university cheer force, llc – team registration form – 2016

NAME ____________________________________________________________________ D.O.B
AGE (AS OF AUGUST 31, 2016) __________________ GRADE (2016-17) _________________________
ADDRESS ___________________________________________ CITY __________________________ STATE _______ ZIP ________________
CONTACT NAME _________________________________________________________ RELATIONSHIP _________________________________
CELL PHONE ( ) __________________ WORK PHONE ( ) _____________________ EMAIL __________________________________________
CONTACT NAME ___________________________________________________________ RELATIONSHIP ________________________________
CELL PHONE ( ) __________________ WORK PHONE ( ) _____________________ EMAIL __________________________________________
Team Assignment #1 ________________________________________ Team Assignment #2 __________________________________________
Store in the UCF Binders
Medical Release, Treatment Consent, Medical Information & Emergency Contact Information
I certify that ____________________________________________________________is physically capable and able to fulfill requirements needed to
be a cheerleader. I understand that this form legally releases all obligations and responsibilities for the medical treatment of my son/ daughter in the
event of illness or injury during any squad related activity when a parent cannot be reached. If there is any physical or medical reason why he/she should
not participate fully, University Cheer Force, LLC requires a doctor’s release. Furthermore, University Cheer Force, LLC is not liable for any injury
incurred during cheerleading.
In the event of an emergency occurring while my son/daughter is at a University Cheer Force, LLC sponsored practice, performance, competition, or trip,
I grant my permission to University Cheer Force, LLC and its employees to take whatever action necessary. In the event that I cannot be reached, I
hereby authorize University Cheer Force, LLC and/or its employees to give consent for my son/daughter to receive medical treatment.
Parent Name (Please Print) ______________________________ Parent Signature ___________________________________ Date (MM/DD/YYYY) _____/_____/_______
If you do not grant permission or authorization for consent to medical treatment, what procedure should be followed?
Family Physician ______________________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________
Insurance Company ________________________________________________________ Policy Number: ___________________________________________________
Medical Information: (Please circle)
Heart Condition or disease Yes No
Convulsions disorder Yes No
Allergic to insect stings Yes No
Diabetes Yes No
Asthma Yes No
Allergic to medication Yes No
Please list any current medication taken on a daily basis and/or any other medical information:
In the event of an emergency, please list 2 people other than yourself that you’d like us to contact:
Emergency Contact _______________________________________ Relation to Student ________________________________ Phone: ____________________________
Emergency Contact _______________________________________ Relation to Student ________________________________ Phone: ___________________________
Parent Name (Please Print) _____________________________________ Parent Signature _________________________________________ Date _____/_____/_______
Inherent Risks of Cheerleading
Cheerleading is reasonably safe as long as certain guidelines are followed, but there is the inherent risk of injury as in any athletic
activity. Cheerleading is an anaerobic/aerobic activity which includes, but not limited to, jumping, stunting, motions, and tumbling.
University Cheer Force, LLC strongly recommends each student undergoes a physical examination by his/her physician before
beginning any cheerleading activities. Each student must inform their coach of all injuries and/or chronic conditions.
Although the probability of injury is minimized if you practice correctly, there is always the possibility of one occurring. Injuries that can
occur in cheerleading include, but are not limited to, the following: blisters, muscle strains, ligament sprains, joint and muscle soreness,
abrasions, contusions, stress fractures, broken bones, spinal cord injuries involving paralysis and even death. However, if you take
certain precautions, the possibility of such injures will be largely decreased.
1. Make sure you consistently abide by the following guidelines.
2. NEVER stunt or tumble unless a coach or coach’s designee is present.
3. Always practice in the presence of a qualified coach.
4. Always warm-up appropriately before cheering (practice and competitions).
5. Do not attempt a stunt that you do not know how to perform safely.
6. Always use attentive spotters when learning to stunt.
7. Always cheer in an area free from obstruction.
8. Do not stunt on uneven ground, wet surfaces or concrete.
9. Never talk, laugh, or mess around when performing a stunt.
10. Report all injuries to the coach as soon as they occur.
11. Follow all trainer and doctor recommendations.
12. Always wear shoes and clothing appropriate for cheerleading.
13. Never wear jewelry of any kind when cheering (practice and competitions).
14. Never chew gum or candy while cheering (practice and competitions).
15. Always have your hair secured away from face and shoulders.
16. Eat nutritious meals and get plenty of rest.
17. Always ask for assistance or advice at any time.
I have read the preceding warning. I thoroughly appreciate and understand the assumption of risks inherent in cheerleading
participation. I acknowledge that my child is physically fit and voluntarily participating in this activity.
