NAME ________________________________ PERIOD _______ DATE ____________________
1. A student designed an experiment to study how temperature affects the rate at which enzymes
digest protein. She put equal masses of liver into four equal-sized test tubes, brought the test
tubes to different temperatures, introduced equal amounts of enzyme into each tube and
measured the duration of the chemical reaction. What would be the best control for this
A. Liver mass
B. Enzyme amount
C. Test tube temperatures
D. Test tube that stays at room temperature
Control is the sample that gets the smallest treatment, or most normal treatment of the samples- the one
that stays at room temperature is most “normal”
2. A student hypothesized that robins prefer large bird houses to small ones. He built four bird
houses of different sizes to test his hypothesis. What was the independent variable in the
student’s study?
The size of the bird house.
The number of birds in a house.
The location of the bird house.
The season of the year.
The independent is the cause in the experiment- the size of birdhouse causes the number of birds to
change. The dependent variable is the factor that changes.
Base your answers to the following questions on the information and diagrams below.
Saltwater plants of the same species were grown in soil in separate containers with 1 liter of water.
All of the plants were the same height at the beginning of the experiment. Different amounts of
salt were dissolved in each container as shown in the diagrams. All other conditions were held
constant. Measurements for the final height of each plant are provided.
3. What is the problem or testable statement for this experiment?
Does the amount of salt dissolved in water affect the growth of saltwater plants? The problem is the
question that leads to the hypothesis.
4. What is the dependent variable for this experiment? The dependent variable is the variable that
changes because of the independent. It is the “effect” in the cause and effect relationship in the
A. the amount of salt added.
B. the amount of water in the container.
C. the height of the plant.
D. the type of plant.
5. Write a possible hypothesis for this experiment.
The greater amount of salt dissolved in water, will cause greater growth in saltwater plants.
6. Define atom – The smallest unit of an element consisting of a nucleus made of protons and neutrons
and an electron cloud that surrounds the nucleus.
________7. Which element has 13 protons, 14 neutrons and 13 electrons?
A. Sodium
B. Magnesium
C. Aluminum
D. Silicon
The atomic number is the only number that matters when identifying an element. All other numbers can
vary for each element.
8. Match the following : ____A_ element
A. made of 1 kind of atom.
____C___ compound
B. 2 substances physically
C. 2 or more elements chemically
___D__ 9. The unit used to express liquid volume.
A. centimeters (cm)
___A___10. The unit used to express length.
B. grams (g)
___C___11. The unit used to express density.
C. grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3)
___B___12. The unit used to express mass.
D. milliliters (ml)
13. Which instrument is used to calculate: A. balance
__A____ Mass of an object
B. graduated cylinder
__B___ Volume of a liquid
C. metric
__C___ Length of an object
14. Metric conversions:
1cm = _______10_______ mm
23cm = ________230________mm
15. Liquid Displacement is how to find the volume of an
irregularly-shaped object. (Hint: putting it in a graduated cylinder and measuring the
16. Find the volume of the object using the graduated cylinders below.
Final Volume =
Initial volume =
Volume of object = ___16mL____
17. Using the picture, the mass of the object is __30g_____
18. Given the mass from Q. #17 and the volume of the object from Q. #16, what is the density
of the object? (D = M/V) _____1.875 g/mL_____
30g/16mL = 1.875 g/mL
19. List the jars from the least energetic molecules to the most energetic molecules. Label the states of
matter on the diagram below.
__C solid
____B liquid
_____A gas
least energetic
most energetic
20. Which substance below has the highest density? __________C_________
Mass (g)
Volume (ml)
20 g
25g/25mL = 1g/mL, all the others would be less than 1g/mL
21. Below are examples of physical and chemical changes. Place a Letter P next to the physical
changes, and a Letter C next to the chemical changes.
__C___ rusting metal
__P___ripping paper
__P___ salt dissolving in water
__C__burning wood
___P__water freezing
__C___ mixing 2 liquids and a gas evolves.
Physical change is changing the size, shape or state of a substance, but it is still the same substance.
Chemical change is changing the substance. Burning wood is no longer wood, it is ash- hydrogen combing with
oxygen to make water.
22. Identify convection, conduction, radiation in the picture below.
23. A renewable resource is one that
A non-renewable resource is one that
be replaced in our lifetime.
be replaced in our lifetime.
