Inner Western Suburbs Netball Association Incorporated

Inner Western Suburbs Netball Association Inc.
State Champs:
Thursday 30th March 7.30pm-9.30pm, Cintra Park
10th-12th June, Baulkham Hills
Name :
Date of Birth :
My Netball Number
Email address:
Address :
Post Code
Home Phone
Mobile Phone
Work Phone
Are you also trialling with any other association
Highest level Metro League graded and played :
If no State League/Metro League experience, the highest level played:
I am willing to accept grading in the following divisions
Playing Position(s)
Indicate preferred positions
(Maximum 3)
e.g. GS 1st GA 2nd C 3rd
Representative Player and Parent/Carer Declaration
I have read and understand the commitments and undertakings that appear over and agree to meet these
commitments. I understand that a player may be withdrawn from the IWSNA representative program should
they not adhere to these without satisfactory explanation.
Players Signature:
Parent/Carer Authority – For players under 18 years of age
Parent/Carer Name (Please Print)
Parent/Carer Signature
Office Use Only
Player Selection
Train On:
Squad: YES / NO
Team: YES / NO
Team Res: YES / NO
IWSNA Representative Netball Mission Statement
To continually develop Representative Netball with programs which develop talent, foster teamwork
and encourages the pursuit of personal excellence.
IWSNA Player Mission Statement
To represent our Association and my team to the best of my ability ensuring that the representative
ideals of netball – participation, fitness, competition, teamwork and, above all, sportsmanship are
always maintained.
Representative Commitments
Representative players not only make a commitment to IWSNA, but just as importantly they make a
commitment to the rest of their team. Absences from training, carnivals and any representative
functions (other than those absences that cannot be avoided) are unfair to the team, IWSNA and those
players who were not fortunate enough to be selected in a representative team.
It is expected that all IWSNA representative players selected meet the following commitments:
Attendance at all scheduled training sessions
Attendance at or participation in fundraising as set down
Attendance at Netball NSW Championships/State League/Inter District Competitions in their
Attendance at representative function(s) as set down
Attendance at any Umpiring/Fitness/Information events organised by the IWSNA as part of the
Representative season
Representative Pre-Requisites
Be a financial member with Netball NSW (evidence of Association registered with if other than
IWSNA must be provided)
Have the written consent of parent/carer if under 18 years of age
Pay such expenses and purchase Association uniform and other items of apparel as directed by the
Submit a clearance to the team Coach from a qualified Medical Practitioner before recommencing
training/playing after an injury or severe illness, and pass a required fitness test if required.
Wear the correct IWSNA representative apparel on the court and at activities/engagements
organised or entered by IWSNA
Forfeit their position in the team if they miss three (3) training sessions or a carnival without prior
written application for leave of absence or a suitable medical certificate which must be approved by
the IWSNA Executive
The Coach selects the Team to play each game and has full control of the players on the court. The
Manager has full control of the players off the court.
Player Code of Conduct
It should always be remembered that you are representing IWSNA at all times whilst playing matches,
attending carnivals, and visiting other Associations. The Associations Code of Conduct applies to all
representative players and we expect you to adhere to it at all times. Any instances of inappropriate
behaviour will not be tolerated and could result in expulsion from the team. All occurrences of
misconduct will be dealt with by the IWSNA Executive Committee.
Whilst we hope all players enjoy their representative experience, it is also important that we do so
whilst respecting those around us. A copy of the IWSNA Code of Conduct can be obtained from the
Representative Liaison Officer.