What is the World Bank Group?

Ludovico Tassoni Estense
Project Manager – Procurement Systems
o About myself
o Presentation’s
o Objectives
o About your company
(line of business)
o Any interaction with
o What are your needs
o What are you hoping
to take away from
this presentation
© 2017 International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development
• Multilateral Development Bank (Most Government’s
represented) with its headquarters in Washington D.C. (USA)
• World Bank Group goals are: End extreme poverty and Promote
shared prosperity
• Financial products provided to developing countries are: Lowinterest loans; Zero to low-interest credits; Grants and Trust
• Bank funds over 1,800 investment projects in 172 countries
• Procurement portfolio worth about US$44 Billion in total
• Annual procurement’s circa US$15 to $20 Billion
© 2017 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Period of performance (2014/2015)
Number of unique firms awarded
Number of unique firms that submitted an
Expression of Interest (EOI)
Number of unique firms that submitted a
Italian Firms USA Firms
All Firms
% of Total
• In 2014-2015 the Italian Firms’ participation rate
was 0.5%
• In 2014- 2015 the share of Italian bidding firms
who won a contract was 50%
© 2017 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Period of performance (2015/2016)
Number of unique firms awarded
Number of unique firms that submitted an
Expression of Interest (EOI)
Number of unique firms that submitted a
Italian Firms USA Firms
All Firms
% of Total
• In 2015 - 2016 the Italian Firms’ participation rate
has been 2.2%
• In 2016 there has been 29% increase in submitted
EOI compared to 2015
• In 2015 - 2016 the share of Italian bidding firms
who won a contract has been 61%
© 2017 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Industry & Trade
Urban Development
Social Protection
Economic policy
Priv Sector Dev
Public admin
© 2017 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
• Fair, open and transparent selection process
• Obtain best overall value for the World Bank
Group (WBG)
• Give all eligible (qualified) bidders an opportunity
to compete
• Use of competitive process favored
© 2017 International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development
• WBG procurement spend = $1.6 over 6 year
• Administrative procurement: more than $1.3
billion for products and services for WBG
internal administrative needs
• Operational procurement: approximately $300
millions for consulting firm services to support
works under WBG lending and investment
© 2017 International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development
• Competitive Selection Process
o Advertised if above $250,000 (See Corporate Procurement)
o Invited Short List
• Single or Sole Source Selection
o Sole Source selection where there is only one company that
can provide the goods or services. This usually involves
proprietary technologies or methodologies.
• Administrative Bidding Opportunities
o See Corporate Procurement Business Opportunities
© 2017 International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development
• Request for Expression of Interest (EOI)
• Request for Quote (RFQ)
– Small value procurements of goods
• Invitation for Bid (IFB)
– Medium value procurements of goods and services
– Price is the basis of award
• Request for Proposal (RFP)
– High value / complex procurements of goods and
– Quality and cost based selection
© 2017 International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development
• Consulting firms are selected following
either of the two methods:
– Single source for small assignments
– Competitive selection
• Typically, a Quality and Cost Based Selection method is
• Assignments valued at over $50,000 are advertised on
the Bank’s website, eConsultant2 - Business
Opportunity and UN Development Business
© 2017 International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development
• The Bank Group procures services from
Consulting firms and Individuals to support the
WBG investment and lending projects
– Firms are contracted by the Bank Group and
must be eligible to become a vendor
– All consultants are selected using the Bank’s
eProcurement tool “eConsultant2”
© 2017 International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development
• Advertised competitive selections for firms
include a Request for Expression of Interest
• Short-listed firms are invited to submit a technical
and financial proposal
• An evaluation committee of Bank Group Staff
evaluate technical proposals based on the stated
evaluation criteria
© 2017 International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development
• Attend Pre-proposal
• In your proposal,
address the Terms of
Reference (TOR) clearly,
• Emphasize innovative
technical solutions
• Propose qualified
Consultants in Key Staff
• Cite directly relevant
technical experience
• Do not vary from
standard RFP forms
• Make sure that your
proposal is carefully
prepared and easy to
evaluate: use charts,
diagrams, color
• Professional proposals
will win!
© 2017 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
• Respond precisely to technical specifications
• Unclear? Ask questions up front- do NOT guess
or assume
• Submit bid/proposals on time. Bids that are
late are not accepted.
• Assess the competition. Compete where YOU
are competitive
© 2017 International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development
As a prospective vendor to the WBG you must adhere to the
policies & regulations in order to do business with the WBG.
