Seoul National University -B.S. Seoul National University * Research Area : Geometry * Publications : - Rigidity of noncompact complete manifolds with harmonic curvature. Mathematics Education - 3 Manuscripta Math. 135 (2011), no. 1-2, 107–116. - Self-dual Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory on a cylinder. J. Phys. A 44 (2011), no. 13, 135203, 13 pp. - Rigidity of noncompact complete Bach-flat manifolds. J. Geom. Phys. 60 (2010), 637–642. 5) Myung Sung (명성) * Office: 411 West Building * Phone: +82-32-860-8154 * E-mail: [email protected] * Homepage: 없음 * Educational Background: -Ph. D : Algebraic K-theory / University of Illniois, Urbana-Champaign, USA - B. S. : Mathematics / KAIST, Korea * Research Area: Algebraic K-theory, Motivic cohomology * Publications: - Transfer maps and nonexistence of joint determinant, Linear Algebra and its Applications, Vol 431, 2009, 1633-1651 - On multilinearity and skew-symmetry of certain symbols in motivic cohomology of fields, Math. Res. Lett., Vol. 16, 2009, 303-322 - A Bilinear Form of Dilogarithm and Motivic Regulator Map, Adv. in Math. 199 (2006), 331-355 5) Kwon, Na Young (권나영) * Office: 442West Building * Phone: +82-32-860-8155 * E-mail: [email protected] * Homepage: 없음 * Educational Background: - Ph. D : Mathematics Education/ University of Georgia/ USA - B.S. : Mathematics Education/ Korea University / Korea Mathematics Education - 4 * Research Area: Teaching and Teacher Education, especially teacher community and professional development. * Publications - Kwon, N., Lee, E., Park, M., & Park, J. (2012). A study on professional development for mathematics teachers. Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics, 22 (3), 391-404. - Choi, J. & Kwon, N. (2012). The general and domain-specific epistemological beliefs of Korean preservice mathematics teachers. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 21(2), 353-364. - Kwon, N. (2011). A study on teacher community for professional development. Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society, 14(2), 215-225. 6) Lee, Yoonweon (이윤원) * Office : 5S468 * Tel : +82-32-860-7635 * E-mail :[email protected] * Homepage : 없음 * Educational Background: - Ph. D : 1995. 06/ Differential Geometry/ Ohio State University/ USA - M.S. : 1987. 02/ Differential Geometry/ Seoul National University / Korea - B.S. : 1985. 02/ Mathematics / Seoul National University / Korea * Research Area: Analytic Torsion, Zeta-Determinan, Spectral Invariants, Spectral Geometry * Publications : - Relative zeta-determinants of Dirac Laplacians on a half infinite cylinder with boundary conditions in the smooth, self-adjoint Grassmannian,J. Geometry and Physics 59(2009), no. 8, 1137-1149. - The zeta-determinants of Dirac Laplacians with boundary conditions on the smooth, self-adjoint Grassmannian, J. Geometry and Physics 57(2007), no. 10, 1951-1976. - Asymptotic expansions of the zeta-determinants of Dirac Laplacians on a compact manifold with boundary, J. Geometric Analysis, 16 (2006), no. 4, 633-660. Mathematics Education - 5 7) PARK, Jinho (박진호) * Office : 5N444 * Tel : +82-32-860-7648 * E-mail : [email protected] * Homepage: * Educational Background - Ph.D. : Nonparametric Function Estimation/ Stanford University/ USA - M.S. : Statistics/ Seoul National University/ Korea - B.S. : Computer Science and Statistics/ Seoul National University/ Korea * Research Area : Nonparametric Function Estimation, Survival Analysis, Statistical Learning Theory * Publications - Quantile regression with an epsilon-insensitive loss in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space, Statistics and Probability Letters, 81 (20111), 62-70. - On Prejudice, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 53 (2006), 505-522. - Optimal global rate of convergence in nonparametricregression with left-truncated and right-censored data, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 89 (2004), 70?86. 2. Department regulations on graduate programs ■ Qualification for an admissions for the graduate programs Program Minimum qualification for an admission 1. completion or expected completion of a 4-year undergraduate study at an approved university in Korea at the time of entering the program Master program 2. completion or expected completion of a 4-year undergraduate study in a university (or Integrated outside Korea at the time of entering the program, deemed qualified by the president Ph. D program) of Inha University 3. completion or expected completion of a 4-year undergraduate study or an Mathematics Education - 6 equivalent Bachelor's degree approved by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology 1. completion of a master's degree program in a graduate school or a graduate school of education Ph. D program 2. possesion of a master's degree or an equivalent qualification which is deemed appropriate by the president of Inha University. ■ Admissions Procedures and Consideration Factors Admissions Program Factors considered procedures Master 1. Undergraduate GPA : 30% 1. Evaluation of records program 2. Personal statement : 20% and statements (or Integrated 3. Interview : 50% 2. Interview Ph. D program) ❋ Selection is based on the total points. 