Body Systems

Unit K: Organization and Change within Living Organisms: Body Systems
Quarter 4- 2.5 Weeks
Standards Addressed
During Unit
Students investigate the organization and systems of the human body.
Fundamental Skills:
Science laboratory safety practices including an SDS.
Highlighted Nature of
Science Standards
In the grade prior students…
Identify organs in the human body and basic functions (skin, brain, heart, lungs, stomach, liver, intestines, pancreas, muscles and skeleton,
reproductive organs, kidneys, bladder, and sensory organs)
Compare and contrast functions of organs and other structures of plants and animals (including humans)
Unpacking the Standards: What do we want students to Know, Understand and Do (KUD)
Unit K: Organization & Change within Living Organisms – Body Systems
Unit Essential Question: How do the structure and function of the human body work together to maintain homeostasis?
SC.6.L.14.1 Describe and identify patterns in the hierarchical organization of organisms from atoms to molecules and cells to tissues to organs to
organ systems to organisms.
SC.6.L.14.3 Recognize and explore how cells of all organisms undergo similar processes to maintain homeostasis, including extracting energy from
food, getting rid of waste, and reproducing.
SC.6.L.14.5 Identify and investigate the general functions of the major systems of the human body (digestive, respiratory, circulatory,
reproductive, excretory, immune, nervous, and musculoskeletal) and describe ways these systems interact with each other to maintain
SC.6.L.14.6 Compare and contrast types of infectious agents that may infect the human body, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites.
“Essential understandings,” or generalizations, represent ideas that are transferable to other contexts.
Living organisms have systems that are dependent on different processes to help the organism function and fight off infectious agents.
Declarative knowledge: Facts, vocabulary, information.
Procedural knowledge: Skills, strategies & processes that are transferrable to other contexts.
1. The human body is organized into major body systems that have
different functions and interact with each other to maintain
2. Body systems include organs that work together for a specific
1. Compare and contrast the functions of major body systems.
2. Explain how systems work together to maintain the body of
Investigate the parts and functions of body systems.
Performance Tasks
Journey through the Body- An Engineering Design Challenge:
You are interviewing to become a Disney Imagineer. To prepare for the interview, you have been asked to design a roller coaster ride that takes
riders through the wonders of the human body. The roller coaster design should reflect your knowledge of body systems and homeostasis. Disney
is interested in highlighting interactions between the systems in a creative way. Incorporating knowledge of energy, forces and motion is also
recommended. You will present a visual design during the interview and provide a summary of how your design models the human body systems,
homeostasis and the interactions between systems.
Key Learning: Human body systems perform specific functions that interact with each other to maintain homeostasis.
Concept: Body Systems
Driving Questions:
Sample Formative Assessment Task:
What are the functions of the major body
Identify and investigate the general functions of the
How do the various systems interact to
major systems of the human body (digestive,
maintain homeostasis?
respiratory, circulatory, reproductive, excretory,
immune, nervous, and musculoskeletal) and describe
Student Investigations:
ways these systems interact with each other to
maintain homeostasis.
Lab Manual: Quick Lab p. 401, Quick Lab p. 405, The failure of body systems can disrupt
homeostasis. The failure of which body
Quick Lab
p. 409, Quick Lab p. 413, Quick Lab p.
415, Quick Lab p. 419, Quick Lab p. 421, Quick Lab system can cause an immediate problem?
p. 424, Quick Lab p. 428, Quick Lab p. 431, Quick
a. digestive
Recognize and explore how cells of all organisms
p. 433, Quick Lab p. 435, Quick Lab p. 437,
undergo similar processes to maintain homeostasis, Quick Lab p. 439, Quick Lab p. 443, Quick Lab p.
b. reproductive
including extracting energy from food, getting rid of 446, Quick Lab p. 449, Quick Lab p. 453, Unit Lab
c. respiratory
waste, and reproducing.
