Group Task-Educating through entertaining

Stage 2 Child Studies – Group
Group Activity:
working together to achieve a common goal
Effective Team Work
• PURPOSE – clear purpose and maintain focus on that
PROCESSES – Clear processes help the to team work
efficiently and effectively. Timely meetings, agreed
processes for how decisions are made and suitable
processes for recording decisions are essential.
TRUST – Team members communicate well and trust
each other to contribute to achieving the team’s intended
LEADERSHIP – A leader is needed to maintain focus on
the purpose of the group and the task at hand.
The four components are inter-related. The absence of
one component impacts on the effectiveness of the team.
What is the Group Activity?
• As a group of 4-5, plan, develop, film and
edit an episode of a ‘Play School’ type TV
program. The activities included in the
program should be educational and
entertaining and cover a range of types of
play as well as focus on different areas of
child development. The programs will be
shared with children either via You Tube or
• Lets look back on the last 50 years of children’s TV
• What defines children’s TV? (see the Children’s Television
Standards 2009)
Needs to comply with CTS 6 Criteria of suitability for
Needs to meet the 6 criteria of highly educational programming
Isn’t TV bad for kids? (Making good choices – television,
learning and development)
What about 0-3 yr olds? (What the research says about TV 03)
Is it all bad? Some studies say there is little impact on social
development or that screen time can be a good thing
Consider what you have learnt from your research
• Health and wellbeing of children – meets
• Meets criteria for highly educational
programming – what effective strategies do
you need to include in your program.
• What else do you need to consider? (check
the practical assessment criteria)
Decide and Prepare
• Decide on the team roles; the theme,
• Write the group Action plan in class (using
google docs)
• Prepare the required materials and resources
• Plan how it will be recorded and who will do it
• Make sure everything is fully organised and in
place for the filming.
Plan, present, record
• Plan the theme
• Prepare the activities
• Write the script
• Find the music
• Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse
• Film
• Edit
• Publish
Practical Evidence
• Collect photographic evidence for the
following criteria
• PA1: Implementation of safe management
practices and appropriate techniques, and
generation and maintenance of quality
• PA3: Selection and application of
appropriate technology to prepare learning
activities for children in a culturally diverse
Individual Evaluation
• reflect on your performance -
consider the decision making
processes, your management
processes and the final result.
• consider possible improvements
that could be made? What would
they be?
Assessment Design Criteria:
Problem Solving
• P1
Identification and discussion of factors involved
in problem-solving related to the health and wellbeing of children.
• P2 Decision-making about problem-solving and
implementation strategies.
Practical Application
• PA1 Implementation of safe management practices
and appropriate techniques, and generation and
maintenance of quality control.
• PA3 Selection and application of appropriate
technology to prepare learning activities for children
in a culturally diverse society.
Assessment Design Criteria:
• C1
Initiative and leadership within the group, and
active response to members of the group.
• C2 Involvement in group activities and discussions
to support the health and well-being of children.
• E1
Evaluation of the processes and outcomes of
practical and group activities, including their own
• E2 Appraisal of the impact of technology on the
health and well-being of children