1. Description of the Action[1]

This Programme is co-funded by
the European Union and Republic of Turkey
Contracting Authority: Central Finance and Contracts Unit
The Organization: <Name of the organization>
<Title of programme>
Description of the Action
Reference: <TR20XX/…>
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1. Description of the Action ........................................................................................................ 4
1.1. Summary of the action ........................................................................................................................4
1.2. Relevance of the action .......................................................................................................................4
1.3. Description ..........................................................................................................................................6
1.4. Methodology .......................................................................................................................................6
1.5. Duration and indicative action plan ....................................................................................................8
1.6. Sustainability of the action ..................................................................................................................9
1.7. Logical Framework ...........................................................................................................................10
2. Administrative Table ............................................................................................................ 12
3. Mandate (for co-applicant(s)) .............................................................................................. 13
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Description of the Action should be prepared through the guidance notes in italic format. However, these
italic notes are to be deleted during the preparation.
The [gray] parts within are to be kept by deleting the square brackets [ ] and colour format.
The blue areas are to be adopted according to the requirements of each Project.
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Description of the Action1
Summary of the action
Please complete the table below, but with a recommended maximum of 1 page.
Title of the action:
Name of the Organisation:
Name of the Beneficiary Institution:
Please include the correspondence address and phone&fax
Name of the Co-Beneficiary
Location(s) of the action:
specify country(ies), region(s) that will benefit from the
Total duration of the action:
….. months
Total budget for the action:
….,…. EUR
EU and TR financing requested:
….,…. EUR
EU and TR financing requested as a
percentage of total budget of the
<Overall objective(s)>:
Objectives of the action:
<Specific objective(s)>:
Target group(s)2:
Final beneficiaries3:
Estimated results:
Relevance of the action
(recommended as max 3 pages)
Relevance to the objectives/sectors/themes/specific priorities of the Project/Sector Fiche(s):
Please provide all the following information:
Describe the relevance of the action to the objective(s) and priority (ies) of the Project/Sector Fiches(s).
Describe the relevance of the action to any specific subthemes/sectors/areas and any other specific
requirements stated in the Project/Sector Fiche(s), e.g. local ownership etc.
Please make sure that the information in the Logical Framework, Description of the Action and the Budget are
consistent to each other.
“Target groups” are the groups/entities who will directly benefit from the action at the action purpose level.
“Final beneficiaries” are those who will benefit from the action in the long term at the level of the society or
sector at large.
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Describe which particular expected results referred to in the Project/Sector Fiche(s) will be addressed.
Relevance to the particular needs and constraints of the target country/countries, region(s)
and/or relevant sectors (including synergy with other EU initiatives and avoidance of
Please provide all the following information:
State clearly the specific pre-project situation in the target country/countries, region(s) and/or sectors
(include quantified data analysis where possible).
Provide a detailed analysis of the problems to be addressed by the action and how they are interrelated at
all levels.
Refer to any significant plans undertaken at national, regional and/or local level relevant to the action
and describe how the action will relate to such plans.
Where the action is the continuation of a previous action, clearly indicate how it is intended to build on
the activities/results of this previous action; refer to the main conclusions and recommendations of any
evaluations carried out.
Where the action is part of a larger programme, clearly explain how it fits or is coordinated with that
programme or any other planned project. Specify the potential synergies with other initiatives, in
particular by the European Commission.
Describe and define the target groups and final beneficiaries, their needs and constraints,
and state how the action will address these needs:
Please provide all the following information:
Give a description of each of the target groups and final beneficiaries (quantified where possible),
including selection criteria.
Identify the needs and constraints of each of the target groups and final beneficiaries.
Demonstrate the relevance of the proposal to the needs and constraints of the target groups and final
Explain any participatory process ensuring participation by the target groups and final beneficiaries.
Particular added-value elements:
Indicate any specific added-value elements, e.g. the promotion or consolidation of public-private
partnerships, innovation and best practice, or other cross-cutting issues such as environmental issues,
promotion of gender equality and equal opportunities, the needs of disabled people, the rights of
minorities and the rights of indigenous peoples.
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Provide a description of the proposed action, including all the information requested below, referring
to the overall objective(s) and specific objective(s), outputs and results described in the summary of
the action:
Explain the specific results expected, stating how the action will improve the situation of the target
groups and final beneficiaries and the technical and management capacities of target groups and/or
any local co-applicants and affiliated entity(ies).
Identify and describe in detail each activity to be undertaken to produce results, justifying the choice
of activities and specifying the role of each Beneficiary and stakeholder (and contractors or subgrantees where applicable) in the activities. Do not repeat the action plan to be provided in Section
1.6, but demonstrate coherence and consistency of project design. In particular, list any publications
If financial support is allowed by the Project/Sector Fiche(s), applicants wishing to give financial
support to third parties must define, in line with the conditions set by the Project/Sector Fiche(s) the
objectives and results to be obtained with financial support, the different types of activities eligible for
financial support, on the basis of a fixed list, the types of entity eligible or categories of persons which
may receive financial support, the criteria for selecting these entities and giving the financial support,
the criteria for determining the exact amount of financial support for each third entity, and the
maximum amount which may be given.
