Mechanism of Action of Deep Brain Stimulation In Parkinson Disease Samer D. Tabbal, M.D. Associate Professor of Neurology Washington University at St Louis Department p of Neurology gy June 2011 Conflict of Interest Statement No drug company pays me any money NIH, American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA), Greater St. Louis Chapter of the APDA, McDonnell Center for Higher Brain Function, Barnes-Jewish Hospital Foundation Bilateral STN DBS in PD STN DBS iis effective ff ti and d safe f iin advanced d d PD patients with disabling motor fluctuations: - Improves UPDRS scores Improves motor fluctuations: z z - Decreases OFF time Improves dyskinesia Decreases daily dose of levodopa and other PD medications (Improves sleep) (Weight (We g gain) g ) Improves quality of life measures Deuschl at al NEJM, vol 355;pp 896896-908, August 31, 2006 Quality of Life in STN DBS Deuschl at al NEJM, vol 355;pp 896 896--908, August 31, 2006 Why Do We Need to Learn About the Mechanism M h i off A Action ti off DBS? If we know how it works, we may be able to make it work better: - To optimize motor benefit (“sweet spot”) - To minimize adverse effects ((cognitive, g - psychiatric, visual …) To look for tentative new DBS targets for other disorders (dystonia, tics, depression, obsessiveobsessivecompulsive disorders, seizure…) Normal Basal Ganglia Circuitry Striatum PD Basal Ganglia Circuitry Striatum Direcct pathway (+) Indirecct pathwayy (-) Basal Ganglia Circuitry Aft S After Subthalamic bth l i L Lesion i What Are We Stimulating And/Or Inhibiting? Likely stimulating axons With monopolar p stimulation: ((Holsheimer 2000)) - Nearby axons may be blocked (by high - currents)) Distant axons are unlikely affected by stimulation Intermediately located axons may be activated (“shell of activation”) STN S N Efferent ffe ent & Afferent ffe ent Projections ojections Frontal Cortex STN Parafascicular Nucleus of Thalamus Substantia Nigra (pars compacta) Pedunculopontine nucleus External E t l Globus Pallidus Substantia Nigra g (pars reticulata) Internal Globus Pallidus Neurophysiology of STN DBS in Animals & Humans In MPTP monkeys: (Hashimoto 2003, Kita 2005) - GPe and GPi: Increased firing In I PD patients: ti t - Following 500 msec: ½ of STN cells were inhibited (Filali 2004) - Following 20 seconds: all STN cells were inhibited (Welter 2004) Net Effects of DBS on Basal B l Ganglia G li Circuitry Ci it and Cortical Targets If STN is inhibited by DBS If STN is stimulated by DBS cortical targets activated DBS cortical ti l targets t t suppressed DBS thalamus STN GPi/SNpr thalamus STN GPi/SN GPi/SNpr Bilateral STN DBS Reduces Blood Flow to the Cortex ((measured byy H2O15 PET)) Decrease Increase STN output is i increased d cortical targets g STN thalamus GPi/SNpr Hershey et al, 2003 Unilateral STN DBS Improves Rigidity Bilaterally DBS conditions BOTH ON CONTRA ON IPSI ON -10 -20 <0 03 <0.03 -30 -40 -50 <0 00005 <0.00005 <0.0005 NS <0.05 % Change in Rig gidity UPDR RS %C Change in Impedance e 0 DBS conditions 0 BOTH ON CONTRA ON IPSI ON -10 -20 <0.05 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 <0.02 <0.00001 <0.00001 NS <0.002 <0.00001 (N=24) Unilateral STN DBS Improves Bradykinesia B d ki i Bilaterally Bil t ll NS <0.05 <0.03 0.03 250 <0.005 200 150 100 NS 50 0 BOTH ON CONTRA ON DBS conditions IPSI ON % Chang ge in Brady ykinesia UP PDRS % Chang ge in HRV 300 DBS conditions <0.05 350 (N=25) 0 BOTH ON CONTRA ON -10 <0.03 -20 <0.001 -30 -40 IPSI ON <0.00001 <0.03 NS <0.00001 Effect of Unilateral STN DBS on Gait BOTH ON LEFT ON RIGHT ON <0.0005 <0.0001 % Chang ge in Walking Tim me 0 -10 -20 -30 <0.00001 NS <0.0005 <0.005 (N=44) Effect of Unilateral STN DBS on Motor Function &Working Memory Working memory: - abilityy to maintain,, monitor and use internal information to guide g behavior - essential for carrying more complex executive functions, affected in PD - measured using Spatial Delayed Response (SDR) test Mean M UPDRS and dS Spatial ti l D Delayed l dR Response (SDR) responses tto Left DBS vs Right DBS did not differ On the more affected side of the brain ((compared p to the less