Winter Newsletter 2016 - St Patrick`s Primary School, Castlederg

St Patrick’s P.S.
and Nursery
73 Castlefin Rd
Co Tyrone BT81 7EE
Tel 028816 71458 Fax 028816 79821 email:[email protected]
Website –
Winter Newsletter 2016
Wednesday 14th December 2016 P1 Nativity 10am.
Wednesday 14th December 2016 Nursery Christmas Show 11am.
(Children in final year at nursery)
Thursday 15th December 2016 – School Christmas Dinner/Christmas Colours Dress
Up Day
Friday 16th December 2016 – Christmas Mass P1 – P7 10am St Patrick’s Church
Monday 19th December 2016 6pm– Carol Service - St Patrick’s Church and seasonal
refreshments served in St Patrick’s Hall after Carol Service.
Big Cake Sale
Many thanks once again for contributing to the success of the Big Cake Sale and Coffee
Morning. £835 was raised on the day and thanks to the Parent Support Group and to parents
in baking or sending in buns for the Cake Sale.
Fitness Freddy will visit the school on Wednesday 23rd November 2016 to do a fitness
workout with all the pupils. All money raised from the pupil’s sponsor sheets will go to
school funds.
Some of the mens and ladies players from Castlederg GAC will also attend on the
day and there will be an opportunity for parents and children to have their photo taken with
the players and the Division 3 League Title Shield. Children can wear their club colours on
the day. Conor Gormley former Tyrone great and present Carrickmore player will also be in
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St Vincent de Paul /Children in Crossfire
Once again this Christmas we will be collecting non-perishable food items for the Saint
Vincent de Paul Christmas collection. This organisation does great work in our local
community and every year the children bring in an enormous quantity of food. We will
begin collections this week and your support is greatly appreciated. The closing date for
donations is Friday 16th December 2016. However early donations are greatly appreciated.
The P7 pupils will help organise these hampers and all donations can be left in the P7
This Advent the children will also be collecting copper coins and small change for the
Children in Crossfire Appeal for Children in Tanzania and Ethiopia – parents can make a
donation to any of these charities in lieu of gifts for staff.
The pupils are also organising a Christmas Colours dress up day on Thursday 15th December
2016 with all donations going to Children in Crossfire.
After schools club
After schools club will finish on Thursday 15th December 2016 and recommence on
Wednesday 4th January 2017 with homework club.
Breakfast club continues as normal.
Castlederg Events for Pupils.
Miss. Loughran’s P6 and P7 choir will sing at the Castlederg Christmas Tree Switch on at 7pm
on Thursday 24th November 2016. All parents are welcome to attend.
Mrs. Mc Erlean’s P4/5 class will visit Florencecourt to learn about Victorian Christmas crafts
on Friday 2nd December 2016. They will need a warm coat, strong footwear and a packed
lunch on this trip. The cost of this trip is £6.
Tom Sweeney will hold a concert for the children in P1, P2 P3 and Mrs. Smith’s P3/4 class on
Monday 12th December 2016 at 10am.
The music club will visit Castlederg High School on Thursday 15th December 2016 at 10am to
see the school’s Christmas Production.
The Nursery Pupils will visit Surestart Castlederg for Christmas Capers on Friday 16th
December 2016 – Morning Group 10am/Afternoon Group 1pm.
Mrs. Norton’s P5, and the P6 and P7 classes will visit the cinema on Monday 19th December
2016. The cost will be £3 per pupil.
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Parent Teacher meetings took place on the week beginning Monday 24th October 2016. P1
Parent Teacher Meetings will take place during the next two weeks. Any parent who was
unable to attend should contact the school office to rearrange an appointment. A copy of
your child’s learning plan is available online on our website.
Open Invite - Applications for P1 and Nursery
Application forms for P1 and for both nursery classes at St Patrick’s PS and Nursery Unit for
the next academic year will be available from the school office at the end of November. They
will also be available online at As we expect to be oversubscribed for both
Nursery and P1 please return completed applications as soon as possible. Please note that
applications and documents for P1 and nursery must be returned to the school office by 12
noon Wednesday 11th January 2017. Make sure all family members are informed.
Parents can speak with Mrs. Traynor school office, Mrs. Shelley Nursery teacher or with Mr.
Mc Gurk Principal to ensure they have included all the correct information on application
forms. Thank you.
Prospective parents new to the nursery or primary school are welcome to arrange a visit and
tour of the school and to meet some of our staff with the Principal. Contact the school office
to arrange a visit.
P7 – Open Days.
A booklet outlining Open Days in the local second level schools will be distributed to P7
pupils later this month – it is advisable to attend a number of Open Nights before deciding
on a placement for your child. Good luck to the pupils who are sitting an Entrance Exam on
Saturday 19th November 2016.
If your child is unable to attend school could you please contact the school office by
telephone 81671458 or in writing or by email [email protected]. Missing
marks or no reason provided for absence will now be followed up with a letter at the end of
each month.
School Closures due to weather
If we need to close the school at short notice information will be on the school website at on the school answering machine and also by text
messaging service. If you have updated your mobile number or are not receiving these
messages will you please contact Mrs Deirdre Traynor in the school office .
Website and Information for parents.
The school website can be accessed at - The site contains
useful information, policies, curriculum and learning plans, a calendar of events and
newsletters for parents.
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Sacramental Dates for your Diary
 Sacramental Meetings for Parents of children in St Patrick’s PS receiving First Holy
Communion and Confirmation. Tuesday 6th December 2016 - 6pm School Assembly
 Service of Light P7 – Monday 27th February 2017 7.30pm – St Patrick’s Church
 First Confession – Thursday 9th March 2017 6pm– St Patrick’s Church Castlederg.
 Confirmation - Sunday 26th March 2017 12pm St Patrick’s Church.
 First Holy Communion - Saturday 3rd June 2017 11am St Patrick’s Church Castlederg.
The school closes for the Christmas holidays on Tuesday 20th December 2016 at 12.00pm.
The school will re-open for the Spring term on Wednesday 4th January 2017 as normal.
The Nursery Pupils finish on Monday 19th December 2016 as normal and return to school on
Wednesday 4th January 2017.
Thank you
Brian Mc Gurk
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