Algebra 1 - Birmingham City Schools

Name: _________________
Test Score:______
Date: ___________________
Percy Jackson, extraordinary kid from New York, was practicing with his bow and arrow at camp. After
coming from the lake, he spotted super teacher extraordinaire Mr. Brunner walking through the forest
preparing to leave for the day. Percy, who previously lost to Mr. Brunner, knew this was a great time to
challenge Mr. Brunner to 1 on 1 and right her wrong of losing. He screamed, “Mr. Brunner, care to join
me for a contest!” and Mr. Brunner replied, “Percy, I have to go, but I’ll play a quick game”. He then said
“We will see who can strike the most arrows in the center and whomever reaches 24 arrows first will
win, each arrow will be worth 1 point’. Mr. Brunner said “To make things interesting, I will allow you to
start at 2 points.” Mr. Brunner shot 4 points every minute, while Percy shot 3 points every minute.
Use complete sentences to answer each question.
1. Name the Independent variable and dependent variable. (research the meaning of both words)
Number Process column for Percy
(write down your process
minutes and obtaining the points)
Points by
Process column for Mr. Brunner
write down your process and
obtaining the points)
Points for
3. In a complete sentence describe a pattern that you see in Mr. Brunner process column?
4. If 20 minutes had passed how many points would score? Show Work below
5. If 40 minutes had passed how many points would Mr. Brunner score? Show Work below
6. In a game of 20 points, who would win? Why??
7. Is this function discrete or continuous (research the meaning of both words) ? Why?
8. Sketch each function below. Be sure to label both of your axes and graph.
9. What effect does Percy’s start of2 points have on the graph?