What is Team Based Learning?

What is Team Based Learning?
Active small group based
instructional strategy
Promotes problem solving skills and
critical thinking ability while
encouraging interpersonal
communication skills.
Used for many years on business and
science, but more recently introduced
to nursing and medical education Clark, Nguyen, Bray & Levine, 2008
 http://www.teambasedlearning.org/Default.aspx?pageId=1032382
 http://www.teambasedlearning.org/Default.aspx?pageId=1032336=
Team Based Learning
 Collaborative learning with a specific sequence of learning
 Increases student motivation
 Holds students accountable for being prepared and contributing to discussion
 Engages students in the application of course content
Team Based Learning
Adapted from Sibley & Spindonoff, n.d.
Order of TBL module
 Pre-requisite reading from texts and
 “Readiness Assurance Tests” taken
individually (IRAT) and then as a
group (GRAT) with immediate
 Appeals allowed (open book)
 Facilitator clarifies concepts and
resolves questions
Order of TBL module
 “Application focused exercises”
 Challenging clinically oriented problems.
 Four “S’:
 significant problem,
 same problem,
 specific answer,
 simultaneous reporting
 “Intra-team” discussion is followed by “Inter-
team discussion regarding the correct answer
 Facilitator guides discussion and resolves
What is the relevance of developing teamwork
skills in healthcare professionals?
Effective teams are one factor
shown to improve patient
outcomes and work
Skills in being an effective part
of a team can be developed.
Check out this website for
more information:
Individual Readiness Assurance Tests
Group Readiness Assurance Tests
Application Activities
Peer Evaluation
Expectations for Preparedness
 Weekly readings: 3 hours per credit hour,
per course. B244=9 hours/week
 Need to be present to earn group
readiness test points and application
 Do not use class time to do other
personal activities (texting, emailing,
doctor appointments, etc). Plan
Communication with the faculty
 If unable to take RATs/application activities , need to notify the faculty
BEFORE the class period.
 Make-up exam/IRAT can be given only in case of serious illness, injury or
severe extenuating circumstances. Discuss with me. You may be asked
to provide documentation.