1.4.1 Methods
Describe in detail:
the methods of implementation and rationale for such methodology;
where the action continues a previous action, describe how the action is intended to build on the
results of the previous action (give the main conclusions and recommendations of any evaluations
carried out);
where the action is part of a larger programme, explain how it fits or is coordinated with this
programme or any other possibly planned project (please specify potential synergies with other
initiatives, in particular by the European Union);
the procedures for follow up and internal/external evaluation;
the role and participation in the action of the various actors and stakeholders (Beneficiary Institution,
co-Beneficiary Institution (if any),target groups, local authorities, etc.), and the reasons why these
roles have been assigned to them;
the main means proposed for the implementation of the action (equipment, materials, and supplies
to be acquired or rented);
the attitudes of all stakeholders towards the action in general and the activities in particular.
The following section must be included:
[All stakeholders (including CFCU and the EUD) will be informed by the Organization about exact
dates/locations of the events/activities at least 3 weeks before the event/activity to make possible of
participation (if required by them) to activities and close monitoring of the general implementation of
the project.]
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1.4.2 Management Structure and Team
Describe in detail the organisational structure and the team proposed for the implementation of the
action (by function: there is no need to include the names of individuals);
The following section must be included:
[Beneficiary Institution, CFCU, and EUD will be invited to the selection process of project team as
observers. XXX will inform the CFCU, as being the Contracting Authority, EU Delegation and the
Beneficiary Institution about the final results of the recruitment as well as any changes of human
resources policy or any replacements during project implementation period.
Regular meetings will take place to ensure a smooth management of the project. To this end,
[monthly] [bimonthly] Management Meetings with the participation of the <Beneficiary>, the EUD,
the CFCU and the Organization will take place for regular exchange of information on all matters
arising out of this Agreement.]
1.4.3 Visibility
Describe in detail the planned activities in order to ensure the visibility of the action and the EU
The following section must be included:
[All necessary measures will be taken to ensure the visibility of the European Union and the Republic
of Turkey. All visibility actions will be carried out in accordance with the General Conditions
(ANNEX II - General Conditions PA Grant of Delegation Agreements, Article 8). The actions on
visibility of the Project will follow the Communication and Visibility Manual for EU External
Actions, the link to the manual is:
complemented by the visibility guidelines of the delegation at:
http://avrupa.info.tr/eu-funding-in-turkey/visibility-guidelines.html .
The EU-Turkey cooperation logo should be accompanied by the following text:
This project is co-funded by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey.
Confirmation must be sought from the CFCU and the EUD regarding the visibility items.
All equipment, if applicable, shall have a solidly fixed and durable label, as appropriate for each piece
of equipment, with the standard EU- Turkey cooperation logo.]
1.4.4 Reporting
Describe in detail the reports/materials which will be prepared as output of the activities, rules for
preparation/approval/publication procedures.
The following section must be included:
[Draft versions of the Reports shall be submitted to the Ministry of …, CFCU and the EUD through email within 2 weeks following the end of each reporting period.
Comments, if any, shall be submitted to the Organization within X working days from the submission
of the draft report to the Ministry, CFCU and EUD. The Organisation shall revise the report based on
the comments and re-submit it within X working days via e-mail. If no comments are sent within 10
working days, the draft version is considered as tacitly accepted. Once the final version is agreed by
all parties or tacitly accepted, the Organization will prepare and submit the hard copy
reports/documents as the final version within X working days for approval.]
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Duration and indicative action plan
(recommended as max 4 pages)
[The duration of the action will be <X> months.]
Please do not give a specific start-up date for the implementation of the action but simply refer to
‘month 1’, ‘month 2’, etc.
It is recommended to base the estimated duration of each activity and the total period on the most
probable duration and not on the shortest possible duration, by taking into consideration all relevant
factors that may affect the implementation timetable.
The activities stated in the action plan should match those described in detail in Section 2.1.1. The
implementing body must be either the Organisation or Beneficiary Institution, Stakeholders or
subcontractors. Any months or interim periods without activities must be included in the action plan
and count toward the calculation of the total estimated duration of the action.
The action plan for the first 12 months of implementation should be sufficiently detailed to give an
overview of the preparation and implementation of each activity. The action plan for each of the
subsequent years may be more general and should only list the main activities proposed for those
years. To this end, it must be divided into six-month periods (NB: A more detailed action plan for each
subsequent year must be submitted before any new pre-financing payments are received under
Article 4.1 of the Special Conditions of the grant contract).
