Capsim logistics

Capsim logistics
You will need an email address and the following SimID or “C number” in
order to register for your industry and team.
• 09:30 a.m. class: C32244 & C32245
• 11:00 a.m. class: C32247 & C32248
Your “registration number” is NOT the SimID; you will not have a
registration number until AFTER you register with CAPSIM and pay the fee.
Each student should have his/her own CAPSIM registration and email
address. If you make a mistake while registering for CAPSIM and can’t
correct it yourself, then simply email or call CAPSIM at 888-472-7554 for
I have assigned students to two industries based on the first letter of your
last name but you can trade with your classmates with my help. Each
industry will have 3 or 4 members.
• Participation consists of running a company in the
electronic sensor industry. There are three rounds
– The first round (rehearsal) is individual. You must have
completed 8 individual rehearsal rounds (see course calendar)
– The second round (practice) is in teams.
– The last round (competition) is also in teams.
• You will find that all of the normal financial/accounting
data and other information a real firm would have will be
available to you for your CAPSIM company as it
progresses through both the practice rounds and then
after I restart the game, the 8 years of real operation.
• Each team will have 3 members.
• Teams will be identified by their CAPSIM company
name: Andrews, Baldwin, Chester, Digby, or Erie. There
is one more team Ferris which will be a computer.
Performance (1)
• Your performance in rehearsal and practice rounds is
graded as pass or fail. You need to achieve a certain
threshold. You will receive a letter grade for your
performance in the competition rounds.
• How well your company performs is simply a matter of
– How much research and effort each of your team members puts
into the CAPSIM exercise,
– how well your organization of your team can bring all your team
members’ collective experience and knowledge to bear on
running your CAPSIM firm, and
– how effectively you can implement the strategy your team
Performance (2)
• The Balance scorecard measure feature will be
used to assign a grade between 0 and 100 to
each team’s performance relative to other teams
in the class. (The system gives you a total of
1000 points but through “my magic” I will
translate it into 100.)
• Different rounds are graded differently in
Round 1: 82, points
Rounds 2 and 3, 89 points
Rounds 4 and beyond, 100 points
Recap 240.
Balance scorecard
• It was introduced in 1992. It is a strategic
assessment tool that can accurately portray a
business unit's strategic progress. The Balanced
Scorecard asks managers to consider their
business from four perspectives:
The Customer
Internal Business
Innovation & Learning
Review quiz
• What is a sensor?
• Who buys sensors?
• Do I need a credit card to register in
• What is a CAPSIM round?
• How many rounds will we play?
• What is the balance scorecard?
• What industry should I register for?