PLENARY- Linkage between South-South and triangular
Cooperation and Social and Solidarity Economy in IBSA
and African regional cooperation
Solution I: Launch of the publication Global South-South Development Expos, Decent Work Solutions
(2010-2013): 9am- 915am
South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) is regarded as an approach harmonious with SSE for
sharing knowledge, experience and good practices and for supporting capacity development,
technology transfer and even resource mobilization or the formation of international networks of
social innovation. The ILO has been engaged in initiatives that have evidenced the complementarity
between SSTC and SSE in the past few years, these activities have been presented in the SSE
Academies in Agadir (2013) and Campinas (2014) and now Johannesburg (South Africa). South-South
and triangular arrangements can expand the impact of Social Economy in national contexts by
building regional and inter-regional networks and platforms for knowledge and experience-sharing.
There are already many SSE networks between countries from the South, for example the Latin
American Coordination Bureau of Fair Trade (MCLACJ), MERCOSUR Solidario, ASEC network in Asia,
RIPESS, just to name a few.
An example of South-South cooperation is the IBSA (India-Brazil-South Africa) trilateral development
initiative, which has been a major driver of South-South cooperation and exchanges. IBSA has two
declarations of intention covering ILO matters (2010, 2012) and in 2015 the IBSA fund has decided to
support ILO for Haitian reconstruction efforts. The approach proposes a holistic and innovative
approach making use of ILO added value: its tripartite structure. Even though no specific projects
have been funded by IBSA on Solidarity Economy, individually, Brazil, India and South Africa have
invested strongly in cooperatives, Social Innovation and Social Solidarity. This session will be devoted
to the potential of IBSA countries to work together in Social Solidarity
Ms. Anita Amorim
Head, Emerging and Special
Partnerships Unit
[email protected]
Ms Anita Amorim, Head, Emerging and Special Partnerships
Unit of the ILO Department of Partnerships and Field Support, is
responsible for the coordination of the Unit including SouthSouth partnerships and UN issues. She has supported the ILO’s
engagement with the promotion of South-South and triangular
cooperation, which was materialized in the strategy adopted by
the ILO Governing Body in March 2012, “South-South and
triangular cooperation: the way forward”.
Shyam Tonk, MOLE, India
Shyam Tonk presented a Research Paper on Economic and
Social Aspects of Ageing in India to the Institute of Social
Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands.
Shyam Tonk recognizes the IBSA (India-Brazil-South Africa)
trilateral development initiative as a major driver of SouthSouth cooperation and exchanges. IBSA has two declarations of
intention covering ILO matters (2010, 2012) and in 2015 the
IBSA fund has decided to support ILO.
Regional Provident Fund
Commissioner & Officer on Special
Duty to Hon. Labour &
Employment Minister
Mr. Anup Dash
Anup Dash, Utkal University,
Mr. Anup’s presentation will address the link between Social
and Solidarity Economy and South-South Cooperation. It will
place particular emphasis on Social and Solidarity Economy
networks in India-Brazil- South Africas, giving us insights into
IBSA networking potential. It will highlight initiatives on SouthSouth exchange of experiences under the framework of the
Regional and Sub regional groups these three countries
participate in.
Robert Gouveia
Robert Gouveia graduated on Economics from the Federal
University of Ceará and attained a PhD in Social Policy from the
University of Brasilia (2015). He is currently Technical Analyst of
Social Policy for the Ministry of Labour and Employment – MTE.
He has experience in economics, with an emphasis on General
Theory of Economics, acting on the following topics: social
state, social state and capitalism, political economy, solidarity
economy, public policy, social policy, labour and industrial
Technical Analyst of Social Policy
for the Ministry of Labour and
Employment – MTE.
Leandro Morais
Professor FACAMP
He will present South-South Cooperation initiatives of the
Brazilian government linked to Solidarity Economy. For Mr.
Gouveia, Social Economy brings together the non-profit
economic activities. Even though they are private, they share
the same goals as the public sector’s. In the domain of social
economy, associations, cooperatives and mutuals are essential
mechanisms to organize a more social productive activity.
Social and Solidarity Economy and South-South and
Triangular Cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean:
Contributions to Inclusive Sustainable Development
Mr. Morais will show the potentials of SSTC and the SSE as
Doctor in Economics – Economic
Development (Social Economy and
Employment and Income
Generation programs) – Institute
of Economics – University of
Campinas UNICAMP (2013).
South – African Government
effective mechanisms that contribute to the generation of
work, employment and income in the territories, taking into
consideration the fact that based on the incorporation of the
already-mentioned constituent elements of the SSE, there are
real possibilities for influencing local economic and social
development. This is understood as a participatory
arrangements between the main private and public
stakeholders of a defined territory, enabling the joint design
and implementation of a common development strategy.
Besides, he will be discussing, from an academic approach, the
successes of the IBSA trilateral development agreement in the
promotion of Decent Work and SSE. IBSA’s initiatives have
concretized the potential of SSTC in bringing out economic and
social development
He will give an overview about governmental SSE projects in
South Africa related to South-South Cooperation, in particular
IBSA. The IBSA network aims to promote South-South
cooperation and build consensus on issues of international
importance. It also aims at increasing the labour opportunities
among the three countries, as well as facilitating the trilateral
exchange of information, technologies and skills to complement
each other strengths in order to foster Decent work and
cooperate with sustainable development.
He will give an overview about workers’ SSE projects in South
Africa related to South-South Cooperation, in particular IBSA.
Closing remarks by Mr Jürgen Schwettmann, Director, ILO
Department of Partnerships and Field Support and Question
and Answer Session
Mr. Jürgen Schwettmann
Director, ILO Department of
Partnerships and Field Support
[email protected]