Athlete Name (Please Print) ________________________________Signature _________________________________ Date ______/______/______
Parent/Guardian Name (Please Print) ________________________ Signature _________________________________ Date ______/______/______
1. I am aware of the time commitment necessary for my child to participate in University Cheer Force.
2. I will be sure that my child attends all team practices beginning during the current cheerleading season.
3. I will be sure that my child is available to attend extra practices the weekend prior to and the week of any
University Cheer Force performance or event.
4. I fully support the UCF coaching staff in the coaching of my child and my child’s team.
5. I will not interfere with the coaching decisions made by the UCF coaching staff.
6. I understand that I am not allowed in the coaching area (gym or practice facility) during a team practice or
7. I understand that I am not allowed to be present at my child’s’ team pre warm-up, official team warm-up,
backstage pre-performance discussion, or post performance team meeting. I will be a “fan in the stands” at all
UCF functions allowing my child and his/her team to be coached only by the UCF staff.
8. If I have a problem concerning the coaching of my child I will personally direct my issue to the head coach of
my child’s team. This conversation will only take place away from the gym, practice site, performance arena, or
any location with UCF students present. I will not discuss my personal coaching issues with other parents
within the program or my child.
9. I will openly express my concerns with my child’s head coach in a positive and constructive manner. I
understand that voicing issues or concerns with my child’s head coach will in no way negatively affect the
coaching of my child and his or her position in the program.
10. I understand that the parent area is available for parents to watch the progress of UCF practices. I will only
speak positively about the program and/or UCF coaches. In addition, I will not comment or state my personal
opinions about my child and his or her teammates.
11. I will respect the UCF facility as an athletic training center. I will constantly supervise any child or children
that I bring to the gym.
12. I understand that shoes must be worn in the parent area and practice facility. This includes any child or
children that I bring to the gym.
13. I am aware that my actions represent the UCF program. I will only speak positively about the UCF
program, its staff members, athletes and other parents. In addition, I will NOT speak negatively about any gym,
cheer program or competitor.
14. I understand that my child is not allowed to wear jewelry of any kind to practices, performances or events. I
understand that I am not allowed to approach competition judges, event officials or event producer staff at any
event representing University Cheer Force.
15. I am not signing my child up for University Cheer Force to win a jacket, medal or trophy. I will not allow my
child to quit because his or her team lost a competition. I understand that every team has ups and downs,
winning some competitions and losing others. No matter what the outcome of any particular performance, I
agree to continually support my child, his or her team, the UCF coaches, and the entire program through the
great achievements and the minor setbacks. I understand that overcoming these obstacles will make my
child’s team, and ultimately my child, stronger in the future. I am willing to support the team throughout the
entire season.
16. I will respect the duties of the University Cheer Force staff. I will not approach any UCF staff member at
any event or practice.
17. If I do have a problem with my child’s team, the coaching staff or the UCF program, I will contact Nicole
Vallejo or Jill Norgaard ([email protected]) to help make them aware of my particular situation
and allow them to assist with a solution.
18. I will not place blame of a weak performance or missed skill in a routine on my child or any other UCF
athlete. I understand that my child’s team succeeds as a “team” and fails as a “team”.
19. I will be responsible for all fees associated with my child being a part of University Cheer Force. These fees
include but are not limited to monthly tuition, uniform and equipment, choreography camp, Super Camp,
competition entry fees, registration fees, and travel expenses.
20. I understand that my account must be cleared at a –0– balance 10 working days prior to an event in order
for my child to perform. I am aware that University Cheer Force may prevent my daughter from performing
and/or remove him/her from the team if my account is not up to date. Under these circumstances, I will not be
entitled to a refund of any fees charged by University Cheer Force.
21. I understand that I must carry a –0– balance with University Cheer Force in order to sign my child up for
private lessons.
22. I understand that University Cheer Force requires a one month’s advance notice in writing if my child
decides to leave the program for any reason. I am aware that written notices must be mailed to 8569 Bond
Road, Suite 110, Elk Grove, CA 95624. I understand that emailed, faxed, or hand-written dropped off notes are
not considered formal notice in writing. Under these circumstances, I will be responsible for monthly tuition
payments for the current month and one month following the last date of attendance or the following month
after drop notice has been received (whichever is later) as well as any billed fees prior to the drop date. In
addition, I am not entitled to a refund and will still be responsible for any fees previously billed or collected
including, but not limited to competition fees, travel expenses, pre-paid monthly tuition, registration fees,
uniform fees, equipment, spirit wear, or practice clothing.
