SD PBS Coaches* Training

SD PBS Coaches’
Kari Oyen, Pat Hubert, Penny McCormick-Gilles,
and Crystal Mengenhausen
SD PBIS Trainers
Rebecca Cain
SD PBIS Coordinator
Today’s Agenda
O Create a shared vocabulary for new coaches
O Define roles and responsibilities for new
O Time for questions and answers for new
Expected Challenges
• Doing more with less (staff, resources, funding, planning
• Fulfilling your coaching role while filling multiple roles
simultaneously in your school/district setting
• Maintaining collaboration with school/district leaders for
sustaining effective practices
• Maintaining focus on progress monitoring for fidelity of practice
• Participating in coaching-related meetings/trainings while being
called to other meetings/trainings
• Other challenges?
Tiered Model of School Supports
and the Problem-Solving Process
Tier 3: Intensive, Individualized
Interventions & Supports
The most intense (increased time, narrowed focus, reduced
group size) instruction and intervention based upon
individual student need provided in addition to and aligned
with Tier 1 & 2 academic and behavior instruction and
Tier 2: Targeted, Supplemental Interventions
& Supports
More targeted instruction/intervention and supplemental
support in addition to and aligned with the core academic
and behavior curriculum.
Tier 1: Core, Universal
Instruction & Supports
General academic and behavior instruction and support
provided to all students in all settings.
RtI State Transformation Team – FL DOE (12/3/09)
Another way to think about
Coaches’ Purpose
•Assist school team with implementation
•Ensure fidelity of implementation
•Resource for team
OBasic Definition:
O Coaching is a set of responsibilities, actions and activities .
. . not necessarily a particular person.
O Personnel to facilitate, assist, and maintain PBIS
implementation efforts
Guiding Principles for
Effective Coaching
• Build local capacity
O Become unnecessary…but remain available
• Maximize current competence
O Never change things that are working
O Always make the smallest change that will have the biggest impact
• Focus on valued outcomes
O Tie all efforts to the benefits for children
• Emphasize Accountability
O Measure and report; measure and report; measure and report.
• Build credibility through:
O (a) consistency, (b) competence with behavioral principles/practices,
(c) relationships, (d) time investment.
• Pre-correct for success
Common Vocabulary for
O Critical Elements
O Action Plan
O ODR (Office Discipline Referrals)
O TIC : Team Implementation Checklist
O SET: School-wide Evaluation Tool
O SAS: PBIS Self-assessment survey
Purpose and
Responsibilities of a
What is a Coach Responsible
O Fluency with Roles &
Responsibilities will help you
achieve this
Coach Role
Work with team during Tier 1 Trainings
Facilitates Tier 1 team meetings
Communicate with stakeholders (administrator, state
PBIS Trainers, school board, staff, families)
Submit assessment data to State PBIS Trainer
“Keeper of the Process”
Self-assessment (TIC, SAS, SET)
Action planning – (Action Plans)
PBIS Activity implementation
On-going evaluation
Coach Role (cont.)
Initial Implementation
O Help maintain momentum
O Help with team process
O Coordinate information
O Provide access to praise, celebration
O Provide or obtain critical information/technical
O Active problem solving
O All staff trainings/orientation
O Development and use of data for decisionmaking
Basics of Effective Coaching
• Team meetings
• Activities at trainings
• Implementation –
‘Positive Nag’
• Faculty
• Administrator
• District Coordinator
• Community
• PBS expert
• Behavioral ‘expert’
• Link to resources
PBS Coach
Content and
Coach as Communicator
 Share evaluation data from Mid- and End Year
Reports, and critical elements of PBIS to know
fidelity level of practice
 Share the outcomes and benefits of PBS with
 Decreases in ODRs, ISS, OSS, expulsions, referrals to SPED,
and ‘exclusionary’ practices
 Increases in effectiveness of interventions across tiers; faculty
and staff retention; positive school culture
 Share PBS and behavioral concepts with team
 Share PBS implementation successes with
administration and district leaders
 Share PBS content and successes with the
Describe & Promote PBS
O Describe Positive Behavior Support
(philosophy, strategies, approach)
O Why do schools start PBS training at Tier 1?
O What steps can schools take to make their
discipline system more effective?