24. What forms these rock types?
__C__ Igneous rock
__B___ Metamorphic rock
A. from pieces of other rocks
______A____ Sedimentary rock
B. by changing existing rocks
25. If an igneous rock cools quickly, it’s crystals will be
C. from cooled molten material
26. Number the following in order from the most permeable (#1) to the least permeable (#4).
Silt/mud __4__
coarse sand __2__
gravel __1_____
fine sand __3__
Permeable is how fast will water drain- the larger the particle, the faster the drainage.
27. Scientists get information about the interior of the Earth by studying
Seismic Waves
28. Place the steps from the formation of a sedimentary rock from the first (#1) to the last (#5) step.
__3__ deposition
__1__ weathering
__4__ compaction
__2__erosion __5__cementation
29. Oceanic crust is made of _________Basalt_________ which is _______more______
dense than continental crust.
30. Continental crust is made of _________Granite__________ which is ________less_____
dense than oceanic crust.
31. Why were scientists unwilling to accept the continental drift hypothesis?
Wegener was unable to show the mechanism, or how, the continents move. Sea floor spreading was the
mechanism that supported the evidence from landforms, fossils, & climate.
32. According to the theory of sea-floor spreading:
The oldest rocks on the ocean floor are found:
closest to
The youngest rocks on the ocean floor are found? closest to
furthest from
furthest from
33. Which boundary is where plates:
slide past each other_________________transform______________
collide ______________________convergent________________________
move apart_________________divergent__________________________
the mid-ocean ridge.
the mid-ocean
34. What features are found at a convergent boundary? (Check all the fit.)
Convergent boundaries that involve oceanic crust will result in subduction and a trench. 2 continental
plates will result in mountain building.
_____ new sea floor
_____ mid-ocean ridge
___X__ trench
_____mountain ranges
35. True or False: Most earthquakes and volcanoes occur at plate boundaries because that’s where the
plates interact the most.
36. If the difference in arrival times of the P and S waves is far apart, the epicenter is:
far away
* Know how to read the chart on page 161 P and S waves and distance to epicenter.
37. True or False: Amount of gases and silica are two factors that cause a volcano to be more
explosive than others.
38. Explosive volcanoes have ___high____amounts of silica and ____High_____amounts
of gas.
39. ___D___ wide, gentle sloped volcano
short, steep-sided cone
tall, well-shaped cone
volcano that forms in the middle of a plate
A. cinder
B. composite
C. hot spot
D. shield
40. Using a pen/pencil, draw arrows to show how smoke would move
if a lit punk was placed in tube A. Down A and up B
41. Why does the air flow in this direction?
Cool air above the ice is more dense causing high pressure, heated air
above the candle is less dense causing low pressure & rising air
42. Air has pressure because air has __________mass_____________.
43. The layers of the atmosphere are divided by _____changing temperature, the temperature falls as
you rise through the troposphere and the mesosphere, the temperature increases as you rise through the
stratosphere and thermosphere.
44. Rank the layers of the atmosphere from highest air pressure (#1) to the lowest air pressure
____4_ Thermosphere
___3__ Mesosphere
__2__ Stratosphere
__1__ Troposphere
45. What do the instruments below measure?
Barometer _______pressure________
Psychrometer ______humidity________
Thermometer ______temperature_________
Anemometer _______wind speed__________
__________ 46. How does burning fossil fuels affect the climate change?
A. creating nuclear waste
B. by concentrating sunlight
C. adding greenhouse gases
D. causes earthquakes
Burning fossil fuels release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, carbon dioxide helps trap heat in the
atmosphere increasing the greenhouse effect.
47. What is the major source of energy for Earth’s weather patterns?
A. gravity
B. the sun
C. the Earth’s magnetic field
D. tides
48. Air masses are determined by _____________temperature___________ and
If an airmass forms over land it is a dry- continental airmass, over water it is a humid- maritime airmass,
if it forms close to equator it is tropical, near the poles it is polar.
49. Which wind belt moves weather across the United States from the west?
Polar Easterlies
Prevailing Westerlies
Trade Winds
50. Based on the Soil and Water lab:
Soil heats up ________faster___________ than water.
Soil cools off ________faster______________ than water.
Water has a higher specific heat than the land, so it takes longer to heat up & cool down.
51. The deflection (turning) of the winds due to the Earth’s rotation is called the
_______coriolis________ ______effect_______________________
52. When a liquid changes into a gas it is called
When a gas changes into a liquid it is called
53. As the wet and dry bulb temperature get closer together the relative humidity is
As the wet and dry bulb temperature are far apart, the relative humidity is
Evaporating water is a cooling process- when water is evaporating it is cooling the wet bulb
thermometer. When water cannot evaporate because there is high humidity, the wet bulb is not cooled
& the temperatures are very similar- when humidity is low the wet bulb will evaporate causing the wet
bulbs temperature to drop.
