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Performance evaluation of video transcoding
and caching solutions in mobile networks
Jim Roberts (IRT-SystemX)
joint work with Salah Eddine Elayoubi (Orange Labs)
ITC 27
September 2015
Alleviating wireless congestion
• wireless video traffic is increasingly heavy
• can be reduced by sending lower quality video, as necessary
– lower quality is preferable to stalling
• by means of a “video transcoding and caching” (VTC) device
– or a virtualized network function ...
Alleviating wireless congestion
• what is the saving for given VTC cache and transcoding
• we propose models to evaluate this tradeoff
• eg, a 16% reduction in wireless traffic in a considered
Radio conditions
• user position, assumed fixed, determines maximum download
rate: class i users can attain rate Ri
• proportional fair scheduling: when n users are active, users of
class i receive rate Ri/n
cell centre
eg, Ri=15Mb/s
cell edge
eg, Ri=5Mb/s
Traffic mix and congestion avoidance
• 3 types of downlink flows:
• type 1 flows: transcodable video downloads, original rate Co,
compressed rate Cc (eg, Cc = Co/4)
– on arrival, if Ri/(n+1) < Co, request compressed version
• type 2 flows: non-video downloads
– assume TCP realizes fair rate Ri/n
• type 3 flows: adaptive rate video streaming
– assume rate adapted to fair rate Ri/n
Ri, max rate for class i users,
n, number of active users of all types
A Markov model
Poisson flow arrivals at rate λit for class i and type t
exponential duration of mean τ1, τ3 for type 1 and type 3 videos
exponential size of mean σ2 for type 2 flows
to simplify, assume only 2 radio classes (edge and centre) with
system state: n = (a1o,a2o, a1c,a2c, b1,b2, c1,c2) where
a1o,a2o are numbers of type 1 flows with original video rate
a1c,a2c are numbers of type 1 flows with compressed video rate
b1,b2 are numbers of type 2 flows
class 1
c1,c2 are numbers of type 3 flows
• total number of flows
– n = a1o + a2o + a1c + a2c + b1 + b2 + c1 + c2
class 2
First, assume compressed version is
always available
• transition rates determine transition matrix Q
• state probabilities π(n) are determined on numerically solving Q
π(n) = 0
• non-zero transition rates
aio → aio+1
aio → aio-1
aic → aic+1
aic → aic-1
λi1 if Ri/(n+1) ≥ Co
aio Ri/(nCoτ1)
λi1 if Ri/(n+1) < Co
aic Ri/(nCcτ1)
type 1 videos
First, assume compressed version is
always available
• transition rates determine transition matrix Q
• state probabilities π(n) are determined on numerically solving Q
π(n) = 0
• non-zero transition rates
aio → aio+1 : λi1 if Ri/(n+1) ≥ Co
aio → aio-1 : aio Ri/(nCoτ1)
aic → aic+1 : λi1 if Ri/(n+1) < Co
aic → aic-1 : aic Ri/(nCcτ1)
bi → bi+1 : λi2
bi → bi-1 : bi Ri/(nσ2)
type 2 downloads
First, assume compressed version is
always available
• transition rates determine transition matrix Q
• state probabilities π(n) are determined on numerically solving Q
π(n) = 0
• non-zero transition rates
aio → aio+1 : λi1 if Ri/(n+1) ≥ Co
aio → aio-1 : aio Ri/(nCoτ1)
aic → aic+1 : λi1 if Ri/(n+1) < Co
aic → aic-1 : aic Ri/(nCcτ1)
bi → bi+1 : λi2
bi → bi-1 : bi Ri/(nσ2)
ci → ci+1 : λi3
ci → ci-1 : ci /τ3
type 3 adaptive streaming
Performance criteria
• compression probability, pic, the probability a compressed
version is downloaded to users of class i
– pic = 1 - ∑(n∈Si) π(n) where Si are states such that Ri/(n+1) < Co
• cell utilization, u, proportion of time cell is active
– u = 1 - π(0)
• rate deficit probability, pd, the probability an on-going type 1
download proceeds at a rate less than its coding rate, Co or Cc
– pd = ∑n ∑i ( aio/(aio+aic) 1{Ri/n < Co} + aic/(aio+aic) 1{Ri/n < Cc} ) π(n)
• cell sizing such that pic, pd and u meet threshold conditions
– eg, E [pic] < 30%, u < 80%, pd < 10%
Case study
class 1