1. Undergraduate GPA : 20% Ph. D program 1. Evaluation of records 2. Graduate GPA : 20% and statements 3. Personal statement : 20% 2. Interview 4. Interview : 40% ❋ Selection is based on the total points. ■ Total units to be completed Program Required units to Required units in units to be be completed the major to be completed in Major Mathematics Education - 7 completed. possibly other majors Mathematics Master program 24 21(9) 3 36 18 18 60 48 12 Education Mathematics Ph. D program Education Integrated Ph. D Mathematics program Education ❋ Required units in the major includes the units from the designated required courses. ❋ The number inside ( ) refers the units from the designated required courses . ■ Designated required courses Program Major Master Mathematics program Education Course Number Course Names Units Notes Topics in Algebra I 3 Topics in Analysis I 3 Topics in Geometry I 3 from these 5 Topics in Topology I 3 courses Select 2 courses Theory of Mathematics 3 Education Research Methods in 3 1 Mathematics Education Mathematics Education - 8 ■ Conferred Degrees (1) Master Program (2) Ph. D Program - Master of Education - Ph. D ■ Qualification Exam A. Qualification Exam in the major Number of Program Major Subjects (Courses) Notes subjects Theory of Mathematics 1 Education Master Topics in Algebra I, program/ Mathematics Integrated Ph. D Topics in Analysis I, Topics in Geometry I Select program (early Topics in Topology I 2 out stage) Research on of 5 Education 3 Mathematics Teaching Materials Topics in Number Ph. D program / Integrated Ph. D program (later Theory Select History of Mathematics 2 out Mathematical Logic of 8 Select 1 course from Mathematics Education 5 student's major area stage) Topics in Real Analysis Mathematics Education - 9 Topics in Algebra II Topics in Analysis II Topics in Geometry II Topics in Topology II All courses in Education of Mathematics not included in the courses Select for the Qualification 3 Exam in Master program B. Qualification Exam in English: subject to the regulation set by the graduate school of Inha University ■ Qualification for dissertation submission A. Requirement for Master's dissertation submission The following requirements must be met by the time a graduate student submits a Master's dissertation. 1) One must pass the Qualification Exam for the Master of Education program. 2) One must submit the research plan for the dissertation. 3) One must give a presentation on a subject of the dissertation at a relavant conference or a seminar. B. Requirement for Ph. D thesis submission The following requirements must be met by the time a graduate student submits a Ph. D thesis (Ph. D dissertation). Mathematics Education - 10 1) One must pass the Qualification Exam for the Ph. D program. 2) One must submit the research plan for the thesis. 3) 100% value or more of his/her papers related to the thesis must have been published or accepted to be published on a peer-reviewed scholarly journal. ❋ The percentage value of research accomplishments A research paper by a single author is counted as 100%. A paper co-authored by 2 authors is counted as 70% and a paper by 3 authors is counted as 50%, etc. The percentage value of research paper is subject to the rule set by Inha University, but, as an exception, the advisor professor does not have to be counted toward the number of authors even if he is among the authors. ■ Requirements for an amendment of the department regulation on graduate programs The above department regulation may be subject to a change by a written agreement of 50% or more of the professors in the graduate program . ■ Effective Date The above department regulation is effective on Sept. 1, 2011 . 