456, Unit Lab p. 467, Quick Lab p. 475, Quick Lab p.
d. urinary
organs, functions, malfunctions, reproductive,
excretory, circulatory, respiratory, digestive,
immune, nervous, musculoskeletal, *homeostasis
Skeletal System Lesson Lab with full size
printout of an adult skeleton:
Motion and Position of the Human Body Lab:
Digestion Demo and Lab:
Nervous System Labs:
Student Text:
Fusion Resources:
Interactive Digital Curriculum: Introduction to
Body Systems, The Skeletal and Muscular
Student Misconceptions:
Uncovering Student Ideas in Science by
P. Keeley
Human Body Basics v. 1 p. 139
TE: p.592-668
Student Text: p.452-519s
Novel: Halse, L. “Fever 1793”
The Body’s Defense System Lesson:
Digestion Tutorial Video with Questions:
Other Complex Texts:
Article- Bones: They’re Alive!
Text-based website- Your Digestive System
Article- Your Digestive System
Text-based website- The Nervous System
Article- Your Nervous System
Deeper Learning Opportunities:
Is it a System? v. 4 p. 81
Article – A Pill that Monitors Your Vital Signs:
Body Systems and Homeostasis Model Eliciting
Activity with Dr. Homeostasis: Using a doctor's
report, students will create a checklist and system
of identifying organs and body systems affected by
the patient’s symptoms.
Human Body LS v. 1 p. 141
Key Learning: Smoking has adverse effects on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
Concept: Effects of Smoking on
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems
Driving Questions:
SC.6.L.14.5 Identify and investigate the general functions How do the respiratory and circulatory systems
of the major systems of the human body (digestive,
function and work together?
respiratory, circulatory, reproductive, excretory, immune,
What are the effects of smoking on the
nervous, and musculoskeletal) and describe ways these
systems interact with each other to maintain homeostasis. circulatory and respiratory system?
How can respiration and pulse rates be
SC.6.L.14.1Describe and identify patterns in the
hierarchical organization of organisms from atoms to
molecules and cells to tissues to organs to organ systems
How can the normal lung capacity of a person
to organisms.
be measured and compared?How does an
SC.6.L.14.6 Compare and contrast types of infectious
agents that may infect the human body, including viruses,
bacteria, fungi, and parasites.
Explain how body systems are impacted by hereditary
factors and infectious agents.
tidal volume, residual volume, vital volume total lung
capacity, volume, pulse, resting heart rate, beats per
minute (BPM)
Student Investigations:
See Science, Tobacco and You CurriculumFocus on circulatory and respiratory systems,
how they interact and are affected by tobacco
Sample Formative Assessment Task:
Body systems rarely work independently of
one another. For example, the muscular
system works closely with other body
systems to maintain homeostasis. Muscle
cells require a constant supply of oxygen so
that the muscles can contract. Which body
systems are responsible for providing oxygen
to the cells in this system?
A. digestive system and circulatory system
B. nervous system and respiratory system
C. muscular system and excretory system
D. respiratory system and circulatory system
Student Text:
Fusion Resources:
TE: p.622-637
Student Text: p.476-491
Other Complex Texts:
Article- Circulatory System
Article- Respiratory System
Student Misconceptions:
Uncovering Student Ideas in Science by
P. Keeley
Respiration v.3 p. 134
Deeper Learning Opportunities:
Science Writing Heuristic:
Are we like Robots?
Unit K: Body Systems
Grade Concept: Body Systems
Sample Scale
Sample Performance Tasks
Score 4.0
In addition to Score 3.0, in-depth inferences and applications
that go beyond what was taught.
Score 3.5
Score 3.0
I can do everything at a 3.0, and I can demonstrate partial success at score 4.0.
I can:
Score 2.5
Score 2.0
Draw a large outline of the body and correctly represent &
locate major organ groups. Include connections between
related systems.
Develop a model that demonstrates the sequence of activities
involving major body systems that interact to complete a task.
I can do everything at a 2.0, and I can demonstrate partial success at score 3.0.
I can:
Score 1.5
Score 1.0
Identify and investigate the general functions of
the major systems of the human body (digestive,
respiratory, circulatory, reproductive, excretory,
immune, nervous, and musculoskeletal) and
describe ways these systems interact with each
other to maintain homeostasis.
Model the effects of tobacco usage on the circulatory and
respiratory systems, including an explanation of your model.
Can explain how the human body works like a
Can describe the hierarchical organization of
structures within the human body.
I can do everything at a 1.0, and I can demonstrate partial success at score 2.0.
With help, a partial understanding of some of the simpler
details and processes and some of the more complex ideas and