Bidding Opportunities: The WBG procurement is guided by
the principles of transparency, fairness, competition, and
best value, reflected throughout the selection and award
o Vendor Eligibility: Only vendors found to be
responsible are eligible to be awarded WBG contracts
and to bid on WBG 's solicitations.
o Responsible vendor: To be deemed a responsible
vendor with whom the WBG conducts business, a
vendor must meet a number of criteria
© 2017 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
To be deemed a responsible vendor the following must be
• Must have adequate financial resources to perform the
• Must be able to comply with the required or proposed
delivery or performance schedule
• Must have a satisfactory performance record
• Must have the necessary experience (e.g. accounting,
appropriate insurance , technical skills, etc.)
• Must not have committed any act or offense indicating
a lack of integrity ( e.g. fraudulent, corrupt, collusive,
obstructive practices, etc.)
© 2017 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
• Must not have been suspended or debarred, or otherwise
identified as ineligible for contracting with the WBG in
connection with the vendor’s involvement in operational
• Must not have been identified on any Anti-Money
Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorists sanctions
lists monitored by the WBG
• Must not have refused to cooperate with any WBG review,
audit, or investigation
• Must not have undertaken any other action that it (i) affects
the present responsibility of the vendor, including but not
limited to attempting to influence a WBG procurement
decision, or (ii) could result in harm to WBG ’s reputation.
© 2017 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
• For more information visit ‘World Bank Vendor
Eligibility Policy’ and the Restrictions on Current and
Former World Bank Group Staff and Eligibility of
World Bank Group Vendors
• Potential vendors are encouraged to consult :
o Listing of Non-Responsible Vendors and
o World Bank Listing of Ineligible Firms &
© 2017 International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development
eConsultant2 is the World Bank
Group’s solution to enable
participation in solicitations for
consulting opportunities on Bank
Group Operations for both firms
and individual consultants.
© 2017 International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development
• A web-based system used for the selection process of
hiring firms for operational procurement
• The Bank’s policy is used for the selection of
consultants and consulting services by the World Bank
Group for Bank Group executed operational work.
© 2017 International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development
• Carry out IBRD and IDA’s lending operations and
related non-lending activities for operations, including
technical assistance;
• Support IFC’s operational work providing investments
and advisory services;
• Support MIGA’s operational work providing
investment guarantees and technical assistance; and
• Support ICSID’s work facilitating the settlement of
investment disputes between governments and
private investors through conciliation and arbitration
© 2017 International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development
© 2017 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
The Main Web Sites where WBG bids are posted:
 eConsultant2 – Business Opportunities
 United Nations Global Market Place (UNGM.ORG)
 dgMarket Tenders Worldwide (DGMARKET.COM)
© 2017 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
• eConsultant web address: https://wbgeconsult2.worldbank.org
• Already have a password , Login
• New Firms have to Register
© 2017 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
• Click on Register Firm
• Fill out the form
© 2017 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
• You will receive an email with the log in details
© 2017 International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development
• Click on Login in the eConsultant2 home page
• The first time you login you will be redirected to the Member
Center (enter email and temporary password)
© 2017 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
• Complete the form
• Create your new password
• You will receive Changed Password confirmation email
© 2017 International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development
The starting point
for participating in
Click on the selection
© 2017 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
• Information is
provide upfront
• Decide if you
want to
© 2017 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
• Select Business Opportunity in the header
• Click on the solicitation you want to participate
• When ready select ‘Express Interest’
© 2017 International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development
• Complete the EOI and submit
• Dashboard contains information related to the selection the firm
is participating
© 2017 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Selection’s summary which
contains main information
Firms contacts, which receive
notifications e.g. Short Listing
Link to the advertised bid EOI.
When shortlisted RFP displays
Step during the selection
process, e.g. Submitted EOI
Provides tool to communicate
with project team (Discussion)
© 2017 International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development
• Selection status is displayed in the ‘my active
• Dashboard only accessible by the registered
users - i.e. Firm’s primary/secondary contact
© 2017 International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development
• Shortlisted Firm access RFP
• RFP details disclosed (e.g.
Budget or Level of Effort)
• Evaluation criteria and
• Terms of Reference
• Procurement schedule
© 2017 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
• Shortlisted Firm submit proposals
© 2017 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
• Evaluation criteria screen is only accessible by WBG staff, i.e., Project
Manager / Project team /Evaluators
• Technical proposals are evaluated on criteria defined by WBG Project Team
• Criteria are scored on a scale 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest score
© 2017 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
• RFP Selection multiple steps displayed
• Single Source only one step is displayed
© 2017 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
• The firm recommended for award receives an
automated email stating that the Firm has
been recommended for award, and
• that the Firm must begin the process to
register as a vendor with the WBG, if it is not
already a registered vendor.
© 2017 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
• The awarded firm
receives an automated
email from the World
Bank with a link to
Vendor Management
System (VMS)
• Awarded firms have to
register in the VMS to
finalize the contract
© 2017 International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development
• Summary
• Were your expectations met ?
© 2017 International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development
© 2017 International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development
Ludovico Tassoni Estense
[email protected]
Tel: +1.202-45.84.451