• radio conditions: 2 classes,
– cell edge R1 = 5 Mb/s,
– centre
R2 = 15 Mb/s,
50% of flows
50% of flows
– transcodable videos
– adaptive videos
– other downloads
class 2
• traffic mix (flow arrival rates):
• coding rates:
– original version
– compressed version
Co = 1 Mb/s
Cc = 250 Kb/s
• performance criteria thresholds
– compression proba < 30%, utilization < 80%, deficit proba < 10%
Compression probability
cell edge
cell centre
flow arrival rate
Cell utilization
flow arrival rate
Rate deficit probability
cell edge
cell centre
flow arrival rate
Rate deficit probability
flow arrival rate
Capacity gain
• assuming the compressed version is always available
• the most limiting performance criterion is the deficit
– compression increases admissible flow arrival rate from .31 flows
per sec to .36 flows per sec
– an increase in capacity of 16% (i.e., roughly 16% less wireless
infrastructure for the same demand)
• the wireless network capacity gain must be offset against the
cost of the VTC device
– and this depends on its cache and transcoding capacity...
Impact of VTC cache capacity
(with no transcoding capacity)
• assumed cache behaviour
– only the compressed version is cached
– least recently used (LRU) replacement
– Zipf(.8) popularity and stationary request process
• Che approximation yields hit rate hc for cache capacity of c
videos under independent reference model (IRM)
– a Gaussian approximation (cf. Fricker et al, ITC 25)
• transition rates are modified as follows
– aio → aio+1 : (1 – hc) λi1 if Ri/(n+1) < Co (instead of 0)
– aic → aic+1 : hc λi1 if Ri/(n+1) < Co (instead of λi1)
LRU cache hit rate
Zipf (.8) popularity
cache compressed version only
cache size/catalogue size
Rate deficit probability: impact of cache size
no compression
with LRU cache
of given size
compressed version
always available
cache size/catalogue size
Impact of transcoding
• if the compressed version is requested and not cached, the VTC
can compress up to T flows on the fly
• let f be the probability of T simultaneous transcodings
• the transition rates for aio and aic become
– aio → aio+1 : (1 – h’c) λi1 if Ri/(n+1) < Co (instead of 0)
– aic → aic+1 : h’c λi1 if Ri/(n+1) < Co (instead of λi1)
where h’c = hc + (1 – hc)(1 - f)
• to estimate f,
– assume each compressed video flow in progress is being transcoded
with probability (1 – hc)
– from π(n) derive mean and variance of number of simultaneous
– a Gaussian approximation for K similar cells yields f
– re-evaluate π(n) and iterate till convergence
Rate deficit probability: impact of cache size
and transcoding capacity T for 100 cells
no compression
with LRU cache
and T = 0
T = 10
compressed version
always there
T = 20
cache size/catalogue size
VTC sizing
• maximum gains obtained with large enough cache or large enough
transcoding capacity
• transcoding is highly effective even without caching
– a VTC for 100 cells needs a capacity of T≈11
– a VTC for 1000 cells needs a capacity of T=84 (scale economies)
• caching is moderately efficient without transcoding
– cache of 20% of catalogue size to halve deficit probability
• increasing wireless congestion due to video demand leads
operators to envisage use of transcoding and caching
• we propose a Markovian model to evaluate capacity gains
• gains in a case study are around 16% to be offset against the cost
of transcoding and caching
• a relatively small transcoding capacity realizes maximal gains;
caching improves performance but a large capacity is needed
• unfortunately, the proportion of transcodable video is diminishing
– use of encryption by video content providers and increasing use of
adaptive coding
• though there are lessons for traffic optimization in a future
software defined virtualized mobile access network...