February 7, 2017

Allocations Minutes | February 7, 2017
Call to Order
a. Time: 7:04pm
b. Absent:
Funding Requests
a. Samory Bailey – Conference Scholarship
Spring Alternative Break Trip:Conservation in the Grand Canyon
 It’s a good conference the supports a good cause and we are happy to
fund something that helps the community. Funding $350 because that
is the top range of costs on the website.
Move to Fund in Partial $350.00
1. 5/0/0
b. Lepeka Sagiao – Conference Scholarship
Next Step
 Lepeka is being very efficient with costs and benefits and will provide
a good experience to guide her in being an effective leader in the
social justice community.
Move to Fund in Full $40.00
1. 5/0/0
c. Jesse D Carlson – Conference Scholarship
Greek Intervarsity
 This application is late and the personal statement gives very little
information to make us comfortable making an exception for this
Move to Fund N/A $0.00
1. 3/2/0
d. Marcus Chong – Conference Scholarship
District Convention
 This conference is big and will bring back recognition to the Chapman
community. Marcus has shown that he is dedicated to his cause and we
are happy to support his mission.
Move to Fund in Full $448.96
1. 5/0/0
e. Kevin Bretzing – Conference Scholarship
AMSA Prehealth Conference
The conference is designed to help the medical school application
process which is perfect for a student preparing for a career in
medicine. Will be great for the developing pre-health program at
Chapman. If flyers are not yet made, SGA logo should be on them
Move to Fund in Full $572.92
1. 5/0/0
Delta Sigma Pi – Academic Org
Delta Sigma Pi | Spring Recruitment 2017
 Good form of promotional material and supports the growth of their
 Are recruitment shirts necessary if wwe funded them last year?
 These shirts aren’t any different from other promotional efforts clubs
Move to Fund in Full $450.00
1. 3/2/0
Chapman Health and Healing – Student Org
Chapman Health and Healing Tee Shirts
 Good form of promotional material and supports the growth of their
club. Receipt said 26 shirts so we will fund $260
Move to Fund in Partial $260.00
1. 5/0/0
Accounting Society – Academic Org
Speaker Events
 Great networking opportunity for students and has proven to be
beneficial for providing students with jobs once they graduate.
 Numbers speak for themselves, these speaker events truly make a
Move to Fund in Full $600.24
1. 5/0/0
Delta Sigma Pi – Conference Scholarship
Western Provincial Conference & Counsel Meeting
 Looked great, they were being realistic with their costs. The
conference itself will be very beneficial in terms of professional
development and leadership, especially for freshmen. Questionable
about funding the same people going twice.
Move to Recommend in Full $5893.25
1. 5/0/0
J Street U Chapman – Conference Scholarship
J Street National Conference
Got outside funding and the conference itself supports the mission of
the group. Will be a productive conference. Per person, it is relatively
Move to Recommend in Full $5656.77
1. 5/0/0
New Business
a. Business Item
 Discussion Point
Senator Reports
a. Peter: Still facing printer woes, is working with Kunal on the conference scholarship
b. Shelby: Met with member of hockey team. They don’t receive funding from the
school. Looking to find some sort of help for the team.
c. Megan: Sarah and Megan met with yearbook staff and discussed the possibility of
making a class for the yearbook.
d. Kunal: Wants to work with committee to restructure Conference Scholarship funding,
as well as developing certain caps or controls on certain requests.
e. Adam: Looking into student run convenience store type thing.
f. Nico: Trying to get in contact with the Wilson’s from Wilson field.
a. Time: 8:27pm