Histology OSPE test

Histology OSPE Test 
the questions will be in the exam are:
1- Identify this section
2- Identifying features
3- the lining epithelium
4- the layers ( only in ureter and bladder part)
Done By/ Wael H. Al Saleh
Q1: Identify this section?
Q2: Enumerate tow identifying features from this section?
1- …………………………
Q1: Identify the labeled above?
Q1: Identify the labeled above?
Q1: Identify the labeled above?
Q2: Enumerate the components of renal corpuscle?
What is the components of Bowman’s capsule ?
Q1: Identify this section ?
Q2: What is the lining epithelium ?
Q3:Enumerate the layers ?
Q4: Enumerate the components of mucosa ?
Q1: Identify this section ?
Q2: What is the lining epithelium?
Q3: Enumerate tow identifying features?
Q4:Enumerate the layers ?
Q5: Enumerate the components of mucosa ?