Turnaround Programme - Vicky Rhodes

2026 Presentation
6th May 2015
Purpose of Today
To review Phase 1
Introduce 2 Phase 2
Priority Families
Service Transformation
2012 – 2015 Phase 1
• Children not attending school
• Youth Crime & ASB
• Adults out of work
In Bournemouth – 370 families ‘turned
around’ – against targets set by DCLG
Analysis of Phase 1
Summary of claims:
199 claims (54%) made for Crime and Education
117 claims (32%) made for Crime outcomes
32 claims (9%) made for Education outcomes
21 claims (6%) made for Work-related
Phase 1
Programme interventions for claimed
56 (15%) of claims for families attached to the
Turnaround Plus Team
27 (7%) of claims for families attached to the
Turnaround Partnership
287 (78%) of claims for families captured via
Data Tracking
Principles of Expanded Programme
flexibility to work with the families of greatest concern
and to shape the outcomes achieved locally.
ambitious service transformation goals to embed
integrated, whole family approaches.
introduction of a model of transparent local
accountability for the success of the programme as a
tool to drive greater service transformation, using
streamlined data collection tools.
Identifying the right families
1. Parents and children involved in crime or antisocial behaviour.
2. Children who have not been attending school regularly.
3. Children who need help: children of all ages, who need help, are
identified as in need or are subject to a Child Protection Plan.
4. Adults out of work or at risk of financial exclusion and young people at
risk of worklessness.
5. Families affected by domestic violence and abuse.
6. Parents and children with a range of health problems
Families should be prioritised on the basis of the following:
They are families with multiple problems who are most likely to benefit from an
integrated, whole family approach; and
They are families who are high cost to the public purse
Troubled Families Outcomes
Responds to local needs & service ambitions.
Draft Plan signed off by the Board 24/3/15
Aligned to existing priorities
Agrees what is sustained & significant
Targets & Reporting
New requirements for Phase 2
Targets :
Phase 1 - 370 families in 3 years
Phase 2 : 1390 for 5 years
(278 p/a capped at 236 for 2015/16)
Telling the story of change for families and
Goal: To build a richer picture of the complexity of families on entry to the programme and
the progress achieved by individual family members. Telling the story of change achieved with
Family Survey?
Richer service experience and
family outcome data collected
for a sample.
Family Progress Data:
Individual level data collected for family
(part of a single consolidated data
collection system)
Cost Savings Calculator:
Local cost benefit analysis of the costs of delivering the
programme v. the fiscal benefits of improving family
(part of the single consolidated data system)
National Impact Study:
Minimise the bureaucratic burden on LAs by tracking as many outcomes as
possible through national data sets.
(part of the single consolidated data system)
Working Differently
• Learning : 1 in 4 will be turned around
• Work underway to develop a master
list of families.
• Prioritise families who are high cost &
would benefit from integrated working
• Feedback from consultations to date
Small % will be attached to TA+ Team, &
family support teams within Children's
Social Care.
Rest will be in partner agencies
What we can offer the partnership
What do partners need ?
Operational Board
Developing an Operational Board to :
Oversee the list
Prioritise families
Allocate resources
Link with the Shadow Board
Next Steps
Any Questions ?
Thank you for your time