The First Stone- Persuasive Essay

The Essay – Sample Introduction
The introduction is the first paragraph in your essay. It is important
because it sets the tone for your entire essay. It is also where your main
argument is stated. Your thesis must be the Last Line of your
introduction. It must contain the three main arguments / points of your
Essay. Here is a sample introductory paragraph. This introduction is
based on the novel The First Stone by Don Aker.
You will need:
 One or two sentences that introduce your topic in a general way [a]
 Use the title and the author’s name in a sentence (For example:
In Don Aker’s The First Stone……)[b]
 A few sentences about your arguments [c]
 A thesis statement which forms the last line of your paragraph [d]
People learn lessons in many ways. Learning life lessons can
influence people for the better. [a]
Chad Kennedy learns life lessons in the novel The First Stone by Don Aker.
Chad is responsible for putting Leeza in the hospital because of his actions.
Chad is in the North Hills group home for a year as part of the Judge’s
sentence. [c]
While at the group home, Chad begins to learn the importance of respect,
the need for self-reflection and the value of true friendship.[d]
People learn lessons in many ways. Learning life lessons can influence
people for the better. Chad Kennedy learns life lessons in the novel The
First Stone by Don Aker. Chad is in the North Hills group home for a year
as part of the Judge’s sentence. While at the group home, Chad begins to
learn the importance of respect, the need for self-reflection and the value of
true friendship.
Sample Essay format (Don Aker’s The First Stone)
Introduction - Often in life people find themselves in tough situations.
In the novel The First Stone, a young teen by the name Reef finds
himself in such a situation. Don Aker, the author of The First Stone
bases this novel on the circumstances that many teens face. He uses the
character of Reef Kennedy to reveal and remind us of virtues like
showing kindness, taking ownership and being empathetic. As a result,
Reef takes us through his journey towards adulthood and we learn the
value of compassion. Ultimately, Reef learns how to be remorseful, to
take ownership for his actions and to be compassionate.
First paragraph - Throughout the novel, Reef learns the need to take
ownership for his actions while being a resident at the North Hills
group home. (Explain and find suitable quotes to emphasize your point)
Second paragraph – Along with learning the need to take ownership
for his actions, Reef begins to show remorse for the hurt he causes
others in the novel. (Explain and find suitable quotes to emphasize your
Third paragraph – Furthermore, Reef becomes very compassionate
and empathetic towards others as he journeys through to adulthood.
(Explain and find suitable quotes to emphasize your point)
Conclusion – In summary, Reef learns many lessons from all his
experiences and becomes a whole new being. He learns to peel away his
tough boy acts in order to let the inner Reef free.
 Write in present tense
 No contractions like don’t instead use do not
 You do not need the first person singular pronoun (I
think, I feel, I believe)
 Keep your sentences concise and clear
 When writing quotes from a text, you should be mindful
of the following (if the quoted text is four lines or less,
you should put it in quotation marks and include it in
line with the rest of your paper – essay; if the quoted
lines is more than four lines, you should put in on the
next line – somewhat like another paragraph without
quotation marks – and indent it by one inch).
 Use transition words to move among ideas in a
paragraph and to move between paragraphs
 General statements are allowed in your introductory
and concluding paragraph. Every sentence of each body
paragraph needs to refer specifically to the text.
 When proving each topic sentence, follow this pattern:
THESIS. You will need to repeat this several times per
body paragraph
 Smoothly work your quotations into your paragraphs,
by introducing them and making sure to explain how
the information relates to that paragraph of your essay
 Don’t include new information in your concluding
 Use formal language (no slangs)
The First Stone- Persuasive Essay
Select one of the following topics. Plan and write a 5 paragraph, formal essay
(approximately 600-700 words). Each paragraph must have at least one quotation
from the novel to help prove your argument. You will be given four days to
complete the essay.
DAY 1- Use any class notes that you have and begin brainstorming your topic.
Show me the brainstorming for your topic and I will give you the outline to begin
planning out your essay. You will get marks for your outline, so do a good job
because it will help you write a better essay. At the end of Day 1, all notes, rough
work and your outline should be put in your folder and handed in.
DAY 2- You will be given back your folder and notes and you should begin
writing your essay. Only your folder should be on your desk, and a copy of The
First Stone. At the end of the period, place your notes and writing in the folder
and return it to my desk.
DAY 3- You will be given back your folder to continue writing the essay.
DAY 4- This is your last day to write. Making sure you take time to edit and
proofread your writing.
1. Reef’s sentencing was unjust. Decide whether you agree with this
statement or not. Write a persuasive essay that presents three reasons
for your choice that refers specifically to the novel.
2. Leeza and Reef are very similar. Decide whether you agree with this
statement or not. In a persuasive essay, prepare three arguments that
make specific reference to The First Stone.
3. It could be argued that Reef and Leeza meet and become friends as a
result of fate. It could also be argued that their meeting was all
coincidence. Choose one side of this argument and write a persuasive
essay using specific reference to three events from The First Stone.
Let’s clarify what is considered a quotation…
 A quote is any word, sentence, or passage taken from a written text
 The words can be, but are not always spoken
 Whatever appears between the quotation marks should be exactly
what the text/person wrote or said
Qualities of a good quote…
 Is it meaningful: to you, the author, or the characters
 It is about something important: an event, person, idea
 You know you can write about it
 Helps you make connections between the book and yourself
MLA Format
Quotation Documentation
You must include quotations from the novel to support and prove your points!! You
must document your quotations according to MLA format. In parentheses you must
include the author’s last name and page number.
i.e. Cristina says, “Whatever I have it’s not contagious.” (Ricci 47)
Your bibliography is a separate page placed at the end of your assignment listing the
source of your quotations (The First Stone).
Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. New York: Warner Books Inc.,
(last name first)
of publication
(full company name)