Product Sheet XAA Extended Account Analysis

Extended Account Analysis (XAA)
The quality of your account analysis platform directly affects:
 Your revenue
 Your ability to provide information about customer relationships
 Your ability to perform “what if” scenarios with pricing, interest or
earnings credit rates
 Your ability to compete for business
Maximize Fee Income
If your i nstitution seeks to maximize fee income, i mprove operational efficiencies a nd compete
more effectively for i ts customers’ business, consider Extended Account Analysis (XAA) from
Processing efficiency – Total relationships
XAA effi ciently processes higher volumes of a ccounts and activity than ever before to provide a
tota l vi ew of each commercial customer relationship. It’s the ideal s olution for managing your
i ns titution’s entire commercial portfolio, from high-profile corporations to small businesses.
Title Here (Calibri, 21 pt.)
Relationship pricing – Increased revenue
XAA i s designed to i nclude a ny type of account i n an analysis, not just commercial checking
i ncludesName
a wide va(Calibri,
riety of user-managed
12 pt.) pricing and processing options, which
l lows your
Department or Group (Calibri,customer
12 pt.) requests while continuing to meet
i nternal business requirements.
Consider These Examples of What XAA Can Offer
Provi de the product a nd service mix your customers want at a price beneficial to you both,
whi le maintaining the competitive edge.
As s ign pricing automatically to a ccounts based on demographic characteristics.
Revert a utomatically to s tandard pricing when exception pricing expires.
Appl y a discount or premium to a customer’s eligible s ervices in a single maintenance
functi on.
Ca l culate charges a nd bill by account or customer relationship .
Tra ck cos ts and fees for servi ces.
Ha ndle multicurrency reporting and international taxation requirements.
Perform “wha t if” scenarios with pricing, balances, rates and product performance.
Crea te a modeling a pproval workflow to comply wi th audit requirements and establish a
hi erarchy of modeling users with approval authority that i ncludes limits a ssigned to each
a pprover.
A functionally
advanced, highly
efficient account
analysis system is vital
to your organization’s
Title Here (Calibri, 12 pt.)
FIS offers graphical, account analysis desktop
products to provide even more functionality
XAA Ins ight makes full use of a Web browser envi ronment
to offer i ntuitive, enhanced inquiry a nd maintenance
functi ons.
Portfol io Management allows your i nstitution to monitor or
crea te pricing overrides – or perform a ccount, relationship
a nd product modeling, including impact reporting – through
your brows er a nd i ntranet.
Improve Operational Efficiencies
Pri ci ng maintenance i s minimized with XAA Regional
Pri ci ng. Most changes a re made on the standard price
l i st developed for the holding company, not a t each
regi onal price list.
Maximize Fee Income
XAA a l lows your i nstitution to charge completely,
a ccura tely a nd fairly for the services provided to your
cus tomers. There is vi rtually no limit to the number of
s ervi ces for which your i nstitution ca n charge. Services
ca n be easily i nterfaced, uploaded or entered online,
ens uring the ca pture of all the s ervices provided.
Us i ng volume ti ers to affect discounts
Negotiating prices that a re mutually a greeable and
i mplementing them with minimal effort
Bi l ling for s ervices provi ded to customers who do not
ma i ntain a deposit relationship
Compete More Effectively
XAA Regi onal Pri cing lets you establish prices by regions or
groups that you define, and then a utomatically determines
whi ch pricing to use for each group.
Fl exible pricing calculations a re easy to i mplement and
ma ke it possible to quickly develop competitive a nd
crea ti ve pricing in response to customer or market
dema nds.
Strengthen your bank-customer relationships by a llowing
your rel a tionship managers to customize the mix of
products, s ervices, pricing a nd settlement options they ca n
offer their customers.
Appl y exception pricing for servi ces at the a ccount level,
rel a tionship l evel or a combination of both.
Us e the modeling tool in Portfolio Ma nagement to vi ew the
i mpact of the proposed exception pricing or ECR on a
s elected account or relationship before applyi ng the price.
the correcti ons and new results are displayed.
By us ing the re analysis ca pabilities of XAA, you ca n
el iminate manual recalculation of analysis results when
correcti ng errors.
Onl i ne i nquiries and maintenance s implify research and
correcti ons.
Servi ce, balance and result trending eliminate the need for
extensive research.
Pri ci ng levels contained in saved models can be
a utomatically uploaded to XAA wi thout any manual
i ntervention or a dditional monitoring once the model i s
a pproved.
Attra ct new business or retain existing customers by:
Re-create s tatements on request, eliminating the need to
ma ke copies. If the statement is reprinted a fter a reanalysis,
Upl oad s ervice activity, demographic information,
exception pricing, processing a nd promotional pricing plan
overri des and invoice charge-offs.
Relationship Management
XAA i ncl udes a relationship manager that is used to ti e
a ccounts and/or customers together for s everal
To defi ne exception pricing for the relationship
To ca l culate fees a nd earnings credits for the relationship as
a whole, ra ther than by i ndividual a ccount
To produce a composite statement for the relationship as a
whol e and to combine s ettlement a mounts into one
cus tomer tra nsaction, i ncluding historical results, if desired
To provi de a graphical display of the relationship, making i t
ea sily understood
Contact Us
To l earn more about Extended Account Analysis from FIS,
pl ease contact your FIS strategic a ccount manager, call
800.822.6758 or vi s it us online a t
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