23. I am aware that when traveling out of town as a member of the UCF all-star cheerleading program my child
will be required to stay in UCF designated hotels (if assigned). If bus transportation is organized by UCF my
child will be required to travel on the bus with the team. I am aware a transportation fee may apply.
24. I will be responsible for the transportation of my child to and from all UCF events, practices, and
25. I agree to have my child at UCF events, practices, and performances on time and dressed appropriately.
26. I will not take my child from any UCF event, practice, or competition until he or she is released by the head
coach or designated team parent.
27. I agree to be flexible regarding event schedules for events that UCF attends. I understand that
performance schedules will be given out with little notice and schedules may change at the last minute.
28. I am aware that University Cheer Force strongly believes in the benefit of its students getting to know
athletes from other areas, different races, and other cultures. I support University Cheer Force, LLC in its
decision to not discriminate against its’ students based on race, background, or religion preferences.
29. I understand that the University Cheer Force, LLC staff encourages their team members to pray and be
thankful for the gifts in their lives at all UCF events. I understand that team prayers conducted by the staff are
not specific to any particular religion and I support my child in participating in such prayers.
30. I have read and understand the University Cheer Force information packet and agree to all the terms and
conditions therein.
31. I understand that if I break any of the rules as outlined in this agreement and/or in the information packet; I
could be put on UCF “drive by” status. “Drive by” status means my child may remain a part of his/her team at
University Cheer Force, but I will not be allowed to attend UCF practices, events, parties, functions or
competitions with my child and his/her team. I understand the being put on “drive by” status means I may only
drop off and pick up my child to and from events and/or practices.
32. In severe cases of agreement violation, University Cheer Force, LLC and its’ staff has the right to remove
my child from a performance, his or her team or possibly the program. Under these circumstances I forfeit my
right to any refund of monies collected by University Cheer Force, LLC including, but not limited to competition
fees, travel expenses, pre-paid monthly tuition, registration fees, uniform fees, equipment, spirit wear, and/or
practice clothing.
Parent Name (Please Print) _____________________ Parent Signature ______________________________
Student’s Name (Please Print) _________________________ Date _________________________________
University Cheer Force, LLC Material Agreement
As a member of University Cheer Force, LLC any material (cheers, chants, pyramids, partner stunts,
transitions, dances, music, routines, etc.) may not be used or taught for any purpose, to anyone outside the
University Cheer Force All Star Cheerleading Program. All material is owned by University Cheer Force, LLC
and may not be reproduced or taught in any manner without prior written consent from University Cheer Force,
LLC. Anyone violating this agreement may be expelled immediately from the University Cheer Force All Star
Cheerleading Program.
University Cheer Force, LLC Uniform Agreement
Any and all parts of the University Cheer Force All Star Cheerleading Program uniform may only be worn
during specific and official University Cheer Force All Star Cheerleading Program activities. The uniform may
not be worn for any other activity without prior written consent from University Cheer Force, LLC. No part of the
uniform may be loaned to any person that is not a current member of the program.
University Cheer Force, LLC Property Rights Agreement
The company name, University Cheer Force, LLC and the University Cheer Force, LLC company logo are the
sole property of University Cheer Force, LLC. Our company name (any part of it), logo, or team names with
gym colors (Rainbows, Monsoon, Snow, Flash, Avalanche, Wildfire, Mist, Frost, Rain, Lightning, Thunder,
Twisters, Tsunami, Black Ice, Storm, Shock, and Firestorm) may not be used for printing, selling, or
reproducing without our prior written consent. This includes but is not limited to the team names and team
colors or any combination thereof. Any violation of this agreement could result in legal action.
University Cheer Force, LLC Photo and Video Release
I give permission to University Cheer Force, LLC to use my child’s picture and video image for advertising and
promotional purposes. I understand that these pictures and video images may be displayed in flyers,
magazines, brochures, and on the internet.
I have read and understand the University Cheer Force, LLC Material Agreement, Uniform Agreement, and
Property Rights Agreement, and will adhere and abide by these agreements.
Parent Name (Please Print) ______________________ Parent Signature __________________________
Student’s Name (Please Print) _________________________________ Date _______________________________