3. Courses List Major Mathematics Education Category Standard Major Classification Major elective Course Number Course Name units Notes Topics in Algebra I 3 Topics in Analysis I 3 Mathemati Topics in Geometry I 3 cs Topics in Topology I 3 Mathematics Education - 11 Theory of Mathematics 3 Education Education Research on of Mathematics Teaching 3 Mathemati Materials I cs Research Methods in 3 Mathematics Education Topics in Real Analysis 3 Topics in Complex 3 Analysis Topics in Linear Algebra 3 Topics in Number Theory 3 Topics in Differential 3 Mathemati Geometry cs Topics in Probability and Major 3 Statistics elective Mathematical Logic 3 Topics in Applied 3 Mathematics History of Mathematics 3 Topics in Mathematics 3 Education of Mathemati Philosophy of 3 Mathematics Education cs Mathematics Education - 12 History of Mathematics 3 Education Research on 3 Mathematics Curriculum I Technology for 3 Mathematics Education I Assessment of 3 Mathematics Education I Methods of Teaching 3 Mathematics I Exceptional Children and 3 Gifted Education I Learning Theories of 3 Mathematics I e-Learning in 3 Mathematics Education I Seminar in Mathematics 3 Education I Topics in Algebra II 3 Topics in Analysis II 3 Mathemati cs Advance Major Topics in Geometry II 3 d Major elective Topics in Topology II 3 Technology for Education 3 Mathematics Education II of Mathematics Education - 13 Assessment of Mathemati 3 Mathematics Education II cs Methods of Mathematics 3 Teaching II Research on Mathematics Curriculum 3 II Learning Theories of 3 Mathematics II e-Learning in 3 Mathematics Education II Study of Mathematics 3 Teaching Materials II Exceptional Children and 3 Gifted Education II Qualitative Research 3 Methods Quantitative Research 3 Methods Seminar in Mathematics 3 Education II Topics in Elementary 3 School Mathematics Topics in Secondary 3 Mathematics Education - 14 School Mathematics Research for Dissertation 3 I Research for Dissertation 3 II Research for Dissertation 3 III ■ Course Descriptions Topics in Algebra I (3 units) Study of algebraic structures including groups and rings. Topics include symmetric groups, finitely generated groups, integral domains, polynomial rings, noncommutative ring of matrices, system of numbers in secondary school mathematics. Topics in Analysis I (3 units) Topics include limits of sequences and functions, prperties and theory of differentiation and integration of one-variable real-valued functions. Topics in Geometry I (3 units) Basic theory on Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry and manifolds. Topics also include Poincare model, Klein model, hyperbolic geometry, basic properties of curves and surfaces and their curvatures. Topics in Topology I (3 units) Mathematics Education - 15 Study of properties of topological spaces and their relations. Topics include quotient topology, properties and a classification of surfaces, fundamental groups, homotopy type, covering spaces and Van-Kampen theorem. Theory of Mathematics Education (3 units) Students understand theories of psychology, philosophy, sociology, and pedagogy and learn the concept of mathematics education. Research on Mathematics Teaching Materials I (3 units) Students study curriculum materials such as mathematics textbooks or exercise-books using in school mathematics according to the revision of curriculum. Research Methods in Mathematics Education (3 units) Students learn the concept of research, the process, and the methods in quantitative, qualitative, and mixed research as ways of studying mathematics education. Topics in Real Analysis (3 units) Study of measure theory. Topics include topological properties of the set of real numbers, Lebesgue Measure and Lebesgue Integral. Topics in Complex Analysis (3 units) Study of properties of complex numbers and analytic functions. Topics also include differentiation and integration of elementary complex functions, Laurent series and the residue theorem. Topics in Linear Algebra (3 units) Mathematics Education - 16 In-depth study of matrices. Topics include vector spaces, linear maps, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, inner products, norms, quadratic forms and their applications and relations with the secondary school mathematics. Topics in Number Theory (3 units) Study of algebraic integers using techniques of Dedekind domains. Topics also include number theory related with secondary school mathematics, Diophantine equations, continued fractions, rationality problems and the prime number theorem. Topics in Probability and Statistics (3 units) Study of probability and statistics related with secondary school mathematics and educational evaluations. Topics in Algebra II (3 units) Study of algebraic structures including commutative rings and fields. Topics include Euclidean Domains, Principal Ideal Domains, Unique Factorization Domains, field theory and in-depth study of polynomials. Topics in Analysis II (3 units) In-depth study of infinite series, calculus of multivariable functions and metric spaces. Topics in Geometry II (3 units) Study of Riemannian manifolds. Topics include geometric properties associated with a metric, geodesics, volume and curvature, topological properties related with curvatures. Mathematics Education - 17 Topics in Topology II (3 units) Topics include homotopy, computation of fundamental groups, homology and cohomology groups, Betti