agenda 4 - Stirling Students` Union

Clubs Council
There will be a meeting of the Students’ Union Sports Zone on Tuesday 31st March at 17:00
in the Lecture A3.
In order to ensure the meeting is kept to time please ensure all attached papers are read in advance.
1.1 Members Present
Christopher Priddle
Sport President
Paddy Wilson
Participation and Engagement
Lauren Marriot
VP Communities
Sandra Schlittenhardt
Underwater Hockey
Harina Ahlgren
Sen-No-Kai Karate
Zsuzsi Kalcza
Conor Kane
Sen-No-Kai Karate
Philip Clements
Touch Rugby
Matthew Brews
Men’s Hockey
Calum Brown
Men’s Hockey
Fraser McClelland
Men’s Hockey
Adam Brownlow
Lloyd Greatorex-Watson
Nikki Howie
Franziska Kunze
Women’s Basketball
Cheryl Pollard
Women’s Basketball
Melanie Kersten
Women’s Basketball
Olivia Borwick
Women’s Basketball
Lucy Park
Women’s Basketball
Emma Cuthill
Women’s Basketball
James Williamson
1.2 In Attendance
Clubs Council
Julie Dickson
Women’s Basketball
Hannah Welshman
Women’s Lacrosse
Kirsty Jackson
Women’s Lacrosse
Lara Olszenka
Women’s Lacrosse
Carolyn Reid
Women’s Football
Katrina Ring
Sport Development Officer
Paige Turner
Communications Officer
Jenny Lester
Health Promotion Officer
1.3 Observers
Scott Chaplain
1.4 Apologies
1.5 Absent without Apologies
2.1 No minutes to pass
Moved to the end
5.1 De-Stress Week - Tuesday 7th April – 10th April
CP – The first date to note is that we have De-Stress week running next week. Due to the Easter
holiday weekend the first day will be the Tuesday 7th April. They are a whole load of activities
scheduled throughout the week that are aimed at helping students de-stress at this stressful time.
5.2 Challenge Yourself Day – Wednesday 8th April
CP – A part of de-stress next week is Challenge Yourself Day which is on the Wednesday. There
is no BUCS matches so we are running this participation type event. All the activities are free of
charge. We have loads going on from a Dumyat Will walk to Hockey to school sport day type
activities. There are prizes to be won as well so try and get as many people involved. Anything you
would like to add Scott?
Clubs Council
SC – Yeah we are really looking for as many people as possible to get involved in the activities.
We are trying to target non-sport union members. So if you know anybody that isn’t part of a club
and wants to do activity encourage them to get involved.
5.3 Sports Ball – Saturday 18th April
CP – All the tickets for Sports Ball have sold out but after speaking with the Inchyra there might be
the possibility getting a few more. I will post online when I know more.
5.4 Clubs Academy – Tuesday 21nd April
CP – We also have clubs academy coming up on Tuesday 21nd April. We missed out last year on
the opportunity to have it at this time which wasn’t the best to be honest. It’s a great opportunity for
new committee members to get information from the Union on how best to about their roles.
Therefore we will also try and make it as informative as possible.
5.5 Team Photos – Wednesday 22rd April
CP – The day after Clubs Academy we have the team photos in the sports hall. I am not sure how
many of you have been involved in booking slots for your clubs before but I’ll try and show you
what to do on the big screen. So this is the home page which requires you to log in. You put in your
email and then ‘Stirling’ as the passwords; then you select a slot that best suits your club. If you
have not done it before you’ll need to create an account. I will email the link out shortly.
KP – We have a match in the afternoon is ok if we can book in early?
CP – Yeah try and go on and book early; if not I will speak with them to try and accommodate you
CR – We are going away to Nottingham from Tuesday to Wednesday and don’t want to miss out,
is there anything you can do to help?
CP – I’m not sure to be honest as they’re only here for one day but I shall ask them and let you
5.6 Training Times 2015/16 Meeting – Wednesday 22rd April
CP – The final date to note is the training times meeting for next year. It is 4:30pm in the tennis
centre meeting room.
Clubs Council
7.1 Participation and Engagement Officer
PW - A lot of my work at the moment is helping with planning and preparing Sports Ball as well as
working on project with SSS as a Play Sport Promotor. We have also been in discussions with
Air3 Radio who want to provide live commentary for home matches. They have a few events
coming up on the 14th – 19th April that they are looking for Sport Union and club members to get
involved in. The sport activities that they are running are football, darts, snooker and I think there
are few more. They really want to make a commitment to covering and promoting sports club
7.2 Health Promotions Officer
Apologies sent
7.3 Communications Officer
Apologies sent
8.1 Vice Chancellor Fund
CP – If you haven’t seen it already the Vic Chancellor’s Fund has opened for applications. This is a
great opportunity for clubs to apply for funding for any particular project they want to run. Lauren,
do you want to say more about it?
LM – As Chris said it is a fantastic opportunity for you guys to apply for funding. Look over the
criteria to make sure you’re what you want money for is relevant. They normally look out for first
time initiatives, enterprise and community projects. Make sure you apply as Gerry likes to give
money away.
CP - Funding for new equipment is something else that you can apply for.
8.2 Training and Match Allocation
CP – As things are starting to wind down in terms of fixtures and training if any of you aren’t using
your facility allocation let Jason know, so he can free up facility time and give it away to those that
need it.
8.3 Take That Photo
CP – We have already covered this earlier so we’ll move on.
8.4 Assess to Sports Teams
CP – I am here tonight to propose a policy that was passed at a Community Zone meeting. To
give you background on the motion; it is to allow two plus two students to access our clubs at the
same price as we all pay. This is seen as a way to making students groups more accessible. This
is one way in which we are presently building links with Forth Valley college students. At the
moment they pay £35 to join our clubs and we are trying to bring that down to £20. This makes it
more expensive for Forth Valley college students, alumni or anyone else that wants to join.
Clubs Council
CB – Where does the money go?
CP – It covers insurance, capital equipment and coaching funds.
I think this is a really good idea for helping people out who still want to get involved in our clubs but
can’t play in BUCS.
LM – Ok shall we proceed to taking a vote? For all those in favour please raise your hands? For
all those against please raise your hands?
Motion unanimously passed.
This now means that Forth Valley college students will now pay the minimum amount to join our
clubs. Thank you
Final meeting of the year
CP – This there any other business?
LM – The University are looking for student input into the University strategy. Sport facilities are
obviously an area that involves you guys. Therefore you should feedback your thoughts on them. It
is all in relation to your student experience and improving it.
CP – Yeah that is a good point Lauren. If you can provide relevant examples that would be even
FMc - I know that it was one of your manifesto points but did anything come out of Arnold Clark in
relation to mini buses?
CP – I think that the rules might be changing to having a certain licence as opposed to MIDS test,
But yeah I have been trying to get the university to invest in buying our own fleet of buses that
would save us continuously hiring buses. I know other universities and even smaller institutions
have them.
FMc – I know, it’s just that Men’s Hockey spent £2000 on buses this year.
CP – Its fair point and maybe one for Jess to again look at next year.