O How are data used at the school level?
Coach as Knowledgeable
 Hold team members accountable
 Remind team about the purpose and process of PBIS
 Contribute to the coaches training and support
 Strive to become an expert in PBIS by attending
 Push for conversations that matter, e.g., action
planning, average referrals per day.
 Praise members’ efforts in reviewing and analyzing
 Encourage staff surveys for training purposes.
 Research additional resources
O Training Tips: Should be
determined by the data
O Team and/or Faculty surveys
O ODRs/Other School-Wide data
Building Your Knowledge Base
O Janney, R. & Snell, M. (2008). Behavioral Support, 2nd
Edition. Brookes Publishing Company: Baltimore, MD.
O George, H.P., Kincaid, D. & Pollard-Sage, J. (2008).
Primary Tier Interventions and Supports. In W. Sailor,
G. Dunlap, G. Sugai & R. Horner (Eds.), Handbook of
Positive Behavior Support. Springer Publishing:
Lawrence, KS, 371-390.
O APBS Standards of Practice:
O Association of PBS:
Building Your Knowledge Base
O PBIS Website:
O FLPBS Project:
O PBS Project newsletter:
Additional Training Options
O PBS Project On-Line Modules:
O School-Wide PBIS
O Individual PBIS
O Online Academy
O PBIS foundations & practices, Functional Behavioral
Assessment, and Interventions
Additional Training Options
O Univ. Oregon Training Manuals
O Notes/Ideas on School-Wide implementation
from Oregon
O Kansas Training Modules & links
Coach as Facilitator
Facilitate to Change:
Review and update the PBIS Action Plan at the
monthly team meeting
Bring current data to the monthly meeting
Inquire about the status on current school-wide
systems (e.g., expectations/rules, teaching skills,
reward, etc…)
Ensure agenda focuses on the use of data for
decision making at meetings
Ensure agenda involves Critical Elements to
help determine action planning
O There’s not enough
supervision in the cafeteria.
O The noise level is down now,
but tardy referrals are about
the same.
O There’s no perceived
consequence for coming in
O How pervasive is the problem
(is it most, or is it some)?
•Problem Identification
•Problem Analysis
•Develop & Implement
a Plan
•Evaluate the plan
O What do effective team meetings
look like?
O What does “Consensus” mean?
What are some characteristics of
having consensus within a
O How could you respond to this scenario?
O Two of your team members are “fed up” with SWPBS.
They say it’s too much work, the data don’t show any
improvement, and their grade-level teachers think the
tokens are a pain. They tell the team they want to move
in a new direction and implement Program X instead.
•Use active listening
•Reassess faculty buy in
•Get each team member to
weigh in, at the meeting or in
•Re-focus the team on the
data and how Program X can
fit with SWPBS
Ensuring Fidelity
O Have a thorough understanding of the team’s plans
O Compare their actions to Best Practice
O 3 Day training binder, activities
O TIC/Review elements of the SET
O PBIS website, other resources
O Show the team the relevant resources
O Emphasize greater effectiveness
O Remind about fidelity, accountability, doing what’s right for kids
O Blame the school
O Call for help when needed
O Project Support, Individual problem-solving
Facilitation Skills
O Lifelong development of active listening skills
O Paraphrasing, summarizing
O Assertiveness, re-focusing, getting teams “unstuck”
O De-escalation
O Motivating
O Watching how the team interacts while contributing to
the discussion
O If your team is struggling, focus on the group dynamics
& processes for a while
Establishing Ground Rules
O Ground Rules (examples)
O We will be present at all meetings
O We will be on time and allow no interruptions to
make or take phone calls, etc.
O We will be concise when we speak – encouraging
others to participate
O We will distribute tasks equally amongst
Strategy: Meeting Agenda
O Meeting logistics (i.e. date, time, location, facilitator, timekeeper,
snackmaster, participants)
O Applaud and Assess
O Things that have gone well
O Critical Issues
O Items
O Data Summary (what, where, when, and who) and Problem Solving
O Review Action Plan Progress
O Follow up items from staff meeting
O Any additional concerns
O Actions/Results
O What is the plan based on the data review and concerns addressed?
O Next Steps/To Do List
O What do we need to do to accomplish the goals based on the data?
