AIM Board Composition and Nomination Policy

Board Composition and Nomination Policy
This Nomination Policy (the “Policy”) provides a process for the nomination of
directors to the AIM Board of Directors (the “Board”). The nomination process will
be conducted by the Governance Committee (the “Committee”) with input from the
Executive Committee.
composition goals
AIM seeks directors who are committed to its mission of promoting a viable food
system, educating the public about the benefits of buying fresh and locally grown
food, and bringing farmers and communities together. To that end, AIM desires
that the composition of the Board broadly reflect AIM’s constituents and
communities, and that individuals who have engaged in farming, ranching, fishing
and other forms of agricultural production for a substantial portion of their present
working lives will represent a minimum of 50% of the Board.
Director qualities
AIM looks for individuals (“Potential Nominees”) who bring a diversity of gender,
race, ethnicity, age, experiences, and geography to the Board; possess
fundraising, finance, education, legal and other relevant skills; have experience
with nonprofits including especially agriculture and education organizations;
demonstrate proven leadership and management ability, and have community
presence and reputation. Individuals who sell at AIM’s farmers’ markets are eligible
to serve on the Board.
The Committee will reach out to the Executive Committee for their advice and
assessment of the Board’s current composition and needs, and will seek the
Board’s input in identifying Potential Nominees. The Committee may seek
guidance in identifying Potential Nominees from representative stakeholders, such
as health and nutrition experts, restaurant owners, market patrons, and
government officials. The Committee may also seek the advice of organizations
such as Marin Agricultural Land Trust; Marin Organic; Marin County Farm Bureau;
University of California Cooperative Extension, Marin County; the Marin County
Agricultural Commissioner and other relevant organizations and individuals.
Finally, the Committee may consider market participants who identify an interest in
Board service in vendor applications or otherwise.
Outreach and
The Committee will reach out to Potential Nominees to determine their interest in
potential Board membership. The Committee will obtain as appropriate information
regarding skills, experience, motivations, giving capacity and other qualifications,
including an application, as may be reasonably necessary to determine if the
Potential Nominee meets the identified needs of the Board. The Committee will vet
Potential Nominees as appropriate, including reviewing the gathered information
and interviewing the Potential Nominee. The Committee may contact references
and conduct an informal background check as appropriate. Following completion
of the vetting process, the Committee will identify a group of nominees (the
“Nominees”). All current Board members who wish to serve another term must reapply as well.
Once the Nominees have been identified, the Committee will engage in recruiting
activities as appropriate. The Committee may invite a Nominee to meet with AIM
executives and Board members to discuss AIM, Board member roles and
responsibilities, market operations and fundraising expectations. The Committee
may set up a tour of AIM’s offices and markets, and invite the Nominees to attend
a Board meeting.
Committee vote
The Committee will vote on each Nominee. Those Nominees receiving a majority
vote will be forwarded to the Board.
Communication of
The Committee will communicate its nominations by sending a notice to both the
Board Chair and the Executive Director. A representative of the Committee will
present the Committee’s nominations to the Board.
Board vote
The Board will consider the Nominees forwarded by the Committee in conducting
its selection of directors.
Board review
This Policy describes generally AIM’s approach to Board composition and
nomination. The Board may amend this Policy at any time.