affected side): - contralateral UPDRS - improvement was greater SDR performance was more impaired (p=0.008) Variability among patients What Accounts For The Variability in Motor M t Benefit B fit From F STN DBS? Disease duration at surgery? Age at surgery? Disease Di severity? it ? Stimulation parameters? p Brain atrophy? Ability Abilit to t generate t dyskinesia?? dyskinesia Location of electrode? Sites of Neurodegeneration in Parkinson Disease Substantia nigra g p pars compacta Substantia innominata Amygdala Ventral tegmental area Locus ceruleus Raphe p nuclei Dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve Intermediolateral column/Sympathetic ganglia Lang AE et. al. NEJM, vol 339(15): p1047 Functional Sections off the STN Dorsolateral: Sensori Sensori--motor (SM) - Afferents from motor and supplementary motor cortex, thalamus, GPe Efferents to putamen, GPe/GPi Ventrolateral: Associative (AS) - Afferents from prefrontal cortex - Efferents to caudate, putamen, GPi/SNpr Ventromedial: Limbic (Li) - Afferents from GPm/GPv, caudate, - putamen thalamus, putamen, thalamus medial frontal, frontal orbitofrontal and anterior cingulate cortex Coronal view of the STN Efferents to caudate, GPe/GPi, SNpr (Parent & Hazrati 1995) Is jjust dorsal of white matter tracts connecting the amygdala and hypothalamus STN Substantia Nigra Active Contact Localization AC--18.6 AC 18 6 mm Th Uncertainty The U i off The Th Zona Z Incerta I Post--Operative CT Post (Tom Videen, PhD) Tip of electrode Intra--Operative MRI: Intensity Inverted Intra Overlap MRI/CT Images Using AIR* (Roger Woods, UCLA) *Automated Image Registration Overlap Coronal MRI on Whole Brain C -registered CoCo i t d MRI/CT Overlap Active Contacts on Coronal MRI Active Contact Localization Unilateral Dorsal vs Ventral STN DBS No difference in motor function: - Bradykinesia UPDRS and hand rotation velocity - Rigidity UPDRS and impedance (rigidity analyzer) - Gait Ventral STN DBS caused definite impairment of response inhibition (G -No (Go(Go N -Go) NoG ) Mentor Best Friend Best Squash partner! Sami Harik Active ctive Contact Localization ocalization ZI ZI STN STN Active Contact Localization 1 cm Volume of Activation Cameron McIntyre Cleveland Clinic Clinic, Dept of Biochemical Engineering Spatial Delayed elayed Response esponse Task ask Cue Delay Response STN DBS May Affect Higher C Cognitive i i Function F i Spatial Delayed Response 10 1.0 * 30 2 25 20 One Cue Two Cues 0 p<0.05 Diiscriminabillity (Pr) Mean Error (mm) M 35 15 Response Inhibition 0.8 * 0.6 Medium Target Frequency HighTarget Frequency 0.0 OFF DBS ON OFF DBS ON Hershey at al, 2004 p<0.05 Effect Of Active Contact Location On Spatial Working Memory Spatial working memory (rated by SDR performance): - improved on DBS when the active contact was located out of the STN. worsened when the active contact was located in the STN. Left-sided UPDRS Motor Scale Score Spatial Delayed Response Performance 45 30 40 35 20 OUT 15 IN Motor S Score Mean Error (m mm) 25 30 25 OUT 20 IN 15 10 10 5 0 5 OFF ON DBS 0 OFF ON DBS Hershey at al, 2006 Unilateral STN DBS Improves Bradykinesia B d ki i Bilaterally Bil t ll <0.05 300 <0.01 NS <0.05 200 <0.01 150 100 <0.05 50 0 BOTH ON CONTRA ON DBS conditions (N=38) IPSI ON Mean n Hand Rotation Velocity (deg/sec) (DB BS Off) % Change e in HRV 250 700 rs = - 0 0.57 57 600 p < 0.003 500 400 300 200 100 0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Mean UPDRS Bradykinsia (DBS Off) (N=25) Unilateral STN DBS Improves Rigidity Bilaterally DBS conditions BOTH ON CONTRA ON IPSI ON -10 -20 <0.001 -30 <0.00001 -40 <0.00001 -50 rS = 0.67 0.15 Impedance ((Nm/deg) (DBS O Off) %C Change in Impedance 0 p < 0.0003 0.10 0.05 0.00 NS NS <0.005 (N=42) 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Mean UPDRS Rigidity (DBS Off) (N=24) Levodopa-Equivalents Reduction Levodopaatt 6 Months M th After Aft STN DBS Mean Levoodopa Equivaalents in milligrams 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 * 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Pre-surgery g y Follow-up p *p< 0.001 Effect of STN DBS on UPDRS M Motor t S Scores 6-Month