The Most Dangerous Game Movie Poster Project

The Most Dangerous Game Movie Poster Project
For this project, you will create a movie poster that advertises your 2015
remake of The Most Dangerous Game. You will be graded on your creativity,
attention to detail, as well as the information that you provide. The poster will
be presented in class and explained. It should look like a movie poster that you
see in the theatres—informative and interesting to the viewer. Your poster
project must have the movie write-up completely filled out or your poster will
not be graded.
You will receive zero credit for the project if the write-up is not complete.
Due Date:____________
 Must be created on a minimum of 11x14 paper (provided by
Ms.Gray), or you may provide your own poster paper.
 Title of novel must be in large writing and should stand out on
your movie poster. Must say ―Based on the short story by
Richard Connell
 Your name will appear on the poster as the director.
 A major illustration should be the focus of your poster. It must
contain original art to represent the theme of your novel. (Do
not copy the story cover or any existing material.)
 List TWO famous movie stars and ―cast them in the main
character roles for your movie. The stars of your movie should
be named and pictured on your poster (you may print or cut
out pictures of these actors).
 You will include one quote from the story that you believe will
catch the attention and cause suspense for the audience
 (This quote must have proper citation!)
 The overall tone of the poster should evoke the tone of
Brainstorming Movie Poster Ideas
1. Who could I have play Rainsford? Why would they be good a
choice? What quote can I use to support this?
2. Who could I have play General Zaroff? Why would they be good a
choice? What quote can I use to support this?
3. What can I do to make my poster suspenseful? What colors do I
want to use? What do I want to draw? What quote am I going to
use to add suspense?
4. Comparing my 2015 movie, how will it be different than the
story? How will it be different than the 1932 version?
The Most Dangerous Game Movie Project Write-Ups
1. Characterization-Rainsford
Describe the actor you would choose to cast as Rainsford and explain why that
actor is a good choice to play him. The actor should not simply be someone who
physically fits the part, but who you feel would capture his personality,
attitude, and character. Also, choose a quote either spoken by or describing
Rainsford, to support your understanding of his character and the actor you’ve
chosen to play him.
This description should be no shorter than 4 sentences long, either written
neatly or typed.
2. Characterization-General Zaroff
Describe the actor you would choose to cast as General Zaroff and explain why
that actor is a good choice to play him. The actor should not simply be someone
who physically fits the part, but who you feel would capture his personality,
attitude, and character. Also, choose a quote either spoken by or describing
Zaroff, to support your understanding of his character and the actor you’ve
chosen to play him.
This description should be no shorter than 4 sentences long, either written
neatly or typed.
3. Tone-Suspense
Explain how you have established the tone of suspense through your movie
poster. How does the illustration add suspense? How do the colors add suspense?
What have you done to make audiences intrigued and interested in watching your
movie, and why will they feel suspense before they have even watched it? You
must also explain why you chose the quote that you did, and how that specific
quote adds suspense for audiences.
This description should be no shorter than 4 sentences long, either written
neatly or typed.
4. Comparing my Movie
Lastly, explain the changes you would make when creating a 2015 movie of The
Most Dangerous Game. Be sure to describe at least one difference your movie
will have compared to the short story, and one difference between your movie
and the 1932 film version.
This description should be no shorter than 4 sentences long, either written
neatly or typed.