Girls` Games Match Reports

2 Wins
Aryaa Chandarana
Team 1
3 Draws
Aleesha Khan
1 Losses
Aisha Salama
2 Wins
Team 2
1 Draw
Suhani Thobani
4 Wins
Team 1
2 Losses
Aryaa Chandarana
Priyanka Khanal
Ruqayyah Shareef
were the Players of the Festival. Each
team nominated these girls for their
sheer determination during the
matches, for stepping up and filling
3 Wins
Team 2
3 Draws
Khushi Raizada
It was one of the best Festival’s OFS has hosted. There
were 21 teams down on the astro with over 200 girls
playing. The weather was on our side, the sun was
shining and all the girls were so excited to be able to
play. The afternoon consisted of 3 pools each with 7
Each team voted for who they believed
3 Losses
Player of the Festival
positions on the different teams and
for their TEAM SPIRIT!!!
teams; each team would play 6 games over the course
of the Festival.
The afternoon highlighted some beautiful netball
players as well as giving all players the opportunity to
just play netball for FUN!