Follow Follow--Up OFF Stimulation UPDRS Score 6-Month Follow Follow--Up ON Stimulation UPDRS Score Average Percent Change* Significance of Change (P value) 43.4 + 16.1 22.8 + 11.6 47% < 0.001 Tremor ** (0(0- 28) 7.3 + 0.8 0.7 + 0.2 74% < 0.001 Rigidity (0(0-20) 9.0 + 4.3 4.1 + 3.2 58% < 0.001 Bradykinesia (0--36) (0 17.9 + 6.9 11.0 + 6.1 37% < 0.001 Speech (0(0-4) 1.5 + 0.6 1.3 + 0.7 13% = 0.002 Postural Instability (0(0-4) 1.8 + 1.2 1.1 + 1.1 35% < 0.001 Gait (0--4) (0 2.1 + 0.9 1.2 + 0.9 44% < 0.001 Axial (0--16) (0 7.5 + 3.8 4.3 + 3.1 42% < 0.001 Total (0(0-108) Demographic emog aphic Profile ofile All operated patients (N=110) Outcome Analysis Subgroup (N=72) 66 44 41 31 Age at onset of symptoms (in years) 47.9 + 10.2 (22-69) 48.4 + 9.8 (28-69) g at time of surgery g y Age (in years) 62.6 + 8.8 (31-84) 63. 0 + 8.2 (45-78) Duration of Parkinson disease at time of surgery (in years) 14.5 + 6.3 (4-29) (4 29) 14.5+ 6.5 (4-29) (4 29) Gender Male Female Leading Author Year of publication Number of patients Duration of follow-up (months) Reduction in motor UPDRS score Reduction in daily levodopa-equivalent dose Limousin 1998 24 12 60 % 50 % Kumar 1998 7 6-12 58 % 40 % Moro 1999 7 16 42 % 65 % Burchiel 1999 5 12 44 % 51 % Pinter 1999 9 3-12 45 % - Bejjani 2000 12 6 64 % 70 % Houeto 2000 23 6 67 % 61 % g Rodriguez-Oroz 2000 15 6 60 % - Molinuevo 2000 15 6 66 % 80 % DBS for PD Study Group 2001 91 6 51 % 37 % * Lopiano 2001 16 3 56 % 72 % V lk Volkmann 2001 16 12 67 % 65 % Ostergaard 2002 26 12 64 % 19 % Simuni 2002 12 12 47 % 55 % Starr 2002 10 12 45 % - Thobois 2002 18 6 55 % 66 % Vesper 2002 38 12 52 % 53 % Voges 2002 15 6-12 61 % 59 % ** Pahwa 2003 33 12 28 % 57 % Herzog 2003 48 6 51 % 49 % Ford 2004 30 12 30 % 30 % Tabbal 2006 72 3-12 47 % 45 % First 110 STN DBS Patients at Washington University in St Louis Retrospective analysis: - First 110 patients assessed at around 6 months postpost-DBS surgery 47% improvement in UPDRS motor score ON vs OFF DBS (OFF medication) 45% mean reduction in daily levodopa-equivalent dose Average A weight i ht gain i 55.1 1 + 0.7 0 7 kg k - median 3.7 kg ; range -3.6 kg to +23.9 kg Operating room time (from the mounting of the stereotactic frame to its removal): - Median 5 hours 25 minutes Mild and transient adverse events STN DBS Studies from 1998 to 2006: UPDRS & L Levodopa Levodopad -Equivalent E i l % Reduction R d i 80 Peercent Changge (%) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 UPDRS % Reduction Levodopa % Reduction STN DBS Studies from 1998 to 2006: UPDRS vs L Levodopa Levodopad -Equivalent E i l % Reduction R d i 15 Levodop pa-Equivalen nt % Reductiion 80 16 18 70 7 60 16 23 15 33 50 766 5 12 38 48 72 40 91 30 12 24 7 30 20 26 10 20 30 40 50 UPDRS % Reduction 60 70 STN DBS Parameters DBS parameter programming - Voltage (volts) Pulse width (μ (μsec) Pulse P l frequency f (Hz) (H ) Electric contacts combination Stimulation pattern: p - Monopolar in 74% Multipolar in 26% None were set in bipolar pattern 3 Optimal contact: - contact #2 in 58% contact #1 in 34% contact #3 in 27% 2 STN 1 0 Post--Operative DBS Programming Post Programming starts 22--4 weeks after electrode implantation OFF medication di ti Frequency: 130 to 185 Hz Pulse width: 60 60,, 90 or 120 μsec Voltage: 2.5 to 4 volts Contact configuration: usually monopolar or multipolar Decrease medication gradually STN S N Spans No significant correlation between the STN span and improvement of UPDRS motor scores Average STN span: - on the right 4.5 + 0.9 mm (range 2.0 to 6.8 mm) - on the left 4.9 + 0.8 mm (range 3.2 to 7.4 mm) Overlap Atlas on MRI/CT Fiducials used to stretch the atlas images: - Anterior commissure - Posterior commissure - Optic chiasm - Optic tract (in midmid-commisural plane) - Anterior tip of the putamen (in commisural plane) - Red nucleus - Brain edge (in commisural plane) Using reformatted MRI images: - Transverse: z z - 3D windowed sinc (sharpest but artifacts near optic chiasm) trilinear interpolation C Coronal: l z z nearest neighbor (sharpest but abrupt jumps between planes) trilinear interpolation
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