WMC Learning Support Strategy flowchart File

Learning Support Strategy
Enrolment form
Initial Assessment
Learner requests
support at
Learning Support
team receives
report on all
Support need
identified at Initial
assessment at entry
or on first day of
course. Referral is
made to Learning
Tutor referral
If a learner discloses
a previously
undisclosed need,
then a referral is
made to Learning
Self referral
The learner
contacts the
Learning Support
team via phone,
email or via
Student Services.
Learning Support contacts the learner and offers interview within 10 working days.
Needs assessment is completed and support programme is planned. Offer of support is made to learner,
assistive technology /special equipment is assigned as appropriate. Information is shared with the
Tutor/LSA/ Specialist. Guidance and support for making reasonable adjustments is arranged for tutor.
Learner accepts offer
of support.
Support programme, which may include: 1:1
counselling, dyslexia, language, literacy,
numeracy. Group support - clubs and
workshops. In class support; tutorials. Welfare,
careers A&G.
Learner declines
offer of support.
Learner is advised
that they may
lose their place on
the course.
Progress reviews. Learning support staff and teachers communicate regularly and as
needed. Learning strategies, facilitation of support and learner's progress are
discussed. Learner reviews their learning and evaluates the support. Adjustments are put
in place as required.
End of course review. Learner, LSA and Tutor
review and evaluate learning.
Course and learning support completion
Learning Support Strategy
Approved at Corporation: December 2012
Review date: December 2015