O Next Meeting Logistics
O Designate roles, times and locations for the next meeting.
Tips: Slay the Meeting
O Overly Talkative
O Argumentative
O Rambler
O Obstinate/Rigid
O Griper/Whiner
O Side Conversation
O Definitely WRONG
O Off the Subject
O Silent
Available: Click
Meeting Monsters under Teaming tab
O Using evaluation data to guide the team
O What tools are you currently using to evaluate your
O How are you using this evaluation data to guide your
team PBS planning
O Goal: Identify 2-3 tools you plan on using to evaluate
your progress
O *SWIS or DATA reports (monthly)
O School Team Update
O Team Process Evaluations
O Team Implementation Checklist (multiple
O Walk-Throughs (1x/year)
O School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET)
O Outcome Data (ODR, ISS, OSS, Attendance)
Self Assessment Survey (SAS)
Evaluating Implementation &
Team Functioning
O Did we do what we planned?
O How do our actions match up to Best Practice?
O Is what we’re doing working?
O Is it working a lot or a little?
O Is it working enough to justify the effort and
O What can we celebrate?
O What can we improve?
O How can we support more students with minimal
Action Plans
O Coach needs to ensure Action Plan is being used
O Regularly check plan, bringing to monthly
Coaches’ Meetings
O Monitors progress toward implementation
O Provides accountability of PBS team
O Items/actions should be data based:
O can you answer the question: “What data led the
team to decide on this?”
O Positively report, promote, shape, and reinforce
school team progress and products
Implementation Schedule
O Make sure all PBS activities are scheduled
for the rest of the year
O PBS Team meetings (monthly)
O Data Sharing with staff (monthly)
O Trainings (data-driven)
O Initial, Behavior Principals, Staff, Student,
Parent, Bus Driver
O Be sure content is specified for each
O Reward Events (data-driven)
Attending Team Meetings
O Looking at data
O From last year
O Since the beginning of the school year
O Continue working on faculty buy-in
O Pilot or case studies
O Input, feedback
O Continue working on Action Plan
O Stay in touch with your State Trainer, other Coaches
O Monthly meetings, evaluation updates, Assistance
Managing your PBS Time:
O Do something, ANYTHING, immediately
O Feeling of accomplishment
O Break down larger tasks into smaller ones
O Ask for help
O Delegate if appropriate
O Reward yourself when tasks are completed
O OK to reward frequently for small accomplishments
O Celebrate large successes with a larger reward
O Share triumph of getting things done with others
O Positive reinforcement best way to maintain momentum
Points to Remember
O Change the environment to make it easier for adults to
use PBIS techniques
O Training, procedures, forms, support personnel, technology
O Change the environment so kids with chronic challenges
can function more effectively
O Reward systems, multiple tiers of support, Teacher skills
O Change the mindset to focus on data and constant
O Data sharing, surveying faculty & students, stakeholder
What do you do?
• How do you facilitate your team?
• How do you communicate with your team?
• How do you share information to your team to build
their skills?
• What do you need to build your coaching skills?
Items to put on the “to do” list
O Acknowledge/reinforce principal & team for progress since
O Prompt team to:
O Meet & review PBS purpose & action plan with staff
O Collect school data
O Meet within 1 month
O Contact team leader 2x in first month & ask:
O What is planned?
O Is assistance needed?
O Set schedule to attend team meeting 1x/mo
O Monitor & assist in development & completion of team
action plan
O Document team & coaching accomplishments, speed
bumps, challenges, solutions
What to bring Monday to our
O Bring data (raw data) to meeting
O We will have time to work with a data generator
O Bring your laptop
O Bring a list of successes and areas of
O Bring your schedule of PBIS meetings for the
O Bring your ACTION PLAN!
Where is training on
East Dakota Educational Cooperative
715 E 14th St, Sioux Falls
In the DDN room
From 9:00-4:00
Parting words…
O Contact Information:
O Kari Oyen
O [email protected]
O Pat Hubert
O [email protected]
O Crystal Mengenhausen
O [email protected]
O Penny McCormick-Gilles
O [email protected]
O Project Coordinator:
O Rebecca Cain
O [email protected]
The healthiest part of a donut is the hole. Unfortunately,
you have to eat through the rest of the donut to get there!