54. How does a cloud form? Air cools to its _______dew point
Air masses: maritime tropical (MT)
maritime polar ( MP)
continental tropical (CT)
continental polar (CP)
55. Forms: Over cold land (Canada) _____CP__________ Over warm oceans ____________MT_______
Over warm land (Mexico) ______CT____________
Over cold oceans _________MP_________
Word bank for question 56:
56. Cloud made of ice crystals ________Cirrus____________________
Puffy clouds ____________cumulus_________________
Layered clouds that produce drizzle _______stratus__________________
Storm clouds ____Cumulonimbus___________________
57. What kind of weather is associated with a low pressure system?
fair, cool, dry
cloudy, rainy
Low pressure- rising less dense air, cools as it rises, water condenses as it cools, condensation creates
58. What kind of weather is associated with a high pressure system?
fair, cool, dry
cloudy, rainy
High pressure- falling more dense air , warms as it falls, water droplets evaporate, clearing the sky.
59. What kind of weather follows a cold front?
warm and humid
clear skies/cooler/dry
Cold front causes thunderstorms, cool air condenses humidity, usually results in a brief storm, cold air
is high pressure, clearing out the sky and bringing cooler weather.
60. What kind of weather follows a warm front?
warm and humid
clear skies/cooler/dry
Less dense warm air is pushes a cold air mass bringing warmer air, high humidity that may result in
rainy weather.
An isobar
isotherm connects areas of equal temperatures.
An isobar
connects areas of equal pressure.
62. Draw a station model:
65° F
56° F
Air pressure 29.2 inches
Air temperature 65° F
Dew point temperature 56° F
29.2 inches
Overcast/cloudy skies
.3 inches of precipitation
Wind speed: 14 mph
Wind direction: southwest
63. Seasons are caused by: _tilt of Earth’s axis___ & __revolution around the Sun___.
64. When the Earth is tilted towards the sun, the Northern Hemisphere the season is
______Summer- northern hemisphere tilted towards the sun______________.
65. When the Northern Hemisphere has summer, the Southern Hemisphere has
66. During a lunar eclipse, the moon is:
new moon
1st quarter
full moon
3rd quarter
Lunar eclipse the Moon is obscured(can’t see it)- the Earth’s shadow covers the Moon
67. During a solar eclipse, the moon is:
new moon
1st quarter
full moon
3rd quarter
Solar eclipse the Sun is obscured(can’t see it) by the Moon.
68. Which 2 positions would the moon be in during a Spring tide?
Neap tide?
Spring tides are biggest difference between high & low tide, cause when the Moon & Sun’s gravity pull
in a straight line. Neap tides are cause when the Moon & the Sun pull at right angles to each other.
69. As you move from position C to position A, the amount of light on the moon’s surface would:
stay the same
It goes from a fully lit moon as seen from Earth, to an unlit Moon as seen from Earth.
70. Where are the brightest, hottest stars on the H-R diagram?
____________upper left___________
Coolest, dimmest stars?
__________lower right______________________________
71. Compare Rigel to Sirius B.
They both have similar surface temperatures, Rigel is
much brighter and bigger than Sirus B
Word bank for 72-74
dwarf star
neutron star
black hole
red giant
72. A star the size of the sun will become a _______Dwarf___________ when it dies.
73. A massive star will become either a ____Black hole_____________ or
__neutron star____________ at the end of its life cycle.
74. A star begins its life within a _____nebula_________.
Type X
75. Which galaxy is: ___Z___ irregular
Type Y
Type Z
_X____ spiral
____Y___ elliptical
76. The spinning of the Earth on its axis is called:
77. The Earth travelling once around the Sun is called:
78. The moon goes through phases because of its
around the Earth.
79. Night and day are caused by the Earth’s
80. A planet is kept in orbit around the sun by ________Gravity________ and
Gravity pulls the Earth towards the Sun & the Earth’s motion gives it inertia that pushes it away from the
Sun. When the 2 forces are balanced (equal) it results in a stable orbit.
81. A chunk of rock or metal that orbits in space is a _______________meteroid_____________.
A chunk of rock or metal that burns up in our atmosphere is a _________meteor________________.
A chunk of rock or metal that hits the surface of the Earth is a _________meteorite_______________.
82. As a result of the Big Bang all galaxies are moving:
_X____away from each other _________ toward each other
__________ are stationary