numbers, Euler characteristics, orientations. Topics in Differential Geometry (3 units) Study of basic concepts of differential geometry on manifolds, vector fields, tensor fields, differential forms, integration on manifolds and Riemannian geometry. Mathematical Logic (3 units) Topics include sentential logic, first-order logic, undecidability and second-order Logic. Topics in Applied Mathematics (3 units) Study of applications of algebra and analysis to engineering, natural science, economics and social sciences. History of Mathematics (3 units) Study of history of mathematics in China, India and Korea. Topics also include ancient Egyptian and Greek mathematics and modern European mathematics and historically important mathematicians. Topics in Mathematics Education (3 units) Students study trends of research in mathematics education and examine new theories and projects. History of Mathematics Education (3 units) Mathematics Education - 18 Students study the history of mathematics education and learn the changes of theories of mathematicians and mathematics educators who have an influence on the history. Research on Mathematics Curriculum I (3units) Students compare domestic with foreign mathematics curriculum and learn theories for developing curriculum. Technology for Mathematics Education I (3 units) Students study the concept and role of educational software including calculator possibly using in school mathematics such as Geometry, Algebra, and Analysis. Assessment of Mathematics Education I (3 units) Students study the concept of assessment in mathematics education and various ways of assessment in school mathematics. Methods of Teaching Mathematics I (3 units) Students study the concept of teaching in school mathematics and search various teaching methods. Exceptional Children and Gifted Education I (3 units) This course deals with theories of exceptional children and gifted education in elementary course. Learning Theories of Mathematics I (3 units) Students study various learning theories using in mathematics education. Mathematics Education - 19 e-Learning in Mathematics Education I (3 units) This course deals with theories of teaching and learning in e-Learning. Qualitative Research Methods (3 units) Students study and proceed qualitative research methods and process using in mathematics education. Quantitative Research Methods (3 units) Students study and proceed quantitative research methods and process using in mathematics education. Seminar in Mathematics Education I (3 units) Students participate in seminar about new issues and theories in mathematics education. Philosophy of Mathematics (3 units) This course deals with philosophical discussion such as strategy, subject, and proposition of mathematics. Technology for Mathematics Education II (3 units) Students explore educational software and develop manipulatives for teaching and learning mathematics. Assessment of Mathematics Education II (3 units) Mathematics Education - 20 Students study the assessment of school mathematics such as after-school activities, differentiated lessons, comprehensive writing test, and logical writing. Methods of Mathematics Teaching II (3 units) Students explore theories of teaching methods and develop methods of mathematics teaching. Research on Mathematics Curriculum II (3 units) Students explore mathematics curriculum and theories of curriculum. Learning Theories of Mathematics II (3 units) Students study new theories in learning mathematics based on depth understanding of various learning theories. e-Learning in Mathematics Education II (3 units) Students develop teaching methods with studying theories of teaching and learning in e-Learning. Study of Mathematics Teaching Materials II (3 units) Students examine teaching materials upto undergraduate course and compares domestic teaching materials with foreign ones. Exceptional Children and Gifted Education II (3 units) Students study theories of exceptional children and gifted education in elementary and secondary school mathematics. Mathematics Education - 21 Seminar in Mathematics Education II) (3 units) Students study current issues in mathematics education. Topics in Elementary School Mathematics (3 units) This course deals with current issues of elementary school mathematics. For example, teaching art appreciation, integrated instruction, writing instruction, lessons with manipulatives. Topics in Secondary School Mathematics (3 units) This course deals with current trends of mathematics education in secondary school mathematics. For example, mathematical writing, lessons with manipulatives. Research for Dissertation I Research for Dissertation II Research for Dissertation III Mathematics Education - 22
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