The action plan will be drawn up using the following format:
Year 1
Half-year 1
Month 1
Half-year 2
Implementing body
Activity 1
Activity 1
Activity 2
For the following years
Half-year 3
Month 1
Half-year 4
Implementing body
Activity 1
Activity 1
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Activity 2
Sustainability of the action
(recommended as max 3 pages)
Provide all the information requested below:
Describe the expected impact of the action with quantified data where possible, at technical,
economic, social, and policy levels (will it lead to improved legislation, codes of conduct, methods,
Describe a dissemination plan and the possibilities for replication and extension of the action
outcomes (multiplier effects), clearly indicating any intended dissemination channel.
Provide a detailed risk analysis and contingency plan. This should include a list of risks associated
with each proposed action, accompanied by relevant mitigation measures. A good risk analysis will
include a range of risk types including physical, environmental, political, economic and social risks.
Describe the main preconditions and assumptions during and after the implementation phase.
Explain how the action will be made sustainable after completion. This may include necessary followup activities, built-in strategies, ownership, communication plan, etc. Distinguish between four types
of sustainability:
Financial sustainability: e.g. financing of follow-up activities, sources of revenue for
covering all future operating and maintenance costs.
Institutional sustainability: e.g. structures that would allow the results of the action to
continue to be in place after the end of the action, capacity building, agreements and local
‘ownership’ of action outcomes.
Policy level sustainability: e.g., where applicable, structural impact (improved legislation,
consistency with existing frameworks, codes of conduct, or methods).
Environmental sustainability: what impact will the action have on the environment — have
conditions been put in place to avoid negative effects on the natural resources on which the
action depends and on the broader natural environment?
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Logical Framework
(recommended as max 3 pages)
Intervention logic
Please list them and number them.
What are the overall broader objectives to
which the action will contribute?
O1 – "Title of objective 1"
O2 – Title of objective 2"
What specific objective is the action intended
to achieve to contribute to the overall
SO – "Title of the specific objective"
Results are the outputs/outcomes helping to
achieve the specific objective. What are the
expected results?
R1 – "Title of result 1"
R2 – Title of result 2"
Objectively verifiable indicators of achievement
Please indicate a target value for each indicator
in this column whenever possible.
What are the key indicators related to the overall
Sources and means of verification
Please list the sources of verification for each
What are the sources of information for these
Which indicators clearly show that the objective of
the action has been achieved?
What are the sources of information that exist or can
Please list the indicators as follows:
be collected? What are the methods required to get
SO. "Indicator 1" : target value
this information?
SO. "Indicator 2" : target value
Which factors and
the Beneficiary's r
necessary to achie
(external condition
should be taken in
What are the indicators to measure whether and to
what extent the action achieves the expected
Please list the indicators for each result, as
1.1 "Indicator 1" : target value (R1)
1.2 "Indicator 2" : target value (R1)
1.3 ….
2.1 "Indicator 1" : target value (R2)
2.2 "Indicator 2" : target value (R2)
What external con
obtain the expecte
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What are the sources of information for these
Source 1 (Indicator 1.2, 2.3 etc)
Or Indicator 1.1: source 1
Indicator 1.2: source 1
Intervention logic
What are the key activities to be carried out,
to produce the expected results? (Group the
activities by result and number them as
A1.1 – "Title of activity 1" (R1)
A1.2 – Title of activity 2" (R1)
(sub activities may also be created A1.2.1 etc)
A2.1 – "Title of activity 1" (R2)
A2.2 – Title of activity 2" (R2)
Objectively verifiable indicators of achievement
What are the means required to implement these
activities, e. g. staff, equipment, training, studies,
supplies, operational facilities, etc.
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Sources and means of verification
What are the sources of information on action
What are the action costs? How are they classified?
(Breakdown in the Budget for the Action)
What precondition
the action starts?
outside the Benefic
have to be met for
of the planned acti
Administrative Table
To be filled in by the Organization
Name of the Organisation
Country and date of registration
Registration number (or equivalent)
Phone No:
Fax No:
Name and title of the authorised person:
Name, title and address (incl.phone and
fax numbers) of the OLAF contact point:
Country and date of registration
Registration number (or equivalent)
Phone No:
Fax No:
Name and title of the authorised person:
Name, title and address (incl.phone and
fax numbers) of the OLAF contact point:
Add as many rows as co-applicant(s).
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Mandate (for co-applicant(s))
The co-applicant(s) authorise the Organisation <indicate the name of the organisation> to submit on
their behalf the present Description of the Action and to sign the PA grant agreement with Central
Finance and Contracts Unit (CFCU) ("Contracting Authority"), as well as, to be represented by the
Organization in all matters concerning this grant contract.
I have read and approved the contents of the proposal submitted to the Contracting Authority. I
undertake to comply with the principles of good partnership practice.
Date and place:
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